
"Being Bad"
This takes place over the summer after Graduation. Giles teaches Buffy how to be good at being bad.
B/G, NC17

"Boy Smell Nice, Man Smell Nicer"
Buffy, still in all her primitive glory, takes it upon herself to inadvertently embarass her ex-watcher to all hell.
B/G, NC17

"Higher Education Series"
When Riley goes to Giles to learn about Buffy, he sets something in motion that makes everyone learn a lot.
B/G, NC17

"Just Giles"
Giles thinks Buffy is taking him for granted. Buffy is dealing with her Olivia issues.
B/G, NC17

"Mrs. Rupert Giles"
With Giles' green card in jeopardy a 'marriage of convenience' seems like the only reasonable option.
B/G, NC17

"My Deal"
There's some strip poker -a- happenin' and Giles wants to play. Let's see how far the game goes.
B/G, NC17

"Ripper Au Natural"
Another stunning answer to that brilliant heatwave question. Let's get 'im outta' that tweed!
B/G, NC17

"Ripper's Girl"
A response to a challenge at Cap's site Watching You, Watching Me On Halloween, it's Ripper's turn to be flustered. Of course, you know that doesn't last for long. I wonder who this elusive girl is... hmmm...
B/G, NC17

"Wanna Bet"
Buffy and Giles are training in the unbearable heat. You know what that means ;-) Well, maybe not... hmmm... those of you who do, don't spoil it for the others!
B/G, NC17

"Want Ads"
Giles is still feeling unwanted and Buffy fixes up the perfect scheme to make him feel otherwise.


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