Title: What You Need
Author: Mac
Email: mac_0_1_2@yahoo.co.uk
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Faith gets out of prision and surprisingly Det. Kate Lockley wants to help her patch her life back together.

  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  

Kate handed a couple of notes to the bouncer and they walked into the club. Faith walked onto the dance floor, grabbing Kate's hand and pulling her with her. They began to dance together, Kate felt a feeling of doubt rise up, but when Faith's arm wrapped around her she squashed it and gave into the feelings, gave into the look in Faith's eyes. The look of fun, the loose look.

Faith pulled her tighter against her body, she buried her face in Kate's neck, and her hands ran up and down her back. The song finished and the blonde pulled away.

"Do you want a drink?"

"Yeah please, JD and coke."

They walked over to the bar and pushed through the crowd. Kate called to the bartender. She turned back to Faith.

"Feel better?"

"I will once I have alcohol in me."

Kate took the drinks and they walked over to a small booth. Faith drank half of her drink.

"Where are we going slaying?"

"Either the sewers or the park."

"Sounds good." Faith knocked back the rest of her drink and shuddered. "Man! I needed that!"

"Don't get drunk Faith."

"I won't. One more and I'll be happy." Faith sat back in her seat. "Will you tell me about your ex-girlfriend?"

Kate looked up at her. "What do you want to know?"

"Where you met? What was she like? How long did the relationship last? Were you her first woman? Was she yours?" Faith shrugged. "Y'know, stuff like that."

"Well, we met in this bar further down town. It's a small place where I go if I want to get wasted. I was in the process of taking my third whiskey shot when she walked in. I slammed the shot-glass down onto the counter and she sat beside me. I was too involved with myself, y'know wallowing in self-pity and all that, to even notice her. She ordered something and then turned to me. She watched me closely as I knocked back the fourth shot, I could feel her eyes on my skin and since I wasn't in the best humour, I didn't like it.

"As I slammed down the glass I turned to her. I remember I was about to ask her what the fuck her problem was but she was so beautiful I stopped and stared at her. Openly, so she knew the deal with me since the very start. She had shoulder length straight brown hair, big green eyes, button nose and full red lips. She was a little taller then I, but not by much. Curvy, y'know? Not too skinny, just right. She was really tanned on the skin parts I could see; I found out later it was all over body tan. No tan lines... at all."

Faith raised her eyebrows. "Nice."

Kate nodded. "My eyes roamed back to her face and she said hi. We made simple chit chat for a few minutes then she said something about the fact that I looked like I'd had a rough day. I laughed and nodded, saying that she didn't know the half of it. I proceeded to knock back the fifth one, as I slammed the glass back on the counter she put her hand over my hand that was holding the glass and told me that I would be no use to her if I was wasted, would I? I stopped and my eyes widened. I stood up and said that I had to go to the ladies. I couldn't decide if she was serious or not. She was younger than me, I wasn't sure if she was over eighteen and some of the things that I wanted to do-"

Kate stopped.

"What?! Do what?!" Faith had been raptly involved in the story. "C'mon, Lockley!"

She coughed and cleared her throat, she drank the rest of her drink and then looked closely at the small drop that was left. She swirled it around in the glass, then her eyes looked up at Faith. "I really have no idea why I'm pouring my heart out to you all of a sudden."

Faith looked hurt. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"Faith, I don't even know you."

"You fucking do, we spent the whole of the afternoon on Wednesday sitting in the park while I told you every fucking detail about my life. Don't tell me you don't know me."

"I don't know who you are now."

"I'm Faith! Fuck, I don't know who the hell you are either, and yet I poured out some of the most intimate parts of my life to you." Faith shook her head, she stood up and moved around to Kate's side of the booth. She grabbed her hand and inter locked their fingers. "This is all about getting to know each other better, Kate. Don't you wanna do that?"

Kate looked down at the table. "I do, I'm also gonna get a few more drinks." Faith eased herself out of the booth and let Kate go by, she sat back down in Kate's place watching her ass move under those tight black pants.

As she sat there for a few moments a cute blonde girl sat beside her.

"Hey hottie, wanna get down?"

Faith shook her head, staring at the swelling cleavage that was almost pressed up against her face. "Sorry sweetie, but I'm here with someone."

"I don't mind; she could join in too. Besides don't you want it?"

Faith continued to stare at her breasts. She shook her head, no.

"Why the hell can't you stop staring at my breasts?" She giggled flirtingly. She pressed herself right up against the brunette. "You can touch them if you like."

Faith moaned. "I'm here with someone." She whimpered.

"I won't tell anyone, if you don't." She licked her lips, then dived straight for Faiths. They began to kiss passionately.

  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  

Kate smiled her thanks at the bartender and held the glasses of drink in her hand with skill. She walked over to where Faith and herself were sitting, she almost dropped the drinks when she saw some blonde straddling Faith, and they were kissing. Then Faith started to struggle, her hand reached under her back grabbed a hold of something. The blonde moved her head down to Faith's breasts, the brunette had her head thrown back in pleasure and her breathing was harsh.

Kate saw it before the blonde even knew what was happening. Faith slammed a stake into the left side of her back. The vampire screamed and burst into dust, Faith sneezed and looked up to see Kate staring with an open mouth. Kate sat down quickly, brushing the dust off the seats.

"You're bleeding!"

Faith looked down, the vampire had bitten the top of her breast. It wasn't deep, but it was bleeding a lot.

"Shit, that fucking bitch ass, mother-fucking vampire."

Kate's mouth dropped open. "Faith!"

Faith grinned sheepishly. "Sorry, it's the rush I get."

Kate pulled out a tissue, knelt down on the booth's leather seats and reached out towards the brunette. She gently pressed the tissue against her breast.

"Hey I can do that myself, you know." Faith whispered huskily into Kate's ear. "But I don't mind you doing it. It feels kinda n-" Kate put her hand over Faith's mouth.

"Stop right there, Faith. Don't say anything else. You'll regret it, or I will."

Faith pulled back, she had a wide grin on her face. She watched as Kate softly pressed on her heaving breast, she didn't realise that Faith had a very strong sense of smell. Kate was perspiring and her heartbeat was erratic. She pulled back.

"There. All better."

"Thanks sweetie. I don't know what I would've done without you." Faith grinned.

"How'd you know she was a vampire?"

"Slayer Sense, it's a thing." The brunette winked. "So you wanna tell me what happened?"

Kate sighed. She relented. "Ok, so I'm in the bathroom thinking 'She's hot, but young.' I'm a detective, I can't. That kinda thing. Then she walks in and pushes me against the wall. Michelle says – Ok, I was thinking more on the lines of 'your place or mine' but this is just as good. I'm like – No! I mean, I can't, you can't.

"Cut a long story short, she did end up convincing me. We got on so well, she moved in with me for about six months. By the end of the sixth month one of my friends called me and said they had seen Michelle with some guy, getting hot and heavy in a club. The time that she was out was right, she'd told me she'd gone to visit her mom at a nursing home, but she'd been screwing me around.

"We had a huge fight when she came home. First she was denying it, then after a while into our 'chat' she admitted that she had, but only because she wanted a normal relationship. Apparently what we had wasn't. I should have known she was too young. She told me that we should never have had sex, that we should have just stayed friends. I said, what if I want more then that? What if I can't just be a friend? She said, well then I guess I'll have to leave. She took her stuff and left. That was a month ago. I haven't seen her since and I can't say that I miss her." Kate sighed and downed her drink.

"It take's a while getting used to living on your own again, doesn't it?" Faith asked, she took her hand and rubbed her thumb over it comfortingly.

"Sure does."

"Well, you can get used to me now."

  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  

"I think the park would be a good place to slay, it's dark and vampires would probably see it as their feeding ground." Faith and Kate walked out of the club linking arms.

"Park it is then."

Twenty minutes later they were sitting on a bench, Faith was twirling a stake around in her palm nonchalantly. "So you thought it was love? With Michelle?"

Kate nodded.

"I thought it was love for me too." Faith looked down at the stake.

"Who-?" Kate turned sideways so she could see her.


Kate looked down at her feet. What was it with that girl?

"I guess she was the only one who treated me with at least a bit of respect, aside from my late Watcher. When I realised I was falling for her, I didn't like it one bit. I guess I hated her as much as I loved her. I loved to fight with her, I loved it even more when we-" Faith jumped up from the bench and sprinted over to a group of trees.

At first Kate was confused, but then she saw a vampire walking out from the woods, he tensed as he saw Faith running directly towards him. Kate sat on the bench watching Faith as she kicked him squarely on the chest, then brought her fist down on the back of his neck. He fell to the ground and she kicked his chest, sending him flying across the forest, he collided with a tree and stood up as she crossed the distance to get to him. She right hooked him, sensing another vampire behind her she thrust an elbow backwards, knocking him squarely on the nose.

She dusted the first one, then turned around to the second, thrusting the stake behind her. He was holding his broken nose and howling in pain. His eyes widened in surprise as he saw the stake in his chest. He burst into dust with a scream. Faith slid the stake into her back pocket and dusted her hands, looking pleased with her work. She looked up at Kate and grinned. She sat back down on the bench, breathing hard.

"Man! I absolutely love that feeling. I get so wound up- it feels so good when I win." Her chest was rising and falling with each breath, Kate found it hard not to stare at her hard nipples. She looked at the brunette and saw her staring at her. Kate cleared her throat.

"So you were saying about Buffy?"

Faith shook her head, still grinning. "Yeah, well. I guess I realised only recently Buffy would never love me. She deserves people like Willow, Xander- that beefstick she's dating at the moment. They all help her live a relatively normal life. What she had with me was-"

"She had something with you?!" Kate asked, surprised.

"Well... slaying makes you kinda worked up. Two hormonal, horny girls and her bedroom... you join in the dots." Faith laughed at Kate's open mouth. "Be careful, you might let some flies in there." Kate closed her mouth. "Anyway what we had was only a hormone thing for her, it didn't matter if I wanted more. Buffy always calls the shot, that's one thing you learn about her. If I manage to fuck her, I would be lucky to get anything back. But I didn't mind. I was with her, fucking her so hard she could only scream, I didn't care about anything else. Until she decided that she didn't want anymore.

You're the only person who knows apart from Buffy and me."

Kate took her hand. "This way you're better off without her. She used you Faith, you do realise that. She needed someone to cure that itch and you happened to be there."

Faith nodded. "I guess in my head I imagined it to be more than just sex when, in reality, that's all it was."

"Besides, she didn't deserve someone better, you do." Kate looked into her eyes, searching them for signs of her feelings. "You deserve so much better than what you received from her, she played you."

Faith turned away. "Don't try to stir up my anger, because that's where this is leading. Besides, Wesley made me see it. I'm a piece of shit."

"No! Fuck, no Faith. You are not a piece of shit. Everything bad that happened to you made you angry, made you act irrationally. You were lost and you hated yourself. I don't want you to hate yourself, I don't hate you, so why should you?" Kate cupped her cheek. "From what Angel told me, it was Wesley's fault that you ended up the way you did."

Faith nodded. "I guess so."

"What you felt with Buffy was only lust, you need someone who feels the same about you." Kate caressed her cheek lightly; Faith raised her eyes and looked into the blondes.

"Do you?" She whispered.

Kate never got a chance to answer her; a red haired vampire leapt up onto Faith's lap and began to punch her. Kate stood up and pulled the vampire off her, the vampire kicked out and hit her directly in the stomach sending her back against the bench, making her bump her head on the wooden seat. Faith balanced herself on her hands and kicked out with both her feet, the vampire fell onto her back. The brunette jumped onto her and sat astride her waist, she delivered punch after punch into her face.

She was so absorbed in breaking her jaw that she didn't hear another vampire creeping up behind her. He kicked her in the back, sending her sprawling across the ground. Faith cried out in pain and clutched onto her back. She grunted as she stood up, trying to mentally block out the pain as she headed straight towards the vampires. The girl vamp was just about to drive her teeth into Kate's neck when Faith stabbed her in the back, she then turned around and jump-kicked the guy vamp in the head, he fell over and she was on him in an instant, thrusting the stake into his chest.

As she looked down at the dust, she felt her legs give way. Pain was blazing across her back with every movement, she looked up to see Kate moving slightly. They hadn't gotten a chance to kill her. Kate stood up and rubbed her neck, she looked over at Faith.

"Oh god! What happened?" Kate knelt down beside her.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Faith groaned, flapping Kate's hands away as she tried to sit up. "I just pulled a muscle when he kicked me over. Slayer healing means I'll be fine by tomorrow." Faith cried out as she felt her back twinge and fell back down again. "Or maybe the next day."

"Try and stand Faith, we have to get out of here. It's not safe, especially when you're in this condition." Kate helped as best she could, trying not to wince every time Faith cried out in pain.

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