
Written by: Tim Minear & Shawn Ryan
Quote List compiled by: MBNielsen9

Wesley: Someone made Darla drink?
Angel: It was her.
Cordelia: Okay, way too many pronouns here. Who's her?
Angel: Drusilla.
Cordelia: Drusilla's here?
Wesley: Good lord.
Gunn: Who's Drusilla?

Gunn: Am I right in guessing this Drusilla has a set of teeth on her?

Angel: (Looking through cabinets) I have to find her.
Cordelia: Drusilla?
Gunn: She probably ain't in there.

Gunn: Okay, I'm still trying to get this family tree straight. Darla sired Angel.
Wesley: Correct.
Gunn: And Angel sired this Drusilla.
Wesley: Back when he and Darla were together, yes.
Gunn: But before he got his soul back, right?
Wesley: Certainly.
Gunn: Now, these lawyers -- they brought Darla back as human, now this Drusilla vamp goes and bites Darla.
Wesley: So it would seem.
Gunn: Making her a vampire again.
Wesley: That's the cosmological upshot, yes. Darla's human self has died. And sometime before dawn, unless Angel can stop it, she will rise again a soulless demon.
Gunn: So that means --
Wesley: Clock is ticking.
Gunn: No, no, what I'm saying is, that means the granddaughter re-made the grandmother.
Wesley: Oh. Yes.
Gunn: Man, somehow that weirds me out more than that whole bloodsucking thing.

Drusilla: I can hear them singing to me.
Lindsey: So this place works for you?
Drusilla: Oh, yeah. Grandmother is very pleased with it. I can tell. Aren't you grandmother? My daughter.
Lindsey: Can she hear you?
Drusilla: She's dead.
Lindsey: Oh. Of course.
Drusilla: Shh. Just for now.

Lilah: (to Lindsey) Think maybe now you've got a shot with her?

Holland: Drusilla, you are positively glowing.
Drusilla: I'm going to be a mummy!

Drusilla: Run and catch. Run and catch. The lamb is caught in the blackberry patch.

Wesley: A burial isn't necessary for a newly made vampire.
Angel: It would be for Drusilla. She's a classicist.
Cordelia: She's a looney.

Angel: Forget mausoleums. Stick with cemeteries. Something with a view of the night sky.
Cordelia: So, just outside cemeteries then?

Wesley: If it's just a burial she's after, one doesn't need a cemetery for that, I'm afraid. Just dirt, really.
Cordelia: Still not narrowing. Whole planet? Pretty much made up of dirt.

Wesley: Angel, I fear you may be looking for a logical pattern in the rantings of someone who doesn't think logically.

Drusilla: *CLANG* That's not a fitting gift at all for our newborn grandmummy.

Drusilla: I knew you were coming, my lovely. The moon showed me. It told me to come into the 20th century.
Angel: It's the 21st century, Dru.
Drusilla: Mmm, I'm still lagging.

Cordelia: How'd it go?
Angel: Everyone gear up. Grab something sharp; we need to move fast.
Cordelia: I'm gonna guess not great?

Wesley: Where are they now?
Angel: I don't know.
Cordelia: But you know where they're going to be?
Angel: Not exactly.
Wesley: But yet you have your suspicions?
Angel: Actually, I don't.
Cordelia: So, it's more like a hunch.
Angel: Wouldn't say hunch.
Cordelia: Would you say inkling? Please tell me you could at least say inkling.

Wesley: Angel, I don't think the four of us in one car patrolling a city of 10 million people is going to yield results.
Angel: You're right. Which is why we're going to follow the one solid lead that we have. We're going to Wolfram & Hart.
Cordelia: Hitting the pause button -- Wolfram and Hart?! As in vampire detectors, crack security system, and armed guards? Nice plan, General Custer.

Angel: Now, we've got two options: Either we go back to the people who brought them both here in the first place, or we sit around waiting for the bodies to start piling up. I decided not to wait. Anyone wants to join me, my car's outside. If not, that's fine, too.
Gunn: You had me at "everyone gear up."

Holland: It's also important to have healthy attachments outside the office. Now, I know our roles here don't allow much time to socialize. Find the time.
Lindsey: Yes, sir.

Holland: Don't be late this evening. I'm uncorking a case of 1928 Chateau La Tour.
Lindsey: I wouldn't miss it.

Drusilla: I drank Chateau La Tour once. It tasted like lion's blood.

Drusilla: I'm very worried about grandmum. The building was quite tall.
Holland: *Healthy* attachments, Lindsey.

Wesley: Angel, pull over.
Angel: I'll slow down, all right?
Wesley: No, pull over. She's having a vision.
Gunn: Don't tell me that us she seein' wrapped around a lamp post.

Angel: She should have done this before we left the hotel.

Drusilla: Grandmother, what? Don't be angry.
Darla: Why?
Drusilla: For you. All for you. I thought it was what you wanted -- to be saved. All alone. All alone in the dirt. We've lost our way and the little wormy won't dance if he's told to.

Driver: Why don't you and your girlfriend take the make out session on home. The rest of us have lives.
Darla: Not for long.

Drusilla: You're all new again!
Darla: Let's go shopping!

Cordelia: Easy boss. This guy's ready to snap, crackle, and pop. I felt it in my vision. We really gotta handle this one with care. You know, delicat--
[Angel throws the radio across the room.]
Cordelia: --ly.

Angel: I'm not here to hurt you, kid, okay? And Morgog's not the way. Morgog couldn't find his way to his hairy spine hump without a road map. So don't go killing yourself. He's not worth it. And you've got, you know...a million reasons to live, I bet. Okay? Got it? Good.

Drusilla: Oooh. I'm ringing. Do you hear it? I'm ringing...all...over!
[Darla takes a cell phone out of Dru's cleavage]
Drusilla: Oh yeah. Forgot about that.

Holland: I understand you girls have been on a little spree.
Darla: Is that a problem?
Holland: Oh, on the contrary. As a matter of fact, I was just thinking why settle for a spree, when you could have a...say...massacre?
Darla: A massacre!
Drusilla: Oh! I like the sound of that.

Holland: Angel. I don't believe we've had the pleasure. Holland Manners.
Angel: I'd be careful who you offer that hand to, Mr. Manners. You might lose it. Isn't that right, Lindsey?
Holland: I'm Division Head of Special Projects.
Angel: Special Projects like Darla?
Holland: Oh, Darla's just a tool -- means to an end. You're the project.

Angel: I could crush the life out of you before they even lift a finger.
Holland: Oh, I'm sure you can. Just as sure as I am that you won't.
Angel: Why?
Holland: You don't kill humans.
Angel: You don't qualify.

Angel: You set things in motion -- play your little games up here in your glass and chrome tower. People die. Innocent people.
Holland: And yet, I just can't seem to care.

Angel: As if you're just gonna let me walk out of here, huh?
Holland: As a matter of fact, I am. You misunderstand us, Angel. We don't want you dead...yet.

Holland: I would, uh, walk you out myself, but I'm running little late for a wine-tasting at my home. And just so we're clear on the matter, you're not invited.

Lindsey: I'll send you a bill for the window and the shirt.
Angel: Yeah, you do that. And after I stop Darla and Dru, I might come back and pay you in person.

Lindsey: Give him a nice holding cell, officers. With a window. Southern exposure preferred. The firm may not want you dead...I'm cool with it.

Holland: Now, it's no secret that our work is but one small element in a much larger, greater plan...

Darla: Your wife was kind enough to invite us in, Holland.
Drusilla: Very sweet, she was. Like clover...and honey.

Darla: Just think of it as our way of giving you what you want.
Holland: What...what I...?
Darla: I believe you said something about [MORPH] a massacre.

Drusilla: Pretty lawyers all in a row. Eenie, meanie...

Drusilla: You have beautiful skin.
Lilah: I moisturize.
Drusilla: That was very thoughtful of you.

Drusilla: Grandmum won't eat the doublespeak!
Darla: No. No, she won't eat that.

Drusilla: I hear the sirens. They don't know if the world will be here in the morning!
Lilah: Do you hear the sirens? Are the police coming?
Lindsey: No. She senses what this place was built for.
Holland: Yes, Drusilla. You're quite right. This was originally a bomb shelter in the '50s. We had it converted. Wine has always been my passion.
Drusilla: People. Crouching together in fear.
Holland: Yes, I imagine that's what it would have been like in a war.
Darla: No, now. She means now.
Holland: A-ha. I guess I stepped into that one.

Holland: You're a superior being. You can have anything you want. And there's not a person in this room who won't work 'round the clock to see that you get it.
Darla: Hmm. Gung-ho are they? 'Cuz all I'm sensing right now is big stinky fear.

Darla: Oh, I love this room. Dru, honey. In our new digs? We have to put in a people cellar!

Drusilla: Daddy's home!

Darla: Angelus. Here for the tasting?

Drusilla: It's not daddy. It's never daddy. It's the Angel beast.
Darla: Come to punish us.
Drusilla: Yeah. Yeah, spank us 'til Tuesday. Grrruf! We promise to be bad if you do.

Angel: I'm sorry I didn't get to you in time.
Darla: I'm not.

Darla: Come on, love. I never did get that good-bye kiss.
Angel: You will. But not tonight.

Lilah: For god's sake. Help us!
Holland: Angel, please. People are going to die.
Angel: And yet, somehow, I just can't seem to care.

Drusilla: Daddy!

Wesley: And you...just walked away?
Angel: No. I walked to the car, then I drove away.

Gunn: You didn't do anything?
Wesley: You allowed Darla and Drusilla to have free reign?
Angel: I didn't bring either one of them into this. They did.
Wesley: You could have stopped them.
Angel: And I will.
Cordelia: When? After they've finished off all the people you don't like?

Wesley: Angel, while it's certainly true these lawyers brought this on themselves, what you did is...
Cordelia: Wrong.
Gunn: You went too far.
Wesley: We've all been worried about you. I guess it's fair to say we all share some of the blame. We should have spoken up sooner.
Gunn: And louder.
Cordelia: You have to change the way you've been doing things. Don't you see where this is taking you?
Wesley: Listen to her. Right now, the three of us are all that's standing between you and real darkness.
Gunn: Best believe dat man!
Angel: I do. You're all fired.

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