Title: Promises Can Last Forever
Author: AllytheVamp
Email: Marie_214@hotmail.com
Disclaimer: Joss owns Buffy and all the characters. The episode GRADUATION PART TWO wasn't written by me and I don't own it.
Spoilers: Grad. Part 2
Authors Notes: This is dedicated to my friend Allie who wanted a very romantic Cordy and Xander story. I hope I don't disappoint you. The song 'I Want You Back' is Ensync's [I have no clue how to spell the name, sorry!] and it applied to this story perfectly I think. Who else thinks that the writers were crazy for making the relationship end? I mean what was that?

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Part One

You're all I ever wanted
You're all I ever needed
So tell me what to do now
When I want you back...

Whenever I walk into the school, she always looks at me, Xander thought as he hurried through the halls. There was nothing he'd like better than to be with Cordelia again. But of course he couldn't because he had been selfish. He had thought he could have it all. He thought he was in love with Willow, the best friend he'd ever had. There was no way that he had been. Maybe it was the moment, maybe it was the immense danger, or just the almost rightness of it but they had kissed...again and again. Then when Oz and Cordy had caught them in the factory she had never recovered. He had tried to get her to reason but there was no way. He had broken everything they had almost had. He was an idiot. Thats all he thought about these days, especially since the mayors ascention was coming up soon. They could all die!

When he rounded the corner he saw her coming. She was wearing a leather mini skirt, jacket and a red tank. Her shapely legs were slender and perfect as she moved gracefully towards him. A small smile was on her face that sent a ray of hope his way. Then as soon as they locked eyes it disappeared and was replaced by the scowl that she had always had when she was about to insult him.

"Xander, hows the acention-thingy going? Won't it be kinda hard to be an integrel part of the group, when all you'll be doing will be doughnut getting? And possibly dognut eating?" She had again struck a nerve as only she could do.

He gritted his teeth. "Well I don't see you lifting a finger, except when there's nails to be done."

Now she was mad. Xander smiled smugly and tried to walk away. She grabbed his arm. "Xander."

He stopped and turned to face her. She looked sincerly interested. "What's the whole deal with the acention thing? I tried to get it out of Buffy but the freak is going all wiggy. I guess you'll have to fill me in."

"Why should I?" Xander asked her, amused.

Cordy rolled her eyes and looked at pontedly, pain in the back of them. "Cause you owe me. You're gonna owe me for the rest of your life as far as I'm concerned."

Xander sighed heavily knowing he was trapped. "What do you need to know? Basically all it is, is the mayor turning into a big creepy monster thing and eating us. Hopefully Buffy can stop him but shes all involved with Faith and everything..."

"What about Faith?" she broke in falling into step behind him as they threaded through the people in the halls.

"Faith went bad and tried to kill me, then Angel tried to get through to her but she ended up just...lets just say it didn't work. Now she works for the mayor and we are kinda doomed. Cordy smiled ruefully. Then her face turned serious. "I want to help."

Xander smirked. "Are you kidding me?"

She closed her eyes for a moment, as if what she was about to say was hard for her. Then she stared hard at him her face carefully hiding her emotions. "I'm serious Xander. I could die in two days time and I don't want to go out without a fight. And..." Cordy struggled to keep her voice light. "You guys are the closest things to friends I have. I don't want you guys to die. I couldn't handle knowing there was something I could have done...but didn't do it."

Xander felt an unexpected rush of understanding and warmth for her. Her reached out and gently grasped her hand. She stared at their entwined hands and then caught his eye. He took a deep breath. "Comon."

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