SUMMARY: My nominated stories aren't on Anya's page...discuss :)
DISCLAIMER: This is my first Archive series type story so please forgive me for my own stupidity. If you want to skip the story and get straight to the point...scroll down and I have all the info at the end of the story. The title refers to my own silliness and the stupidity of me (and this story:)
Angel and Buffy belong to Joss, the WB, etc.
I belong to myself!!

Stupid Is As Stupid Does

by: Rebecca Carefoot

"Hey Angel, come over here and take a look at this," Rebecca called excitedly.

"I'm a little busy right now," the vampire answered sullenly through a mouthful of bloodbag. Rebecca frowned at him impatiently and he reluctantly relented, approaching the computer.

"Yeah?" he asked, staring blankly at the screen.

"I was nominated!" Rebecca exclaimed.

"For what?" Angel asked, clueless.

"The Golden BBetas," Rebecca answered breathlessly. "What have you been living in a coffin the past couple of weeks?"

"Haha," Angel said sarcastically. "Wait a sec. I have heard about these awards." He looked with more interest at the screen. "The Morning After," he said slowly, trying to remember. "That was the one where Buffy and," he blushed furiously. "No wonder it was nominated for best romance." Rebecca smiled at him slyly and he quickly tuned back to the glowing screen.

"And you got nominated for Musical Chairs," he added.

"Yup," Rebecca answered proudly. "I'm so flattered by it all."

"Hey,wait!" Angel protested. "I'm only in one scene in that one."

"Well you can't be the star of every story," Rebecca argued.

"Why not?" Angel pouted. Rebecca held her breath to keep from giggling at the 241 year old's jutting lower lip.

"Oh come on; you had fun reading about Willow and Xander and Oz and Cordy didn't you?"

"Well, I did like the part where they tricked Xander into believing Buffy thought he was gay...oh and the part where Xander got detention."

"You and Xander have such a loving relationship," Rebecca said sarcastically.

"So do you think you'll win?" Angel asked, changing the subject abruptly.

"I don't think so," Rebecca said.

"Why not?"

"There's so many other good nominees..." she answered. "Plus the announcement said to read the nominees on Anya's page.."

"Yeah, so?" Angel prompted. "People SHOULD read the stories, then they'll really know who to vote for."

"True, except that neither of my nominated stories are on Anya's page," Rebecca said, wrinkling her brow worriedly.

"Uh oh...that's not good," Angel said decisively.

"Thank you Master of the Bloody Obvious," Rebecca snapped.

"Well, excuse me for living," Angel exclaimed. "Or uh...excuse me for being undead."

"Sorry," Rebecca said contritely. "I'm just a little tense I guess."

"Understatement," Angel muttered. He put his hands on Rebecca's shoulders and began to gently massage them. (Heehee...I had to put something in here for me :) "Is there somewhere else people can go to read your stories?" he asked.

"Well I do have my own page," Rebecca said thoughtfully. "They could get to the stories at That was the Mini-Buffet's address..the temporary site for the holidays Of course I also wrote to Anya today about getting my stories up....but until she responds..."

"You should tell the people on the list," he suggested. Rebecca nodded in agreement. "So what're you writing next?" he asked curiously.

"I'm so excited," Rebecca answered. "I'm writing the story of how Dru became a vampire and insane." Angel's hands paused in their massaging and then lifted away from her shoulders. She turned to face Angel questioningly. He glared at her, arms crossed across his chest. "What?" she asked.

"I don't like that story," he declared.

"Well, no wonder," she said. "You were an evil, evil vampire. Killing, maiming..."

"So why do you have to write it?" he interrupted. "Let sleeping stories lie."

"But it's a great story," Rebecca protested.

"I don't think so...I don't like it."

"Well that's too bad because I'm still going to write it," she said stubbornly. Angel glared even harder. Rebecca crossed her arms and stuck her tongue out at him sullenly. He stuck his own tongue out in return. Just then Buffy walked in to see them standing like gunslingers in a duel, their arms crossed, their tongues hanging out of their mouths. She shook her head sadly.

"Excuse me Rebecca," she said. "But I have to borrow my boyfriend for a second."

"Fine," Rebecca said, still angry.

"Fine," Angel answered just as angrily. Buffy grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the room. As he left, he slammed the door with all his might. Rebecca glared at the door for a second, then turned back to the computer. She opened a new file and chuckling sinisterly she began to write.


Author's Comment: I'm not too great at writing Archive style fic... Anyway here's the point in case you missed it in all that drivel. My two stories are not on Anya's page as of right now. But, they are on my page..< snipped don;t really need them >
I did e-mail Anya so hopefully the stories will be up on her page soon.

One last thing..a big THANK YOU to everyone who voted for my stories. I truly appreciate it.

Oh and the part about writing Dru's story is true. I've started it, and it'll be eventually :)

PS...the Dru story mentioned is of course, Pieces.

Other Characters // Rebecca Fic