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1 - City Of... | 2 - Lonely Hearts 1 3 - In The Dark | 4 - I Fall To Pieces | 5 - Room w/a Vu
1 City Of... After giving us a run down of his life to bring those viewers who have never seen Buffy up to speed, Angel sits in a bar, apparently drunk. While mumbling to a man next to him Angel is secretly watching three guys chatting up two girls. As the group leave, Angel, Batmanlike, follows them outside. The girls soon realise their mistake when the guys take them down a dark alley and vamp out. Angel is too quick for them and, with the help of a couple of nifty stakes strapped to his arms, soon dusts all there and leaves. Not before he has revealed his true identity to the girls.

Returning to his new apartment, (complete with cool lift from deserted office to basement apartment and handy sewer access) he soon senses that he is not alone. He turns to find half Brachen demon, Doyle who fills in the bits of Angel's life that he left out at the beginning of the show. Doyle explains that he has visions of people in trouble and has been sent to Angel by The Powers That Be to help him connect with people. The visions, however, are a bit on the cryptic side and Doyle hands Angel the clues from his latest one a scrap of paper. Tina: Coffee Spot.

Angel arrives at the Coffee Shop and, after a difficult start, finally wins Tina's trust. Tina is heading for a fabulous Hollywood party and Angel goes with her. While Tina speaks with her friends, Angel hears a familiar voice and then sees a familiar face, Cordelia. Her father now bankrupt after 'forgetting' to pay his taxes for 12 years, Cordelia has come to L.A. to seek fame and fortune as an actress.

Tina and Angel soon leave, when they reach the basement parking lot two guys push Angel back into the lift and two more kidnap Tina. Angel soon extricates himself and heads off after Tina. Quickly seeing off the muscle, Angel takes Tina back to his apartment. Here she tells him that she has been seeing a guy called Russell who she thinks may have killed her friend Denise. Heading for the library to do some research Angel soon finds that Tina's suspicions are right. He returns to his apartment but Tina finds the scrap of paper with her name on it and runs out thinking Angel is working for Russell.

Tina heads for her own apartment and prepares to leave town. Before she can get away Russell turns up, vamps out and by the time Angel gets there it's too late. Russell meanwhile is moving on to his next victim, watching videos of the party he notices Cordelia and instructs his lawyer, Lindsey to find her.

Cordelia, meanwhile, is not finding L.A. as glamorous as she would like to make out. Her apartment is small and dingy, she only has one good dress and all she has to eat is sandwiches saved from the party. So when she receives a phone call to tell her that Russell (the owner of Russell Winters Enterprises no less) wants to meet her she thinks her luck has finally come in.

Cordelia arrives at his large mansion by limo and is reminded of her life back in Sunnydale. Being from Sunnydale though, Cordelia soon realises that big heavy curtains and no mirrors equals vampire and then that mentioning this was not a good idea. Just as Russell is about to feed Angel rushes in and saves her. He takes a few bullets but they get away with a little reluctant help from Doyle.

Russell is not too happy that his prey has been taken from him and arranges a meeting with his lawyers, Wolfram and Hart. While discussing how they will find Angel, the vamp himself walks in and kicks Russell out of the window into the blinding light of day.

Sitting in the dark on his own in the apartment Angel dials a number on the phone, when Buffy answers he replaces the receiver without speaking. His reverie is soon interrupted by Doyle and then Cordelia, who has decided that Angel needs a personal assistant and Angel Invesitagtions is born.

Episode guide
© Cider

Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox

2 Lonely Hearts Doyle interrupts Angel at his favourite pastime of brooding in the dark. It's Friday night and, as partying is never far from Doyle's mind, he tries to persuade Angel to hit the town with him. Angel remonstrates until Doyle conveniently has a vision of a nightclub and they head off out on the town.

Not really sure how the whole helping the helpless is going to work yet, the team split up to look for someone who may need help.

Although he's not very good at it, Angel tries to strike up a conversation with a female sitting at the bar on her own. Her name is Kate and she describes herself as a self-flagellating slut.

Cordy helps by handing out the new business cards that she has designed. Doyle sticks close to Cordelia of course, and when a guy gets the wrong idea about the business cards and starts hitting on Cordelia he only makes things worse. Noticing the fight that has broken out, Angel leaves Kate and comes to the rescue. The bartender kicks out the offending parties and Angel, ignoring Kate, starts talking to another girl.

Meanwhile, a couple who have been flirting at the bar leave the club and head for the bedroom. The next morning, she gets dressed leaving her partner lying in a pool of blood.

Not believing that they can have been sent to the D'oblique just to break up a bar fight, the team search the web for any clues. D'oblique appears to be the link to several missing people so that night Angel heads back there. Meeting Kate outside he apologises for being so rude the night before and then warns her not to go in to the bar. She ignores him and goes in anyway, closely followed by Angel himself.

The girl from the night before is sitting at the bar and now flirting with a new guy. As they leave Angel overhears a conversation about a missing guy. Quizzing the bartender, he discovers that Shannon, who has just left with victim no 2, was with the missing guy the night before. Leaving the club, Angel finds Shannon's address in the phone book and heads off to her apartment.

At Shannon's apartment the two have just made love, as they cuddle up a demon emerges from the girls body and enters the guy's. Angel gets there just time to see the demon disappear into the man as he pulls on his clothes. The demon needs a host body to survive and is searching for the right one, so far it has been unsuccessful. Angel fights the demon, but it gets away and before he can follow, Kate bursts into the room brandishing a gun and announcing she is LAPD.

With a body on the bed, things don't look too good for Angel, and no matter what Angel says, Kate continues to believe that he is the killer they have been looking for. Not being able to convince her with words he knocks her down and jumps out of the window, where the demon has been hiding on the window ledge.

Meeting up at Cordelia's run down apartment, Angel tells the team that the demon is a Burrower (not a donkey) and they get into research mode as Angel heads back to the club. Meanwhile the demon has found his next vicitm.

After a hard nights research Doyle and Cordelia have discovered that the demon is a Talamour demon that can be killed by fire, something it and Angel have in common. Angel calls Kate and arranges to meet her at the club. Although she still believes he is the killer she agrees to meet him. While she waits the bartender tells her that he has seen Angel outside, she walks to the alley followed by the bartender who is the demons new host body. Angel arrives as the demon tries to transfer itself to Kate, during the ensuing fight the bartender manages to lock Angel and Kate in the basement.

As Angel and Kate try to get out, the Talamour searches for another victim, not having any luck, he grabs a girl and drags her into an alley. Having shot their way out of the basement, Angel follows and fights the demon. It's a tough fight but Angel manages to throw the demon onto a burning trashcan. As the burning demon approaches an exhausted Angel, Kate shoots.

Back at the office, trying to be nice, Angel suggests that he, Cordy and Doyle go for an evening out, but they leave him to sit and brood in the dark alone, for which he is truly thankful.

Episode guide
© Cider

Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox >

3 In The Dark The second part of two part Buffy/Angel crossover, the first part being Buffy's Season 4 episode The Harsh Light of Day.

A young girl is being chased down an alley by her boyfriend who eventually corners her and pulls out a gun. Angel arrives in the nick of time and saves her life. As Angel speaks with the girl, Rachel, Spike looks on from a rooftop and mimics their conversation.

Back at the office Cordelia is celebrating their first invoice when Oz walks through the door. They take him downstairs to see Angel where he produces the ring of Amarra. A ring that will render the wearer (if he is a vampire) unkillable. Buffy has taken the ring from Spike and sent it to Angel with Oz for safekeeping. Whilst Doyle is thrilled by the idea, Angel is not so enthusiastic, while the others go out for lunch he hides it in the sewer tunnels.

The next day Rachel contacts Angel to ask for his help again, as Team Angel walk to his car Spike jumps out on them and the two vampires fight. Spike, it seems, has a plan to get his ring back from Angel, but as usual he couldn't wait. Angel gets the better of the fight this time and tells Cordelia to stay at Doyle's.

While Angel speaks with Rachel, Doyle rings round his contacts to try and locate Spike. Following Doyle's leads, Angel soon finds Spike, but this time his plan has panned out and, with the help of another vampire Marcus, Angel is captured.

They take Angel to a warehouse where he is chained to the ceiling and the charming Marcus proceeds to torture the information out of him whilst listening to Mozart. Angel knows a bit about torture himself though and is saying nothing. Getting bored again Spike goes of to find the ring for himself. At Angel's apartment he bumps into Doyle and Cordelia who have become concerned as to Angel's whereabouts. Not having had any luck finding the ring himself, Spike tells Doyle and Cordy to come up with the goods or their favourite vampire gets dusted.

Doyle and Cordelia, however, have a cunning plan of their very own. Finding the ring, with a bit of help from Doyle's demon ring smelling powers (handy skill) they head off to meet Spike and make him take them to the warehouse. When they get there Cordelia tosses the ring into a patch of sunlight, as Spike goes for it Oz charges into the warehouse in his van, they grab Angel and are gone. When Spike looks for the ring he finds it and Marcus gone too.

As Angel lies in pain in the back of the van, the gang discuss what to do next, Angel, however knows that Marcus has the ring and that he has a passion for children so he tells them to turn back. As they arrive at the pier, Marcus, wearing the ring, is walking towards a group of children. Despite the glaring sunlight Angel dashes out of the van, grabs Marcus and hurls them both into the sea.

In the water and under cover of the pier, they fight, Angel manages to spear Marcus on a large plank of wood and, while he is impaled, grabs the ring from him. Marcus explodes into dust. Putting the ring on, Angel walks blinking into the sunlight for the first time in nearly 250 years.

Back at his apartment, Angel watches his last sunset and destroys the ring.

Episode guide
© Cider

Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox >

4 I Fall To Pieces Doyle's latest vision reveals that a Melissa Burns is in trouble.

Melissa is at her office when a huge bunch of flowers arrive for her from Roland. Angel seems to have got better at tracking down his next prospective client as he is waiting for her outside her offices and presents her with one of his cards.

Heading to an ATM, Melissa finds that her card number has been changed, Roland arrives and tells her that he has changed her numbers. Although Roland appears to think that he has an ongoing relationship with her, and appears to know way more about her life then he should, Melissa says she wants him to leave her alone. This last encounter has her turning to Angel for help. She tells Angel that Roland was her neurosurgeon and that she had one date with him. Since then he won't leave her alone and she feels like she is being watched all the time.

That night, as Melissa gets ready for bed, Roland sits in his office, detaches an eye and sends it into Melissa's bedroom.

Turning to Kate for help, Angel discovers that Melissa filed a complaint against Roland, but he denied the charges and his lawyers, Wolfram and Hart, have put a restraining order on Melissa. Kate agrees to have a Police Officer watch Melissa for one night. Next stop Roland's offices. Snooping around he finds an autographed book before he is discovered. He gives Roland a story about his wife needing treatment and asks Roland to call him if he can help no matter what the cost.

Angel soon locates the author of the book that he found and arranges a meeting. Angel learns that Roland has discovered a way to detach his body parts, however, if they remain detached they will become starved of oxygen and he will die.

That night Roland stands outside Mellisa's apartment, detaches his hands and sends them into her apartment. Waking, Melissa screams and the waiting cop rushes in to find nothing. As Roland watches, his hands becoming reattached, Melissa runs out into the arms of the waiting Angel. He takes Melissa back to his apartment where Doyle tapes up all the doors.

Angel soon gets the phone call he has been waiting for and heads of to Roland's offices. Roland, however, is on to him and when Angel arrives he fires a poisoned dart at him. Angel falls to the floor and Roland leaves believing him to be dead.

While Melissa sleeps, Roland, or bits of him, have found their way to Angel's apartment and attack from different points. As Doyle and Cordelia frantically try to fend him off he enters and his bits return to him. As he starts to attack Melissa, Angel returns and they fight. As Roland attacks Angel from all sides (literally), Angel manages to keep the pieces apart and Roland eventually completely falls apart. Angel keeps him that way by securing his parts in 12 steel boxes.

The next day Melissa returns and Angel Investigations have their first paying customer.

Episode guide
© Cider

Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox

Rm w/a Vu As Cordy rehearses for an audition, the phone rings at Angel Investigations and the ansaphone takes a message from Aura, an old friend of Cordelia's from Sunnydale High. Her life not really being all that she hoped it would be Cordelia is in no mood to start rekindling old friendships.

Back at her own apartment things are looking more grim than usual, and what's more it's riddled with cockroaches. Finally having had enough she arrives at Angel's apartment with a couple of suitcases. Angel looks on dumb founded, dripping wet from the shower and wearing nothing but a towel (take a moment) as she informs him that she is moving in until she finds another apartment.

Doyle meanwhile is having problems of his own, when a debt collecting demon arrives at his apartment wanting payment by way of Doyle's life.

The next day Doyle arrives at the office but is reluctant to tell Angel of his money troubles. Angel, sensing something is wrong, tricks him into telling him everything. He makes Doyle a deal, he will sort out Doyle's little demon problem if Doyle finds Cordy a new apartment.

After an unsuccessful spot of house hunting Cordelia agrees to see an apartment that Doyle knows of. They arrive to find that it is perfect in every way and Cordelia takes it. As they leave the apartment a face protrudes from the wall and watches them go.

Meanwhile, Angel finds Griff, the demon debt collector, at Doyle's place. After a fight Angel manages to get Griff to agree to payment in money rather than with Doyle's life.

That night, as Cordy lies in bed in her new apartment, the apartment takes on a life of its own. Knowing it was all too good to be true Cordy awakes with a start, the ghost of an old women appears and tells her to get out of the apartment. Cordelia refuses to leave.

The next day Angel and Doyle arrive to see how she is settling in and Angel soon realises that the apartment is haunted, mainly due to the objects that are flying round the room of their own accord.

At the office they hit the net and soon find that an elderly lady died in the apartment. As Cordelia will not agree to let the apartment go, they decide to try to cleanse the apartment and Angel and Doyle set off for supplies. It's not long before Cordelia gets a phone call from Angel telling her to meet him at the apartment.

Angel himself is visiting Kate at the Police Department where they find that the old lady's son went missing shortly after the woman's death. Since that time there have been a lot of suicides at the apartment. He calls Cordelia at the office but only finds Doyle and the message he supposedly left earlier. The two head to the apartment to find Cordelia.

They arrive at the apartment to find Cordelia with a rope around her neck and cut her down just in time. Angel starts the spell but the ghost is none too happy and creates a wind so strong the furniture is flying round the room. It's become too dangerous and they decide to leave just as Griff and his men burst through the door.

As Angel and Doyle fight with the demons, the ghost has Cordelia again and continues to tell her that she is worthless. By now Cordelia has had enough, there was no way she would have let this woman win a bitching session back in Sunnydale, she rallies round and gives the ghost as good as she got. The bitch is back.

With the ghost gone and the fight over, Cordelia rushes from the bedroom and begins knocking down a wall, as the plaster falls away they discover a skeleton in the wall. The lady appears again, but this time it's the 1950's and she is speaking to her son, Dennis, telling him that his girlfriend is no good as she buries him alive in the wall. As she finishes she has a heart attack and dies.

The wall now open and the spirit of Dennis freed he chases his mother from the apartment.

Phantom Dennis, however, is here to stay.

Episode guide
© Cider

Characters and Story
© Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy & 20th Century Fox

Page created, designed & maintained by Cider | Graphics by Angelus1753 | Written in Notepad, published by Homestead