Hair Gel 2
by Redwulf50

A/N: *Bloodytearsoflife requested: Angel humiliation in a Spuffy drabble.** Also, this is not-betad.

After six long months of hard work and Harmony's help Angel had done it. His state of the art Wolfram &Hart four speed Penis Pump had added three full inches to his poor limp pecker. He now had almost five inches.

"Who be your daddy Harm?" He asked his secratary.

"You are Daddy Mac Angel." Harmony answered in what she hoped sounded like a devoted love slave type voice. GHey he was still thinner than her thumb, but she needed the overtime to buy Spike and Buffy a Mating gift. "Use me, abuse me, make me yours Daddy Mac."

"Not gonna waste this on you Harm." Angel informed her as he applied more hair gell to his pubic hair. "Gonna give Buffy the ride of her life."

Harmony rolled her eyes as Angel left the room pencil dick leading the way.

"Gawd Spike, you big dicked stud I can feel you in my chest." Buffy yelled through the closed door.

Angel made sure every pubic hair was in place before slamming the door open. "Buffy your real sexy daddy-o is here. With the Super cock."

Buffy looked at Angel's poor not so limp pecker for a second as she sat on top of Spike. Then stood up slowly allowing Angel to see the ten inch thick as her wrist hunk of man hood she had been enjoying.

"Angel?" She said almost politely. "Could you knock next time?"

Angel slammed the door in shock trying to ignore Spike's laughter.


Hair Gel 1

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