November 05, 2001

The Wildfeed (Leoff's) is up

The Wildfeed (Leoff's) is up for 'Once More, With Feeling'. For even more fun, check out his Angel review over AICN. BTW, as mentioned in one of the comments below, there are two different areas for Spoilers on the Cross and Stake. There is the Messageboard, where a lot of spoilers get posted. Then there is the main site.

I've also gotten more than a few emails about false spoilage that I've missed for past episodes. I did see the spoilers in question, but at the time it looked like they weren't false (and I didn't add them because they were minor points). I'm going to add them sometime later today, just so I won't keep getting mailed about it. Nothing major, just a couple of character things.

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