Fic Details

Title: Secrets & Lies

Author: Gia

Rating: Adult; explicit sex

Disclaimer: Own nothing. All belongs to Joss, ME, Fox,

Pairing: Ultimately B/A. Has C/A and mentions of B/S.


Distribution: My site, EverySixSeconds; sites currently with permission to host my fics; all others please ask.

Author's Notes: Future-ish fic.

Originally posted: Jul 16, 2003

A Note about 'Secrets & Lies

I wanted to say thanks again for the feedback and encouragement from everyone who has read the story! It really meant a lot to me, particularly as this was the most ambitious fic that I've ever tried to write.

I'm not sure anyone is ever happy with what they write at the end; satisfied maybe or content, but more often than not you tend to look back on it and see the flaws and the things that would have been better if...

This fic is certainly no different! Yep, there are lots of things about this fic that if I could've/would've/should've done differently it would be a better story - I'd never say there's no room for improvement! But, if it entertained you, made you laugh or cry or smile (or even on the last chapter, roll your eyes!) then the time spent was worth it!

Thanks very much for reading!! *g*


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