Will's Papa 2
by Redwulf50

Because so many demanded a continuation...
Another glimpse into William growing up.
Part of the Time Tossed Pre-Series

He sat alone, hidden in the corner, praying. Was he ready? Could he do this? He had to. He couldn't live in his sister’s shadow, couldn’t keep hiding behind his mum's skirts. Looking down at the weapon in his hand, he knew this was what he needed. His demon roared approval within his breast. This one must be taught respect. He was the only one ever born a Master of the Order of Aurelius. A living, breathing Aurelian /Slayer hybrid demon, he was far more than any outside his inner circle had ever guessed.

He had refused to train with Antoinette before because he had not wanted to embarrass her. Fighting was her sport, he hadn't wanted to take that from her, but now... Her bloody arse was fair game.

William the ‘Dowdy’ stood, dressed in light blue fatigue pants, black t-shirt and black combat boots. He stepped into the shadows and slid to the room three floors lower, to the training/danger room.


Spike felt it when his son faded into the shadows behind Faith as she stood in front of the entire triple class of young Slayers. The father in him wanted to rush out there and defend his son from this, but the sire in him screamed for retribution by his childe’s hands. None here, save their mother, could ever truly understand the connection he had to his children. They were both his children and his childer, and if certain people thought William was a protective father, they had no idea of the lengths Spike would go to protect his childer.

The boy had let his demon out and Spike felt like roaring his approval. The youngest ever Master of the Order was here to exact his rightful revenge. A quick glance at his other two children showed that their demons were roused as well. Little Erin's eyes were flashing back and forth from green to gold, while Joy's were a stunning electric green. He saw his mate staring at him over their children's head. She shook her beautiful golden head teasingly. 'You're bad!' her voice echoed inside his head.

'Always been bad, luv,’ he sent back.

"Ms Antoinette?" Faith said casually, oblivious to their exchange. "You’ve missed a lot of class lately."

"I was blatantly attacked, Mrs. Harris." Toni answered refusing to look at the Summer/Kenticott women. "By a band of hooligan's wearing ski masks and carrying tasers,” she repeated the story she had told the police and her friends.

"Yeah, one hooligan and the taser was left hook,” Joy whispered loudly.

"Joy?" Faith asked, her face a study in mock seriousness. "Are you admitting to assaulting a fellow student?"

"Of course she’s not!" Rhona defended from behind the teen. "She was just assuming that as awkward and unskilled as Toni is, it's doubtful that it took much to hurt her."

Snickers echoed around the room. "Ms. Toni, we have a new student today and we were hoping you wouldn't mind training with him?" Faith suggested.

"Him?" Toni’s eyes lit up. She really liked boys, especially rough, outgoing, and cocky guys.

William sauntered out of the shadows. His demon might not be showing, but it was in full control. "I think she means me, luv."

The End *snickersnort*

Or Not.... it continues....
