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History The small Southern California town of Sunnydale, originally colonised by the Spanish who named it Boca del Inferno (mouth of hell), was established in 1909 by Mayor Richard Wilkins I. For a small town it has many amenities, an airport, bus depot, Coffee spot, docks, a beach, and Ice Rink, ice cream bar Weatherly Park, Zoo, Natural History Museum, a school, Sunnydale High and two colleges, Crestwood College and Sunnydale UTC. A little more unusually it also boasts a magic shop, 43 churches, 12 cemeteries and it’s very own Hellmouth.

Sunnydale has seen many dark times, but in the main its residents seem to be able to explain away many of the strange occurrences and creatures that seem to gravitate towards the town. There are a few people who seem to know more about these happenings them others, the school librarian, Mr Giles, Principal Snyder, the police and Mayor Wilkins, who is a direct descendant of the original Mayor Wilkins (or actually the exact same guy). And of course the Slayer and her select group of friends.

The town has been hit by earthquakes, vampires, demons and witchcraft among other things. Check out History to find out what and residents to find out who. Visit Sunnydale High, where you will find details of the teachers and students that attended there and The Bronze to learn about the bands that played there.

Sunnydale High
The Bronze

Page last updated 24 May 2006 | Page created, designed and maintained by Cider | Graphics by Angelus1753 | Written in Notepad, published by Homestead.