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     Splashdown - "(Paradox) Games You Play"
     (läuft im La Brea, während Cordy mit Wilson spricht)

     Acceptance in respect to how you say your prayers
     To one from whence we came who has no name
     As branching factions fractal in symbology
     A oneness which breaks unity from roots which claim we're all the same 

     If "every opposition carries within it the seeds of agreement"
     Then "the brighter your virtue the higher you'll rise" 

     So if your past approaches you
     Preaching comfort, don't be fooled into a war you'll lose
     Keep still and she will pass you sooner
     And if it's silence that you fear
     Yet you pray the noise will clear your mind
     Keep still and let the unknown tear you from your thoughts
     And set you free from the games you play 

     Acceptance in respect to how you live your life
     For you and only you may bear your weight
     As branching factions fractal in philosophy
     Your oneness may seek unity in centered stillness -- unnamed faith 

     Shayna R. NuDelman  - "Deeper than a Milkshake"
     (läuft als Cordy ihr Radio anschaltet)

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Angelegt / Geändert: 19. März 2001 / 26. März 2001

Design & Text © 1998-2001 by GL
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