January 23, 2002

PM Update - Get Updates

PM Update - Get Updates Via E-Mail, Wedding Info, Angel X Info, Doublemeat Palace Promo

Today's update is a bit early, because my ISP is going to be upgrading their equipment, and I could lose net access at any time.

You can now subscribe to the Spoiler Slayer Mailing List at Yahoo.com.

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Everytime I update this page, I will also send the update out through the mailing list. In addition, I'll also send out announcements when I update other pages on the site. It is not set up for discussions, so you'll only get official e-mails from the site.

A couple of interesting spoilers I came across...

It's been mentioned in a couple places, that the Wedding Episode title will be "Hell's Bells". I believe that LC Fenster was the original poster. I have no information other than that at this time.

Angel X commented on the Cross and Stake Spoiler Board, adding information about Katrina's death.

As far as my info for eps 13-15 is concerned, the Katrina death plot is only in ep 13. The supervillains aren't in 14 or 15 at all.

The spell on Buffy isn't really a spell at all. Just slight of eye thanks to the villains and a demon that has a hallucinating kind of effect on people.

As to Firebird's question... The SG do find out about the incident, but they're not the kind of friends to assume she's killed someone human.

Interesting that the Troika is going to go AWOL for at least two, if not three episodes (since I haven't heard of them being sighted in the Wedding Episode). If anything, it's only bolstering my suspicions that something big is in the works for after the wedding.

Finally, the promo for 'Doublemeat Palace' is up at the official Buffy site. I would kill to have one of those hats.

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