
Lie to Me

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Texte frei nach Gehör zusammengestellt von Lesley Remencus (Buffy Music Site). Nähere Informationen zu den Interpreten, Bezugsquellen für die Alben gibt es am angegebenen Ort oder hier.

     Willoughby - "Lois, on the Brink"
     (während Xander, Willow und Ford Pool spielen)

     Look him in the eye and tell him it's fine
     Say it's all in her mind
     And it surely will be better soon
     Cause right now things are wild
     She's sure that the ceiling is cottage cheese
     And it's clear that she's higher than the moon

     Lois, on the brink of reality, is here
     She can't remember her name
     Lois, on the brink of reality, is here
     Will she go insane now

     She's lost all sense of time
     She's drifting away into limitless space
     And her black eyes see brighter than the sun
     And suddenly she's fine
     She gives me a hug as we lie on the rug
     And our evening has only begun

     Lois, on the brink of reality, is here
     She can't remember her name
     Lois, on the brink of reality, is here
     Will she go insane now

     Lois, on the brink of reality, is here
     She can't remember her name
     Lois, on the brink of reality, is here
     Will she go insane, insane

     Ooh, hoo, hoo

     Sisters of Mercy - "Never Land"
     (Wird gespielt als Ford seine Freunde besucht. Der Titel wurde
     aber im Original nur bei der ersten Ausstrahlung verwendet. Auch in
     der deutschen Fassung wird stattdessen ein Song von Sean Murray und
     Shawn Clement gespielt.)

     I had a face on the mirror
     I had a hand on the gun
     I had a place in the sun and a
     Ticket to Syria

     I had everything within my reach
     I had monkey and stuff
     Each and every call
     Too much but never enough
     Tear it up and watch it fall

     Reptile - "Creaming Jesus"
     (während Xander, Willow und Angel den "Vampirclub" besuchen)

     The one hungry life
     My life with the other
     She starts to smile
     She smells like a lover

     Something inside
     Keeps telling me to hide
     As she turns and smiles
     Like a reptile, like a reptile

     She smells like a wife
     She smells like a mother
     She smells like a sister
     She smells like a lover

     Something inside
     Keeps telling me to hide
     As she turns and smiles
     Like a reptile, like a reptile

     Stay away from me
     Please stay away from me
     Please stay away from me
     Please stay away from me
     Please stay away from me
     Stay away from me
     Stay away from me
     Stay away from me
     Stay away from me

     Something inside
     Keeps telling me to hide
     As she turns and smiles
     Like a reptile, like a reptile

     Shhh... Shhh... Shhh... Shhh... Shhh...

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"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" (TM), its characters, and the Buffy logo are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, the WB Television Network, and Twentieth Century Fox. This is an unofficial site and not affiliated in any way with the aforementioned people or companies. The information on this, and adjoining, pages is provided solely as a resource for the audience of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". No copyright infringement is intended. You can find the official Site at

Angelegt / Geändert: 06. Februar 1999 / 12. März 2004

Design & Text © 1998-2001 by GL
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