
Mixing Business With Fanfic will be taken down soon

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Announcements Spuffy Find-A-Fic Forum / Announcements /

Mixing Business With Fanfic will be taken down soon

Sotia PM
Forums Member

#1 | Posted: 24 Apr 2012 10:01
So...amongst the crazy that's been my life, I restarted reworking Mixing Business with Fanfic into an original. It's going to take forever, since I'm actually rewriting the whole thing--sloooowly--but I'll be taking it down from everywhere on June 1st.

This is your chance to save a Spuffy copy of it.

I don't know how often I'll be checking my email once baby comes, and I really don't want people to be sharing copies without my knowledge.

Melly PM
Forums Member

#2 | Posted: 24 Apr 2012 10:33
Thanks for the heads up and congratulations on the baby!

#3 | Posted: 24 Apr 2012 10:48
Yes, congratulations! And thanks for the warning. Will people be permitted to contact you directly for a copy after June first or is this story simply unavailable by any means after that date? We want to respect your wishes (and as a frequent exchange a fic participant I want to get it right). Thanks Sotia!
Sotia PM
Forums Member

#4 | Posted: 24 Apr 2012 13:45
Thanks, both of you

And SMac, people will always be able to contact me; I just don't know how often I'll be checking my email, so I thought I'd give readers time to get it now rather than let them wait later.

#5 | Posted: 24 Apr 2012 14:08
Okay, that's good. Then after June first if anyone asks for this fic as an exchange we can tell them to contact you directly then.
mhustler PM
Forums Member

#6 | Posted: 24 Apr 2012 19:50
Is there anyone who has a copy of this story that can email it to me? I dot know how to save it onto word unless it's copying every chapter individually and I don't really have the time for that right now cause I have stuff for work to do. Thanks to anyone for your help and thanks Sotia for the awesome story. I'd love to read the original wherever it gets published or sold or whatever. I'll buy it and read it.

#7 | Posted: 24 Apr 2012 20:26
Contact me through my contact here at TSR and I'll send you a copy in Word.
lozza312 PM
Forums Member

#8 | Posted: 24 Apr 2012 22:59
If you ever want to save a fic, at the top of the chapter there's usually an option to print, either the chapter or the story. Click on story, and a new internet window will open will the full story and you can highlight the full text and copy it into a word document that way.
This is for SR, but other websites like Elysian Fields or Bloodshedverse generally have the same feature, except which you can use FLAG for:

Hope this helps
Sotia PM
Forums Member

#9 | Posted: 26 Apr 2012 14:29
Okay, that's good. Then after June first if anyone asks for this fic as an exchange we can tell them to contact you directly then.

Thank you, SMac! Could you please add it to the do-not-exchange list?

And thank you mhustler for your kind words

#10 | Posted: 26 Apr 2012 15:15
I was going to add it to the 'don't exchange' list on June first if that's okay with you. If you want it added now (and treated as such) please let me know.
gopher101 PM

#11 | Posted: 26 Apr 2012 17:49
I was going to add it to the 'don't exchange' list on June first if that's okay with you. If you want it added now (and treated as such) please let me know.

I was just gonna ask that Smac.
Sotia PM
Forums Member

#12 | Posted: 27 Apr 2012 07:28
As long as you do so on June 1st, I'm okay Thank you again!
Sotia PM
Forums Member

#13 | Posted: 2 Jun 2012 09:12
MBwF has now been taken down. Please add it to the do-not-exchange list.

Thank you


#14 | Posted: 2 Jun 2012 13:39 | Edited by: SMac
Thank you for reminding me. I remembered there was a fic to put on there but for the life of me I couldn't remember which one! Whew.

Good luck with both original story and new baby, btw.

Edited to add: I apparently don't have the ability to add to that list so I sent a PM to Pari to do it for me. Regardless, we are taking care of it for you Sotia. Again, good luck. (and that was a great story, btw)
Sotia PM
Forums Member

#15 | Posted: 3 Jun 2012 07:20
It's okay, as long as it's added on there.

And thank you so much for your kind words, hon. New baby is taking up all my time, but I hope to finish reworking the story once we're settle into a routine.

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