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Owner: Wolf

Opened: 4/15/2003

Version: 5.1

Title: Have Faith

Created: 1/6/2005

Wallpapers: 123

Xena Videos

These Videos were not done by me. I don't make videos :-). They are some of my favorites though, and I happily have the pleasure of hosting them. So be sure to check them out.

Song: No Place that Far by Sara Evans
Video Done By: Gabs So send any feedback her way and not mine ;-)
A really sweet video. Check it out.
Graphic done by Tyrael so check out her stuff if you like it.

Song: My Immortal by Evanescence
Video Done By: Gabs So send any feedback her way and not mine ;-)
One of my favorite videos, done to an amazing song, this vid is not to be missed. It does have a lot of FIN scenes however so I am going to put a high angst warning on this.
Graphic done by Tyrael so check out her stuff if you like it.

Song: Hero by Enrique Iglesias
Video Done By: TrueXena. So send any feedback her way and not mine ;-)
An awesome video done to Gabs POV. You really don't want to miss it.

Song: Fighter by Christina Aguilera
Video Done By: TrueXena. So send any feedback her way and not mine ;-)
I think this just might be my favorite vid of all time. Featuring clips from Xena, Buffy, Voyager, Dark Angel, Witchblade,Birds of Prey, Stargate SG-1, Alien Ressurection,Charlies Angels 2, Tomb Raider 2, and Terminator 2. It is just a fun video to watch.