Title: LA Willow
Author: Challie B
Email: challieb_0730@yahoo.com
Rating: PG so far
Disclaimer: Joss and Mutant Enemy own everything; I’m broke so don’t sue me.
Summary: Willow & Spike need to get away.
Feedback: PLEASE. I need it like a drug.
Distribution: Fire & Ice, Lover’s Walk, WitchFanFic. Everyone else ask and ye shall receive.
Author's Notes: < > = thoughts.

  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  

Part 8/?

Willow woke up feeling refreshed and ready to meet the day. She slipped out of the bedroom quietly. She peaked in the living room. Angel and Spike slept on pull out bed. They had a light sheet covering them. She could see their bare chests but couldn’t tell if they actually had anything below the waist. she thought as she picked up her backpack and pulled out her laptop.

Willow wanted to go over Jenny’s disk before they woke up. She set up the computer on the kitchen table. Wanting some music she searched through Spike’s jacket for his CD player. She slipped a CD into the player and set the headphones on her ears. She pulled up the files and began to read through the documents.

Most of them contained Romaine history and a couple contained Angelus’ history. Things she already knew. She glanced at the file containing the curse. Removing Jenny’s disk she inserted the disk containing her occult notes. She searched for anything on the Romainians.

She couldn’t find much of interest so Willow removed her headphones and went back to her room for her cell phone and data cable. She set up her laptop to go on line. Once she was connected she fed the search engine some information and waited for the response. Not much.

She chewed on her thumb nail as she thought about options. Opening another screen she sent out a query to one of the occult sites she frequented. While she waited for a response she caught up on her e-mails. By the time she was ready to search for a new CD she had a response.

Have you tried the Oracles?

She had read about them in some of Giles’ Watcher diaries. She knew there was one around here somewhere. She checked her watch. <6 AM.> She glanced in the living room. The two vampires seemed to be sleeping soundly. Quickly she closed out her of her computer and put everything away.

She went back to her room to get dressed. She slipped into a pair of khaki pants and pulled a tee-shirt over head. Grabbing a light jacket and her tennis shoes she tip toed to the door. She pulled it open quietly. Thinking she had gotten out without being noticed she screamed she a hand fell on her shoulder.

“Where are you sneaking off to?” Spike said. Willow leaned against the door jam. She placed her hand over her pounding heart.

“God. You scared me.” She glanced down to make sure Spike was actually dressed. He was wearing the Union Jack “Swinger” boxers she had gotten him for Christmas two years ago.

“You didn’t answer the question. Where are you sneaking off to?” he asked again as he crossed his arms over his bare chest.

“You sound almost as bad as Buffy.”

“Insulting me won’t get you out of answering.” His scarred eyebrow cocked as he waited for her response.

“I’m going to get something to eat. Is that okay with you, Mother?”

“Why were you sneaking?”

“Good grief, Spike. I didn’t want to wake you and Angel.” She leaned around the blonde vampire to see if Angel had slept through the commotion. Of course he hadn’t . He leaned on his elbow as he watched the two argue. “Morning, Angel.”

“Spike, let her go get something to eat. I really don’t have a lot of food here. Willow, there’s some money in my wallet. Buy what ever you want.”

“Thanks, but I’ve got my own money.” She bent over and grabbed her fallen shoes. “Sorry to wake you, Angel. See you in a couple of hours.” She ignored Spike as she shut the door in his face.

Spike stood there staring at the door. Glancing around the room he spotted her backpack. He grabbed it and pulled out the laptop.

“Spike, what are you doing?” Angel said as he climbed out of bed.

“She’s up to something. I can feel it,” he said as he hooked up the phone to the Internet. He pulled up the list of sites she had visited. He noticed the disk in the hard drive. It was just her occult disk. He dug through the back pack and found a disk with no label. Willow always had labels on her disks. He popped it in and looked at the files it contained.

Angel stood behind him, reading over his shoulder. “That’s my curse,” he said.

Spike couldn’t figure out what she was doing. He pulled up her e-mails to find a clue.


“Come on. Get dressed. We need to find Willow before she finds the Oracles. They don’t like to be disturbed,” Angel said as he went into his room to get dressed.

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