December 27, 2001

PM Update Nothing new to

PM Update

Nothing new to report, I only just got this mornings 'hacked' post into the Blogger system and published with links.

I think it's safe to say that in terms of the Buffy boards right now, everything is in a state of chaos. I've been trying to do my best to sort through the speculation, hysteria, and confusion that is popping up all over the place. Hank's dying, Riley's dying, Riley's coming back as a vampire, Riley's going to kill Spike; speculation at this point is ill-advised.

The one I've heard in many places, with no real source backing it up, is that Riley will show up for a single episode to tie up loose ends. What loose ends? Buffy certainly is beyond caring about how that relationship ended, and how many months has it been since Riley left? He certainly didn't feel a need to talk to her, so if it's just a one-shot episode, why is he coming back? Is he a vampire, that wouldn't make sense if only because he would be better as a 'Big Bad'. Is he in shock with amnesia as some said would happen, again doubtful this will be resolved in an episode. Has he realized that he needs to return to profess his love to Buffy? If so, then why would he let a thing like Spike stand in his way. At this point in time, I can't think of one good reason why he would make a quick swing through Sunnydale. Whether his intentions are good or bad, I just can't imagine that he wouldn't stick around.

Which is exactly why speculation is pretty much non-productive at this point.

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