Fanfiction by Rebecca Carefoot

Buffy and Angel Fanfic Xander and Willow Fanfic Fanfic focused on other characters/pairings: includes Dru, Spike, W/O, archive fics, etc. poems Fanfic for Non-Buffy Shows: includes Highlander and La Femme Nikita

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Please don't redistribute any of the pictures within these pages without my permission...thanks.
And big thank you's to Vern for the vid-caps.

Check out this award Jewel gave me

Dates the first part of each of these stories was posted.
June 1997 --The Sighing Game, Nights Like These and
Gonna Make Some Changes
September 1997 -- Hoping
October 1997 -- Drowning and The Morning After.
December 1997 -- Kissably Close, Musical Chairs
January 1998 -- Pieces, Dust, Today, All I See
February 1998 -- Two
May 1998 -- Heart, Hell, Light
July 1998 -- High Noon, Bittersweet Surprise
December 1998 -- Slow Burn
January 1999 -- Leaving to Stay
March 1999 -- Inevitable
May 1999 -- Buried Alive
September 1999 -- Fitting, Not Fit
April 2000 -- Three Doors
May 2000 -- Ways to Hurt
August 2001 - No Tomorrow
December 2001 - Love/Hate, Relief