February 23, 2002

PM Update - Weddings, Dating, Answers and Comments

Wedding Photo

Xita posted a picture of the bridesmaid dresses on the Kitten Board. Yow! I think I would have gone with the Blood Larvae and Burlap.

Richard The Red

Gahnc, who posted the spoiler about Richard being Buffy's date, wrote to let me know that it did come from an unconfirmed source. They believe that it came from Fan Forum, so I'm even more skeptical of this actually happening.

Survey Says

AngelX has posted the answers to the Quote Quiz from yesterday. Mixed in with the answers are tiny tidbits of spoilage.

A Picture Is Worth A 1,000 Spoilers

Finally, just to touch on a couple of rampant rumors.

First, I don't know where the entire "Spike's chip is broken because of the pounding Buffy gave him in 'Dead Things'" spoiler got started, but I think it's safe to say it's pretty unlikely. I doubt Buffy's fists are any worse than those of a insane god, or the effects of a several story fall. If violence was going to disable the chip, it would have happened long ago.

Second, there is also the thought that Spike's crypt is destroyed by Buffy and Riley at the end of 'As You Were' . As far as I can tell, this is all being generated by the brief shot of a lamp (which sits next to the bed) exploding. While it's certainly possible, I wouldn't base everything on a single shot. There are also a lot of people who have been talking about Buffy and Riley being airlifted somewhere, based on the one scene in the promo. However, that shot in the promo is confusing, it's actually Riley and Sam. If you look close you can see Buffy standing in the background. The trick is that the footage is edited to make you think that it's Buffy and Riley.

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