June 19, 2002

Wanda, Herc, Site News

Wanda had a bit of Buffy in her chat this week. Nothing too spoilery, or at least nothing which hasn't already been mentioned.


Herc has a report from someone who attended the Buffy Night at the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. A couple of interesting spoilerly bits.

Sunnydale High will re-open at the beginning of the season, as well as the possibility of Giles being around a bit more this season.

Which begs the question(s). Will we see a return to the beloved old library, or will it be a new Breakfast Club-style setting? Who will play the sacrificial principal this season, or might we see a mystical return of the beloved Snyder? Will Amy's mom take up residence in the trophy case once again, or will Dawn face the horror that is the 'Student Talent Show'?

All kidding aside, I don't know if Sunnydale High will play a significant role in Season Seven. If it does, then it means that we'll be looking at a very Dawn-centric season. Which may or may not be a bad thing (and certainly one more indication, at least in my opinion, that the show's future could very well lie with Dawn).

New Stuff, Old Stuff Made New, Etc

Amazon.com is now beginning to offer action figures. I've included those at the shop, along with some new book releases (including two graphic novels from Dark Horse). They also have the Season Three DVD's listed, but they are unavailable for pre-order currently. You can submit an e-mail address and they will let you know when it's available. As soon as an official pre-order link goes up, I'll have it posted.

I've added License Plate Frames and Tile Coasters to the Site Shop as well. I also redesigned all the mugs with the actual "spoilerslayer.com" address versus the previous "The Spoiler Slayer". I've been working on a t-shirt design, and hopefully will have those available in a few weeks.

Finally, just to answer the numerous e-mails that I've been getting. The Buffy Formula is alive and well and living at it's own domain, buffyformula.com . I've updated the Site FAQ to reflect this.

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"Buffy The Vampire Slayer", "Angel", and "Wonderfalls" are TM and © (or copyright) to Fox and its related entities. "Dead Like Me" is TM and © (or copyright) to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. All rights reserved. Any reproduction, duplication or distribution of these materials in any form is expressly prohibited. This web site, its operator and any content on this site relating these shows is not authorized by the studios or their representatives. Product and other images on this site are provided by Amazon.com, through their affiliate program. They are not intended to, nor represent a "Passing Off" of said copyrights. Any other shows or sites mentioned are TM and © (or copyright) of their respective owners.