Hard Days Knight
by Redwulf

Chapter Two

Beta Note: Dear Reader, please note that when you see //words// that indicates Buffy and Spike’s telepathy. ~ Oracleholly

As Buffy stumbled through the grating that led outdoors, the drugs seemed to be wearing off and her whole body began to ache. She could understand the ache of her uhhm, feminine muscles and the aches in her legs, her arms and even her stomach, but some of them had her stymied. //Spike, why does my nose hurt?//

Her bleach blonde companion seemed to stumble a bit before turning and looking at her. //Wot? Slayer, bloody hell! We.. You...Me… just shagged for bloody who knows how long and you’re bloody worried about your nose?// His mental voice sounded amused.

Buffy stumbled; her body was too tired and hungry to even argue. She was drained physically, mentally, and sexually.

Spike caught her before she could fall. //Hell love, you should have said something.//

//Fuck you Spike.//

//I think that was what got you into this mess love.//

Buffy knew she should be angry; she should really find a way to drive a nice pointy stake through the heart of the demon next to her, but she couldn't manage it. Instead she gave him a weak smile and leaned more heavily on him. //I don't think I am gonna make it Spike.// She looked over at her mate, yes mate, she got that. //You'll have to leave me, so you can make it.//

The snort came out of nowhere as he picked her up and began carrying her. //Who the Bloody hell do you think I am, Peaches? You're mine Love, get used to it. And I....Never...Leave...What's... MINE!//

He walked a little ways looking down at Buffy as she crossed her arms and looked for all the world like she was the one in charge.

//Bloody Slayer and her Bloody martyr tendencies!//

Buffy tucked her head into his chest and slid her arms around his neck. Everything about this was wrong, but it felt so right.

Spike followed Ethan almost a mile with Buffy still in his arms until they entered a shed that housed a Winnebago. Spike saw that the Winny was fully vamp-proofed with curtains all around.

"Wat..cher," said Spike, barely able to force the words out. His throat constricted still by the magic and drugs. It wasn't that he wanted to see the slayer’s friends - he was pretty bloody sure that they would try to stake him on sight, but he knew the Slayer needed her friends.

"No mate," Ethan began as he fidgeted with the locks. "The Initiative will be watching her watcher, her mom, and her friends. The quickest way to wind up back in there is to go to them. We will find a safe haven, then contact them."

Spike could see the man was right, but his words were disturbing his mate. He pushed past the git into the camper looking around for a place to deposit his precious cargo. He could feel it, her hunger and her need to sleep. Just like he could feel their child growing inside her. This feeling, this knowledge was at the same time both better and worse than his sire-childe bond with Dru. Suddenly an odd thought popped into his mind. He realized that now whenever he thought of the dark princess he felt only revulsion for the woman who had been the center of his life for more than a century. He sat the Slayer in a chair in the Camper’s Kitchen and watched as Ethan went up front to get the thing running.

//Gonna feed you love. You’re bloody starving.//

As Spike began puttering around the kitchen, Buffy fought back the tears that threatened to fall down her face. //Still hate you//

She called out to his mind only to get a smirk as an answer. She felt the camper lurch into movement and was surprised that she actually felt relief at leaving Sunnydale. But that was what she had planned to do after killing Angel wasn't it? And damn strange how now she only seemed to be able to remember the monster rather than the man she had thought she loved. She hated to admit it, but Spike was right - she was damn hungry, her mind was in complete turmoil, and she needed sleep as well.

Spike found the refrigerator completely stocked with American foods. He found several t-bones already ready to be cooked so he took out several and put them on the counter to the right of the stove He then pulled out a dozen eggs and a gallon of milk. In the cabinets the first thing he sought was a glass, which he filled it with milk. As he handed it to Buffy his mind wandered, and he realized there was no place he would rather be at that very moment. He knew this was their bond speaking, but it felt perfect. He knew the bond was temporary, after all it was impossible to bind a demon to a soul or a soul to a demon. For now though he would be content with what he had.

Guilt as thick as a shroud started to cover his mind just as he found a pan and began cooking both eggs and a t-bone in it. He knew it that the slayer’s shiny super soul was causing his demon to feel guilt, but for now it was fine. For the first time since his human self had first drawn breath in this sorry world, he felt loved completely. He knew it was an illusion, but Spike was unwilling to shatter it yet.

Buffy watched her Vampire as he moved about the small kitchen area He had removed his shirt, and she found her slayer side almost drooling at the play of his muscles as he cooked. That was the part that scared her most, he made her slayer side stronger. Now that they were mated she felt more like a Primal Power than a teenaged girl, and the Primal Power part of her was enjoying watching her powerful Demon Mate going about the almost common task of fixing her food. Of course the teenage girl she still was loved the fingernail shaped scratches that adorned his back. Hmmmmm, maybe she had that was backward. Maybe her Primal Powered side liked the scratches and the teenage girl liked the cooking. Nope was right the first time. She couldn't help the giggle that escaped her lips.

//Something funny Slayer?// her Mate asked as he turned from mixing what appeared to be pancake batter. Looking him in the eyes, she could see he was a tad bit upset.

//Nope.// In her mind, another voice whispered a naughty suggestion. With an innocence look in her eyes, she sent forth her desire. //Just thinking that besides steak, eggs and pancakes, I wanna very large side order of Spike goodness for breakfast.//

His look immediately turned lecherous. //Love you’re too tired, but after you rest...,// he continued mixing the batter. //Besides Spike's Spike is never a side order love, it is always the main course.// He smirked at her before turning back to the stove.

Aww man could her cheeks get any redder? But hey, she could sooo have her main course for dessert.

Ethan had covered the new camper in magical armaments. The most basic being that no matter who looked at it, all that person saw was an old couple driving it, a completely harmless older couple that should not be bothered. It was working as he drove by several Initiative patrols that simply smiled at him as he drove by. The second spell was one that caused everyone to forget the couple as soon as they got out of sight. Those two were easy, the third was a bit harder. The third caused the camper to be completely invisible to any electronic or technological devises. The fourth was a talisman of warding, which concealed them from magic.

Still despite all his precautions when Ethan moved the camper onto the northbound lane of Interstate 5 he was relieved. He had already decided their first stop would be San Francisco, There he could pick up supplies, let the Mated couple rest, and then get in touch with Rupert and the Council.

Oh, he was still evil, but the idea of the slayer line being in the hands of an insane bitch like Maggie Walsh was enough to make him stray to the path of light for a few months. The woman had no idea what kind of terror she was playing with.

Should the slayer line be incapacitated, within months the world would be the home of full demons again. If he had allowed the Slayer to be used as the bitch had wanted, it might very well corrupt the slayer line to the side of the demons instead of the side of humans. Besides as much as he loved the thought of the chaos that would ensue from such a corruption and taunting Ripper, the old man looked at his Slayer almost as his daughter, and Ethan would never let anyone truly hurt his best mate’s daughter. Sure he'd kill Ripper if he had too, but allowing his Slayer to be gang raped was not only wrong, it crossed that unspeakable line of friendship which bonded him to Ripper.

Buffy finished eating and was more than a little disappointed that she could now barely hold her eyes open. Her slayer side had fully intended to fuck that evil smirk off her Mate’s face, but she did feel better that after Spike had eaten a bit with her. He seemed as dead beat as she was, and soon they were once again leaning on each other as they made there way to the rear of the camper toward the sleeping quarters.

Buffy stripped nude to crawl into bed with Spike, and as he slid his nude body next to hers, she crawled on top of him and slipped his almost hard cock inside her.

//Slayer…,// his voice echoed in her mind, //you’re too bloody tired.//

//Don't want sex. Ok, want sex, but not now,// she answered. //Just need the connection.// She smiled down at him, and William the Bloody Awful Poet did not have the willpower to say no.

He watched her as sleep claimed her; her body going completely boneless on top of him. Her hot wet womb laid open to him. Never had Drusilla given him this much trust. But this girl in her sleep placed complete trust in him. Here she was the Slayer, the eradicator of his kind, but he knew if he slipped his fang into her neck, she would simply turn her head to give him better access and continue sleeping. She was his nirvana.

If he began thrusting, her body would move with him. If when she woke during his thrusts, she would give him a lazy smile and just begin riding him. What had he done to deserve such a bounty. Pushing her hair back with his nose he began licking and sucking on his mark, his hands caressing her ass and lower back. After his ministrations caused her to have a small orgasm in her sleep, he closed his eyes and joined her in the land of nod.

Ethan was proud that the two in the back had decided not to have a bout or three of their animalistic mating while he was driving. Having watched the two literally tear holes in rock walls and pound imprints of each other’s arses into the stone floor, he wasn't entirely sure they wouldn't destroy the shiny new vehicle he had purchased with "acquired" money from the Initiative.

Buffy woke, or at least thought she was awake, to the surreal feeling of sitting in a chair next to the bed watching her body lying on top of Spike. At first she almost panicked wanting to drag her unconscious body off the 'evil' killer, but then she saw and well felt her body twitch on his massive hard-on and felt her dream knees go weak. It was a good feeling, not of just sexuality, but also of her extreme feminine power.

Really observing her body, Buffy noted that she was laid out naked and asleep atop one of the most infamous vampires in history, and she also immediately knew he would dust himself before hurting her. The lust for her body, the love for her soul had recast the Scourge of Europe, the Slayer of Slayers into a new role. Her dream self giggled. The self proclaimed Big Bad was now the Layer of a Slayer and damned proud of it. Now he would be the scourge of the underworld, teaching her which demons needed slaying and which were useful and could be a help in her never ending war against evil.

She felt their child growing inside of her and knew a with euphoric horror realized that while she was happy beyond words that she carried their child, Buffy was scared even more of dying and leaving him to raise their child alone. Before that very moment, she had always been sort of afraid of dying, but she knew that as the Slayer that came with the territory. Now though death presented this new horror.

"Killing either of us just got a whole lot harder," a voice said from her right. Turning she saw yet another her with longer hair and feathers braided into it. Buffy knew this one was her slayer side - the side she had had to fight constantly after Angel became Angelus. This part of her would have not only killed him that first night, but also would have done so slowly for the insults to her womanhood. As she examined the nude form of her more primal self, one gaping unfairness struck her.

"Hey, no fair your boobs are waaaay bigger," she said fighting the urge to cover her own breasts in protest.

"Not my fault. They tied our power to our feminine needs, both maternal and without meaning to sexual, and well our mate, like most men likes big boobs." The Primal Slayer answered with a sarcastic smirk.

The teenaged girl looked back at her mate lying under her supine body with anger in her eyes, "Stoopid bastard, my boobs are perfect." But then a thought came to her, "Hey, if he's rich I can get a boob job."

She turned back to her unimpressed Slayer side with a grin.

"Ok, not exactly why the Powers sanctioned our mating, but hey get what benefits you can." Primal Slayer moved and sat on the edge of the bed stroking her mate’s legs, keeping her movements slow and gentle. "Don't you think its funny, that right now we are both outside of the mating’s influence and neither of us want him dead.

The young woman moved to the other side of the bed, her hands caressing his face. "Yeah, kind of seen the worst of him now. And well he is mine, think I'll keep him."

At this the Primal Slayer giggled, "Yeah, well I doubt any other Slayer has ever been screwed into unconsciousness, but yeah, he is ours. He thinks he knows all about matings and expects us to kick him out of our life soon. According to the rules a demon isn't supposed to be able to mate a soul, or a soul mate to a demon, but hey surprise, I've been made stronger to handle his soul. And William is being allowed more access in order to keep you happy. So don't be surprised if he starts writing us poetry."

"Poetry? O...K, I think I can deal. Our child, will she be healthy?"

"Oh yes and spoiled rotten, a real daddy's girl. And the next will be a green eyed little boy so smart that he'll make Willow jealous. He’ll be a momma's boy writing poetry and melting all the young women's hearts. Protect them both. They may be physically more powerful than even their parents, but inside they will still be children."

Suddenly the Slayer’s face took on a decidedly evil glint, and teenaged Buffy felt their body clamp down the muscles in their over worked vagina hard on the cock that was so deep inside her. She felt and saw her body's teeth sink into her mate’s neck, then shuddered as both their bodies convulsed in orgasm.

"Oh baby, momma may be asleep, but she can still rock Daddy's world."

