June 03, 2002

Monday Update - Comments On The Britney Rumor

Oops, I've Done It Again

I've gotten a fair amount of mail from people who are curious why I've ranked the Britney Spears spoiler as 'highly unlikely'. Although there have been some newspapers which have printed the story, along with more than a few sites, I have yet to see anything that would come close to a legitimate source. In fact, several of the sources reporting this spoiler have been wrong in the past.

At the least, I would have expected to hear something from either UPN, Britney, or the folks at Mutant Enemy. Having her on the show is certainly intended to grab ratings, so I doubt they would be actively trying to cover this spoiler up.

Even if a press release were to appear tomorrow, I would still have serious doubts. For any number of reasons, it simply doesn't make sense. The first hurdle would be her busy schedule. I could see maybe one episode, but several is highly unlikely. In addition, do you want to draw the young teen demographic into the show, only to portray their idol as an 'evil murdering creature without a soul'. Not only that, but it seems like a publicity stunt that I certainly would hope BtVS is way above.

True, they had originally planned for her to appear in 'I Was Made To Love You' as April, but once you saw the character it made sense. While Britney could obviously play the role of a love-bot, I have doubts she would be believeable as a 'Little Bad' in Season Seven.

If it does happen, one wonders what will come next. Will it be like the bad Scooby-Doo episodes, where guest stars like the Harlem Globetrotters, Batman and Robin, or Sonny and Cher were worked into show. Buffy-Dum anyone?

Tomorrow, Wanda's latest chat news.

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