Title: Everybody Wants You
Author: PaganBaby
Email: paganbaby73@hotmail.com
Rating: NC-17! Do not read if you're under 18. There is adult content and sexual situations. Pairings include: M/M, M/F/F (as well as M/F), so if you're squicked by those, you shouldn't read this. There's also some BDSM. This fic is basically Spike + Practically Everyone.
Summary: What's a poor vamp to do when everyone suddenly becomes attracted to him?
Some actions will be indicated like this: *kiss*
Disclaimer: Joss and ME own the show and the characters, I'm just borrowing them for my own twisted purposes.
Song lyrics by Billy Squier. Right click to download the mp3 here: Everybody Wants You
Thanks to Tiana for beta-ing for me!
Spoilers: This fic takes place during season 6 after 'Tabula Rasa' but before 'Smashed'. In my story, Giles didn't leave but Buffy and Spike still kissed, also Joyce didn't die, I hated that they killed her off in season 5. Willow and Tara lived in an off campus apartment together instead of at Buffy's house.
Story Status: Complete

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Chapter 5a

The Scoobies sat around Buffy's living room. Tara, Willow and Giles sat on the couch, Xander sat in a chair with Anya on his lap, and Buffy and Spike sat by the hearth. Stacks of demonology books sat on the coffee table and floor.

"Okay, let's get crackin' on finding that cure," Buffy said picking up a book and looking through it.

Everyone took a book and did the same.

Spike looked up from his book to see everyone pretending not to look at him.

"Will you all stop gawkin' at me!" he said with irritation.

A chorus of 'Sorry, Spike' came from around the room. Buffy stroked the back of his hand.

"Don't be too hard on them, shmoopy. It's just hard for us to be in the same room with you and not tear your clothes off," she said sweetly.

"I know. It's just--What did you call me?"

"Shmoopy," Buffy said with a smile. "That's my pet name for you."

"I don't bloody think so. Can't you come up with something better? Like 'Stallion' or 'The Mighty Thor'?"

Joyce walked in the room with a bright smile and carrying a tray with drinks and snacks.

"Hey, kids, I brought you some sustenance for your research party."

She set the tray down on the coffee table. Everyone thanked her and took their drinks and snacks of choice. She walked smoothly over to Spike, swinging her hips ever so slightly.

"I bet I know what you'd like, Spike." She smiled mischievously.

"You--you do?" He didn't like the way she was looking at him, all glinty eyed, and he could smell her arousal.

"Mmm-hmm. Hot cocoa, with the little marshmallows you like."

"Oh!" he said with relief. "Yeah, Joyce, that would be brilliant. Thanks."

She bent down and took one of his hands in hers and pulled him to his feet.

"Come help?" she asked, clearly having other pursuits in mind.

"Mom! No!" Buffy said sternly. "You're just going to try and have sex with him, and you know it! I can't have my man--"

"Our man," Willow said from the couch.

Buffy looked at her and rolled her eyes. "Whatever, I can't have our man sleeping with my mom!"

"I'm the only one here who hasn't slept with him yet, that's not fair," Joyce said.

"I didn't either!" Giles piped in. "And in case I didn't say it already, thanks ever so, Buffy." He scowled at her.

"Shush, Giles!" Buffy snapped.

"You can share him with your friends but not your own mother?" Joyce gave her 'The Mom Look', the one guaranteed to inflict guilt and self-loathing in the helpless victim.

"M--om!" Buffy whined, sounding like a child. "I don't want to share him with anybody, but--there are special circumstances!"

"Buffy Anne Summers, I'm surprised at you." Buffy looked down, abashed. "After what I've gone through the past few years...I almost died, a Hell God tried killing my daughters and her friends, losing you--those are some of the big ones. Don't you think that I deserve even a little happiness?"

"Well, of course you do! But--" Joyce was looking at her with her arms crossed. Buffy couldn't take the guilt anymore. "Oh, okay. If he wants to..."

Spike looked at Buffy in shock. "Buffy? You can't tell me you don't have a problem with me...being with your mom."

She shrugged. "Mom's right. She has had it rough the last few years. And if you can make her feel half as good as you made me feel..." She smiled at him, letting him know that it wouldn't change how she felt about him.

"Then it's settled!" Joyce grabbed his hand and dragged him to the kitchen.

"Great. Just bloody great," Giles said dejectedly, slouching in his seat. "Now I'll be the only bloody one who hasn't shagged him."

Tara patted his leg comfortingly.

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Joyce put the sauce pan of soon-to-be hot cocoa on the stove to heat. She turned around and smiled at Spike, who was sitting at the island in the middle of the kitchen.

"Wanna know something?" she asked with a naughty smile.

"Um, what?" he asked nervously.

She moved behind him. "Remember what I told you last time you were here, before you ran away? That was very naughty of you, by the way." She walked over to him and ran her hands up his arms and over his shoulders, massaging them lightly. "It involved you, hot cocoa and marshmallows...remember?" She licked at his ear.

"Ye-yeah...I re-remember," he stuttered.

"Spike? Are you nervous?" She giggled. "That's so cute! You, with alllll those years of experience, are afraid of little old me?" She ran a hand up and down his left thigh.

"I just--I don't want you to hate me when this is all over too. I care about you, Joyce."

She moved to his side, to look at his face. "That is so sweet. You're really a gentle soul, aren't you?"

"Don't have a soul," he replied.

"I think you do. I can see it when I look in those gorgeous baby-blues of yours." She mashed her lips to his, sucking and nibbling on his bottom lip.

"Mom!" Buffy called from the living room. "No sex in the kitchen! It's too much temptation for the rest of us! And we have to eat in there!"

Joyce pulled away and rolled her eyes. "Fine!" she yelled back. She went back to the stove, stirring the hot cocoa.

"Spike, would you keep an eye on this for a minute? I'll be right back."

He nodded. She left the kitchen and went upstairs.

He shook his head as he went to watch the pan on the stove, wondering when all this would come to an end. He reached down and adjusted himself in his tight jeans, Joyce had "intrigued" him when she mentioned using the cocoa and marshmallows during sex play.

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The Scoobies pored over the books, looking for the demon that caused all the commotion of the last few days, but so far they hadn't had any luck.

"Buff, why are we trying to cure this thing?" Xander asked. "I mean, we're all pretty happy with the Spike sex, aren't we?" Xander looked around at everyone else, they nodded and voiced their agreement.

"Because, I can deal with it, if it's just you guys. Cause I love you. But do you want to have to fight everyone in town for some Spike time?" Buffy raised an eyebrow at him.

"Right. Back at it." Xander returned to his book without further argument.

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Joyce came back in the kitchen after a few minutes. She walked up next to Spike and took the spoon from him with a smile.

"Thanks for watching it."

"No worries, Joyce. I think it's about ready."

"Hmm, so it is." She got two mugs and a jumbo-sized bag of mini marshmallows out of the cupboard. "Why don't you bring the pot." She turned walking back out of the kitchen.

"Where are we going?"

"To my room," she said silkily.

With a switch of her hips she walked out of the kitchen and back up the stairs. Spike gulped. He turned off the stove, picked up the pot and followed Joyce upstairs.

Giles saw Joyce and then Spike walk upstairs, carrying food and a pot of hot cocoa, he judged by the aroma. His thoughts immediately went to chocolate covered, naked Spike. His cock jumped in his underwear. He imagined licking the liquid off that tight, hot body. Smearing--


"What!?" he was startled out of his reverie by Buffy. 'She finds a way to ruin all my bloody fun...' he thought ruefully.

"I asked if there were a lot of other books we have to look through back at the Magic Box."

"Oh...yes, er, no. I don't know," he said absently.

"You okay, G-Man?" Xander asked. "You look kind of flushed."

"As a matter of fact, I-I'll be right back." He started to stand.

"Uh-uh. Sit down," Buffy commanded. "We all know where you're trying to go. Leave Spike and Mom alone...for now."

"But--I--damn it!" He dropped back down to the couch, folding his arms over his chest and glowering at Buffy. "Do I need permission to beat-off in the bathroom as well?" he asked angrily.

"Ewww! Yuck, Giles!" Buffy made a face.

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Joyce put the cocoa, mugs and marshmallows on her nightstand.

"I'll just be a few minutes." She walked to her closet and took out a large shopping bag then went to the bedroom door. "Why don't you get undressed while I'm gone, save some time." She gave him a saucy smile then closed the door behind her.

Spike stood there motionless for a moment before stripping off his shirt and jeans, he hung them over the chair at the vanity. He went to the bed and sat down, wondering if he should try to lie in a seductive pose before she came back. He decided on lying on the bed, lengthwise, propping himself up on an elbow. It gives that 'seductive and confident' feeling. He was feeling neither. For some reason, the thought of fucking Joyce made him nervous as hell.

'She's a beautiful woman, so it's not that. She's been real good to me, aside from the time she hit me with the axe...Get over it, wanker! She's gonna be back soon, expecting some hot, vampire lovin' and you'd bloody well better deliver! So--' His inner-monologue was stopped as Joyce entered the room. A blue, floor-length, fuzzy bathrobe pulled tightly closed around her. 'Probably naked under there...'

Joyce's eyes raked over his naked body, illuminated by the bedside lamp. She was practically salivating. "My God, you're so beautiful," she breathed.

He couldn't help feeling proud at her appreciation of his form. His cock twitched against his thigh.

"Thanks, luv. You've seen mine...now do you wanna show me yours?" He flashed her a 1000-watt smile.

She untied her robe and let it slip down her arms to the floor. Spike sat up slowly, his eyes bugging out as he stared at Joyce.

"What do you think?" She spun around slowly, letting his eyes drink her in. "Do you like it?" she asked, running her hands over her torso.

She was wearing a black leather, laced up teddy, crotchless, the bustier pushed her tits up but only covered the bottoms of her breasts, the tops and nipples were exposed. She wore a pair of black leather, thigh high, spiked boots on her feet.

"Bloody Hell, Joyce! What--where--when--" he sputtered.

She laughed girlishly and walked over to the side of the bed.

"Well? Do you like it, Spike? Does it do anything for you?" she asked huskily, pinching and twisting her nipples gently.

She looked at his crotch for her answer. His cock was swelling and jumping before her eyes. She smiled in satisfaction. Spike, meanwhile, was still having trouble forming words.

"You don't have to say anything...I can see that you like it." She licked her lips as her eyes went back to his dick. "Lay on your back," she said, opening a drawer in her nightstand.

Spike did as she asked, he was totally stunned. 'Joyce is into S&M...who would've guessed? Not me! That's for fuckin' sure!' he thought.

Joyce rummaged around in the drawer and brought out some red silk scarves. She held them up for him to see.

"Wanna have some fun, Spike?"

"Wha--what did you have in mind, luv?" He swallowed.

He liked a bit of bondage fun, but Dru usually took it way too far. He hoped Joyce's tastes didn't go the way that his ex's did.

"Well..." She climbed on top of him, sitting astride his thighs. "I want to tie you up and have my wicked way with you." She slowly dragged the silk scarves over his chest, down his abs, to his cock and balls.

He shivered from the sensation.

"Stretch your arms out."

He did as she asked. She bent over him, her tits hovering temptingly close to his face, she tied a scarf around his wrist and looped it through and around one of the brass bars of her headboard, then repeated the action with his other wrist. He looked at his bound wrists, tugging lightly on his bindings. He could escape easily if things got out of hand.

She went down to the end of the bed, binding his ankles to the brass bed posts. When she was done, he laid bound and spread-eagle on the bed. She stood up and looked at him.

"Now, that's a beautiful sight," she said with a happy sigh.

"What now, luv?" he asked curiously.

She kneeled on the bed next to him. "Now...I play."

She touched his chest, moving her hand slowly over his chiseled pecs and abs, just before she was about to make contact with his cock, she moved her hand away. She turned to the nightstand and stuck an index finger in the pot of hot chocolate. She brought it to her mouth and made a show of sliding it into her mouth, moving it in and out, sucking on it and moaning.

"Yum. Would you like some too?" she asked, dipping her finger into the pot again.

He nodded slowly. She was making him so hard...he didn't know if he'd make it all the way through whatever she had planned. She brought her dripping finger to his lips, he opened his mouth and she slid the finger in. He sucked and licked the rich liquid from her finger, caressing her digit with his tongue. Her eyes glazed over. She pulled her finger out of his mouth slowly. He licked his lips and gazed at her.

"You bad boy. You almost made me forget my plan." She waggled her wet finger at him, smiling. She picked up the last scarf. "Lift your head." She put the scarf over his eyes and secured it behind his head.

"Is this really necessary, luv?" He couldn't hide the excitement in his voice.

"It'll be fun, you'll see." She giggled as she took the bag of marshmallows and dumped it into the pot, she stirred the liquid around with her finger until the marshmallows started melting.

She brought her finger to his face, smearing the goo on his cheeks, lips and mouth, then proceeded to lick it off slowly. She saved his lips for last, nibbling and sucking at him, she stuck her tongue in his mouth, kissing him passionately. She broke away and climbed back on top of him, bringing the pot with her and setting it down beside them on the bed.

She smeared more goo on his earlobes and neck, then licked it off. She loved men's necks and his was especially bitable. She nibbled and sucked at his Adam's apple. Spike groaned.

"Joyce! Ahhh--God, luv--you're drivin' me crazy!"

She laughed. "We're just getting started, Spike." She took some hot cocoa and applied it to her nipples and bent over him, her tits in his face. "You want some more?" she said, her voice rough.

She brushed a nipple over his lips. Having figured out what she wanted him to do, he raised his head and put his mouth on her breast, sucking and licking her clean.

"Oooh! Spike! Mmmm!" she moaned and shifted to put her other breast at his mouth, which he gave the same treatment.

She sat back and dipped her whole hand in the pot, coating it. She held her hand over his chest and stomach, the gooey confection dripped down onto his skin, pooling between his pectoral muscles and running down his sides. The muscles of his pecs and abdomen twitched when the hot, but not scalding, liquid made contact, and he gasped quietly.

Joyce swirled her hand over his torso, smearing the liquid onto his skin from shoulders to waist. She cleaned him off thoroughly with her tongue.

"Mmm, hot chocolate has never tasted so good." She dripped some more liquid into and around his navel, drizzling some on his fully erect cock that angled up on his stomach. He gasped out loud.

"That feel good?" she asked.

"Uh-huh!" He nodded vigorously.

She laughed lightly and gazed at his hard, proud cock. The temptation to forget the rest of the game and get to the best part was great, but she was determined to have this play out like it had in her many fantasies about him. He inhaled sharply again when she wrapped her hand around his shaft.

'Finally!' his mind screamed. He let out a disappointed groan when she only shifted his dick to the right and released him.

"Joyce--don't stop!" he pled.

"Shhh." She put a finger on his lips, silencing him. "It won't be much longer now..."

She went about licking the goo on his stomach, dipping her tongue into his navel and sucking up the cocoa pooled there. She proceeded to coat the rest of him in chocolate and marshmallows: His hips and pelvis, thighs, calves, ankles and feet. She carefully avoided his cock and balls, wanting to save them for last.

Spike felt like he was losing his mind. He wanted to end this exquisite torture now, rip the bindings off his limbs and fuck her into oblivion. But...Joyce was obviously having a grand time and it was her game, he wanted her to be happy. So he bided his time, trying with every ounce of will he had left to control his impulses.

Joyce dripped more chocolate on his sac and up the underside of his cock.

"Uhhh!" Spike lifted his hips off the bed as she gently stroked his cock and balls with both hands, covering them in the messy liquid. He shivered in anticipation.

She leaned over his groin and starting licking him in long, slow strokes. She picked up his shaft, licking and sucking, up, down and all around it. She fondled his balls with her other hand and dipped her head down to suck on them, rolling them on her tongue as she sucked them clean.

"Joyce! Ahhh! Oh, that's good, pet! Uhh! More!" he exclaimed, thrusting lightly into her hand.

He cried out when she finally took his angry, purple prickhead into her mouth, swirling her tongue over the tip before going down on him. She wasn't able to fit all of it her mouth but did the best she could. She bobbed her head up and down quickly, sucking hard on the upstrokes. One hand gripped the base of his cock, jacking him into her mouth while the other squeezed and tugged at his balls. He'd been such a good sport about fulfilling her fantasy that she wanted to make him cum as fast as possible. She couldn't wait to taste his jism.

"Ohhh God! Uhhh--Joyce!--Bloody--Ahhh!" His hips bucked off the bed, he seized the brass bars of the headboard that his bindings were threaded through, hanging on to them for dear life (or unlife as the case may be). "Ahh--Gonna--FUCK!" he shouted, his cum shot out like a geyser, she had to swallow quickly to avoid spilling any of the precious fluid.

He groaned and panted as Joyce drank down stream after stream of his spunk. She continued pulling on him with her mouth and hands until he was completely spent, and he sunk back into the mattress with a sigh.

She moved up the bed and removed the silk scarf from his eyes and smiled down at him. She bent over and kissed his lips softly.

"Thank you, Spike," she whispered.

He gave her a toothy grin. "I think I'm the one who should be thanking you. That was bloody incredible, pet!"

She blushed prettily. "I'm glad you liked it...there is a little more to the fantasy...but we don't have to do anything else if you don't want--"

He interrupted her, "Just tell me what you'd like me to do, Joyce. I want to make you feel good too," he drawled decadently, his voice thick and rich, wrapping around her like a cloak.

She shuddered with desire. She picked up the pot, placing it back on the nightstand before swinging a leg over him. She rested her bottom on his chest, her pussy inches from his face.

"The chocolate isn't very hot anymore." She dunked her hand into the remaining liquid. "But it's good at room temperature too."

She brought her hand to her pussy and painted it with the mixture, she moaned as she slid her fingers in her slit, some cocoa ran down onto his neck. Spike watched her, licking his lips. She moved her cunt over his face and cried out when his tongue made first contact with her swollen flesh. She gripped the bars of the headboard and threw her head back as he lapped at her.

Next Chapter