Wednesday, September 1, 2004
It's Wow-wee.

More News Bites are afoot. Go read or something, cause it' good for you...?

- Matt

An update so big, it's practically sacrelig on Wednesday

We have con reports!

Exclusive Oakland SlayerCon Q&A Notes from Kirsten! Here's the line-up...

- James Marsters (Sunday)
- James Marsters (Saturday)
- Stephanie Romanov
- Anthony Stewart Head (Sunday)
- Nick Brendon & Tony Head (Saturday)
- Clare Kramer
- Alexis Denisof

A new Divine Musings is up. Aeryn talks politics -- but probably not the way you think. Or maybe...or maybe not....or, I have no idea. Just read "Politics."

The Mythos Timeline has been updated. Dannyboy with the knowledge.

So to recap, Chew...

Articles: Divine Musings by Aeryn.
News and Info: Mythos Timeline by Dannyboy.
Articles: Con Q&A Notes by Kirsten.
News and Info: News Bites.

Thanks to Fiatlux for the Tony Head Con pic. Way more pics to come.

Pre-order Buffy Season 7 by CLICKING HERE. Just $38.99! Wow-wee!

SIGN-UP for HELLHOUND CON! Click HERE for more!

- Matt

"Radio Sunnydale"

"Music For Elevators"

"Once More, With Feeling"

For artwork that is out of this world, visit the 
Dragon*Con Store!


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