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The Caritas

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Habeas Corpses

Written by: Jeffrey Bell
Directed by: Skip Schoolnik

~~~~~~~~~~ Prologue ~~~~~~~~~~

The Los Angeles night sky is filled with flaming meteors as they plummet to earth. Angel stands on the rooftop amidst the fiery spectacle and looks down through the windows of the building next door, watching in stunned silence as Cordelia and Connor make love. His rage silently builds and, after a moment, he turns away and walks to the stairwell. With a cry of rage, he punches the door off its hinges and walks in. Sounds of destruction emanate from within as he takes his anger out on the building itself.

Opening credit sequence.

~~~~~~~~~~ Part 1 ~~~~~~~~~~

Fred sits at the counter listening to the radio reports of the supernatural events occurring all over the city.

News Announcer: A series of earthquakes and what authorities are now calling “meteor showers” have ravaged the Southland tonight, igniting fires and explosions throughout the L.A. basin. As fire and rescue teams assess the ongoing threat, government officials are asking people to stay in their homes and off the street.

The telephone rings and she snatches up the receiver.

Fred: (into phone) This is Fred. No, that’s right. Yes, ma’am. Angel Invest— I know. It is scary but… if she’s only an hour late… I’m just saying maybe it’s a bit early to panic. A little fire falling from the sky doesn’t necessarily mean the end—

She looks up as Wesley, Lorne and Gunn enter, bruised, bleeding and battered.

Fred: Oh, my god…

She drops the phone and runs to Gunn, throwing herself into his arms.

Fred: I thought you were dead. I got back here and it was empty and I panicked and the radio and the fires…

Wesley walks past and eyes Fred’s embrace of Gunn with a sour look.

Gunn: I know, baby, I know. Me, too. It was like the end of the world out there and all I wanted was you.

Fred: You’re safe now. All of you.

Wesley: (deadpan) Yes. All safe.

Fred: What about Angel? Where’s Angel?

Gunn: We got separated. I’m sure he’ll be here soon. What about you? You okay?

Fred: I’m fine. I just needed some air. I didn’t know I’d be gone so long. (re: diagram on floor) Looks like there’s some other things I didn’t know, either.

Gunn: Plenty of time for updates later. Right now we need to regroup, think about getting back out there and mixing it up with that demony thing.

Wesley: That’s not what Angel would do.

Gunn: Thanks for your opinion and I don’t remember asking.

Fred: (confused) What demony thing?

Lorne: Oh, I believe he’s referring to the big, bad and possibly invincible demony thing that nearly killed us all before he ringmastered tonight’s Cirque de Flambé.

Fred: Was that the pain and suffering and despair thing you saw when you read Cordelia?

Lorne: ’Fraid so, peanut. And if there was ever truth in advertising…

Fred: Charles, if he’s really that big and bad, maybe we should wait for Angel. I mean, if he couldn’t stop him…

Gunn: So we just wait because we don’t know what Angel would or wouldn’t do?

Angel enters through the front door.

Angel: Would I do what?

Fred: Angel, you’re hurt!

Angel: I’ll be… let’s talk about it in the morning.

He heads for the stairs.

Fred: What about Cordelia and Connor? Has anyone checked in on them? (the guys shake their heads) Angel?

Angel pauses on the stairs.

Angel: They’re fine.

Lorne: You saw them?

Angel doesn’t answer, just keeps walking.

Lorne: Man looks like he was hit by a tank.

Gunn: I don’t remember ever seeing him that down after a fight.

Wesley: Can’t really blame him. No one likes to lose, whatever the circumstance.

Wesley looks pointedly at Fred.

Cut to Connor's attic. Sun streams in the windows. Cordelia and Connor lie in bed, sound asleep. Cordelia’s eyes open and go wide with shock when she sees Connor sleeping next to her. She turns away from him, realizing the implications of what they did the night before. Connor wakes up a moment later and snuggles up next to her. He kisses her shoulder and smiles.

Connor: Morning. Did the world end?

Cordelia: Not exactly.

Connor: So that’s a good thing.

Cordelia: Don’t do that.

Connor: Do what?

Cordelia: That. The look. The happy puppy look. Makes it harder.

Connor: Makes what harder?

Cordelia: You’re very special, Connor. Last night will always be special. It’s something we both needed… but it happened because of unusual circumstances. You understand what I’m saying?

Connor: Yeah, that it was special.

Cordelia: That it can’t happen again.

Connor: But… why?

Cordelia sighs and sits up, holding the sheets up to cover her nakedness.

Cordelia: You’re Angel’s son. It rained fire last night— never a good sign— and a giant demony beast crawled out from the earth where you were born.

Connor: You think it’s my fault.

Cordelia: No! I told you last night I didn’t. I said—

Connor gets out of bed, angry, and starts dressing.

Connor: Yeah, you said a lot of things last night. You said that it didn’t matter anymore… that we were real.

Cordelia: And I meant them.

Connor: Yeah, then. Today it’s all my fault. The fire, demon… all of it!

Cordelia: Don’t be… look, all I said was—

Connor: That I can’t be with you.

He stares at her for a beat, then grabs his shirt and leaves.

Cordelia: Connor…

The door slams shut.

Wesley sits on the couch in his apartment, researching the material from Wolfram & Hart. A knock at the door. He gets up to answer it to find Lilah waiting for him. When she sees him, she sighs and smiles.

Lilah: Okay, I was just checking.

Wesley: I’m alive.

Lilah: Not by much from the looks of it.

She walks in and hugs him.

Lilah: I left you a couple hundred messages last night. Don’t feel obligated to return any of them.

Wesley: And you’re all right?

Lilah: I’m fine. Slept at Wolfram & Hart. FYI— safest place to be in case of an apocalypse. You, on the other hand… bet I can make you feel better.

She leans in to kiss him but he turns his head aside and moves away from her.

Lilah: You know, it’s weird. Rain of fire, whole city burning… why do I feel a chill?

Wesley: I can’t do this anymore.

Lilah: (smiles) Yeah, yeah. I heard it a million times, cowboy. We both know how this song ends. You. Me. Broken furniture.

Wesley: It’s over, Lilah.

She looks at him a beat and sees something in his eyes that hasn’t been there before.

Lilah: You’re serious.

Wesley: After what I saw last night, I believe a day of reckoning has arrived.

Lilah: And you just reckon you’ll toss in with the good guys?

Wesley: I’m choosing a side.

Lilah: And the girl of your dreams just happens to be on it. What are the odds?

Wesley: This isn’t about Fred. Or anyone else, for that matter. It’s about right and wrong.

Lilah: And you have such a clear grip on those concepts.

Wesley: I’ve made mistakes.

Lilah: You’re making a big one now.

She thinks for a beat, then walks up to him and puts her arms around him seductively.

Lilah: I could wear the glasses again.

Wesley: Don’t embarrass yourself.

She finally realizes he means it and steps back.

Wesley: There is a line, Lilah. Black and white, good and evil.

Lilah: (nods) Funny thing about black and white… you mix it together and you get gray. And it doesn’t matter how much white you try and put back in. You’re never going to get anything but gray. And I don’t see your Texas gal-pal wearing that color. Come to think of it, she prefers black.

Lilah turns and walks out.

Cut to the hotel. Fred works on the laptop while Gunn watches.

Fred: I don’t get it. I’ve run its stats through every possible database, cross-checked against prophecies, and still come up with squat. How can a creature with that much firepower not leave behind some kind of parchment trail?

Gunn: There is a trail. Problem is the trail guide was drawn by a crackhead.

He hands her one of the runic pieces of paper as Cordelia enters the hotel.

Gunn: Hey, Cordelia. You guys survive the night all right?

Cordelia: Yeah, you know, it was…

Fred: Scary, nasty and nervous-making?

Cordelia: The sky should not be made of fire. Angel around?

Fred looks at the office.

Fred: Hibernating in his cave.

Cordelia nods and walks over to the door, knocks and goes inside. She finds Angel working at his desk.

Cordelia: You have a minute?

He glances at her but doesn’t say anything.

Cordelia: I was hoping we could… talk. About… well, about Connor.

Angel: I already know.

He gets up and heads out into the lobby. Cordelia follows, surprised.

Cordelia: You do? Really? Well, then you’re handling it a lot better than me.

When Angel sees Gunn and Fred at the counter, he turns and goes back into the office.

Angel: Can we not do this right now?

Cordelia: Listen up, daddy dearest, the fact that this hell-beast you’re all looking for crawled up out of the ground in the exact spot where your son was born seems precisely what we should be talking about right now.

That gets Angel’s attention.

Angel: Same spot? Really?

Cordelia: You said you already knew.

Angel: (covers) Of course I knew. Doesn’t mean anything. It could just be a, you know…

Cordelia: Coincidence?

Angel: Strange things happen.

Cordelia: Like a vampire giving birth? Oh, wait! That happened in the exact same spot, too.

Angel: What are you… you think Connor’s connected to this evil thing?

Cordelia: Me? God no. He’s a sweetie pie.

Angel: Then why are you telling me?

Cordelia: Because your son stormed out this morning and he really does believe it.

Cut to Wolfram & Hart. Gavin Park sets a cup of coffee down on Lilah’s desk for her while she talks on the phone.

Lilah: (into phone) Listen, Frank, I don’t care if you have to Lojack the damn thing—

Park: (sotto) Sugar?

Lilah glares at him.

Lilah: (into phone) —find that beast or I swear to god I will…

Park: (sotto) Boil you alive.

Lilah: (sotto) Shut up! (louder; into phone) …boil you alive.

She hangs up and stares at Park.

Lilah: How hard can it be to find a giant horned thing? (drinks coffee) Or a decent cup of coffee? (dumps it in trash) Why are you still here?

Park: Intel confirms that it was the creature that triggered the pyrotechnics last night. They’re just not sure why he did it.

Lilah: I’ll tell you why. Because it can. It’s the 800-pound gorilla. It can do whatever the hell it wants. I get that. But other than char-broiling everything in sight, I don’t think it has an agenda and that makes our job tricky.

Park: What job?

Lilah: The senior partners want us to try and cut a deal with it.

Park: You can’t be serious.

Lilah: Well, it wants the same things we do. An apocalypse, an end to the world, yadda, yadda, yadda. The partners feel it might speed things along and save a few bucks.

Park: But what if it’s not interested?

Lilah: I’ll change its mind. I’m not losing this one.

Park nods and heads for the door. He leaves, then immediately backs inside the office again, followed by Connor. Connor pushes him aside and strides over to Lilah.

Connor: I have questions.

Lilah: (smiles) Connor. As if the last few hours haven’t brought enough surprises.

She stands up and sits on the edge of her desk.

Lilah: You nearly threw us for a loop here, kiddo. Sneaking in the building,… you really are like your old man, aren’t you?

Connor: It’s time to find out.

Lilah: Are you saying what I think you’re saying?

Connor: I want to know why I’m here. What I am.

Lilah: Timeless question. And one we’re more than happy to help answer.

She surreptitiously pushes a button on the underside of her desk.

Lilah: We have an in-house lab. We’ll do a few easy workups— psychological, physiological, neurological— and focus on exactly who or what you are.

Two security guards enter behind Connor.

Lilah: Then we’ll slice you open and start poking around.

Connor whirls and drops both guards with one punch, then seizes Lilah by the throat and slams her up against the wall.

Connor: I’ve got a different idea.

Lilah: I’m open to any suggestions.

Connor: That demon you’re seeking— I think I’m connected to it. I want to find out how.

Lilah: Sure. No problem. Gavin, why don’t you get our young friend a copy of your report, then we’ll sit down and have a nice non-violent conversation.

The lights suddenly go out and the building trembles on its foundation.

Connor: It’s here.


~~~~~~~~~~ Part 2 ~~~~~~~~~~

Continued from previous scene. Lilah grabs the phone and dials security.

Lilah: (to Connor) It’s probably just an aftershock. They sometimes make the power go out.

The phone is dead and she looks over at Park.

Lilah: Try a walkie.

He takes a radio from one of the unconscious guards.

Park: (into radio) This is Gavin Park to the front desk, over. Come in, front desk.

Security: (over radio) This is the front desk, Mr. Park. We’ve got some kind of… oh, no! Oh, my god!

Lilah: Tell him to stop whining and make a report.

Security: (over radio) Send backup! Somebody, please…

His words cut off as the guard screams in agony.

Connor: I told you.

He heads for the wall and takes a short sword from a display case.

Lilah: (to Park) Go downstairs and check it out. (off his look) Gavin, ask yourself this question: what are you more afraid of? A giant murderous demon… or me?

She stares icily at him and he heads for the door.

Park: I’ll be right back.

Lilah: (to Connor) You have any idea what this thing wants?

Connor: Everybody dead.

Connor takes the sword and walks out, leaving Lilah alone. After a moment, she reaches into her desk drawer and removes a semi-automatic pistol. She slaps in a magazine and chambers a round.

In the corridors a lawyer flies through the air with a scream, slams into the wall and collapses to the floor. All around him are the bloody and mangled corpses of other Wolfram & Hart employees. The law firm has been turned into a slaughterhouse. Screams and moans echo through the hallways as, one by one, the firm’s personnel are executed. Pan up to reveal The Beast holding a decapitated lawyer’s head in its hand. It surveys the carnage, then turns and heads deeper into the building.

A pretty young blonde lawyer punches the call button desperately. She glances back over her shoulder as screams of terror come from the darkness. All around her, people flee for their lives through the shadowy corridors. She finally gives up and heads for the stairs with the others as Lilah strides out into the chaos with Connor.

Lilah: What exactly is this thing?

Connor: I don’t know but I think it’s been following me around.

Lilah: And you’re just going to kill it?

Connor: Gonna try.

Lilah stops but Connor keeps walking.

Lilah: And we’re heading towards it right now? (waves) Best of luck.

She heads off in the opposite direction.

The pretty blonde lawyer merges with the flow of people making a mass exodus from the building. As she passes one of the landings, the door slams open and terrified people push past her. One man barely makes it through the doorway before he’s yanked violently backward by the Beast. The creature quickly kills him and moves on, dealing death at every turn. The Beast strides down the corridor, looking for victims. It pauses at the door to a janitor’s closet when it hears muffled sounds coming from within. It pushes the door open to find Gavin Park frantically searching the shelves of the supply closet. He looks up, terrified.

Park: Uh… hi.

The Beast reaches out and seizes him by throat, lifts him up off the floor, and snaps his neck. It drops Park’s corpse in the hall and moves on.

A different corridor. Connor moves silently and cautiously among the dozens of dead Wolfram & Hart employees, looking for the Beast. He pauses and surveys the carnage: eviscerated people lying where they were killed, draped across furniture and countertops; great swaths of blood dripping from the walls. Suddenly he hears gunshots coming from close by and heads in that direction.

Lilah backs into her office, away from the approaching Beast, firing her gun as she goes. The rounds strike the creature point-blank but it doesn’t even flinch. She empties the magazine into the creature which strides forward, lifts her up slams her down on the conference table, and wraps its massive hand around her neck. She looks up at the thing and for the first time in a long time she feels real fear.

Lilah: I can help you… anything you need.

It ignores her and sinks one of its claws deep into her abdomen. She gasps and chokes in pain as the Beast’s talon works its way deep into her gut. Suddenly it stops and pulls the claw out of her. It hurls her off the table and onto the floor and turns to face a terrified lawyer who stands up from his hiding place nearby. At the same moment, Connor enters the room, sword held high, and attacks. He brings the sword down on the Beast’s back but the blade snaps in two. The Beast turns to him, smiling.

Beast: Connor…

It punches Connor with one massive blow to the chest and sends him rocketing across the room where he impacts one of the building’s cement central support columns. He hits with such force that the column shatters and buries Connor under chunks of concrete and steel re-bar.

Moaning in pain and holding her bleeding belly, Lilah staggers down the shadowy corridor. She looks back as the Beast turns the corner behind her and strides purposefully after her. She tries to go faster but her strength is failing. As she passes one of the shattered offices, hands reach out and yank her inside. She gasps as Wesley sets her down and goes back to close the door.

Lilah: I don’t understand…

She starts to fall over and he catches her.

Lilah: Why are you here?

Wesley: I have a man on the inside.

He looks up as heavy rhythmic thumps resonate throughout the building.

Wesley: What’s that?

Lilah: (ironic smile) That’s the fat lady singing.

She starts to swoon again.

Wesley: Lilah!

Lilah: The building automatically shuts down under full-scale attack.

Wesley: When you say “shuts down”…?

Suddenly a massive steel shutter slams down over the window in the office behind them.

Lilah: All windows, doors, air vents… nobody gets in—

The office door slams off its hinges and the Beast stands silhouetted in the entrance, snarling. Wesley picks Lilah up and runs out the side door and into the corridor.

Wesley runs down the corridor with Lilah in his arms.

Wesley: Stay with me! Come on, Lilah, there must be a way out for someone like you. Think! A back door, something.

The Beast strides out into the corridor behind them as an unconscious lawyer starts to come to and stand up.

Lilah: Around the corner, supply closet.

The Beast seizes the hapless man and starts ripping him to pieces. Wesley ducks around the corner and sets Lilah down, then reaches into his supply bag.

Lilah: What are you stopping for?

Wesley holds up a fragmentation grenade.

Lilah: You’ve gotta be kidding me.

He pulls the pin and tosses the grenade at the feet of the approaching Beast. The creature looks down at it curiously as the grenade detonates with a tremendous blast. Wesley drapes Lilah’s arm around his shoulders and they stagger off down the corridor.

Lilah: Will it kill him?

Wesley: No, but it might distract him for a moment.

They come to supply closet and Lilah looks down at Park’s body.

Lilah: Gavin. Poor bastard.

Wesley: Lilah?

Lilah: It’s in here.

He drags her inside the small room and shuts the door as the Beast strides out of the wreckage further down the corridor.

Lilah frantically pulls paper, pens and rolls of toilet tissue off the shelves, searching for something.

Lilah: Come on, where is it?

Wesley: You sure this is the right closet?

Lilah: Yeah, third floor and lobby.

Wesley joins in, yanking everything off the shelves.

Outside the Beast strides slowly but purposefully down the corridor toward the supply closet.

Lilah finds what she’s looking for: a steel handle set into the wall.

Lilah: Okay, here it is.

She twists the handle and a metal panel slides back, revealing an escape chute.

The Beast rips the door from its frame only to find the closet empty. It looks around for a beat, then moves on with a menacing snarl.

Wesley and Lilah tumble into the storm sewer from an overhead duct. They land in a crumpled heap, moaning and gasping pain, then slowly get to their feet.

Lilah: Now what?

Wesley: Now you disappear. You get patched up and leave town.

Lilah: Turn tail and run?

Wesley: That thing won’t quit until everyone at Wolfram & Hart is dead. Go underground. Change your name. Don’t make its job easy.

He starts to walk away.

Lilah: Wesley!

He stops and turns. She looks meaningfully at him for a moment but he just stares back, his face a blank mask.

Lilah: Connor is trapped up inside.

Wesley: (shocked) What?

Lilah: I don’t know if he’s alive. He’s in the third floor conference room. Not that there’s a way back in… I just thought you should know.

She smiles at him and nods. He hesitantly does the same and then heads off into the night. After a moment, she turns and limps away in the opposite direction.

Cut to the hotel. Angel, Cordelia and Lorne pour over the books, researching. Fred works on her computer while Gunn sits nearby reading and nervously tapping a pencil on his book.

Fred: Can you not do that?

Gunn: Oh! Sorry, it helps me think.

Fred: Didn’t mean to snap.

Cordelia: I’m ready to crackle pop myself. The last 24 haven’t exactly been normal. We’re all tired.

Angel: (pointed) Wonder why?

He kicks Lorne, who starts awake and sits up on the settee, disoriented.

Lorne: Just… just meditating on the problem. Yeah, asking the inner Lorne for a little backup.

Gunn: We’re assuming it’s a big connect-the-dot that Connor and the devilly guy have this alley in common but isn’t this alley right behind Caritas— or at least what’s left of it?

Lorne: Yeah, that whole block is a big fat interdimensional happenin’ hot spot.

Cordelia: Except this thing didn’t emerge from a portal so much as a pothole.

The door opens and Wesley enters.

Gunn: Oh, good. More bad news.

Fred: Can you just try to get along? He was your friend.

Gunn: Heavy on the “was”.

Wesley walks down the stairs and into the lobby.

Angel: You know where it is. The Beast.

Wesley: Inside Wolfram & Hart. And so is—

Gunn: That answers a lot of questions. They’re probably having a big sit-down, breaking bread.

Wesley: It’s killing everything that moves in there.

Gunn: I’ve heard worse news.

Wesley: (to Angel) Your son is trapped inside.

Angel: What?

Cordelia: Oh, my god! Connor? Why would he be in there? I don’t understand.

Angel: There’s lots of things I don’t understand. We’re going in after him.

Wesley: Won’t be easy. The building’s locked tight. There’s no way out.

Angel: But I bet there’s a way in.

Cut to Wolfram & Hart. The building is eerily silent. All the screaming has stopped. Everyone is dead. Connor makes his way down the dark corridor and past Gavin Park’s corpse. As he steps past the body, its eyes suddenly snap open.


~~~~~~~~~~ Part 3 ~~~~~~~~~~

The Hyperion. Angel descends the stairs, axe in hand, as the others gear up for their trip to Wolfram & Hart.

Fred: (to Wesley) I mean, I know you run your own shop, but an inside guy at Wolfram & Hart? Pretty amazing.

Wesley: Yes, well… part of the job.

Lorne hands Fred a dagger.

Fred: Thank you.

Cordelia: (to Angel) He’s gonna be fine, you know. Connor’s a champion, like you. He’s special.

Angel: Right. Like me. Special.

He turns away.

Angel: Somebody should stay here and mind the store.

Lorne: Oh, me, me, me! Sergeant Stay-at-Home, volunteering for duty, sir.

Angel: Gunn, let’s go.

Gunn: Angel, assuming we can even get inside the evil empire, the same big beastie’s in there who spanked our asses six ways to Sunday. What’s gonna be different this time?

Angel: What’s different is we’re not going for the monster. We’re going for Connor.

Gunn: So you phoned ahead so the big bad understands that?

Angel: Look! I don’t know the answers. Don’t even know most of the questions. But what I do know is that I have to go into Wolfram & Hart and find my son. Now as far as us versus the big bad is concerned… there’s only one smart way to play it. We see it, we run like hell.

He turns to leave. Cordelia picks up a short sword and moves to follow him.

Cordelia: Works for me.

Angel takes the sword from her and sets it back down.

Cordelia: Excuse me?

Angel: Stay here with Lorne.

She reaches to pick it back up again.

Cordelia: No. Connor’s in danger and I—

Angel slams his hand down on the sword.

Angel: (hard) Cordelia. I don’t want you there. It’s too dangerous. Way too dangerous. I can’t risk it.

He turns to leave.

Angel: Fred, get a move on.

Lorne: (waves) Happy hunting! We’ll stay here and keep the home fires burning. Bake some nice healing muffins.

Fred and the others follow him out, leaving Cordelia and Lorne alone in the lobby. Cordelia stares after them, unsure what to think.

Cut to the sewers. Wesley leads the group to the exit vent he and Lilah used earlier.

Wesley: This is it. I believe there’s a door about 30 meters up.

Gunn: You believe or you know? ’Cause every time you show up believin’ something, seems somebody gets their head drilled or falls into a portal.

Fred: Charles…

Gunn: I’m just saying—

Wesley: Yes, well I’m doing.

Angel: Will you guys shut up! I don’t give a rat’s ass about whatever’s going on between you. Put it away! We’re here for Connor.

Wesley and Gunn glare at each other but say nothing.

Gunn: I still don’t see how you plan on getting us up there.

Angel drops his bag, unzips it and grabs a coil of rope, then leaps straight up and scales the sides of the air duct, quickly disappearing into the darkness above.

Gunn: Show off.

After a moment, the rope drops down in front of them.

Angel, Gunn, Wesley and Fred emerge from the stairwell to find the hallway strewn with the dead.

Fred: Oh, my god… I know they all worked for an evil company but this is…

Gunn whips his light around and shines it behind them.

Fred: What?

Gunn: Heard something.

Angel: Power’s down. We’ll have to take the stairs.

They step over the bodies and head for the stairwell at the opposite end of the corridor.

Gunn: Just so I’m clear on the plan…

Angel: Third floor. Get Connor. Get out.

Fred starts and spins around but there’s nothing there.

Fred: Sorry, feeling a little goosy.

Wesley: For good reason.

Angel mounts the stairs, taking them two at a time.

Angel: Be quick, be quiet. As far as we know, that thing’s still around.

As they step over the corpse of the pretty blonde lawyer from earlier, her eyes open and her head turns to follow their progress.

The group emerges from the stairwell onto the third floor.

Gunn: I don’t get it. Wolfram & Hart is evil, the big bad is evil… why go all Terminator on your own team?

Angel: Maybe all it wants is to eliminate the competition.

Fred: Doesn’t give us much to look forward to, does it?

As they pass by the supply closet with the escape chute, Wesley stops, confused. He looks down at the floor. Gavin Park’s body is gone.

Wesley: Wasn’t Gavin…

He turns and looks behind them into the darkness.

Angel: Over here.

Angel goes into the conference room and the others follow. The four of them dig through the shattered remains of the concrete support column.

Fred: He’s not in here.

Wesley: Let’s be certain.

Angel: No, she’s right. He’s not. That’s good. Means he’s still alive.

Gunn: Or that Sherlock got his facts wrong again.

Angel: No, I can smell him. Connor was here. You three take one stairwell. Sweep each floor, we’ll meet up top.

Angel emerges from the stairwell on a different floor and moves cautiously along the corridor, searching. A shadow ducks across the corridor behind him and he spins, sword at the ready. But whatever it was, it’s gone. He holds for a moment, then continues onward. Suddenly his sword is knocked out of his hand as someone leaps out of the shadows and attacks. Angel grabs him and slams him against the wall, then realizes it’s Connor.

Angel: Connor! Jesus, thank god you’re alive.

He pulls Connor into a relieved hug.

Connor: How’d you know where to find me?

Angel: It’s a long story. We’ve gotta get you out of here first.

Connor: Wait. First I have to kill that thing. This is my fault.

Angel: We can’t kill it and no, it’s not. We’ve thrown everything we can at it. It’s not enough. We need to go.

He turns to leave only to find Gavin Park reaching out for him, obviously still dead but walking nevertheless. Angel decks him, then throws him headfirst into the wall. Park lies still for a moment, then starts getting slowly back to his feet again.

Angel: Gavin… how did…?

Connor: He looks dead.

Angel: He is dead. Technically undead. A zombie.

Connor: What’s a zombie?

Angel picks Park up and throws him down the hall again.

Angel: It’s an undead thing.

Connor: Like you?

Angel: No! Zombies are slow-moving dim-witted things that crave human flesh.

Connor: (smiles) Like you.

Angel: No! It’s different. Trust me.

He grabs his sword back from Connor and heads off down the corridor, pausing long enough to kick Park in the head as he once again tries to rise from the floor.

Angel: Come on!

Park starts to rise again with a deathly moan and this time the dozens of other corpses in the hall start to rise with him.

Connor: Why are the doing this? Why are they zombies?

Angel: I don’t know but we need to find the others.

Wesley, Fred and Gunn explore the carnage on a different floor, still looking for Connor. Wesley steps over the body of a man and enters one of the offices lining the corridor. A moment later, he comes back out and shines the light at the floor. The man’s body is gone.

Wesley: That’s odd.

Fred: What is?

Gunn: Shouldn’t Angel be swooping in any minute now?

Fred turns to Gunn and her eyes go wide with shock.

Fred: Charles!

He turns just as an undead woman attacks him from behind. She bites down on his arm and he slams the hilt of his sword into her face. She drops to the floor, lifeless once again. Suddenly, all the corpses in the hall rise to their feet and attack. Gunn, Fred and Wesley fight furiously against them but there are too many.

Gunn pushes Fred into one of the offices.

Gunn: Wesley, come on!

Wesley fights his way through the moaning mob of zombies and follows Gunn inside. They slam the door, trapped, as dozens of undead creatures pound on the door outside.


~~~~~~~~~~ Part 4 ~~~~~~~~~~

Continued from previous scene. Gunn, Fred and Wesley lean against the office door to hold it shut.

Gunn: What the hell was that?

Wesley: Zombies.

Gunn: Yeah, thanks for the newsflash, Captain Obvious.

He checks the side door to the office, then comes back to help them hold the main door closed.

Gunn: It’s locked.

Fred: Charles, you’re bleeding.

Gunn: Zombie broad tried to snack on me.

Wesley: She bit you?

Gunn: You worried I’m gonna turn into one of those mindless meatbags?

Wesley: No, I don’t think it works that way here.

Gunn: Good to know, but if it is, don’t let me be one for long.

Wesley: (nods) You’ll do the same for me?

Gunn: Oh, yeah.

The door shatters and a zombie arm snakes through and grabs Fred by the hair. Gunn brings the axe down and slices the zombie’s arm off at the elbow. Fred runs to the opposite door and tries the handle but can’t get it to turn.

Fred: Damn it!

She starts hammering on the lock with her sword while Wesley and Gunn keep the zombie horde at bay.

Fred: Got it! Come on!

Wesley slices and stabs his way through the wave of zombies and makes it over to Fred.

Wesley: Gunn!

Gunn is cut off. He can’t get to them.

Gunn: Get her out of here!

Fred: Charles!

Gunn: Go!

The door slams closed as dozens of zombies overwhelm Gunn.

Meanwhile, Angel and Connor take refuge in a small alcove off the main corridor.

Angel: The only way to kill a zombie is to stop its brain activity. Cut off its head, smash in its skull… luckily they’re slow and stupid so we have a decent chance of beating them.

He takes a look out into the corridor to find a teeming throng of zombies shuffling toward them.

Angel: Unless, of course, there’s hundreds of them.

Fred tries to open the door again but Wesley pulls her away.

Fred: We gotta go back for Charles!

Wesley: Not an option. I need to get you to safety.

He upends a desk and slams it up against the door as it trembles under the zombie onslaught from the other side. He runs over to the main door to this office and opens it only to find more zombies lurching toward him. He slams the door, locks it, then picks up his sword.

Fred: Now what?

Wesley: We wait, then we fight.

Fred: Why are they doing this?

Wesley: I don’t know. Perhaps it’s some building lockdown protocol or some security voodoo.

Fred: You don’t think it’s something the big beast can do, do you? Reanimate the dead?

Wesley: Anything’s possible. All I know for sure is that they want us dead.

Suddenly the door behind them slams open and Fred screams. She relaxes as Gunn emerges from behind the overturned desk.

Gunn: Fred?

Fred: Charles!

Gunn: Zombies my ass.

The opposite door slams open as well and Angel and Connor rush in.

Fred: Connor!

Angel: We got what we came for. Let’s go. Wes?

Wesley: Only two exits I know of. Third floor and lobby.

Fred: That’s too far.

Connor: We can make it.

Angel: Not all of us. Too many dead men walking. All right, look.

There is one other way. The White Room. It’s an interdimensional space here at Wolfram & Hart.

Gunn: Sounds kinda portally.

Angel: Not exactly. More like a gateway. And there’s a little girl there… or something old and evil that likes to pretend she’s a little girl.

Connor: You’ve seen her?

Angel: I met her once when I was trying to find you. She might be able to help us.

Gunn: So fight seven floors of evil lawyer zombies or sweet talk a nasty little girl. You know where my heart’s at.

Fred: Yeah, but I gotta disagree. I vote for the White Room. How do we get there?

Angel: Gonna need your help.

Dozens of zombies lurch through the lobby as Angel and his crew enter at a run. The men punch, slice and stab a clear path to the elevator for Fred. Angel gets there first and pries open the doors for her.

Angel: Do what you can.

He leaves her to work on the elevator control panel and goes back out to join the fray. Hundreds of zombies stagger toward them as Gunn, Wesley, Connor and Angel fight furiously to keep them at bay.

Angel: Fred!

Fred: Working on it! (to herself) Come on, Fred, think. Bypass switch for a shutdown command…

Angel: Come on, Fred!

She makes a decision and attaches two wires. The elevator hums to life.

Fred: Angel!

Angel: Guys, let’s go!

Angel and the others break off and pile into the elevator with her. Angel looks at the call button panel and tries to remember the code.

Wesley: Do you remember the code?

Angel: Hello? Photographic memory.

He punches 18, 23, 20, 28 and 27. Nothing happens.

Angel: What?

Connor: Maybe you forgot.

Angel: I didn’t forget. Let me try again.

Gunn spots Gavin Park lurching toward the elevator, his head cocked at an unnatural angle.

Gunn: That’s Gavin. I know that guy.

He steps out of the elevator and decapitates Park with his axe, then runs back inside.

Gunn: I hate seeing someone I know like that. Even someone I know I hate.

The zombies are mere feet from the elevator now.

Wesley: No time like the present, Angel.

Angel pushes a final button and the doors slide shut just as the first of the creatures reaches out for them. A new button swirls into existence above all the others on the panel and Angel presses it.

Angel: Here’s hoping she’s in a good mood.

The elevator fades away around them and the group finds themselves standing a vast room, the walls, floor and ceiling a glaring white.

Fred: Oh, no!

They all follow here gaze to find the Beast crouched over a small girl who lies motionless on the floor. Its clawed hand hovers over the girl’s chest, a dense black cloud streaming up from her body into it.

Gunn: It was waiting for us all along.

Angel: No, I don’t think so. It wanted this. The girl. Whatever she is, it came for her.

Wesley: Is there a way out of here?

Across the room, the girl stirs and looks over at them. She raises her hand and points.

Girl: The answer is among you.

The black stream pouring out of the girl comes to an end and she visibly weakens. The Beast stands up and faces Angel and his crew. It steps over the girl and strides toward them, one lumbering step at a time. Angel and Connor raise their swords, ready to fight. With her final breath, the little girl mutters an incantation and gestures with her hand.

Angel and the others look around to find themselves standing in the hotel lobby. Lorne looks up from his magazine to see them all suddenly standing before him and looks suspiciously at his Seabreeze.

Angel: (smiles) Home… she sent us.

He sees Cordelia sitting at the counter and his smile vanishes.

Angel: Oh…

Connor: Dad?

Cordelia looks up, stunned at their sudden arrival right in front of her. Angel sets his sword down and heads for the office as Cordelia goes over to Connor and hugs him.

Cordelia: You’re safe.

He watches them, then goes inside and shuts the door. Across the room, Fred checks Gunn’s wounded arm.

Fred: Does it still hurt?

Gunn: It’s okay.

Lorne: Well, hail the conquering heroes and how the hell did you just do that?

Fred: That was awful what it did to that little girl.

Lorne: (dismayed) Oh, it killed a girl?

Wesley: Not really a girl. Something ancient and evil dressed like a girl.

Gunn: So what’s it say about the Big Bad Wolf if he can just stride right in and suck the energy out of Evil Red Riding Hood?

Wesley: I don’t know. Other than it’s going to take a force far smarter and stronger than us to defeat it.

Lorne: Oh, like there’s a lot of that just lying around.

Angel flips through files and papers on his desk. Cordelia enters but he doesn’t look up.

Cordelia: Hey. I was… really worried.

Angel: I’ll bet.

Cordelia: The folks out there are feeling pretty discouraged.

Angel: Yep.

Cordelia: I’m just glad that everyone’s safe and together again.

Angel: (smiles) Me, too.

Cordelia smiles back.

Angel: Now… take your new boyfriend and get the hell out of here.

He stares at her for a beat, then walks out. Cordelia’s eyes go wide with shock and realization.

Cordelia: Oh, god…




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