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December 2005

26 December 2005

Watch DR Who Trailer Featuring Tony Head

Tony Head will appear in a forthcoming episode of Dr. Who and you can view the trailer at www.bbc.co.uk

Nathan Fillion's Christmas Message

The good Captain Tighpants himself has remembered the Browncoats this Christmas and posted a little message to us all on serenitymovie.com. Here's what he said:

"So, here we are. So much has happened recently and I feel this is the time to pause and reflect before the New Year starts slapping us around. We made the movie, it has come out on DVD just in time for that odd little Christian holiday where they celebrate not being fed to lions or something. It is number one on Amazon, and the old Firefly set is crawling back up the charts like a thirsty man in the desert towards a mirage. Does this make us better than anyone else? You bet it does. But it’s not the kind of better than that causes you to look down your nose at anyone. It’s more the kind that lets you pat someone patiently on the arm and say in a sanctimonious tone, "Mm hm, it’s alright. I’ll get you a copy of the movie and you can be cool, too. Just not quite as cool as me because I’ve been a Browncoat for sometime, now."

If you are like me, you watch the movie to assure yourself the future will be safe, you watch the extras to see old friends, and you listen to Joss’ commentary and shed a little tear over good times. Waht’s that? You don’t cry in the commentary? Well, just have an emotion chip installed, you robot, and refill your eye bags with saline.

Be well, Browncoats. Aim high, as we have all learned that nothing is impossible (except getting Jewel and Morena to stop fighting over who is prettier when we all know it’s me). Happy Holidays.

Nathan "Captain Tightpants" Fillion

Joss Whedon Posts on Whedonesque

In response to a recent article in Entertainment Weekly which stated that Joss had done with the Firefly universe, Joss posted on Whedonesque to clarify matters. Here's what he said:

All right, now I have to jump in and set the record straight. EW is a fine rag, but they do take things out of context. Obviously when I said I had ’closure’, what I meant was "I hate Serenity, I hated Firefly, I think my fans are stupid and Nathan Fillion smells like turnips." But EW’s always got to put some weird negative spin on it. But so we’re clear once and for all: If you read a quote saying "I’d love to do more in this ’verse with these actors in any medium" all I’m saying is that Nathan has a turnipy odor. It’s not his fault, he doesn’t eat a lot of them but everyone else in the cast noticed it and tht’s not really something I’m prepared to deal with any more. And Jewel said outright she wouldn’t do scenes with him except stuff like the SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER funeral scene which was outside in a high SPOILER wind. So if I do manage to find another incarnation for my beloved creation, it will have been totally against my will.

I hope that clears everything up. Oh, and when I say I want to do a Spike movie, it means I have a bunion on my toe.

- joss (by which I mean Tim)

(no, actually me.)

Joss Whedon Posts on the Release of Serenity DVD

Jos Whedon has posted on serenitymovie.com on the release of SErenity on Region 1 DVD. Here's what he said:

Post subject: It’s like Christmas in July... in December!

Yes, gentle viewers (and rough, burly viewers) (and viewers who are mostly gentle and kind and then one day WHAM! homicidal rage), it’s officially ’SERENITY comes out on DVD’ day. Last night as we slept, Santa rode around in his sleigh and delivered shiny, odd-looking DVD’s to all the good video stores (The naughty video stores got [insert movie you hate to complete witticism]). Everyone’s buying copies, the Whos down in Whoville are all joining hands and singing, the President has declared a National Holiday for himelf lasting four months (again) and all is right with the world except for war and famine and stuff like that. But let’s not dwell. What I’m excited about isn’t just that fans get their copies, or that the people who decided to wait till vid will pick it up. What I’m excited about is someone who has no idea what SERENITY is getting so bored they decide to give it a shot. When I worked in a video store centuries ago, my favorite moment ever was seeing a young girl watching the monitor where we’d thrown up "Holy Grail" and pulling at her mom’s sleeve laughing, saying "Look, mommy, they’re using coconuts!" Ahh, the classics.

All I can do is hope the stores display our little film proudly, and that we manage, in our own small way, to sell five hundred billion copies in the first twelve minutes. Reach for the stars, kids. Barring that, I hope that some day a small child will be tugging on a sleeve and saying "Look, Mommy, the intransigent moral rectitude of the antagonist’s world view renders him humble to the point of arrogance!" Kids are so cute.

Well, no news to give you; just wanted to take a moment to be with my peeps on this auspicious day. Have fun. You’ve earned it. Most of you. some of you are just cruising by on other people’s hard funwork. You think I don’t know!?! But let’s not dwell.

Smooches, -joss.

Watch an Unofficial Trailer for Date Movie

www.ifilm.com are showing a clip from Alyson Hannigan's new film Date Movie. You can watch it at www.ifilm.com.


24 December 2005

Four Kings Will Premiere in January

Seth Green's new series, Four Kings will premiere on NBC on 5th January 2006.

Bones & Smallville UK Air dates

For those of you who want to catch up with the actors who played our two favourite vampires with souls you can catch David Boreanaz' new series Bones on Sky 1 from 12th January 2006 & James Marsters' in Smallville on Channel 4 and E4 from January 2006.

Watch The Trailer For Mammoth & Campaign For It To Be Shown In The UK

You can watch the trailer for Summer Glau's new film, Mammoth at www.plinyminor.com. Go to 'Current Projects' then 'Mammoth'. The webmaster for Summer's Official Website, www.summerglau.co.uk has been in touch with the producers of the film who say they have no plans to show the movie at cinemas in the UK. However they would be interested in showing it on a chanel such as Sci-Fi. If you live in the UK and are a fan of Summer (or if you live elsewhere but would like Summer's UK fans to see this movie) you should contact the Sci-Fi channel and tell them how much you would like to see this film via their feedback page at http://www.uk.scifi.com/feedback.asp

Morena Baccarin In The OC (24 December 2005)

At the recent Big Damn Flanvention in LA, Morena Baccaring confirmed that she would be appearing in a few forthcoming episodes of the O.C.

Revolver Renamed Return

Sarah Michelle Gellar's new film, has been renamed The Return. Originally called Revolver the name change came when Guy Ritchie released a film of the same name. The film is due for release in September 2006.

Watch The Trailer for Imagine Me & You

Tony Head features in a new film Imagine Me & You which opens 27th January 2006. You can watch the trailer at www.apple.com


13 December 2005

New Film for David Boreanaz

David Boreanaz will appear in Alan Cummings forthcoming film, 'Suffering Man's Charity'. Alan Cumming will star in and direct the fearure which is due for release in 2007. David plays a struggling writer who is accidentally killed by Alan's character. Discovering David's unfinished novel, Alan completes it and takes credit for it, causing David to come back to haunt him.


9 December 2005

J August Richards Cast in New NBC Drama

J August Richards has been cast as an attorney in a new procedural drama for NBC, Conviction. The series will focus around the lives of young assistant district attorneys.

Sarah Michelle Gellar Will Star in the Grudge 2

It has been confirmed that Sarah Michelle Gellar will reprise her role as Karen Davis in the sequel to The Grudge. The film will be directed by Takeshi Shimizu who directed the original Ju-On as well as The Grude and filming will start in January.

Tony Head Nominated for Theatre-Goers Award

Tony Head has been nominated for Best Supporting Actor in the Theatre-Goers Choice Awards for 2006. Tony is currently starring alongside Richard E Grant in Otherwise Engaged. The production has also been nominated in the Best Revival Catagory. You can vote for Tony at www.whatsonstage.com

James Marsters Live DVD Available for Pre-Order

A DVD of James recent Words & Music performance in London, UK, is now available for pre-order via the James Marsters Live website. The DVD will be officially released on 17 January 2006

Eric Blafour in New Film

Eric Balfour - who played Xander's friend Jesse in the first 2 episodes of Buffy, can be seen in new movie, Lie With Me. Not only can he be seen, he can be seen butt-naked!


8 December 2005

Southland Tales Will Be Shown At Cannes

Sarah Michelle Gellar's new movie, Southland Tales (also starring Bai Ling) will be shown at the 2006 Cannes Film Festival

Shadow Puppets Will Go Straight To DVD

Bad news for James Marsters' fans wanting to see him on the big screen, it has been confirmed that his new movie 'Shadow Puppets' will go straight to DVD


November 2005

26 November 2005

Alyson Hannigan and Charisma Carpenter Talk About Working Together Again on Veronica Mars

Alyson & Charisma's characters on Veronica Mars in the latest episode. They both talked to E! Online and you can watch some of the video here.

Watch The Trailer for Voodoo Moon

Watch the trailer for Charisma Carpenter's new film 'Voodoo Moon'.

New Movie for Nathan Fillion

Nathan Fillion has been cast in a new romantic movie, 'Waitress'. The story centres around a pregnant waitress who develops an unlikely relationship.


20 November 2005

New TV Movie for CHarisma Carpenter

Charisma is currently filming a new TV Movie, White Silhouette, which will be aired in 2006.

Send a Winter Holiday Greeting to Andy Hallet

The Nude Chocolate Lorne Society have arranged for a Christmas (or Winter holiday for the politically correct) e-card to be sent to Andy Hallett. You can leave your message to Andy at http://veggieb2003.tripod.com/id35.html.

Greg Edmundson Thanks Fans For Their Support

Greg Edmundson, composer of the music to the series, Firefly, has posted his thanks to the fans for the support that has pursudaed Fox to finally release the Firefly Soundtrack. Here's what he said:

Dear "Firefly" fans,

I just wanted to take the time to say "thank you" once again for your kindness and for your support. I am still amazed that you remember the show after all this time. I can certainly learn a lesson in endurance from all of you.

For all of your very kind emails and all that you have done to get the soundtrack out -I thank you. miracles do happen, I think!!

Your friend

Greg Edmonson

composer for "Firefly"


15 November 2005

New Movie for James Marsters

Although James has turned down the opportunity to star in The Dresden Files, he will be appearing in Shadow Puppets due for release in 2006. The film centres around four people who find themselves in a lunatic asylum after experiments to erase their bad memories have gone horrendously wrong and instead unleashed a monstrous entity into the asylum.

Dowload David Boreanaz' Punk'd Appearance

Download David Boreanaz' recent appearance on Punk'd. Click the link then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on 'free'. http://rapidshare.de/files/7623004/david-boreanaz-punk-d-show-november-2005.wmv.html

New Sarah Michelle Gellar movie for 2007

Not one to take a break from work Sarah has signed up for another film to be released in 2007. 'The Air I Breathe' is based on an old Chinese proverb that breaks life down into four emotional cornerstones: Happiness, Pleasure, Sorrow and Love. The proverb speaks of these emotions, not as isolated fragments of feelings, but as elements that make up the whole of the human existence. Each of the four protagonists in this script is based on one of the four emotions; and like the proverb their paths are inextricably linked to each other...

Watch an Episode of Kitchen Confidential for Free

Fox may not be ordering any more episodes of Nicholas Brendon's new comedy, Kitchen Confidential, but they are still promoting it. You can watch an episode for free on their website at http://www.myspace.com/kitchenconfidential.

Kitchen Confidential Cancelled

Bad news for Nicholas Brendon fans, Fox have finally confirmed that they will not be ordering any more episodes of Kitchen Confidential - must be worth watching then.

How I Met Your Mother up fo People's Choice Award

Alyson Hannigan's new show, How I Met Your Mother, has been nominated in the 32nd People's Choice Awards in the Best New TV Comedy category. The show is up against 'Everybody Hates Chris' and 'My Name is Earl'.


11 November 2005

Joss Posts on Whedonesque

Joss has posted on Whedonesque to share his thoughts on just about anything and give us some rumours and allegations. Here's what he said:

It’s true! I want to post, but I suspect my post will appear as the actual link to my post. And this after having my own password e-mailed to me 17 times. But just so you know, I happen to be a swell cook. And when the internet has a ’smell’ function, you’ll be able to tell that I... oh God. That’s a horrible thought. ’Smell’ function? From every computer? I think I just destroyed society as a concept. Anythough, I’m counting on some administrative muckity to turn whatever this comes out as into a real post. From me to you, sweet thang. (That only applies to those of you that are sweet and thangy.) (But the others can read it too.)

So what’s up? Not sleep, sleep’s not up... But I’ve been wanting to check in and let you know what’s going on with me, Joss Whedon. In fact, there’s even a tiny scoop or two in here!

Well, first of all, what a blast I’ve had with the release of Serenity! $267 million at the box office — in Des Moines alone! Ten sequels lined up, March declared "National Serenity Awesomeness Month", Nathan made President for Life of Canada AND Greece (his will be a bloody and righteous rule), and Summer’s feet to be exhibited at the Tate, when she has time to stand around at the Tate. (She should bring a book.)

So, okay, maybe SOME of my expectations were a hair unrealistic, but I’m so proud of the movie and all my peeps, and we’ll drag it into the black (or take it out to the black) soon enough. That’s DESPITE the Scrooge-like apathy of people like Mike Alward — only one theater? Spread the wealth, pal! On the closest I ever get to a serious note, somebody should link his name to the Serenity site, ’cause they’ve been up in trying to find ways to bring people in and I think Mike really went to the mattresses there — to be rewarded with a fair amount of snark here.

I know there’s been some debate about the DVD art. Just remember it’s what’s INside that counts, as I used to remind girls in high school constantly. CONSTANTLY - until I realized that I was empty inside. Empty and homely. Man, that’s a rough combo. Where was I? O yea, the DVD. I will admit there were a few better quotes they could have used to sell the film, among them:

"A brilliant film with heart, humor, and outstanding action. It should sweep the Oscars." — Ron Notmadeupperson

"I’ve never seen a better film. In fact, I’ve never seen any film." — President Abraham Lincoln

"I want to take this film and cover it in oil and rub it all over my body" — Name Withheld (but it was Tim)

"This film has... events..." — David Denby

"And this isn’t my nose, it’s a false one!" - A Witch

And now on to the rumors and allegations section. Many of you want to know what the future holds. Anxiety, hurricanes, and Male Pattern Baldness. But maybe also some art-stuff, which is really what you guys are into. No, I don’t know anything about sequels, or spinoffs, or Nathan’s President for Life gig. I’ll keep my ear to the ground of course, but for now I’m just going to rest on my laurels (I have two). Oh! Oh! But I will tell you that Brett and I are talking about another three part comic, and it’s gonna be a hoot. Takes place during the show, and has some sweet character deaths — I mean moments! ("And what brings you to our ship, FutureTara..?") Sorry. Horrible taste. (Empty inside!) But wait’ll you see the cover...

Speaking of Darkhorse Comics, they are starting a new Buffy comic, and as I understand it, it will take place after the end of Buffy and Angel and be canon in the Buffy world. And I understand it that way ’cause I’M WRITING IT. I’m kicking off the book with a four issue arc that finds Buffy — you guessed it — living in Italy with The Immortal. (Scott — don’t be mad I spoiled the announcement — saying it means I have to finish it.) Then I’ll be overseeing the book more closely, to make sure it remains true. Gonna be interesting. And it just might tie in to...

The infamous Spike movie. Still haven’t finalized anything, but I feel that very soon I’ll be able to go to James and say something a lot more interesting than "Wouldn’t it be cool if..." ’Course, I just hope he’s free some time this decade. See how my peeps is all actifying! Tomorrow night is AMIAS, (that’s alias with Acker in it.) Happy. And totally jealous.

See, the Buffyverse glows in my brain with a new, overreaching arc that will include the comics, Spike, and more. It’s taking shape and soon you will know its name. And you will tremble.

Then of course there’s a little thing called X-Men, who are apparantly supposed to become astonishing again real soon. I miss me my Cassiday. Can’t wait to see the fan response when I kill Wolverine and replace him with fan-fave Marrow.

Well, I certainly can’t say much more, except that Wonder Woman is finally kicking ass that is not my ass, as in, I’m loving this script. She’s saving the world in a tiara, people; this is why there’s a me!

Oh, and there’s nothing on TV tonight. TV has been cancelled. Talk amongst yourselves. La la la la la....

Thanks for keeping the faith, bringing the news (I really do learn stuff here) and carrying the banner (That’s for us Newsies fans.) (Yes, I just typed that.) It’s been a bewildering few months, but the important thing is, the work continues. There’s a lot I’m looking forward to. ’Cause remember:

There was a show. Not that many people saw it in broad terms, but it was beloved. Full of humor, love and pain. And though it was a hard-sell emsemble piece with no huge names it in, it got made into a (roughly) 40 million dollar pic — and with the cast intact. That doesn’t happen a lot, but it should, and it did with this film. That’s right. I just cannot wait to see RENT.

Stay crunchy, even in milk...

- joss.

Summer Glau not attending Two by Two

Unfortunately, Summer Glau will now not be able to attend Irish convention, Two by Two. Jonathan Woodward will be taking her place, Irish fans watch out for communion Jonny Wallet style.

Joss Whedon on Buffy Cast's New Shows

Joss Whedon tells TVguide.com what he thinks of his former Buffy cast on their new shows: Here's what he said: Alyson Hannigan - How I Met Your Mother; "She’s as breezy and funny as anybody I know. She’s got this light sweetness about her that means she works beautifully in [a sitcom]". David Boreanaz - Bones; "He would do subtle things, comedic things [on Buffy]. It’s been gratifying to hear people say, ‘Oh, he’s really charming and he’s got this different kind of chemistry and it’s not just Angel at the FBI." Charisma Carpenter - Vernonica Mars; "She’s a stunner and can hit it out of the park." Nicholas Brendon - Kitchen Confidential; "It’s a good place for him to be the funny guy. But I think part of what makes Nick great as the funny guy is that there’s an edge to him. There’s a lot of leading man in Nick" James Marsters - Smallville; "Much of his intensity comes from his relentless thinking, and for him to tap into that is very cool.... All of my alumni are taking over the world!"

David Boreanaz gets Punk'd

David Boreanaz is the latest victim of MTV's Punk'd and will appear on the November 13th show.


1 November 2005

Amy Acker to Guest Star in 2 More Episodes of Alias

Amy is becoming quite the regular on Alias and will guest start in 2 more episode of Alias (6 & 7 of the fifth season) due to air in November.

Marti Noxon To Rewrite Sam Raimi Script

Marti Noxon is currently working on re-writing a script idea from Sam and Ivan Raimai. Marti told Sci-Fi Wire that the story, called The Curse, will be Evil Dead meets Buffy and will incudes, monsters, mental patients and a witch.

Chiwetel Ejiofor Has 2 New Films Lined up

Keeping busy as ever, Chiwetel has two new films lined up. Chewitel will join Clive Owen and Julianne Moore in Children of Men, and has also been cast in an independent film, Tonight at Noon (an updated version of Hamlet) alongside Ethan Hawke.

Alexis Denisof on Justice League Unlimited

Alexis has joined several of his fellow Jossverse actors in voicing a character for Justice League: Unlimited. Alexis will play the Mirror Master in forthcoming episode 'Flash and Substance' which is due to air in November.


October 2005

25 October 2005

Alyson Hannigan to star in Romantic Comedy Spoof

Alyson has just finished filming Date Movie, a new Romanic Comedy Spoof, which paradies movies such as When Harry Met Sally and Bridget Jones. The film is due for a 2006 release.

Watch the Trailer for Slither

Nathan Fillion's new film Slither will premiere 31 March 2006 and you can watch the trailer at www.apple.com/trailers/universal/slither

Win A Telephone Conversation with Amber Benson

www.aintitcoolnews.com, www.shocklines.com, www.cemeterydance.com and www.stephenkingnews.com have got together to bring you the Ghosts of The Albion Suggest a Ghost contest. You can enter through either or all of these sites and prizes up for grabs include signed copies of the new novel by Amber Benson and Christopher Golden, Accursed, t-shirts and a ten minute phone conversation with Amber Benson. All you have to do is suggest a figure from British history who could appear as a ghost in a future Ghosts of The Albion story. Here's the full sitch:

One winner will be chosen from each of those sites, and TWO winners will be chosen from entries made through www.ghostsofalbion.net. Each of those SIX winners will receive a free, personalized, autographed copy of the book. From those six, an overall winner will be chosen to also receive a free GHOSTS OF ALBION t-shirt, and a phone call from Amber Benson.

So what do you have to do? It’s simple, really. Suggest a figure from British history to be a ghost in a future Ghosts of Albion story. Your choice may be anyone who was British by birth or citizenship, who was famous or infamous enough for there to be at least some historical background available, and who died PRIOR to 1840. Please note the name of the deceased, the years of their birth and death, and, very briefly, your reasoning why you think that person would make an excellent choice for inclusion in GHOSTS OF ALBION. Also include your name.

Please note, only one ghost suggestion per person, PER SITE. That means you can enter once at each of the contest partner sites as well (with DIFFERENT SUGGESTIONS, of course). No one will win more than once. If the same person were to win at two different sites, the best of the two suggestions would count and the other would be disqualified. But entering different suggestions at the different sites gives you additional chances to win.

Amber and Chris will choose the suggestions they like best from each contest partner, and TWO from www.ghostsofalbion.net Of the final six, they will choose their absolute favorite to be the overall winner.

The contest begins on Thursday, October 20th, and entries will be accepted through Halloween-Monday, October 31st.

Meanwhile, don’t forget that GHOSTS OF ALBION: ACCURSED goes on sale Wednesday, October 25th. Pick it up for Halloween! And don’t forget that the prologue and first eight chapters are being serialized right now at www.ghostsofalbion.net Drop by for a taste.


20 October 2005

How I Met Your Mother Renewed

Alyson Hannigan's new series, How I Met Your Mother, has been renewed for another full season by CBS.

Bones Renewed

David Boreneaz' new series Bones has been renewed for another full season by Fox.

Save Kitchen Confidential

Fans of Nicholas Brendon's new show Kitchen Confidential are worried that the show may be cancelled although the newtwork has assured us that the show is on a break - not over. A petition to Fox has been started and you can sign it at www.petitiononline.com/04111987/petition.html.


16 October 2005

New Indy Film For Eliza Dushku

Eliza Dushku has been cast in a new independant film, Nobel Son alongside Alan Rickman, Bill Pullman and Danny DeVito

Joss Whedon Posts on Serenity Future

In the aftermath of the Serenity Release Joss posts his thoughts on the Serenity: The Official Movie Website. Here's what he said:

Post subject: Joss made a post from typings!

Hello, young lovers, wherever you are. This is Joss, coming to you live via technology. I thought it would be fair to give you all my little State of the Onion before I descend into the depths of the Warren to pound away at my keyboard, munch lettuce and ignore that annoying nerd Fiver who keeps saying something bad is coming, like he can tell or whatever. I'm excited to beat this Wonder Woman script into shape (and munch lettuce). Mostly, to be honest, I'm excited to (deliberately split infinitive) not be a Professional Serenity Barker. I love you guys, I loves me some Serenity cast, but I am yammered out. By Spain it just got surreal (I think Nathan and Summer will back me on that one). Selling is not my strong suit. Actually, my strong suit is Kevlar, but it bunches in all the wrong places.

So I have read much over the past weeks: we have Won! Lost! Triumphed! Failed! and have, of course, agreed with every single thing I read (one of the exhausting things about having no personality). But in the dark blue of early morning I do have some perspective, and it runs thus:

I'm very content. I think the movie is really good. That was hard to a)do and b) realize. The response has been terrific, the majority of the reviews extremely positive: people GOT IT. What's more, an impressive number of people saw this movie who never would have, and even more still will. This is not spin: I know we didn't do the expected numbers our first weekend, we didn't have an unprecedentedly small drop-off the second (which was my personal fantasy.) I've been to some dark places, just like you guys. But the movie has legs, and people who loved it LOVED it crazy, the way love is supposed to be. Europe has been a nice boost (and a lung-splitting shout out to my UK and Aussie UIPeeps -- they're dears, and efficient as hell). We'll keep soldiering on, until we can't crawl and we find DVD to carry us. I see us kind of like the Shawshank Redemption without all the Oscar nominations (unless Best Feet becomes a catagory). People who were befuddled by the title or lack of premise hook will finally pick it up, and keep picking it up... They may miss out on the big-screen exitement, but they'll see our little tale and take it to their hearts. Takes a while. Just like the show.

I've seen a couple of posts with Browncoats beating themselves up about not having done enough. I never want to hear that again. You guys have gone above and beyond above and beyond. The people who are above and beyond are looking at you guys and going "Man, don't they ever quit?" Your efforts, and your investment (emotional as well as tickety) have done an enormous amount for this film and my battered heart. No more self-flagellation, unless it's the healthy, what-every-young-person-needs-to-learn-about-their-body kind.

And what about Da Fyoocha? (And why did I need Arnold to say that?) I have no idea. It could be that this tale is told. Or it could be that down the line, dollars accumulate and some exec says, "let's spin that wheel again." Or who knows. I'm not resting my hopes on it, but it's not a concept I'll ever close the book on. In case the 30,000 reporters I told didn't get this message out, I love this crew like Nick loves Nora, like Hellboy loves Pancakes, like Bridgitte loves Bernie (and if you're old enough to get that reference, my condolences.)

Thank you all. I'll be in touch again, but I have an Amazon to rassle. Remember that this is not over; every dollar (or Euro) counts, every new convert is a friend for life. But don't fret too much on what's to come. Enjoy the remarkable things we've accomplished. You're Big Damn Fans. Have some lettuce.

All love, Joss.

Amy Acker Returns to Alias

Amy will return to Alias as a guest star on episode four of the fifth season which will air in the US on 20 October 2005


10 October 2005

Cool Money Released on DVD

Cool Money, the TV Movie starring James Marsters will be released on Region 2 DVD on December 5th. It is available for pre-order from www.play.com

Michelle Trachtenberg joins cast of Beautiful Ohio

Michelle Trachtenberg has joined the cast of Chad Lowe's feature directorial debut, Beautiful Ohio. The film is an adaptation of Ethan Canin’s short story "Batorsag & Szerelem,.

Jason Biggs Announces American Pie 4

Jason Biggs has announced that there will be a fourth installment of the American Pie movies. Entitled American Baby, the film would follow the story of Jason and Alyson Hannigan's characters now that they are married.

Joss Whedon reviews Vernonica Mars

Joss Whedon has certainly not hidden his love for Veronica Mars under a bushel and now he has reviewed the Complete Season 1 DVD on www.ew.com. Here's what he said:

"Veronica Mars: The Complete First Season

Reviewed by Joss Whedon

Last year, Veronica Mars’ best friend was murdered. Some months later, she was drugged at a party and raped in her sleep. Welcome to the funniest and most romantic show on TV, collected on DVD in Veronica Mars: The Complete First Season.

On the surface, VM is a simple Nancy Drew update: High School Girl Solves Mysteries. It’s impressive how well it works as just that, because week to week, nothing is harder to pull off than a genuine whodunit, and no show does it better than VM.

But obviously, it’s what lies deeper that not only makes the show remarkable but defines it. Mysteries are its central metaphor; Veronica solves little puzzles because she, like all of us, cannot unravel the bigger ones. Her life now turned upside down (additionally, her sheriff father’s been fired, her mother’s run out, and her True Love has inexplicably deserted her), she’s developed a knack for seeing through people and their inevitable fictions. She also has cameras, audio taps, and databases, courtesy of the reduced-to-private-detective dad she works for. She’s a super-sleuth, but the show never forgets that her power is born of pain, and that the kids who don’t need to see - or avenge - every secret wrong are actually happier and more well-adjusted. Yet our identification is always strictly with Veronica, the girl buffeted by the base duplicity of her peers and the unfathomable vagaries of her own heart.

The teen-soap element of the show is just as compelling as the season-long murder mystery. Nobody is who you think they are. Everyone shifts, betrays, reveals - through their surprising humor as well as their flaws. The show is filled with deft, glorious wit. Creator Rob Thomas and his scribblers give VM more laughs than many sitcoms, and they never grate against the emotional brutality. (So where’s a commentary, Rob? The extras are frustratingly thin.) Almost everyone in the ensemble shines, particularly Jason Dohring as Veronica’s hypnotically incorrigible nemesis, Logan, and the always impressive (Galaxy Quest, anyone?) Colantoni as Keith Mars, the world’s greatest dad. (Seriously. Greatest. There should be a mug.)

At the center of it all is Veronica herself. Bell is most remarkable not for what she brings (warmth, intelligence, and big funny) but for what she leaves out. For all the pathos of her arc, she never begs for our affection. There is a distance to her, a hole in the center of Veronica’s persona. Bell constantly conveys it without even seeming to be aware of it. It’s a star turn with zero pyrotechnics, and apart from the occasionally awkward voice-over, it’s a teeny bit flawless.

Season 1 works as mystery, comedy, and romantic drama, often simultaneously. But what elevates it is that in a TV-scape creepily obsessed with crime-solving, VM actually asks why. It knows we need our dose of solution as a panacea against the uncontrollable chaos of life’s real mysteries. And it shows, feelingly, that having the answers is never enough.


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