Title: A Sympathetic Ear
Author: Paradox761
Email: Paradox761@mail.com
Website: members.tripod.com/~Paradox761
(BtVS/Farscape, Chiana/Xander, John/Aeryn, slight B/X & B/R)
Disclaimer: Joss and Co. own Buffy; SFC, Jim Henson Productions, and Rockne S. O’Bannon own Farscape; and I own a steaming hot cup of jack squat. No copyright infringement is intended, blah blah blah, you know the rest.
Summary: Depressed about feeling useless and under appreciated, Chiana hides in Aeryn's Prowler when it suddenly launches. But when it passes through a wormhole that leads to Earth's past, John and Aeryn find themselves on a rescue mission, and John finds himself feeling a little nostalgic. But what happens when they run into the Hellmouth, and a certain blonde vampire slayer? Will John and Aeryn be able to find Chiana before the Initiative decides to dissect her? And what happens when Chiana finds something she never expected to find on such a strange, alien world. A kindred spirit.
Author’s note: Takes place in the Farscape universe between the season 2 episodes “A Clockwork Nebari” and “Liars, Guns, and Money”, and in the Buffy universe in early season 5.

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Willow sat behind the wheel of Giles’ car, on the side of the road a few hundred yards from the front gate of McHenry Air Force Base. She was drumming her fingers on the wheel nervously as she watched Xander pull his green Cadillac up to the guard booth. Tara sat in the passenger seat next to her, looking through a musty old book, which rested on her lap. Chiana sat in the backseat, her eyes on Xander’s car along with Willow. Tara glanced up at her girlfriend as she heard her blow a nervous breath out between her teeth.

“Are you worried about the plan?”

“A little,” Willow said. “It’s pretty risky, I just hope they can pull this off without getting hurt.”

“I’ll second that,” Chiana said from the backseat. Willow and Tara both glanced at her. They knew that she could understand them, but they still couldn’t understand her.

“Are you working on that spell that Xander asked you about?” Willow asked, looking at the book Tara was holding.

“No, I have that one ready already. This is something else.” Willow nodded and looked back toward the guard booth. She let out another sigh. “They’ll be okay,” Tara said. “This is Buffy and Xander we’re talking about, they can do anything. They’ve gone into worse situations before, you all have.”

Willow smiled and nodded a little. “It’s weird, I’ve never seen Xander take charge like he did tonight. It reminded me though, of all the times that he’s come through for us. I guess we tend not to notice him sometimes because he doesn’t have any special powers, but the truth is he’s helped out a lot.” Tara just nodded and turned away. “What?” Willow asked.

“It’s just…well, I know how he feels, I guess. I mean, before I met you and became a part of the Scooby Gang, I felt like that. Like I didn’t really belong, like no one really noticed me. I saw that with Xander too, except he never let it show that it bothered him, he never let it interfere with being part of the group and helping you guys.” She paused. “I always thought that was pretty amazing.”

This time Willow looked away, as she realized that Tara was right. All the times they had ignored Xander, or pushed him away. But he never complained, he never showed that it hurt. Maybe that’s why she hadn’t realized how much they had hurt him until now. “Yeah, Xander’s a pretty amazing guy.”

“Yeah,” Chiana agreed from the back. “He is.”


When the convertible pulled up to the gate, the top was down. Xander sat at attention behind the wheel, and Buffy sat on the passenger’s side, chewing bubblegum and twirling her hair. She was wearing a light sundress, concealing the simple black pants and top she wore underneath. The guard looked the pair over suspiciously. “Can I help you?”

“Riley Finn, US Army,” Xander said. “I got separated from my unit, I understand that they’re inside.”

“An Army unit did pass through here,” the guard said. “I’ll need to see your identification.”

“That’s the problem, you see I left my ID on the truck before I got separated.”

“I see,” the guard said skeptically. He cast another glance at Buffy, who just gave him a little wink in return. “And who might you be Miss?”

Xander answered. “This is my girlfriend. I just wanted to show her around a bit.”

“The base is on Security Alert, high level clearance only,” the guard said. “I’ll have to call ahead and check on your status Agent Finn, but I’m afraid I can’t let her enter. And I will need to see some kind of identification that proves that you are who you say you are.”

“I understand. I should have something around here…” Xander trailed off as he patted himself, looking around the car like he was looking for his wallet or something. “Ah, here we are,” he said, reaching around behind him into the backseat. When he came back up he had a pulse rifle in his hand. He fired a shot before the guard even had a chance to react. A bolt of energy shot out and struck him in the chest, sending him back against the wall of the booth. He slumped down, unconscious.

Xander put his foot on the gas and the car lurched forward, crashing through the wooden barrier arm just beyond the guard booth. He made his way through the complex at breakneck speed, heading for the entry point that they had already planned. Buffy spit her gum out onto the ground, and pushed her hair back, securing it in a ponytail. She lifted the dress up over her head and tossed it into the backseat. Grabbing her own rifle, she checked it briefly before Xander spun the Caddy around swiftly. The car skidded to a screeching halt in front of the building, facing back the way they came.

“What did you do that for?” Buffy asked.

“It’ll save time during the escape, won’t have to turn the car around,” Xander answered, already climbing out of the car, not bothering with the door. Buffy did the same and followed him around to the back where he opened the trunk.

John and Aeryn were pushed to one side of the trunk by the spin, and were currently trying to untangle themselves from each other. “Where the frell did you learn to drive!” John exclaimed as he climbed out, shaking his head clear.

“Dukes of Hazard reruns,” Xander answered, pulling a duffel bag out of the trunk as well and slinging it over his shoulder. “Sorry. You ready?”

John helped Aeryn out and they both drew their blasters. “Ready,” John answered.

“All right, let’s do this. I’ll take point,” Xander said, leading the way into the building. Buffy went next, followed closely by John and Aeryn. They entered the building to find an empty corridor. No alarms had been sounded yet, and considering the hour, the place was pretty empty. Xander took the communicator that John had given him out of his pocket and attached it to his shirt. The four of them moved through the quiet halls like a precision military team. It was several moments of intense quiet before they heard footsteps in the distance on the hard tile floor. “Weapons on stun,” Xander reminded them with a whisper.

Meanwhile some unsuspecting airman rounded the corner ahead of them and caught an energy bolt in the chest. He hit the ground unconscious, barely making a sound. Not a half a second later, an alarm sounded throughout the building.

“Shit!” Xander cursed.

“Frell!” added John.

Xander rounded the corner in time to see half a dozen men scrambling away. Probably going for weapons. They must have seen their friend go down and sounded the alarm. Xander waved for the others to follow him as he jogged down the corridor. No longer moving slowly, afraid of making noise or arousing attention, the four of them moved quickly. They made it to the break in the corridor where they had planned to split up.

“This is where we part ways, good luck,” Xander said.

“Keep in touch,” John said, tapping his own communicator pin. “See you in the hanger.” He and Aeryn dashed down the one corridor, each holding their blasters in a two handed stance, pointed down slightly, but at the ready.

Xander and Buffy headed down the other hall, their weapons also at the ready. The alarm klaxons were ringing loudly in their ears. Xander could hear weapons fire in the distance, from what he assumed was the other corridor where John and Aeryn were. It was the sound of energy weapons mixed with gunfire. Xander and Buffy exchanged a look at the sound. They both knew what it meant. These soldiers didn’t have pulse rifles, they were using live rounds. And by the sound of it, they didn’t share Buffy and Xander’s concern for the lives of their enemies.

Buffy and Xander rounded the next corner and saw a soldier rounding the next corner ten feet down the hall. Xander raised his rifle, ready to fire, but stopped when he got a closer look at the man in front of him. The soldier was holding a Glock in a two-handed stance, pointed at Xander. But he didn’t fire.

“Shit,” Xander muttered.

“Riley!” Buffy said.


John and Aeryn were pinned down, taking cover in adjacent doorways across the hall from each other. They found themselves under fire not too long after they split up with Buffy and Xander. “What the frell are those weapons they’re using?” Aeryn asked.

“Firearms,” John answered. “They use a chemical reaction to project small pellets of lead.”

“How quaint,” she said, hugging the wall tighter as another bullet whizzed by. “Do you have a shot?”

“Not without losing my head in the process,” John answered. He tried peeking out from the doorway, but a close ricochet made him pull back. “Well, this is certainly fun.”

“You’re the one who was homesick for this place,” Aeryn reminded him.

“Well believe me, I’m feeling a little homesick for Moya right about now.”

“Why don’t you just talk to them, human to human. I’m sure they’re just as understanding and compassionate as you claim humans to be.”

“Will you just stick it! I don’t have time for your superior Sebacean attitude right now, okay. In case you haven’t noticed, we’re in a bit of a jam here.”

“*My* superior attitude! You’ve got some nerve! You’re the one with the attitude, ever since we landed on this god-forsaken rock. If you’re that unhappy aboard Moya then why don’t you just leave!”

“What are you talking about, I never said I was unhappy aboard Moya?” John said, confused.

More gunfire made it’s way down the corridor. “Surrender your weapons and come out with your hands above your head!” somebody shouted.

“You didn’t have to say it,” Aeryn said, ignoring the soldier’s words. “You’ve been gushing over this planet since we got here, and criticizing me for thinking like a Peace Keeper. Well I’m sorry John, but that’s what I am, like it or not. I can’t change that overnight just because my people don’t want me anymore. I may have pointed out that Sebaceans are physically superior to humans, but I never claimed were morally superior to anyone. So you can just take your self-righteous dren and…stick it!”

John paused. “Aeryn, I’m…wait, that’s it. I have an idea, I need that physically superior eyesight of yours. When I say now, come out shooting, okay?” Aeryn just nodded. John raised his blaster and aimed it at the ceiling in the corridor. He fired, breaking up a section of the drywall and sending plaster dust everywhere. “Now!”

Aeryn held her breath to keep from breathing in any of the dust as she moved into the corridor and took aim at the soldiers at the end of the hall. She fired, picking them off one by one, and leaving them in an unconscious heap on the floor.

John stepped out, waving his hand in front of his face and coughing slightly. “Good shot,” he said. “I knew they wouldn’t be able to get a clear shot through all that dust.”

“Quick thinking,” Aeryn said. “Come on, we’d better hurry.”


“Buffy! What the hell are you doing here?”

“It’s kind of a long story, I need you to let us pass.”

“I can’t do that,” Riley said, still not lowering his gun. Xander held his rifle up, but he didn’t say anything.

“You don’t understand what’s at stake here. If we don’t get that ship back to it’s rightful owner, it’ll cause a time para-something. The universe could be destroyed!”

“That ship belongs to the US Army now, I can’t let you have it.”

“Damn it, Riley! Will you think for a second! Did you hear what I just said, the universe could be destroyed! We don’t have time for your macho soldier bullshit right now!”

“And when have you ever had time for me! What am I suppose to do Buffy, just put my whole life aside because it’s inconvenient for you, give up everything I ever was because you don’t like it? Well, that’s what I’ve been doing, and I can’t do it anymore.”

“I never asked you to give up who you were, leaving the Initiative was your choice. And considering what happened, I would think you would be grateful if I pushed you toward it.”

“This isn’t about the Initiative, it’s about you not letting me into your life. It wasn’t me you wanted, it was just the idea of me.”

“I never…”

“Hey!” Xander interrupted with a shout. “This is all very interesting but can you two have this argument later, time is of the essence here.”

“I’m not going to let you past, and if you don’t want to get arrested or worse, I suggest you get the hell out of here now while you can,” Riley said.

“Is that a threat?” Buffy asked, her voice taking a dangerous tone.

Xander held up a hand to Buffy to tell her to stop. “Riley, listen to me, okay. I know what it’s like for you right now, believe me.”

“How could you possibly know anything!” Riley spat.

“You think you’re the first person to fight evil on the Hellmouth and not get noticed for it!” Xander returned forcefully. “You think you’re the first person to be ignored by your friends because there are more important things to deal with, like saving the world! I’ve been fighting along side Buffy for a lot longer than you have, and I’ve risked my life practically every night that I’ve lived in this god-forsaken hellhole! I don’t do it to get any kind of reward, that’s not what this is about.

“Let me tell you something, soldier to soldier. Something that I think you already know. This is a war. And it isn’t the kind of war that you get a parade for when you come home. In fact, the people you’re fighting for don’t even know what’s going on around them. But at the end of the day, you have to ask yourself why it is that you fight. Is it for recognition, for a pat on the head and a ‘job well done’? Or do you fight because it’s something worth fighting for, because it’s the right thing to do, because you want to. If it’s recognition you’re looking for, then you’re fighting the wrong war.”

“The only recognition I ever wanted was…” Riley paused and glanced at Buffy. “Was to know that she loved me. That…somehow I mattered to her. And that maybe, just maybe, I meant as much to her as she did to me.” He paused again. “But I don’t. I know that now. I think I’ve known it for a while, I was just too afraid to admit it. Because I didn’t want to lose her,” he finished in a sad voice.

“Believe me buddy, I’ve been there. I know how easy it is to fall in love with her.” Xander paused, glancing sideways at Buffy. “And how hard it can be too, if she doesn’t share your feelings. It’s up to you to decide whether or not what she can give you, is enough.”

Riley locked eyes with Buffy, who herself was staring back and forth between him and Xander. He nodded sadly. “You’re right,” he said softly. “It is up to me. Buffy, I know that I said it was your decision. Whether you wanted me in your life or not.” He paused. “Whether you love me or not. But I already know the answer to that.”

“I’m sorry, Riley,” Buffy said, a tear threatening in her voice.

“I know,” Riley said softly. “So am I.”

A burst of static crackled over Xander’s communicator pin, and the voice of John Crichton came through. “Xander, we’re under fire here, where the hell are you guys!” he shouted. The sound of gun and blaster fire could be heard over the line as well.

Xander turned to Riley again. “All personal issues aside big guy, you have to know that Buffy knows what she’s doing here, and that she would never lie to you. We have to get that ship out of here, or it will cause a time paradox that could destroy the universe.”

Riley didn’t take his eyes of Buffy. “Go. Just…go.”

Xander was down the corridor in a second. Buffy lingered a moment longer, giving Riley one last apologetic glance before rushing to catch up with Xander.

Xander touched the pin on his shirt. “John, we’re on our way.”


When Buffy and Xander got to the hanger, they couldn’t see John and Aeryn, but they could tell where they were. The group of soldiers laying down cover fire in the corner of the hanger adjacent to them was a clue. The massive room was littered with unconscious bodies and busted equipment. The walls were marred with bullet holes and burn marks from John and Aeryn’s energy weapons. In the center of the room was the truck that Xander had seen on the road earlier that night. The back of the truck was open and he could see that it did indeed contain a ship.

Between the noise and the focus on John and Aeryn, no one noticed Buffy and Xander’s entrance. “They must have already blocked the other entrance, otherwise they’d be taking fire from behind,” Xander said, referring to their comrades. “We have to block this door and find some cover, then we can set up a crossfire.”

Buffy nodded and looked around. “There,” she said, spotting a large piece of equipment that looked like a cross between a tool chest and a diagnostic machine that you might see in a auto mechanic’s garage. But it was on wheels, so it was fairly easy to move to block the double doors that they had entered through.

Xander set down his duffel bag and helped Buffy push the machine into place. Then they pushed it over onto it’s side in front of the door, creating a large bang. But no one noticed the sound through the gunfire. Buffy pushed the machine up against the door, then climbed up on top to make sure the door was bolted closed as well. “This won’t hold them long,” she said.

Xander nodded. “Hopefully long enough.” He started looking around again. They were standing in a small piece of hallway just beyond the door, out of site from the rest of the hanger. “You stay here, this corner should be enough cover. I’ll get behind the truck.”

Buffy nodded and Xander made his way over to the truck as quietly as he could. He tapped the pin on his shirt and spoke into it. “John, we’re here. Get ready to set up a crossfire. Buffy’s across from you along the back wall and I’m behind the truck.”

“Copy, just hurry up,” John’s voice came over. “We’re not going to last much longer like this.”

Xander’s response was to open fire. He hit three soldiers in the back before the first one even turned around. Bolts of white energy flew across the hanger as Buffy joined in, and the soldiers started scrambling to find cover from two directions. Soon bolts of red energy joined in, as the fire the soldiers were laying down against John and Aeryn lessened enough for them to return fire again. Xander managed to pick off anyone who came too close to his or Buffy’s position, while Buffy concentrated on those who were still firing on John and Aeryn.

It wasn’t long before the sound of gunfire was no more, and Xander couldn’t spot a soldier or a scientist who wasn’t unconscious. He crept out from behind his cover and saw John across the hanger doing the same. They caught each other’s gaze and nodded. Xander checked the cab of the truck, under the truck, and in the back of the truck. No one. John checked behind all the equipment on the other side of the room that the soldiers had been using for cover. No one. No one conscious anyway. “It looks like we’re clear,” John said.

Buffy and Aeryn both came out, both with their weapons still at the ready. Aeryn had a trickle of blood running down her right arm, and there was a piece of camouflage cloth tied around her bicep. “You’re hit,” Xander said to her.

“It’s just a flesh wound, I’ll be fine,” Aeryn said.

“She just got nicked,” John translated. “She’ll be okay.”

Xander nodded. “Okay, we have to hurry. John, make sure that they’re all still unconscious, and take their weapons in case they wake up. Kick them down to the other side of the hanger, by the door. Buffy, help me drag these guys back some. I don’t want any of them getting hurt. And grab my bag over there, would you.”

Buffy and John both nodded. John turned to Aeryn. “Check your Prowler, make sure it’s okay,” he said. Aeryn holstered her blaster and climbed into the back of the truck to check on her ship. Buffy and Xander started dragging unconscious soldiers and scientists closer to the back of the room and away from the hanger doors. John started going through the weapons of the fallen soldiers and throwing them across the room, closer to the hanger doors. Buffy handed Xander his duffel bag and he unzipped it, pulling out a red plastic gas can. Xander unscrewed the cap off the can and started walking back toward the hanger doors.

“Xander, are you sure about this?” Buffy asked as Xander started spreading the gasoline around on the floor in front of the hanger door and on the lower part of the door itself.

Xander nodded. “It’ll be enough of a distraction to cover your escape. Plus, my guess would be that most of the people outside of this room don’t even know about the ship, so they won’t know anything is missing until you’re long gone.” Xander spread the gasoline on the walls around the hanger door a little more until he was satisfied. He hit the control to raise the door before heading back for the truck, throwing the gas can and the duffel bag in the back next to Aeryn. Xander turned to John. “Are you sure you can drive without the headlights, it’s pitch black out there.”

John pulled something out of the inside of his coat and slipped it onto his head. It had a blue eyepiece, which he adjusted into place. “I’ll be fine, don’t worry.”

“And you know where you’re going?”

“I do,” John said. “We’ll see you in a few.” He reached out and shook Xander’s hand. “Good luck.”

“You too,” Xander returned.

“Xander, why don’t you come with us? You’re running a big risk just to go back for your car,” Buffy said.

“I have to, it would be too easy to trace it back to me if I left it. Besides, Willow and Tara have my back. I’ll see you in a few Buffy, I promise.” Just then, they could hear activity in the hallway. People shouting and pushing at the doors to try and get in. “Go, now,” Xander said.

Buffy climbed up into the truck cab quickly, followed by John who took the driver’s seat. Xander went back to the back of the truck as John started it. He lifted the large tailgate up. Aeryn helped him pull it closed from her position in the back of the truck. “Good luck,” Xander said. Aeryn just nodded.

Xander banged his hand on the tailgate twice to let John know he was ready. The engine revved slightly and the truck started pulling away. Xander ran back to the unconscious soldiers. Looking over, he spotted one and ran over to him. “You look about my size,” he said to himself as he grabbed him under the arms and dragged him to the side of the hanger. He quickly took the soldier’s shirt and helmet and put them on. He slung his rifle back over his shoulder just in time to hear the door bust open. He hit the ground fast, playing unconscious. Glancing back toward the hanger door, he could see the truck gaining distance, and he could just make out the form of Aeryn Sun in the back, lifting her blaster and taking aim. Xander ducked his head down again, preparing himself.

Aeryn fired her blaster and ignited the gasoline. The explosion rocked the hanger. Xander could feel the heat and the shockwave at his back. He opened his eyes again and looked back to see the front of the hanger engulfed in flames. Looking back to the soldiers he could see them scrambling back for the doors. Some of the unconscious were starting to wake up, and the others were being carried out before the fire could spread. Xander got to his feet and started for the door himself. He picked up a nearby soldier in a fireman’s carry and helped out into the hallway. Once there he set him done again and checked to make sure he was still breathing before he continued back down the corridor they had come from.

The base seemed in chaos now, and the alert sirens had been replaced with a standard fire alarm. Xander rushed down the hall, keeping his head low to avoid making eye contact with anyone coming in the other direction. He made it to the door rather quickly and went outside to where his car was still parked. No one seemed to be paying him or the car any attention, they were too busy trying to contain the fire or looking for the intruders. Xander knew that they would never see the truck in the middle of the desert without it’s lights on, unless the used a helicopter. And by the time they realized what had been taken, it would be too late for even that.

Xander took his helmet off and threw it aside. Taking the rifle off his shoulder, he threw it in the backseat of his car and climbed in on the passenger side, walking on the seat to the driver’s side and sliding down. He started the car, slammed it into drive and hit the gas. The base was much more active now then it had been when they arrived, so Xander had to drive with more caution to avoid hitting anyone. He didn’t however drive with much less speed. This was drawing attention of course, and it wasn’t very long before Xander noticed that he had been made and was being chased. He just prayed that Tara was ready with the spell he had asked her about.

Next Chapter