Bludhaven Hellmouth
by Redwulf

Chapter Six
Los Angeles, 136 days ago

"Mr. Murtog, even though I respect your firm's reputation," Rupert Giles began, "I still wonder why I should further displace these children by moving them to Cleveland and put them at the mercy of this… Mrs. Elizabeth Wordsworth."

"Simple, Mr. Giles. Both Mrs. Wordsworth and her esteemed departed husband have long worked behind the scenes to support the Watcher's Council. Since her husband was killed by the First Evil, Mrs. Wordsworth has felt at loose ends; therefore, she would like to extend the invitation of the courtesy of her estate to you and your new slayers." The short purple lawyer answered him.

Giles flinched at the thought that the First had been so thorough as to kill, what was becoming apparent as one of the Council's hidden backers. He personally had never met any. Still this invitation came at a critical time, seeming to be the only answer. "This is just not how things are done, sir."

"Yes, usually," Murtog answered him, "However, Mr. Giles, you have several school age girls that need a new home, not to mention the additions of one wanted felon and a young witch, who would work best with a coven of her own. Mrs. Wordsworth now feels the need for your group to have some small amount of protection." James wondered if young Buffy would kill him, if she ever heard what he had said.

"Yes," Giles could certainly see the advantages of the situation. He was sure he could charm the elderly lady if he had too. "I can see the advantages of both sides, but we currently lack the access to transportation. In addition, we need to find any Watchers that survived the First's attack and round up all the newly activated slayers."

"Mr. Giles, rest assured that Mrs. Wordsworth has already arranged for my firm to furnish our own corporate jets for such an endeavor." James watched the man closely for his reaction. He had never trusted the Council before, and despite what his senior partners told him, he didn't trust Mr. Rupert Giles either. "Her ladyship already has her own people working on discovering the whereabouts of as many of the new slayers as possible. She has, however, left it to you and your people to be the ones in charge of gathering them."

"Yes, as much as I am loathed to do this, I fear I must take you up on your offer." Giles knew he would have to renegotiate with the old woman as soon as possible. After all, it was the Watcher's Council that controlled the slayers not some senile old woman. He just hoped to find Buffy and Dawn soon.

James handed Giles a bag full of credit cards, each naming a person in Giles' care. "This is a gift to both yourself and to all of your charges, who lost everything on the Hellmouth in Sunnydale. Of course, each card has a limit, but as long as you don't try to replace your Mercedes, all should be well." James felt that Mrs. Buffy would be pleased with his performance. Everything was going according to plan.

Gotham City, the Clock Tower, 136 days ago

'That bastard!'

Barbara was fuming. Sure, intellectually she could understand why he had done it, but it didn't change the fact that he had. She resisted the overwhelming urge to check the corners to see if the 'former jerk wonder' had peed on them to mark his territory. God, he was infuriating! What had she ever seen in him? True, he looked good wearing only a towel, or hell, buck-naked. And yeah, the guy was loyal to a fault, but this was her place, HERS!

Yes, Barbara knew that Blockbuster had blown up Dick's apartment in an effort to hurt him. Yes, she was aware that Blockbuster had also burned down Haley's, killing everyone who was there in the process, for the same reason. She even realized that she was distancing herself from him and that scared him to death. At the same time, Dick's behavior was causing him to lose her too. But damn, talk about an egotistical jerk!

If Barbara had wanted brooding and possessive in her guy, she would have been sleeping with the freaking Bat. She shuddered at the thought. No, she was in love with Richard John Grayson - the sweetest, most caring guy she knew… but the jerk had to be, well, a jerk.

The strange turn of her dreams hadn't helped matters either. Last night, she experienced an all new and an even stranger series.

The first one featured Jason Bard, of all people, opening a portal to hell. Babs, as Batgirl, had to push him through it in order to close it and save the world. In the background, Dick was dragging off Kory, who had been helping Jason (she knew the Tameraan was an evil bitch). For some reason she had mourned the loss of Jason, while at the same time had hated Dick. Yet, weirder still, was when she woke all Barbara wanted to do was push Jason off a cliff, rip off Dick's clothes, and have her wicked way with him. Talk about confusing.

God, what had she done to deserve this?

The second dream featured one 'drunk off his ass' Dick. The pathetic state he was in was courtesy of Kory, who had left him and was screwing a Chaos Prince. Like that alien slut wasn't always on the lookout for a new prince to ride. In the dream, Barbara watched herself tell a now 'living again' Jason that they could never be friends… (She got that anyway, and she really didn't like the guy)… that they, she and Jason, would love each other forever. (Sheyeah, right!)

Hell Dimension, centuries ago

Spike was barely able to stand, as the First's newest minion approached him. He couldn't help it when he began to growl as William cowered before this champion of the light he had killed. Nikki Wood approached the man she had once hated with a passion. He was beaten but not broken, his head unbowed in the face of the torture she had seen him suffer. Part of her actually felt guilty for not helping him earlier, but she'd known that she had to wait until this time before completing her task. Nikki placed one hand on either side of his head and gazed into his eyes, before kissing his forehead. Focusing all of her love - for her son, her son's father, her watcher and yes, even for this souled vamp in front of her - into the kiss, Nikki felt the magic rush out of her and into him.

As the cool, cleansing, beautiful feeling of magic washed over him, Spike whispered to William, "Effulgent." The magic made him feel unlike anything else, he'd ever felt, and it made him quiver in fulfillment.

Nikki Wood looked at him again, as she stepped back. "Heads up Champion, your time will come."

After she left Spike began to panic as his heart started beating.

Gotham City, the Clock Tower, present

Barbara Gordan whimpered as Dick slid further down her body. His tongue worked like magic, as he blazed a trail down her stomach. She felt his fingers undoing her jeans, and she raised herself, putting her legs together to help him remove her jeans and underwear. When she squatted back over his face, he went to work immediately on her oh, so neglected clit.

For four years, she'd had very little feeling there, but now it had returned in spades. Even as he massaged it with his tongue, his fingers found her passage and he slid in two fingers to start. Babs was now bent over, her forehead on the floor, and biting her own tongue to keep from screaming. She had truly forgotten how good this could be. As Dick rolled her clit over his upper teeth, she shrieked as her first orgasm of the morning hit her.

Babs tried to turn around in order to return the oral favor, but Dick caught her off-guard and rolled her to her back, continuing his assault on her swollen clit. His fingers twisted inside her drenched passage, but now with every thrust, he hit her G-spot. So soon after her first, Babs' second orgasm rocked her to the core. As she came down, she felt Dick kissing his way up her belly.

"Sorry Babs, I wanted to make it perfect for you, but I needed you so bad," he said as he worked his lips up to her ear. Babs bit harshly into his earlobe, then twisted her head like a dog with a bone before releasing it and whispering to him.

"Then what's stopping you, hunk wonder?" He buried himself to the hilt in one long hard stroke. His cock stretched Babs nearly to the point of pain. Her yell echoed his, and the 'games' began in earnest.

'What the hell had they been arguing about anyway?'

Bat Cave, present

As bad as Tim felt working on this prophecy with no sleep, he couldn't help snickering that at least, unlike Dick, he was still alive and had all his limbs intact. He was positive that by now, since Dick hadn't shown up at the cave, that Dick was somewhere licking his wounds from Babs kicking his ass.

"Have you thought," Selina said from her spot on the floor where she was sitting using Bruce's legs as a back support, "that these things may be time coded? After all, you only decode each part after the fact?"

Batman steepled his fingers in front of his face, thinking that there was a reason Selina had escaped him so often. Besides, her sex appeal; she was as brilliant as any of the Bats. "Even worse, when it translates itself, it could just be stating what has already happened." He was disappointed.

"Or," Tim said, "it could be magically sealed to only reveal information after the fact."

"We need a mage," Selina and Tim said at the same time.

"Zantanna?" Bruce asked.

"Please, we need someone that will take this seriously," Selina answered completely aware of Bruce's past with the witch. "Jason Blood?"

"We really don't need his demon to get this information," Bruce replied. "Constantine?"

"Or that witch that was at the Hellmouth?" Tim said picking up the report. "One Willow Rosenberg."

"We don't know enough about her," answered Bruce.

"We know Constantine any better?" Tim replied.

"Simple," Selina said rolling her eyes. "We have three copies. We keep one and give one each to them. Then we can cross-reference the results and possibly find out more by having two different mages on it. It's called getting a second opinion, look into it boys. Normal people do it all the time," she yelled back over her shoulder as she went up the stairs.

Sutcliffe Manor, Cleveland

Willow sat in the library reading normal books, fiction, and nonprophecy type stories. She found her circumstance both different and strange.

With Buffy gone for the moment, Kennedy and Faith had began settling the younger Slayers down after the battle. She truly appreciated how Buffy went out of the way to make Kennedy feel needed and respected, and now, Kennedy had become one of Buffy's most ardent supporters. So different from Sunnydale. Perhaps gaining slayer strength had been very good for her girl friend.

Another issue that made Kennedy love Buffy's leadership more was that Buffy had changed the Slayer army leadership. Since Slayers were the ones doing the dying, Buffy believed that they should be the ones leading. Of the Sunnydale contingent only Wood and Xander seemed to have a problem with this change. However, Wood now seemed to have a problem with anything Faith supported. But hey, it was her that caught him cheating with another of the new Slayers.

Xander disagreed with everything, even living here in 'that monsters house.' Of course, it didn't stop him from living here and scarfing down all the food he could. Willow realized now that she really reflected on it Xander's constantly trying to dictate Buffy's life in Sunnydale had never prevented him from eating at the Summer's home either. She wondered how he was going to react to Buffy being pregnant with Spike's child.

God, she was so happy for Buffy. Her best friend had suffered long enough; she just hoped Xander would quit trying to set her up on dates. Grrrr, the last one had taken the cake; one of Riley's soldiers no less. Why couldn't he just get over it?

New York Star Labs

Buffy sat on a chair next to the hospital bed holding Williams's hand. She was having a hard looking at him and knowing he had no memory of her. But just sitting with him was a start. 'William' was shy towards her, even though he knew she carried his child. How could she tell this shy, quiet man all the bad things that had happened between them? How could she tell him how they had gotten to this point? At the moment though, all she could think about was her love for this man and how he had watched her back even when he was dead.

'She was beautiful,' thought William. That single thought kept running through his mind. He believed she was too beautiful for a man like him. He kept thinking it had to be a dream, but the constant pressure on his hand and where her fingers drew circles on his arm had him wanting to believe. Dear lord, he hoped she was his wife, because he was having decidedly ungentlemanly like ideas of the petite blonde.

"But how can you love me when I have no memory of you?" he asked her.

"Easy," she told him. "You've never given up on me; how could I give up on you?"

"But I am not him," he replied.

"Yes, you are, just not all of him."

She could tell her words hurt him, so she continued, "Ok, talking isn't really my best quality. Ok. Look at it like this, if you truly loved me and I was like hit in the head and couldn't remember anything, would you still love me?"

"Of course. It would still be you; you just wouldn't remember me," William said, his eyes widening as understanding hit him.

"See, I love you, always will, and now YOU need me, and I'm here." Buffy smiled at him, and he could understand loving her.

Deep inside William's mind

Spike watched the Slayer being gentle with his younger version. It made him angry and jealous. Angry because the ponce hadn't rolled her over and shagged the bloody bint legless. What the bint craved was bleeding obvious; the poor girl needed a good seeing too. And he was jealous that Buffy had never treated him so gently.

Spike's desire overwhelmed his jealousy. Bugger! Ponce wasn't listening or couldn't. Bloody Hell, bend the bint over and shag her till she screams!


Nite-Wing had the man cornered. Nite-Wing has followed his target for three streets after the scum had beaten a woman there. As he fought the guy, a hand grabbed his shoulder and whipped him around. The spin caused him to look directly into the face of the 'beaten woman.' When she grabbed his head in both hands, he felt an explosion of pain, then nothing.

Drusilla looked down at tonight's supper. He'd tasted weak, but she had known he would. He'd been just one of many that stood in her family's way, and all who did had to die.

Gotham City Clock Tower
Babs had one leg wrapped around her lover and the other foot firmly planted on the floor, angling her hips to maximize penetration - all to spurn on her lover. Dick was so damn good, even better than she'd remembered. He was hammering her so hard that she knew she would have bruises when they finished, but oh god, was it worth it.

"Is that...oh god, oh god...all you got... SHIT... hunk wonder... size isn't... OH GOD... OH GOD... everything!" Babs breathing was labored and shallow as she taunted him on. "I thought. Oh baby, just like that... you were supposed… Oh please, please, to be the best... God, Dick, I love you!"

Babs' orgasms seemed to merge into one long, continuous, exquisite wave. Shuddering for the umpteenth time, Dick smirked as her then suddenly began adding a little twisting motion at the bottom of every stroke.

"Oh God, Dick! I need... need to…oh shit, oh shit! Need to catch my breath baby, shitshitshit... just stop for a second." But Dick was relentless, his smirk truly deliciously evil.

Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane

'Heeheeheeheee!' thought the Joker, as he sat in the corner of his cell once again in a straight jacket. He smiled to himself. First Evil indeed! He was the true master of Evil. The Clown Prince of Crime, not some incorporeal ghost of naughty deeds past. The Joker decided that he'd play 'the First's' little game for a little while, but when the time came, he would stuff that genie back into the bottle. 'Bwahahhahahahaha!'

Cleveland, outside Sutcliffe Manor

In the shadows stood a man in pink and gray camouflage, looking up at the manor house plotting his revenge against the slayers within. He would destroy them all. He vowed to humiliate them and use them as his own personal sex slaves.

