Hair Gel
by Redwulf50

Beta by Alwaysjbj

He was tired of it pure and simple, with Spike going on about how he and Buffy shared so much and Harmony's constant gushing about Spike he'd had way too much. Enough was enough, and this was just too much. He grabbed Harmony by the hair as he strode into his office and slammed the door.

"Angel?" Harmony squeaked.

"Ya think William was a proper Vampire to ya lass?" Angel asked as he slapped her across the room. "I think its time ya learned about proper Vampire sex." He grabbed her roughly once more and threw her through a door.

"On your knees girl and bob your Master's scepter." Angel unzipped droppeing his pants to his knees.

OK, Ok. Harmony thought to herself, he is the boss and hell she has done alot worse for less. As she looked at the shrunken "scepter" she just hoped it was going to get larger when it got hard. She walked up to him and dropped to her knees.

And that is when she smelled it, "Eww gross do you ever wash this thing, hello Irish Spring, for that spring fresh smell." Harmony began to back away as Angel tried to hold her in place. "You’re gonna have to stake me boss cause I ain't putting that stinking thing in my mouth."

"Fine." Angel said as he let her go and backed up. "It’s just that well Buffy was special and....."

"Ewwwww you haven't washed it since you and Buffy..."

"What? NO, not then, I was human for a day..." Angel trails off as he remembers

"And how long ago was that cause from here it smells like it’s certainly been awhile."

Angel went into the bathroom and washed off before Harmony returned to her oral demonstration. After a few minutes she stoped and looked at the small wonder in her hand and said with a irritated pout. "What does it take to get this little thing hard?"

"Little! I’ll have you know that little thing made Darla scream, made Dru Quiver and made Buffy mine." He shouted at the clueless bimbo.

"Ok, I think Darla screamed in anger, and Drusilla quivered with frustration when you stuck her with this pathetic little needle dick!, As for Buffy, if she's yours why was she screwing Spike in your Viper earlier?”, She paused for effect before flipping her hair haughtily and continuing, “And as for Harm, Needle dicks make me leave, buh, bye."


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