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In dieser Episode haben die Vampire keine Verlußte erlitten. Dafür sind unter den Menschen mindestend drei Opfer zu beklagen. Ein Mädchen wird von Angel vor dem Bronze getötet, kurz bevor die Gang das Lokal verläßt. Die zweite Person, die Angel tötet, ist Jenny Calendar. Drusilla hat den Besitzer des Hündchens und vielleicht auch den Eigentümer des Voodoo Ladens getötet.

Quellen und Anspielungen


Spoiler Ecke

Unbeantwortete Fragen


Texte frei nach Gehör zusammengestellt von Lesley Remencus (Buffy Music Site). Nähere Informationen zu den Interpreten, Bezugsquellen für die Alben gibt es am angegebenen Ort oder hier.

     Morcheeba - "Never an Easy Way"
     (anfangs im Bronze)

     I think I slip the net,
     But I cut myself free.
     I'm not losing yet,
     So don't forget me. 

     I'll say it, replay it, and try tomorrow.
     I'll say it, replay it, and live with sorrow.

     You'd think I'd learn by now,
     There's never an easy way.
     I'll get through somehow.
     I'm on my knees to pray.

     You'd think I'd learn by now,
     There's never an easy way.
     I'll get through somehow,
     I'm on my knees.

     I'll admit I'm wrong,
     But I'm getting on track.
     I've been here too long.
     I'm under attack.

     I'll place it, replace it, and try to change.
     I'll place it, replace it, and rearrange.

     You'd think I'd learn by now,
     There's never an easy way.
     I'll get through somehow.
     I'm on my knees to pray.

     You'd think I'd learn by now,
     There's never an easy way.
     I'll get through somehow.
     I'm on my knees to pray.
     On my knees to pray.

     Puccini - "O soave fanciulla" [La Bohème, 1.Akt]
     (als Giles die Stufen hinaufsteigt und Jenny findet)
     Rodolfo:  O soave fanciulla, o dolce viso
               Di mite circonfuso alba lunar,
               In te ravviso il sogno
               Ch'io vorrei sempre sognar!

     Mimì:     Ah, tu sol comandi, amor!

     Rodolfo:  Fremon già nell'anima
               Le dolcezze estreme.

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"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" (TM), its characters, and the Buffy logo are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, the WB Television Network, and Twentieth Century Fox. This is an unofficial site and not affiliated in any way with the aforementioned people or companies. The information on this, and adjoining, pages is provided solely as a resource for the audience of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". No copyright infringement is intended. You can find the official Site at

Angelegt / Geändert: 16. April 1999 / 15. May 2004

Design & Text © 1998-2001 by GL
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