Title: Willow and Spike
Author: Luisa
Email: luisa_barros@hotmail.com
Category: Willow/Spike (although all the major BtVS make appearances)
Rating: PG13, I guess.
Description: The characters interact with interesting consequences. All dialogue.
Disclaimer: Joss Whedon owns all.
Dedication: To James Marsters, my favourite actor on Buffy, the Vampire Slayer.
Spoilers: None, unless you haven't seen Season Four.
Comment: It's my fictional take on what could have happened in Season Four. I prefer the ending that the writers came up with, but!, this is mine. ;-)
"Right. As if I wasn't bored enough."
"Yeah. *Bored*."
"Do you feel it?"
"Feel what, *mate*?"
"The chip inside your head. Floating, multiplying-"
"Shut the fuck up!"
"You have no imagination."
"Oh I do.Want a taste?"
"Calm down. We're partners."
"Look, *Adam*, I agreed to this sodden scheme, cause I want the thing out, alright? That's it."
"You keep up your end of the bargain…"
"I *am*! You know what the flipping Watcher has for brunch, for Christ's sake! I'm not cut out for this lurking business!"
"Patience, my friend. Patience…our time will come."
"Oh bugger it. You're not gonna get lyrical, are you?"
"Spike, I need your loyalty. Prove to me that you're one of us."
"I'm one of nothing, you wanker! *Nothing*! Now I've done my fair share of the dirty work. GET THE FUCKING CHIP OUTTA ME!!!"
"Will that satisfy you…"
"You are a confused mass of hysteria. Almost as human as *they* are."
"Leader bullshit. Don't feed me that crap, I'm no sodden minion."
At the crypt.
"Spike, I can't stay over tonight. Buffy's-"
"Yeah…guess you're not as oblivious as you want us to think."
"I choose my degree of oblivion…it's more comfy."
"Come here. Drop your bag on the floor."
"Come here, *please*. Drop your bag on the floor, *won't* you…"
"He shrugs. Why do I even bother…"
"Red, come to me."
"How was your day, pet?"
"Erm, just a day. One minute after the other. Tic-tac…"
"Sounds like mine. Now *that's* scary."
"I guess. But it's OK."
"What is?"
"Days. Coming back here makes them alright."
"Does it?"
"Do you have doubts…"
"Nah. Just wanna hear you say it."
"Why is it so important that I say it?"
"I can't read your mind."
"Want me to teach you, I can sp-"
At Xander's.
"Another oh-so-quiet night at Xander's."
"Are you bored?"
"You think?"
"Anya, what do you wanna do?"
"*Happen*! I want something to happen!"
"Like what?"
"We get that every night…"
"Not *that* kinda action. Though that's a lotta fun too."
"Gee thanks."
"I mean kicking and punching."
"Well, when Adam gets off his steely ass and strikes-"
"He's sure taking his sweet time."
"Honey, taking over the world's a delicate process. There are stages."
"Oh? Like what?"
"Printing flyers, sending out scary threats, smirking evilly…that kinda act."
"I thought he'd already done all that."
"Well, you can't overstate it."
"Well, you can't overstate the horrors of waiting either…"
"Wanna play Scrabble?"
"No. You never let me use my foreign languages."
"That's cheating."
"No, that's being inventive!"
"Hon, let's just enjoy the peace…"
"Peace sucks. Make war, not small talk."
At Giles'.
"And for once you've snapped out of composure-"
"No time for flippancy, Buffy. This is worse than anything we've ever faced."
"Where are the others?"
"I *don't* know! Out there, somewhere…"
"Oh my God, fighting?!"
"No. At home. Xander's with Anya, Will's with Spike-ugh-."
"With Gray, I think. They have a plan."
"I hope it does justice to the sheer brilliance of the military…"
"I don't know about that…"
"Makes two of us. Let's go."
"Where, Giles?"
"To get the others, Buffy! Are you *on* something?"
"No, I just don't see how they can help."
"That's the most heartless thing I've ever heard you say."
"Giles, I'm thinking of *them*, not me!"
"So you say."
"Buffy, we are a team. A whole body. You're the head, we're the several limbs."
"Severed limbs, if you're not careful."
"Quite. But careful's not the same as oblivious."
"It is to your *mate*, Spike."
"Buffy, he refused the world."
"Adam offered him a deal he couldn't refuse, so he refused it."
"Yeah right."
"It's true!"
"Giles, Spike's a master of lying his way into people's trust. He 's a…*SNAKE*!"
"The truth hurts."
"No, your particular brand of scepticism does."
At Adam's.
"This is the day, friends. The overthrow of all oppression. The war to end all wars."
"Blah, blah, blah…"
"I know you've been waiting for this. Patience and order, friends."
"Fanging and gutting."
"There is no room for chaos."
"Oh it'll *make* room, don't worry…"
"Humans are the scourge of this world. They do not deserve to live, let alone rule."
"And you do, I guess."
"You are my brave soldiers and I am your leader."
"In your sodden dreams."
"Every vampire who has ever been injured, every demon who has ever been persecuted, every werewolf ever trapped in a cage…YOU ARE FREE!"
"Listen to the rabble. *Wankers*."
"My right-hand man has brought news of the Slayer's movements. We are now prepared to fight and take over. AND SO WE SHALL!"
"If the Slayer's off polishing her nails somewhere."
"Spike, why don't you say a few words to our army?"
"Oh, I'm all eagerness…Mates, go out, have a merry time…Mind women and children, cause they're the sodden future. Oh and if you see a redheaded witch, HANDS OFF!, she's mine. One false move and I'll yank out your liver through your eyesockets. Thank you."
"Thank you, Spike…that was quite, erm, inspiring."
"Mate, our deal ends here. Chip off."
"Spike, it *is* off. Disconnected. You're free."
"Yes. You did your part, I've done mine. We part ways."
"Bloody hell…SPREE TIME!"
"Spike, where have you *been*??? I was worried sick!"
"Just enjoying the world...getting smokes."
"This would the perfect night for you to kick the habit. Buffy came here, she was frantic. Adam's got himself an army, they're coming down on us tonight!"
"Can you at least *pretend* you're afflicted?"
"Willow, the chap's less startling than a scurrying cockroach."
"Wow…that's reassuring."
"Love, don't go out there tonight."
"Even *less* reassuring. You're really yourself tonight, aren't you?"
"Pet, no time for cheek. Promise me."
"You don't know what you're asking. I'm a Scooby, I'm Buffy's friend. I engage in battle!"
"Willow! Listen to me, it's not the killing-machine I'm bothered about, it's the flipping vamps! They're out there going nuts. Take a night off, don't brawl…"
"I can't, Spike. If you love me, don't ask me again."
"Are you gonna help?"
"Good! Here's a stake, just in case. I guess Holy Water's not your instrument…oh, take this!"
"A flare-gun? To do what, add the party fireworks?"
"We always carry one of these. It's a Giles thing. Sorta like the Batman sign in the sky."
"Smashing. Comics're us."
"Come on!"
"Xander! Plus Anya! Where's Buffy?!"
"Huh? She's..."
"*Was*...right behind us, hon."
"Probably off dusting, mate."
"Spike, what are you-"
"Mate, I need a word. Take care of Red for me. I'm gonna track down the Insufferable Hulk."
"But Buf-"
"She can't do it on her own, remember?"
"Dear God... is this a soul I see before me?"
"Yeah, if you're knockered. Anyway, use your fists. Don't let anyone near her."
"OK, I got it. Go!"
"Yeah, Watcher, hold your horses!"
"Give me a hand!!!"
"Bloody hell..."
"Look, *mate*, this one's too old to be tasty, alright? Just quit it."
"Spike. Still the same *backhanded* drop-out! You never learn, do you?"
"Care to teach me, moron?! GO ON! Show us some fun!"
"Right, bloke's paying for my dry cleaning."
"You've j-just--"
"Dusted. Guess not then."
"How do you feel..."
"Barrel of chuckles. Let's go."
"Sorry about that. Wrenched your shoulder, did he?"
"Partially. Ahh..."
"Here. Let me."
"Spike, NO! AHHHHH!"
"Feel better?"
"Yes, actually. Quite astonishingly..."
"A bit of my own medicine, not to be smug or anything..."
"No, of course not..."
"Gray! Over here!"
"Willow. You're in one piece."
"Sorta. I feel like sneezing."
"Vamp dust got into my air pipes."
"Oh. Bless you."
"I haven't sneezed yet."
"Quite a night out…huh?"
"Willow, this is unsafe turf. Maybe you should-"
"Stay? Yeah. I think so too."
"No, I-"
"How's the mission going?"
"What mission?"
"Well…you're a gun-toting, army-clad soldier-of-few-words. There's gotta be a mission."
"Take down the Hostiles."
"Our terms for butt-ugly guys who growl and foam at the mouth."
"I prefer Hostiles…"
"OK. Where's Riley?"
"At work while I socialize."
"Oh sorry, I didn't-"
"No, *I'm* sorry. I didn't mean that the way it sounded."
"Let's go off somewhere and kick ass. Get rid of remorse."
"This is like the end of the world and we're in laugh-mode."
"Is there a better time…"
"Xander, what are you doing?"
"Drinking. I'm thirsty."
"It's the Apocalypse!!! And you're into Energize…?!"
"Anya, I drink in the face of danger. This is old news."
"Old news?! We're in a ghoul-infested area surrounded by, uh, ghouls!"
"I have a flare-gun."
"So…nothing. But I still have it."
"OK, OK, what do you want me to do?"
"Can't you come up with anything more…nourishing?"
"Hm…not bad."
"For an ex-demon in recovery, you really have no self-control."
"That's your department, apparently. *Human*!"
"Anya, it's a nice night. Just relax and enjoy."
"Relaxing and enjoying probably."
"That's it! I'm gonna find the others and give them a hand!"
"Buffy told us to stay put. My collarbone's still sore from her persuading tactics."
"Buffy thinks she's a Titan."
"A what?"
"A Titan! Carrying the world on her shoulders!"
"Well, actually it's more like-"
"Where's *Will*?"
"So much for relaxing and enjoying…"
Next Chapter