o r i g i n a l . a r t i c l e s

The Dimension

- Bottom to Top: The Angel Episode Countdown
by Matt -11.24.04
[ mlee@blkswan.com ]

  And we continue the countdown...

Yes, it's the special feature that never ends.

#30 - Reunion
[episode 2.10]

Darla and Dru are out and about like a couple of Catholic School Girls hopped up on a sugar rush. Of course, it's more like a blood rush...not to mention they're about 500 years old combined. But we'll just let that slide. Hey, and Angel locks the W&H staff in a room with them so that the ladies can have a nice meal! Who says chivalry is dead?

#29 - - Lullaby
[episode 3.9]

It's another Darla episode! This time she decides not be a soulless selfish ho and actually stakes herself for her child. You know, I'd say that was a good thing except for the fact that we know how Connor turns out, and if she'd been around maybe he wouldn't have so many mommy issues.

#28 - Time Bomb
[episode 5.19]

Illyria is bending time, but don't blame her. It's not like she's getting a kick out of it or something. This one has some cool effects in it, especially that bad ass power-suckage gun.

#27 - Home
[episode 4.22]

The A.I Team takeover Wolfram & Hart. This should be interesting, and it is. It all leads to the last and best season of Angel. Hey Lilah, what's with the scarf? Is the wind CUTTING like a knife?! GET IT? GET IT? I'll be here all week, tip your waitress.

#26 - Conviction
[episode 5.1]

Hey, it's the very next episode! The Season 5 premiere was practically orgasmic, because it was such a change, and then at the end we see Spike has come back. It's all just happy-happy and all that, and it only gets better. Except for Harm's Way, Hell Bound and Unleashed. Those just sucked donkey nuts, and the donkey didn't even enjoy it.

Parts -> [16]   [15]   [14]   [13]   [12]   [11]   [10]   [9]   [8]   [7]   [6]   [5]   [4]   [3]   [2]   [1]


Atalanta: Good list, agree completely.
(07.05.2005, 09:28)

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