"An Immortal Love"

Author: Pamela



He opened his eyes and realized that he was no longer in the pits of Hell. Instead he was in an entirely different kind of place. He didn't know exactly what it was. It was kind of dark, but the darkness wasn't menacing, in fact the dark was peaceful and Angel felt calm. He couldn't really tell how large this room, if that was what he was in, was. For some reason, he didn't feel the need to move. Something told him just to stay where he was, that whatever he was waiting for would come to him. He knew not to be afraid of it, it wouldn't hurt him. It was coming to help him.

All of a sudden, there was a blinding light, about 15 feet in front of him. He moved his arms in front of his face to shield his eyes. After just a few second he realized the light was gone, and as he moved his arms down was amazed to see Jenny Calendar standing there.

She looked so serene, so angelic. It was as though she were giving off light, her whole form glowed. She smiled at him.

"Angel. It's so good to see you!"

"But, but I killed you!" He exclaimed with horror. She should want to see him burst into ashes after he hunted her down and brutally murdered her for trying to help him.

She furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head furiously. "No, you didn't. Angelus did! And you have proven many times that Angel and Angelus are not the same person."

"But still..." he tried to argue.

She walked up to him and placed her finger over his lips, as a loving mother. "That's not what matters. Not anymore."

He was very confused. Where was this place. She looked like an angel, the literal kind. Was this heaven? There was no way he could be going to heaven. "Where am I?"

She shook her head. "I'm sorry, I don't have more time to explain. You aren't in heaven. It's not your time yet. You have work to do. You have to help her."

This just confused him even more, "What?"

"Do you remember what happened? After Buffy's birthday?"

"Yes. I lost my soul. I tortured Buffy. I hunted her, for months. I killed you." he answered sadly, "Then I stole Acathla, I wanted to awaken him to open the vortex to Hell. Buffy and I fought, and that's where I get confused."

She looked at him sadly, not sad for her own death, but for his suffering, and especially for Buffy's.

He went on, "I think I got my soul back, Buffy and I hugged and kissed, but I had already pulled the sword from Acathla....and Buffy...she stabbed me with the sword and the vortex closed, and brought me with it. Oh, that must have been so hard for her. I can't even imagine."

Jenny squeezed his hand. "It was. Very hard. That was the worst night of her life. And sending you to Hell was just the icing on the cake."

Angel looked at her, his tear filled eyes pleading for answers.

She looked down. "Drusilla killed Kendra. The police thought it was Buffy, she had to run from them. Her mother got in a fight with her. She ended up kicking Buffy out. Then Principal Snyder expelled her from school, and then she had to send the love of her life to Hell."

He couldn't believe it. "Is she okay?"

Jenny sadly shook her head. "Not really. She left town. She needs her friends, their love and support, but she feels that she only hurts them. Close your eyes."

He looked at her suspiciously. "Every time a woman tells me that, I end up regretting it big time."

She broke into a big grin and truly laughed. "Just do it!"

He closed his eyes and felt her press her hand against the side of his head, gently. All of a sudden he could see Buffy. It was as though he was watching a movie, inside his head. She looked so tired and sad. She had big circles under her eyes, her hair was unkempt, and she was walking slow, as though every step ached. She was wearing a waitress uniform with a name tag that said "Anne." She stopped and looked sadly at something. Angel found her could turn his head and see what she was seeing, as if he was there as well. It was a brick building with lots of trees and teenager milling about. He saw a sign that said "Novato High School: Home of the Panthers." She looked longingly at the other kids, as though with envy. She wished she could be like them, but shook her head knowing that could never happen. Buffy slowly continued on, and Jenny pulled her hand away, making Buffy disappear.

Angel's eyes opened panic stricken "Don't stop!"

Jenny looked at him sadly. "I'm sorry, Angel, but there isn't much time, you have to listen to me!"

He nodded, so she went on, "You and Buffy are soul mates. You are destined to be together. In every life, you and she have fallen in love. Just as Rupert is mine. I am going to wait for him. I wasn't supposed to die yet."

Angel cast his eyes downward with shame.

"Oh, it's not your fault. It'll be fixed! He will join me, not for many years happily!" She smiled, "But he will, then the two of us will go on to the next life together. There was a big mistake made when Darla made you a vampire. It upset the cycle between you and Buffy. For 200 years she searched for you, not consciously, of course. Then it was fated that if she were the slayer, you two could once again meet. Let me just say that when the most carefully laid plans go awry, it really screws things up. But we are very close to fixing it all. When you were sent to Hell you had a soul, a very pure soul. You didn't belong there, so now you are free, however Angelus is still there. So, without the demon...."

Angel put it together and was amazed. "I'm human?"

Jenny smiled. "Yes you are. You can go out into the sunlight, have children, and do all the things you should have done with Buffy 250 years ago!"

This was too much. Angel couldn't believe he was hearing it.

"Now listen, this is very important. You have to find Buffy. She needs you. You must save her. And then.... spend the rest of your lives together peacefully. The way it should have been. You are going back in a few moments, to Sunnydale. There you are to help Giles and everyone find Buffy."

Angel shook his head. "I can't! I can't face him! I can't face them! They must all hate me!"

Jenny shook her head. "No they don't Angel, they understand, mostly. Buffy doesn't blame you at all. In fact she completely blames herself. For months everyone told her it wasn't her fault, but there was one person she really needed to hear it from, and that was you. Willow...is Willow. She can see the good in anyone. Giles knows, and it may be hard for him at first, but give both him and Willow some time. They just need to build up the trust they had in you again, but it'll happen. And Xander, well, I'm not going to lie to you. Xander has never been able to differentiate you from Angelus, even before. But, when he sees that everyone else is trusting you, hopefully he won't be so angry."

Angel nodded solemnly. The upcoming months, possibly years, were going to be a struggle. "But when they see me, they'll probably try to stake me before I can get a word out."

Jenny grinned at him. "Don't worry, I'll take care of that. I'm going to mess with Rupert's dreams tonight!"

She squeezed his hand, and slowly started backing away, "It's time for me to go now. Don't forget, she needs you."

He nodded at her nervously, and then she just disappeared, as though the shadows had swallowed her.

And then he was falling, he grabbed for anything he could, and realized his eyes were closed. He opened them and realize he was in bed. His bed. In his apartment. He was panting. Panting, part of breathing. He was alive! He jumped out of the bed, realizing he was nude, and had to pee. I had been so long. He walked into the bathroom, which had really only been used for showers by him before, and relieved himself for the first time in 250 years. He walked over to the sink and jumped as he saw his own reflection. Even though he hadn't seen himself in such a long time, he knew he was attractive. He could tell by the appreciative looks by females when he walked into the Bronze. For so long, they had been his mirrors. After so long, seeing himself was like seeing an old acquaintance he hadn't seen in years.

Angel glanced at the clock and saw that it was ten in the morning. Usually, past his bedtime, but he felt alive! He was alive! Angel longed to have Buffy beside him, to share this experience. But she couldn't be, and it was up to him to get her home, where she belonged.

Quickly he showered, shaved, and dressed, then reluctantly headed out the door. Even though he knew logically that the sun wouldn't hurt him, when you fear something for two and a half centuries, it doesn't stop scaring you just like that. He was also extremely nervous to go see Giles and the rest of the gang. To see the distrust an hatred on their faces. But he had to if he wanted to help Buffy, and he would. He would do anything to help her.

Rupert Giles had an anxious feeling in the pit of his stomach all day. He had never really had any dreams like this before. Even the whole Eyghon ordeal. This was so clear, and something inside him told him to believe it, that it was about to happen. He could still remember it as though it was still happening.

He was in a very dark room, it wasn't pitch black, but he could figure out where any light was coming from. He felt warm, comfortable, safe. Nothing bad could happen when he was here. And then she was there. His Jenny. She looked even more beautiful. The room got much brighter. It was as though she was lighting it.

She smiled lovingly at him, "Rupert!"

Giles couldn't think of a thing to say, he was in shock.

She walked up to him and kissed him on the lips, light as a feather. Yet with that faint touch he felt an electric shock rock through his body.

"He's coming back. Today. He's good again, and he can help you find her." she informed him.

"What? Who is coming? Help me find Buffy?"

She nodded "Yes, Angel. He was sent to Hell, but he didn't belong there, so they released him. He is good again....and human."

Giles mouth hung open in shock, "He's...he's human?"

"Angelus is still in Hell, but the physical body, it belonged to Angel. And Angel had a good soul. It was deemed unfair everything that had happened to he and Buffy. So, we tried to fix things. He is human, so they can be together, as they were meant to." Jenny explained as she wrapped her arms around him in an embrace.

"I know that Angel didn't kill you, but still, it will be so hard to look at him, to work with him, knowing those hands......"

"Shh! It's okay. I don't expect you to welcome him with open arms, neither does he. It will take time. You just have to try. Do it for Buffy. She needs you to be there so much. You're like a father to her"

Giles nodded, "I'll try. She has experienced too much pain in her life. More than anybody should have to bear."

Jenny smiled sadly, "Yes she has. Now you must remember this Rupert. Angel is coming today. He can help you find Buffy. He knows where she is, but you have to help him remember. He holds the answer in his mind."

He nodded.

"And I love you Rupert. I'll wait for you."

He was about to declare his undying love for her as well, when he woke up. As if she wanted him to be sure not to forget all she had said. As if he could do that. It would be etched in his memory forever.

So he sat in the Sunnydale High School Library, attempting to get work done, while waiting for Angel to arrive. He glanced at the clock. It was almost noon. It would be so strange to see Angel in daylight. Perhaps Angel didn't know. Giles wasn't sure he could wait all day, he needed to talk to Angel as soon as possible. He had wanted to share his dream with the kids, especially Willow, but he was afraid they might think he had gone mad. They were all different, quieter, sadder, ever since Buffy had left.

Giles shook his head. It could have been just a dream. It probably was. He was desperate to find Buffy. If Angel were to come back, as Angel and not Angelus, it would make things so much easier. The two of them had been so connected.

Angel cautiously walked into the library. Giles felt his whole body tense up. Angel's throat dried up and he couldn't seem to find any words to say. So, they just stood there, staring at each other.

After a moment, Angel finally said, "I'm not here to hurt you, I swear. I know that doesn't mean much to you now."

Giles shook his head. "I know. I know that you are good again. And you are human?"

Angel nodded, "Yes, yes I am. How did you know?"

"Jenny. She came to me. In a dream last night. She told me. She also said you would help find Buffy."

Angel nodded. "Anything. I'll do anything for her."

Giles smiled, it was nice to see the dark haired man in love with his slayer again. "You hold the answer."


"That's what Jenny said, that you hold the answer. It's in your mind." explained Giles.

"What the Hell?!" came an angry male voice from the entrance to the library.

Angel and Giles looked over to see a very angry Xander standing in front of the doors with a shocked Cordelia next to him and an oblivious Oz and Willow walking in.

"Xander, it's okay. He's Angel again, not Angelus." Giles explained, in an attempt to calm the teenager.

Willow's face brightened and she stepped in front of the other three. "Really?"

Angel nodded. "I'm.....so sorry. I know it doesn't make up for it, or even come close...but I am."

Xander walked next to Willow. "You got that right! You could never make up for what you did to us. What you did to Buffy!"

Angel just bowed his head in shame. Willow gently put a hand on Xander's arm.

"Xander, stop it."

"Children please, Angel has changed quite a bit. He has a soul, and he's....he's human." Giles informed them.

Cordelia stepped forward, on the other side of Xander and said "How?"

"I was sent to Hell. But it was decided that I didn't belong there, because I had a soul." Angel explained and looked at Willow, "I guess I should thank you for that."

Willow smiled at him. Xander, however, scoffed.

"Too bad they didn't leave you there."

Willow gave Xander her most stern look. "Knock it off Xander, let him finish."

Giles gestured for them to sit at the table, so Willow sat on one side, with Oz sitting next to her closely, and Xander sat across from her, with Cordelia in the seat next to him. Giles stood behind them and Angel stood awkwardly in front of the counter. Giles nodded for him to continue as the rest of them all had curious looks on their faces, eager to hear his story, except for Xander, who just looked incredibly pissed.

"As I said, I had a soul, and my soul was pure. I didn't belong there, so I was released. But, Angelus did belong there, so they kept him."

Giles' face brightened with understanding, "So the demon left your body?"

Angel nodded.

Finally, Oz spoke up. "So, it's like when you became a vampire, it was like somebody pushed the pause button on your life, and now, they are pushing play?"

Angel considered it for a second, then nodded.

"Cool." grinned Oz.

Willow looked up at the librarian. "Giles, why do you seem to know all this? Shouldn't you be a lot more shocked?"

"I..I had a...a dream if you will. Jenny....she told me. She told me Angel was coming and he was good, and human, and he would know where Buffy was."

Willow's face broke into a huge grin. "You do?"

Angel shook his head. "I don't think I do. I can't see how I would know."

"She said it was in your mind Angel. Think."

So Angel thought about it. He remembered when Jenny had placed her hand on his head and he had seen Buffy. What had she been doing? She was walking. She was so sad. She looked at the school. Novato High School.

"Novato!" He exclaimed.

Xander finally commented. "Buffy went to Vegas? What is she, a showgirl?"

"Not Nevada, Novato."

"Where is Novato?" asked Giles, getting excited after sitting all those months with no leads whatsoever.

"It sounds really familiar." Cordelia commented.

Willow got up and went over to the counter and started shuffling things around. "It sure does."

The rest of the group watched as she found the atlas, and started flipping through the pages.

Then she looked up, smiling, and said "I found it!"

"Where is it?" asked Cordelia.

"Northern California. Marin County, you know, up by San Francisco and Oakland."

Xander stood up. "Let's go then."

"Xander, we can't just leave." argued Giles.

"Oh what, we finally know where she is and we are just going to sit here and HOPE she comes back?"

"It's the middle of the school day, for one thing. I don't think Snyder would be too happy if you four just disappeared, not to mention if I did as well."

"He's right Xander." agreed Cordelia.

"Plus there are preparations to be made." continued Giles, "We need to tell Mrs. Summers."

Angel looked at him, surprised. They never told Buffy's mom anything.

"She knows that Buffy is the slayer." Willow explained.

"Whoa. I missed a lot." Angel said softly.

"I suggest that you all go and finish your day of school. Good thing it's Friday. Do you think perhaps you could think of excuses to tell your parents about why you wouldn't be home all weekend?"

They all nodded, sure they could come up with something.

Giles grinned, hopeful to see his slayer soon.

"Very well, then. I can close the library down for an hour or so, while Angel and I go see Mrs. Summers. There is much work to be done."

Soon after, the teens all left the library. Xander, hating Angel even more. Cordelia and Oz, slightly wary of him. And Willow, seemingly completely trusting of him.

Giles placed a sign in front of the library that said "Closed For Filing" and walked back in to Angel. "Well, I suppose we should be going to Joyce's gallery."

"Just a second. How much does she know about me? The last time she saw me I told her that Buffy and I....."

Giles nodded. "She knows. But perhaps you are right. I'll call her, tell her and then we could meet her."

Angel nodded and sat at the table while Giles went into his office. He noticed he didn't have the keen hearing abilities of a vampire anymore. Just as well, he would have just gotten more nervous if he heard Giles explaining to the mother of the woman he loved that the guy who had admitted to her that slept with her daughter, then left her, killed her teacher, and tried to kill her, was back, and they shouldn't kill him.

He was startled when Giles walked back into the room. "Angel, have you eaten anything?"

"Oh, I don't drink blood anymore."

"Giles laughed, "I know, I meant have you had any food?"

Angel smiled and said "Not for a couple hundred years."

"Well, I suppose you must be famished then."

"Actually, I am. I'd just forgotten what hunger felt like. Well, hunger for food anyway."

"Well, Joyce suggested a restaurant near her gallery."

"How did she react?" Angel asked, nervously.

"She's rather....excited. She has been so worried about Buffy for months now. Willow explained to her all the dynamics of yours and Buffy's relationship. So, she somewhat understands that you love her daughter, that you would do anything to protect her. She likes that."

Angel took a deep breathe. "Well, I guess I better go."

Giles smiled, "It's not like you're off to your own execution, Angel."

"Oh really? Why does it feel like it?"

And the two men walked out of the library, one with an extra bounce in his step, and the other as if he had lead weights in his shoes.

Things were very tense at the table. It was a little better once the food arrived. Angel used all his self control to eat his meal slowly and civilized instead of wolfing it down like and animal. He was starving! Joyce didn't seem to know what to say to him. Giles stood up and excused himself to the men's room and Angel looked up at him with a childlike fear in his eyes, pleading Giles not to leave him alone with Joyce, as if she were a big bad monster that would eat him. Giles simply ignored him.

As the two of them sat alone at the table, Joyce cleared her throat. Angel winced, knowing this meant she wanted to talk, just the two of them. To talk about private things about her daughter. Talking about private Buffy things with Buffy's mother was not on his Top Ten Things To Do Before You Turn 300 List.

Keeping her head down, she began, "Angelus told me that he slept with my daughter. He left her after that, he mocked her and made her cry. He made her life a living Hell for months."

She looked up at him, her eyes filled with tears, and Angel saw Buffy's eyes. Buffy looked just like her mother. He was looking at what Buffy would look like in 25 years. Beautiful. That is, if she lived that long. He would do anything in his power to make sure she did.

Joyce continued on, "Good thing for you, that you aren't Angelus. Otherwise, I swear, I would have killed you for what he did to my baby."

Angel's face, still pale since he hadn't spent much time in the sun, got even whiter.

Joyce smiled, "But you aren't and I won't. Willow told me all the things you did for Buffy while you were Angel. You saved her life, many times. You were good to her. Did you....Do you...love her?"

Without any hesitation, Angel nodded his head. "Absolutely. With my heart and soul. If I can help it, she will never be hurt again."

Joyce smiled. "That's good. I won't kill you." Then she gave him an evil looking grin. "Yet."

This time he smiled with her. Things were starting to look good. He was working towards making amends, Buffy's mother knew, now all he needed was Buffy.

Since all seven of them wanted to go, they needed a large vehicle. At first, Oz offered to take them all in his van, but then Cordelia announced that her father had taken her mother on a trip to New York until the end of the week, and she had a nice RV they could use. So, the group set off at seven that evening. Since Oz had experience driving his van, they decided he should be the one to drive, at least for the first leg of the trip. So he sat in the drivers seat, Willow by his side, Xander sat in the back on a couch that could fold out into a bed, playing some sort of video game, with Cordelia reading a fashion magazine next to him. Giles and Joyce sat down with a very tense Angel at the small table. He felt like a bug under a microscope.

Finally, Giles was the first one to speak. "Angel, how was it that you were able to tell us where Buffy was? How did you know?"

"I'm not exactly sure myself. Jenny...she put her hand on my head, and I closed my eyes, and I could see her. It was like I was there, with her." explained Angel.

Joyce was very intrigued, "What did you see? Could you describe it to me?"

"Buffy, she was walking. She looked so sad. She had on a uniform, like a waitress. I remember...her name tag said "Anne." She stopped and looked at something, that's when I realized I could look too. She was watching all these kids, hanging out at school, and I saw the sign on the school, Novato High School."

Giles was nodding, and Angel noticed writing it down. He also noticed that Xander and Cordelia were staring at him, as was Joyce, even Willow was turned around in her seat so she could see him. He hoped Oz still had his eyes on the road, or they'd all be dead.

"So, that's how you knew Novato. Do you remember the uniform?" asked Giles.

"A little, it was pink and she had a blue apron on, I think."

Cordelia wrinkled her nose. "Who could have possibly thought THAT would look good?!"

After receiving dirty looks from everyone, she shut up and let Angel continue.

"I think if I saw it again, I would recognize it."

Giles nodded, "That's good, because we aren't going to have much of an idea where to look for her."

Willow piped in, "Well, Novato is about the same size as Sunnydale, so I doubt there are many places for her to go."

Joyce nodded, "Let's hope."

At about ten that night, they stopped at an all night McDonalds that was open, stretched their legs, got a bite to eat, then headed back on the road after half an hour, this time with Giles at the wheel. Angel would have gladly driven. Then he could have looked out on the road, instead of at these people's faces. He would have had a focus. He wouldn't be thinking about what he had done. Most of all, maybe he wouldn't be so worried. He said a silent prayer to God, to make sure Buffy was okay. If anything happened to her, he doubted he would be able to go on.

At about one in the morning, they arrived in Novato. Luckily, there was a nice little hotel right near the entrance of the town. Then came the dilemma of who shared a room with whom. Cordelia and Willow agreed to share a room, without a problem. Nobody really wanted to share with the incredibly grumpy Xander. Nobody dared suggest he share with Angel, that would have been guaranteeing a homicide. After much discussion, they ended up all in a row. Giles in the first room, Joyce in the second, Oz and Xander in the third, Cordelia and Willow, and Angel on his own.

The next morning, they all slept in. the trip had exhausted them. Finally, at about 11 in the morning, they met up in front of the hotel and went to a nearby restaurant. They went ahead and just ate lunch. Giles did have the presence of mind to ask the waitress if she knew of a restaurant that had waitresses with pink and blue uniforms, she said she really didn't know, but she gave him a visitors guide with most of the restaurants of the town in it. He also asked about hotels or motels Buffy might be staying at. She told him there were probably just three, including theirs.

After lunch they went back to their hotel, showed the person at the front desk a picture of Buffy, and were told they had never seen her. They went to all the other hotels, even a really expensive one that Buffy could never afford. Nobody had seen her. They started to worry that maybe there was another town called Novato and that's where Buffy had gone.

Angel had an idea. "Let's go to the high school."

Xander gave him a strange look. "Yeah, because Buffy loves school so much, she'd hang out for the atmosphere?"

Angel explained. "At least then I will know if it's the same Novato that I saw. Plus, Buffy was walking by it so maybe the restaurant or the place she is staying is near there."

"Why, yes, that's a very good point Angel! We should have thought of that sooner!" agreed Giles.

So, the group got directions to the high school, which, of course on a Saturday, was completely empty.

"That's the place I saw in my dreams." Angel said, jumping out of the just stopped RV. He walked over to a certain part of the sidewalk. "She was standing right here."

He closed his eyes. He felt so close to her for a moment. When he opened his eyes again, he saw a girl, about Buffy's age, maybe a little older, with long brown hair, playing with a rather exuberant black lab, about 100 feet away from them on the lawn in front of the school. He walked over to her briskly, they rest of the group followed him, a bit confused.

He pulled a picture of Buffy from his jacket pocket as he approached her.

"Excuse me Miss." he said, startling her.

"Yes?" she said looking up at him, her dog not even noticing, having too much fun running around.

He held up the picture of Buffy, "I'm looking for my friend, have you seen her?"

He handed her Buffy's picture and looked at it closely.....with recognition.

"Her name..." she asked.

"Well, I think you may know her by Anne." he told her.

She nodded. The rest of the group couldn't believe it, they had found someone who knew Buffy.

"What do you know her as?" she asked.

Joyce stepped forward, "Buffy." She told her, as tears welled in her eyes. "I'm her mother."

The girl took a step towards her, and held out her hand, as they shook hands, she introduced herself. "My name is Eryca. An...Buffy....is kind of a friend of mine. She doesn't let anybody get really close, but we hang."

"Do you know where she lives?" asked Willow.

"Yeah, next door to me." explained Eryca. "The lady who lives next door is really cool. Buffy works at this restaurant that my sister and brother-in-law own. I work there too, we met, I introduced her to Hannah, that's my neighbor, and Hannah said Buffy could stay with her."

"Could you.. perhaps.. take us to the house?" Giles asked.

"Sure. Oh, but she isn't there. She's working today. I could take you to the restaurant though."

Eryca ran down the street and put her dog away, then climbed into the RV with the rest of the group. She directed them to a really nice restaurant, overlooking a lake, called "The Waterfront."

They cautiously walked in, Angel picking up the rear. They soon spotted Buffy over towards the back, by the door to the kitchen, she had her back to them, so she didn't see them enter.

Buffy was so tired. Nothing gave her energy anymore, nothing gave her life. She felt like an empty shell. She would have left Novato a long time ago had she not met Hannah. Now she felt an obligation to her.

"Anne!" Eryca called.

What was Eryca doing there? She usually didn't come within a mile of the place on her days off. She turned around and saw Eryca, looking a little nervous and guilty. Followed by a grinning and relieved Giles, Willow, Cordelia, and Oz. A perplexed looking Xander, a sobbing with joy Mom, and a...not in Hell....but here....in sunlight...Angel!

"Oh, my God!" Buffy exclaimed, right before she fainted.

Angel felt his palms getting extremely sweaty as Eryca led them into the restaurant. This human thing really had bad aspects he had forgotten about. And then he saw her, or more specifically, the back of her head. And Eryca called her, and she turned around. Her eyes widened when she saw all of them. Then she saw him, muttered "Oh my God!" and fainted.

Despite the fact that Angel was a human, just like the rest of them, he still seemed to have his cat like speed and grace, so he caught her before she hit the ground. All of a sudden there was so much activity.

A woman, who appeared to be an older version of Eryca was rushing around screaming "Oh my God!"

Joyce was crying even harder now. "Buffy! Buffy! Oh God is she okay!"

Angel just knelt on the ground, with her in his arms. She was so light. Buffy had gotten even thinner, she was mostly skin and bones. Giles knelt down across from him and checked Buffy's pulse.

"It appears she has just fainted." he smiled at Angel, "I guess we should have figured seeing you, in the daytime, would be a shock."

A man, in a suit appeared behind Giles, along with Eryca.

She gestured to the man, "This is my brother-in-law, Kevin."

Kevin smiled nervously. "Is Anne okay?"

Eryca nudged him, "It's Buffy."

"Buffy?" he asked disbelieving.

Eryca nodded. "She fainted?"

Angel nodded.

"Let's take her to the office." suggested Kevin.

Angel placed his other arm under Buffy's legs and picked her up. He and Giles, followed Kevin and Eryca down a dark hallway, past the restrooms, into a dark room. Kevin turned on the light. It was a small office, only about ten feet by twelve feet. There was a desk, some filing cabinets, and a couch. Angel gently laid Buffy on the couch, reluctant to let go of her after all this time.

Back in the dining room, all the patrons were staring at the brunette running around frantically chanting "Oh my God!" and Buffy's mom having completely broken down, was being comforted by Willow and Cordelia. Xander and Oz stood there awkwardly, then decided to escape the curious eyes of the diners and followed Angel and Giles. They stood in the doorway and watched Angel and Giles fret over Buffy, while Kevin went and found some smelling salts and Eryca went to chase her older sister, Fiona, down to end her anxiety attack.

Kevin soon reappeared with a small bottle in his hand. "Aha! I found them!"

He opened the bottle and placed it under her nose, which wasn't an easy task, since Giles and Angel didn't want to back off from the unconscious slayer. After a few seconds, Buffy began to stir......

When Buffy opened her eyes, she found a hand with a strong smelling bottle in it, right in front of her face. Soon the hand pulled away and she saw Angel and Giles' concerned faces peering down at her.

"Buffy, are you all right?" Giles asked her.

She nodded and tried to sit up, but Giles put his hand on her shoulder to keep her down.

"You shouldn't get back up yet, just relax."

Slowly, the things in the room came into focus. She was in the office, on the couch. Xander and Oz were standing by the door, looking at her nervously. Kevin was by the desk, with the same expression on his face.

Giles was kneeling next to her, and Angel was slowly backing away, as if she wouldn't want him around.

"Angel? Are you really here?" Buffy wondered if this was just another one of her bizarre dreams.

Kevin decided this was more of a private matter, and went to go check things in the dining room.

Angel nodded softly, "Yes Buffy, I'm back."

"What's going on?" She asked, very confused, everything was jumbling up inside her head.

Giles smiled and told her, "We've finally found you! We've been looking for months."

Buffy smiled sadly back at him, "I've missed you too." Then she turned her focus back to Angel, "But what about you? You're here, and it's daytime."

Giles thought it might be best to leave the two alone. "Xander, Oz, why don't we go see what is going on?"

Oz nodded, and started to walk out the door, then turned and gave Buffy a smile and said "It's good to see you."

Buffy gave him a small smile and a nod.

Xander, however wasn't so trusting. Buffy nodded at him as well, indicating she would be fine. He sighed and looked directly at Angel and said, "I'll be right outside if you need anything Buff."

Giles ushered him out the door and closed it behind him. The two lovers were alone at last. And neither of them had a thing to say.

Finally, Buffy broke the silence. "Angel?"

Angel looked up at her. "Yes?"

"How are you here?"

He smiled at her, "It's a long story."

She patted the couch, indicating he should sit with her, "Good thing I have a long time." She told him smiling.

So he sat with her, held her hand, and explained the strange journey he had been taken on. When he was done, he realized he had been looking down in his lap, he looked up and saw her looking sadly at him with tears in her eyes.

When she spoke, her voice cracked as the dam of tears broke free. "I'm so sorry!"

He pulled her up and into a tight embrace. Stroking the back of her head, he asked, "Sorry? Sorry for what?"

"For sending you to Hell!"

"That wasn't your fault."

She shook her head, "Yes it was! If it hadn't been for me, you never would have lost your soul, and none of this horrible stuff would have ever happened!"

Angel smiled and said, "Oh you're absolutely right! How could you make me happy? You are so evil!"

She glared at him, "That's not funny."

He smiled at her. "Kiss me."

Buffy grinned, and he noticed her eyes seemed to sparkle all of a sudden, "Sure."

They kissed passionately, their tongues dueling for several minutes.

Reluctantly, Angel pulled away. "Buffy, if we don't go out there soon, they are going to wonder what we're doing." He explained as he stood up.

She giggled. "So?"

Angel rolled his eyes and said, "Think you can stand up?"

"Of course!" She replied. "Although maybe you should carry me!"

"Get up!"

Buffy laughed and did what she was told. "So, now that you're human, you can't lose your soul, right?" She asked, with a mischievous smile.

He returned the smile, "Exactly."

The couple walked out of the office and found Xander and Cordelia leaning on one of the walls in the hall and Willow and Oz, huddled together on the floor across from them.

When she saw her best friend fully conscious, and actually looking happy, Willow bounced up and grabbed her in a tight hug, cheering merrily, "Buffy!"

Buffy hugged her back and smiled. "It's so good to see you Will."

When Willow pulled back, Cordelia surprised everyone when she also came over and hugged a shocked Buffy. Then Cordelia pulled back and placed her hands on Buffy's shoulders looking her up and down.

Shaking her head she said, "I guess you CAN be too thin. These clothes- well, it is your uniform, but the hair.....hear of a brush Buffy? Don't worry, I can fix it. Give me a couple hours I can get you looking at least halfway decent."

Buffy smiled and shook her head, "Same old Cordelia."

The six of them continued down the hall towards the dining room, where Buffy was nearly knocked over when her mother ran over and hugged her fiercely. She had no idea her mom was this strong!

"Mom! I have to breathe!"

Her mother started crying all over again. Then pulled back and shook Buffy by her shoulders. "I don't know whether to hug you or spank you!" she cried as she pulled Buffy back into the hug.

"Oh please don't spank her! We are in public and this is embarrassing enough!" pleaded Cordelia.

Xander nodded, "Besides, I'd be glad to spank her for you later."

He promptly shut up, after receiving icy glares from both Angel and Cordelia.

Buffy thanked Fiona, Kevin, and Eryca for helping her out, but she was going home. They were happy to hear that, even though they would miss her. Then the gang headed over to Hannah's. Buffy introduced them to the woman who had given Buffy a place to stay for the past few months. She was sad to see Buffy go, but she now saw a certain sparkle in her eyes. It was the only time she had seen Buffy truly happy. So, Buffy bid her farewell and packed up the few possessions she had

After that, they went back to the hotel. Buffy decided to stay with Willow and Cordelia that night, maybe to a slumber party kind of thing, although she was worried about hurting her mother's feelings.

Her mother understood, they would have plenty of time for talking back in Sunnydale. That night, they would all go out to dinner, have a fun night, and then head back home the next day.

The group, well mainly Xander and Oz, decided on "The Little Alien." A bar and grille just down the street from the hotel that played alternative music, and forced the waiters and waitresses to wear neon green headbands with two springs with Martian heads on the ends. In other words, a place the kids really liked and the adults really hated.

A moment after entering, Giles found himself truly horrified at the sight of young people worshipping creatures from another planet, so when he found a similar look on Joyce's face, he got an idea.

"You know, you children will probably have a grand time here, but perhaps Joyce and I should dine in a more....mature restaurant." he suggested, with as much tact as he could muster.

Joyce's face brightened at the idea. "Sounds good to me."

She wasn't too worried about Buffy at the moment. Angel was not going to hurt her, Joyce was sure of it. Strange as it was, she trusted the man.

So, the group decided that the adults could take the RV and the rest of the group would walk back. They agreed to be back at the hotel by midnight, so they could leave for Sunnydale at 10 in the morning.

As soon as Giles and Joyce were out of earshot Xander smirked at Buffy and started singing.

"Giles and Joyce, sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g, first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes Giles and Joyce pushing Buffy in the baby carriage."

Buffy glared at him, but Angel put his arm around his girlfriend, so she wouldn't attack the annoying troll. Although he really couldn't think of a reason why he shouldn't let her, it might be fun to watch.

"Real mature Xander!" Cordelia commented, rolling her eyes. "Why do I go out with you? I must be mental!"

Xander grinned and put his arm around her. "Yes, Cordy, you are mental. Mental for me!"

Before any more insanity could ensue, the three couples were shown to a table. Xander and Cordelia were bickering over something, Willow and Oz sat with their own menu's in front of them and quietly decided on their own what they would like, and Buffy and Angel sat so close they just shared a menu. They quickly decided what to eat and used the menu as a cover, and began another serious make out session.

Unfortunately, it was interrupted rather rudely when Xander pushed the menu into their heads and shouted, "Yo! Order!"

They both glared at him, and placed their order. Angel begrudgingly handed the waitress their menu.

Buffy smiled up at him and asked, "Do you think there's something going on with Giles and my mom?"

Angel shrugged and replied, "I don't know. It looks like there may be. How do you feel about that?"

Buffy looked down, "I don't know. Remember when I told you that I wanted my mom to get back with my dad?"

Angel nodded, that had been a great night.

"Well, I know that isn't realistic, even though I do wish it would happen. I guess...I don't want my mom to have to be alone. Giles is definitely the best guy for her." She looked up and grinned at him, "If you ever tell anyone this I'll castrate you, I swear, but I do kind of think of Giles as my father. You know?"

Angel nodded, he did. For as long as he knew Buffy, every time he spoke to Giles he felt like it was talking to Buffy's dad.

"You know, I never got to see San Francisco. All my life, my mom has gone on trips there and told me how great it was. Eryca and I were planning on going, but we never did. Have you ever been there?"

"No. I haven't really been to that many places in the U.S." he replied softly. "Just New York and Sunnydale."

"New York? Was that fun?"

He smiled grimly, "Not exactly. I was pretty much miserable there."

"Oh." One thing Buffy had learned from her time with Angel. There was a time when she shouldn't push, and this was one of those times.

"Too bad we couldn't go." he said.

She looked up at him, confused.

"To San Francisco. We're so close."

"Yeah, but Giles has work, and my mom doesn't like to leave the gallery. Plus, they all have school." sighed Buffy.

"Well, we don't have anything." he casually said, "We are completely free to go."

Buffy smiled, really liking the idea. "Just the two of us."

Angel wrapped his arm around her. "However, I don't think your mother would like the idea."

Buffy frowned. "Would you really want to go with me?"

"Of course. My love, I want to go anywhere and everywhere with you."

"Then I'll ask."

He raised his eyebrows, "Really?"

"Sure, why not, my mother seems to be full of surprises lately."

Their food arrived soon after, and once again they were all teasing, fighting and sometimes just glaring at each other.

After they were done, they took a stroll up the street, looking in the closed shop windows. Since it was more northern than Sunnydale, Novato was also a lot colder. Nobody seemed to mind though, they just cuddled up with each other the rest of the way back to the hotel.


"Can Angel and I go to San Francisco?" Buffy repeated, not liking where this was going.

"When?" Her mother asked.

"Tomorrow, we could, like, rent a car, and drive there, when you guys go back to Sunnydale."

Joyce sat down on the edge of the bed in her hotel room. There were all these voices in her head screaming "No! She's seventeen years old! You can't let her go off on a romantic excursion with a man in a strange city!" Yet, there was one little voice that told her that this was different. Angel loved her daughter, and yes, they would have sex, but it would be making love. He would never hurt her. And that little voice made more sense than all the rest.

She looked up into her daughter's pleading eyes. What would Rupert say? She wished he were here, but he had retired to his own room after walking her to hers about fifteen minutes earlier. They were both exhausted from all the excitement of the past few days. The teens seemed to thrive on it.

Joyce smiled and shook her head. "I must be completely out of my mind, but what the Hell, go ahead."

Buffy grinned. "For real?"


Buffy squealed and grabbed her mother in a fierce embrace, Joyce hugged her back.

"I can see myself on Jerry Springer's show now." Joyce laughed. "Mothers who let their daughters go out with men that are old enough to be their great-great-grandfathers."

Buffy laughed with her as she sat down next to her. "I think you need to add on a few more greats to that."

Joyce rolled her eyes and put her arm around Buffy. "We need to talk when you come back, okay?"

Buffy nodded.

"When exactly will that be?"

Buffy shrugged. "We didn't get that far."

Joyce chuckled. "I can see this is a well planned excursion."

Buffy smiled. "There really isn't any plans, just the two of us, together."

"Well, I do think you better make certain plans Buffy."

Buffy raised her eyebrows, unsure of her mother's meaning.

"I'm not going to play dumb with you. I know you two aren't going to be sleeping in separate bedrooms." Joyce explained, "Rupert told me how Angel couldn't have children because he was a vampire, but he isn't anymore. Maybe because he was it means he is sterile, but maybe not. Don't take chances. Buy some condoms, okay? Promise me?"

Buffy nodded. "I promise. I have enough to worry about as it is."

Joyce kissed her daughter on the head. "Okay, I'll talk to you and Angel in the morning about your plans."

Buffy gave her a panic stricken look. "Mom! He will wear a condom! Please, that is so embarrassing! My mom talking to my boyfriend about protection?!"

Joyce almost fell off the bed laughing at the look on her face. "Buffy, I meant where you would be staying, when you would get home, that sort of thing."

"Oh. Phew!"

Joyce yawned and gave her daughter a quick squeeze once more and said, "Let your old mom get to bed now. You wear me out my dear."

Buffy gave her mom a kiss on the cheek and got up off the bed. "I love you Mom."

Joyce smiled, how she had longed to hear those words for months. "I love you too Sweetie. Now go tell Angel, I'm sure he is waiting."

Her daughter gave her a grin and walked towards the door. "Goodnight."

"Night." Joyce replied, then got up and locked the door. She had put her nightgown on before Buffy's visit. As she brushed her teeth she wondered if she had done the right thing. The more she thought about it, the more she knew she did. Angel would never hurt Buffy. Joyce could tell, just by watching the way he treated her. He adored her. Joyce smiled as she realized that he was the best thing for her daughter.

Angel was awakened by the knock at his door. He had fallen asleep with the TV on, waiting for Buffy. He figured she would probably want to talk, he was positive her mom would say no. In fact he was a little afraid her mother would come and smack him, for even asking Buffy to go to San Francisco.

So when he opened the door and Buffy jumped up and wrapped herself around him, smothering him with kisses, he was very surprised. Although, he wished he could be surprised like that more often.

"She said yes!" Buffy squealed.

He grinned, "I don't believe it! This is great!"

"We are going to have so much fun!" She replied disentangling herself from him and sitting on the edge of his bed.

He sat down next to her. "Wow, just you and me. No demons, no prophesies, no Xander."

"She brought up a good point, though."

"What's that?"

"She said tomorrow she wants to know which hotel and when we will be back."

Angel looked around the room. "I think I have a visitor's guide around here somewhere."

"Yeah, and I just thought of two more problems."

Angel looked at her. "What?"

"We want to rent a car, but neither of us has a drivers license, and also, we have a budget problem." Buffy brightened, "But I could hit my mom up for her credit card! She's been awfully charitable lately!"

Angel laughed and kissed Buffy.

"What?" she asked, confused.

"Well, I have a license. Not a legal one, of course, but it'll work." Angel explained. "And money is definitely not a problem."

Buffy raised her eyebrows.

Angel shrugged, "I've been around for a while, I saved some money."

What he didn't tell her was that the money was from the council Whistler worked with. Angel wondered if he was really considered an employee of theirs. He figured he was. His job had been to help Buffy, which he would do for free anyway, of course.

First they went through the guide and figured out what they wanted to do. Angel decided it would be reasonable if they stayed until Friday. Then they looked into hotels.

So the couple decided that the Hilton would be really nice. However, it wasn't the kind of place that you could just show up and get a room. Angel surprised Buffy when he started calling in favors from people, she didn't know he knew a lot of people. But it paid off, after about 45 minutes on the phone, Angel got a really great room. She wanted details, but that was all he would say.

Finally, at about two in the morning, all the plans had been made. Angel pulled Buffy to the door and gave her a kiss, Buffy wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened it.

After a few moments, Angel pulled away. "Buffy, you need to get to bed."

Buffy grinned and walked towards his bed. "Okay, sounds like a plan to me!"

Angel grabbed her arm and smiled. "You know that's not what I meant. You need your beauty rest, my love."

Buffy pouted. "Are you saying I'm not pretty?" she teased.

Angel smiled and wrapped his arms around her. "You're the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my entire life." He told her, giving her another deep kiss.

About fifteen minutes later, they reluctantly ended their make-out session and Buffy said good night. Then she walked to her room and let Cordelia and Willow in on what was going on. The three of them girl talked for about an hour and finally fell asleep. That night Buffy had no nightmares, just sweet dreams.

The next morning, Giles went down the hall, knocking on everyone's doors to make sure they were awake. Cordelia went through her clothes, trying to find something that would look expensive enough for Buffy to be seen in at a nice hotel like the Hilton, that also had enough lycra that it would be small enough to fit her.

They all met for breakfast in one of the hotel's restaurants. Giles was surprised to hear that Angel and Buffy were going to San Francisco together alone, but if Joyce approved he figured he might as well do the same. Xander, however, didn't agree at all. He trusted Angel about as far as he could spit. Not that anyone listened to him.

Once they were all done, Angel said he would go over to the rental car company, that happened to have an office in the hotel. Joyce decided she would tag along. Buffy gave Angel a reassuring smile as he walked away with her mom. Secretly, she hoped her mother wouldn't humiliate her.

Cordelia had gone to the bathroom, Giles was reading the newspaper, and Willow and Oz were absorbed in each other. Xander took this opportunity to speak with Buffy.

"So Buff, this whole San Francisco thing, your idea?"

Buffy shook her head. "Angel suggested it."

Xander smiled and put his arm around her, "Oh, you're so naïve! You've heard about San Francisco, right?"

Buffy gave him a confused look.

"See, it has this reputation for having a lot of gay people living there." he explained, "Put it together, Angel, San Francisco...he MUST be gay!"

Buffy punched him in the arm. "Shut up!"

Cordelia approached the table, "What idiotic thing has he done now?"

"You don't have to be so terrified of me Angel." Laughed Joyce, as they sat in two lush chairs waiting for the keys to the car Angel was renting.

Angel gave her a small smile, "I guess it shows?"

Joyce nodded, "But in a way, I like it. You care what your girlfriend's mother thinks of you. If you didn't I'd be worried."

"I guess that does make sense. " Angel agreed.

"I know it sounds silly, because Buffy is more than capable of taking care of herself, but, I want you to promise me you will help keep her safe."

"Absolutely. I'd rather die than let anyone harm her." Angel looked deep into her eyes. "I love Buffy with my heart and soul, Mrs. Summers. She is everything to me. I know it doesn't mean much to hear me say it, but you can rest assured that I will love and cherish and protect your daughter forever."

Joyce squeezed his hand and smiled. "I believe you."

"Here you go Sir." The young female employee announced, handing Angel the car keys and a sales receipt.

"Thank you." He said, standing up.

Joyce stood up and followed him to the door, which he held open for her.

"Just make sure you bring her back Friday!" she ordered, with a grin on her face.

Joyce and Buffy hugged goodbye tightly.

"Oh god!" Joyce laughed, "Now I'm gonna cry!"

"Don't Mom, if you start crying, I will!"

Then Joyce's tears began to fall, as did Buffy's. Seeing the mother and daughter cry made Willow cry, and the men stole a glance at Cordelia to see if the May Queen might shed a tear.

She looked at them and shrugged her shoulders. "I would, but then it would mess up my make-up and then you guys would complain about how long I was taking and all that, so I'm just not gonna cry."

Xander nodded. He hated waiting while she put on her make-up and would do anything to avoid it. "Anyway, you guys are going to see each other Friday! It's just five days away! Not weeks or month or years! Jeez!"

Angel and Giles gave the younger man a look and he shut up.

Finally the mother and daughter pulled away. Buffy quickly hugged the rest of the gang and pulled Giles in for a fierce embrace. Joyce squeezed Angel's arm gently and gave him a smile, and Giles shook his hand. A few moments later, the RV pulled away and Buffy let Angel lead her to their rental car.

"Wow! You rented a purple Mustang convertible?"

"Yeah, do you like it?" Angel asked, acting nonchalant, pretending he didn't remember her telling him this was her dream car.

Buffy gave him a kiss. "You know I do!"

They set off to San Francisco. Buffy was pleased to find out Angel had asked ahead of time for directions. Angel didn't understand why males these days had such a problem asking for directions. Buffy just patted his thigh and told him it was because all those other men were just insecure, but he had confidence, and she liked it. Buffy's hand on his thigh was making him forget all about the directions and he thought momentarily, about pulling over somewhere, but remembered that since he wasn't a vampire, he might not be sterile, and he didn't have any kind of birth control with him at the moment. Besides, after the last time, he wanted things to be very special for Buffy.

They arrived at the hotel before eleven, and check-in wasn't until two. Buffy gasped when she saw the extravagant marble floors and crystal chandeliers in the lobby. They had the hotel hold their luggage while they went out for lunch, they could check in when they got back.

The hotel was located near a part of the city called Union Square. It was filled with great stores and restaurants, totally a tourist attraction. They decided to walk there, since it was only two blocks away.

Buffy stopped and looked in the window of one of the more expensive stores and looked at a beautiful velvet gown. "Cordelia was right."

Angel raised his eyebrows. "About what?"

Buffy sighed. "My clothes. They aren't nice enough for the hotel." She gestured to the dress she was wearing. "This is the nicest thing I have, and it's not even mine!"

Angel gave her an evil smile. "Well, if it was up to me, you wouldn't need any clothes at all."

She laughed and playfully punched him in the arm. He gave her a fake pained look. Then he grabbed her hand.

"Come on." Was all he said as he pulled her into the store.

Buffy kept telling him that the clothes were way too expensive, but he wouldn't listen.

"What size do you wear Buffy?" he asked, looking down at his girlfriend.

A saleswoman came up to them. "Can I help you?" she asked, unsure if the couple before her could afford their clothing.

Angel looked back up at the woman. "Sure, what size would you say she wears."

The woman looked Buffy up and down. "She's definitely petite. Maybe a size 2?"

Buffy opened her mouth to object, but Angel put his finger over her lips. "Please, let me do this?"

Buffy gave him a small smile and nodded. Soon after, she was shoved into a small dressing room and Angel and the saleswoman walked through the store, picking out things they liked for Buffy. It was a good thing that Buffy had the same taste, or there would have been an interesting battle. As it was, Buffy didn't appreciate not having any decision, but enjoyed the looks and attention she was getting as she tried on the clothes.

Two hours later, the couple walked out of the store, hand in hand, carrying several bags.

Buffy smiled up at her boyfriend. "Thank you."

"It was my pleasure." Angel told her, as he bent down for a kiss.

After that they got some lunch and walked back to the hotel to check in.

"Cover your eyes."


"Because I told you to."


Angel sighed. "Why do you always have to fight me on everything?"

Buffy grinned. "Because it's so fun!"

Angel picked her up and she closed her eyes. Then he opened the door to their hotel room.

He carried her in and said, "Okay, go ahead and open them."

When she did she gasped. The room was beautiful. I had it's own crystal chandelier in the center of the huge room. There was a large television and a red couch, with two matching chairs, all looked very expensive. The walls had several really nice paintings hanging on them. There were french doors that apparently led to a balcony.

"Oh my God, Angel, it's beautiful!"

He chuckled. "That's not all."

He walked over to the french doors so that she could peer outside. There was a private hot tub and a small table and chairs, along with a view that was priceless.

"Wow! A hot tub?" smiled Buffy.

"Yeah." Angel said casually, "But if you don't want to go outside, I'm told there is another one in the bathroom."

He walked her through a set of double doors, into the bedroom, which was nothing less than magnificent. There was a huge oak four poster bed that reached to the
ceiling. The room had an equally elegant bureau, desk, and dresser. He walked her through the room to the bathroom, which was probably bigger than Buffy's bedroom. There was another hot tub in there, along with a roman tub, a shower stall, a vanity, and a long counter with two sinks. The toilet had it's own little room.

Buffy gave Angel a kiss. "This is so nice! I can't believe it!

Angel grinned. "Glad to see the lady likes it."

He looked around and said, "Why don't you go get undressed."

Buffy raised her eyebrows. "Not the most romantic way, but if you want..."

"No." Angel explained. "I want you to take off your clothes while I fix you a bath. I have an errand I need to run, but I'll be back soon."

"Okay." Buffy agreed with a smile.

Angel gently set her down and handed her a white robe that was hanging on the back of the door. She gave him a quick peck and walked back into the bedroom.

This was ridiculous! He felt like a 16 year old kid! Angel scanned the boxes, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. He snatched one up that said it was ribbed for her pleasure. Quickly, he marched up to the front of the convenience store and placed the box of condoms down on the counter.

Oh what the hell, a little embarrassment would be worth the night they were going to have.

Angel got back to the hotel with the little brown bag tucked under his arm. He had been gone only about twenty minutes and was pleased to find Buffy right where he wanted her. She was sitting in the tub, with her arms laying casually on the rim. She had a washcloth covering her face and he could see it puff up every time she took a breath.

After watching her for a moment, he realized she was asleep. He had the perfect idea for a wake up call. A moment later, he had undressed and was standing in the bathroom next to the tub. He could really see her body because of the bubble bath he had poured into the tub when preparing her bath. He gracefully climbed into the tub across from her.

Buffy woke with a start, gasping and pulling the washcloth off her face. When she saw who her bathmate was she broke into a huge grin.

"Angel!" she exclaimed, "Don't ever do that again! You gave me a heart attack!"

"Oh really?" Angel asked, a devilish grin on his face. "Were you expecting someone else?"

Buffy returned the grin as she slid her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply, then replied in a sexy tone, "Never."

The feeling of her bare breasts on his chest was driving Angel insane. It took all his self control, but he knew he couldn't rush things. He had to go slow, and give Buffy the special night that she deserved.

When he pulled back, breaking the kiss, he could see the confusion, and a little bit of hurt in Buffy's eyes. He smiled, and gently turned her around, so that she had her back to him. He took the washcloth and began rubbing it all over her back, then her neck. Then he pulled her back so that she was leaning against his chest. He ran the cloth over her arms and throat, then her stomach. Slowly, he moved up and rubbed it tenderly over one of her breasts. On the other breast, he just used his bare hand. After a moment, he dropped the washcloth and cupped both breasts in his hands. Every so softly, he began to brush her already taut nipples with his thumbs. Buffy moaned with pleasure. Angel continued until the pleasure was almost unbearable. Buffy didn't know how much longer she could stand in, she wanted him inside her.

"Please Angel, please!" She begged.

Angel found her tone so incredibly erotic he couldn't say no. He got out of the tub and grabbed a big fluffy towel while she stood up in the tub. He wrapped them both in it and carried her flush up against him to the bed, where he laid down on top of her.

"Angel...." She begged again. Everything was hazy. She felt as if she were on fire. All she wanted was to be joined with him, body and soul. She noticed him reaching over to the nightstand and grabbing a little blue package. A condom. Good thing he thought of it. She had totally forgot. Her mother would have killed her had she'd forgotten.

He sat there just looking at the package. Buffy wondered what the hell he was doing.


He looked up at her and blushed. "I don't...I mean, I've never used one."

Buffy laughed and sat up. "Great. I don't exactly have tons of experience with this either."

He handed her the condom. Buffy held the little blue package, racking her brain to remember just how these things worked. She carefully ripped the package open, and pulled the condom out. She placed it at the head of Angel's penis and slid it down until he was completely covered. She smiled at Angel after admiring her job well done.

He looked down at her and narrowed his eyes. "Where did you learn how to do that?"

She gave him her best wide-eyed and innocent look. "Oh, Xander and I got bored one afternoon, and we figured it out."

Angel growled at her teasingly, then pounced on her, pinning her small body under his.

She laughed. "Actually, when I was fifteen, my cousin Heidi and I got curious one day. We practiced putting them on bananas."

This time he laughed as well. "Oh great, I'm your banana!"

She reached up and captured his lips with her own in a searing kiss. Then she wrapped her legs around his waist. She could feel him at her entrance. All the traces of laugher and teasing were gone. All that was left was passion and love.

'Buffy, I love you." He said, before carefully entering her.

It felt different than the first time. She was flooded with warmth, instead of the icy coldness she had remembered It had gotten to the point that she didn't notice his coldness, and sooner or later she wouldn't notice that he had body heat now. She didn't care. He was Angel, and he was hers.

He placed his hands on the bed, next to her hips, and thrusted slowly into her. She was still virginal and he wasn't about to hurt her. However, she soon was bringing her hips up to meet his thrusts, and she urged him to move faster. A moment later he was slamming in and out of her, she was letting out little shrieks with every thrust.

"Yes! Yes! Don't stop! Don't stop Angel!"

Panting, he replied, "God, Buffy you feel so incredible!"

He looked down at her beneath him and never thought she looked so beautiful. Her hair, still damp from her bath, was splayed out on the pillow around her head. Her lips were swollen and red, and her eyes were sparkling with lust.

And then she came. It was wholly unexpected, but incredibly powerful. She screamed his name, which was just enough to push Angel over the edge and join her in orgasm. As her vaginal muscles milked him, he screamed her name as well.

Panting, he rolled and laid on hid back on the bed, pulling her on top of him. They lay there in silence several moments.

"Angel." Buffy said quietly.

He looked down at her, his chocolate brown eyes, melting her shining blue ones.

"I love you so much!"

"Me too," He smiled and stroked her hair, "me too."

Buffy awoke in the bed alone. It was still dark out, presumably the middle of the night. She saw Angel's silhouette standing in front of the window.

"Angel?" She called, still groggy.

He turned and walked back over towards the bed. He had put on some pants, but still naked from the waist up. She realized she was only wearing a sheet.

"Hello." He said, his voice seemingly cold.

"Is everything okay?" she asked.

"Sure...." he started, then gave her a smirk, "Oh who am I kidding, Buffy? No everything isn't fine, great, wonderful. It's just...last time I chalked it up to it being your first time, but you still are bad in bed!"

Buffy couldn't believe it. It couldn't be. Angel wasn't a vampire, but this wasn't Angel in front of her. It was Angelus.

"NO!!" Buffy screamed. "NO!! Angel! Angel!"

"What? Honey, what's wrong?" Angel asked, holding her by the shoulders.

Buffy thrashed in the bed, panting. It was night and Angel was still next to her, still naked and not Angelus. It was just a dream.

Buffy wrapped her arms around her love. "I had a nightmare. You were Angelus."

He squeezed her tight. "It's gonna be okay, Buffy. I promise. I'll never leave you again. Never."

They kissed lovingly and laid back down, Angel on top of Buffy. She ran her fingers through his hair and he lightly ran his hand down her side. She felt his desire against her feverish body.

Angel slid his hand between her legs and rubbed her moist, hot core. She moaned and writhed with pleasure.

"I'll always be there Buffy, every time you wake up. I promise."

Suddenly, she flipped him on his back and straddled his hips. He couldn't believe how bold she had become in such a short time. She reached over to the nightstand and grabbed another condom, sheathing his erection once again.

Buffy positioned herself directly above him. He placed his hands on her hips and she slowly lowered himself onto him. She began to pump her hips. Angel slid his hands up and cupped her breasts.

"Oh Buffy." Angel murmured.

Buffy let out small groans in between pants. She reached down and kissed Angel deeply. He slowly ran his hands up and down her back.

Soon after they again came crashing together, this time Angel's orgasm leading to Buffy's. Buffy lay on top of Angel for a while, both of them catching their breath and slowing their heartbeats.

After a while, Buffy lifted her head from his chest and asked, "What time is it?"

Angel looked at the clock next to the bed. "Only nine. Why?"

She grinned. "I'm starving!"

"Me too." He replied, "Want to order room service?"

"Sure." Buffy agreed.

At Angel's insistence, she let him pick the food. Buffy had no idea where this chivalry had come from or why she liked it so much. She put on a robe and left him in the bedroom on the phone while she went into the bathroom to brush her hair. Once in there, with the door closed she pulled the robe off and was surprised to find bruises of his fingers on her hips. She found that surprisingly erotic. She sat there for several minutes just looking at her nude body. She felt she looked different, somehow. This was the way it should have been, she realized, all those months ago. She looked sadly into the mirror as she thought of all the time they had lost. Unfortunately, that time was gone, and there was nothing they could do now, except enjoy the present. She remembered her whole purpose for coming in there and ran a brush through her blonde hair. She looked more alive, she *felt* more alive.

After a moment there was a knock at the bathroom door. "Uh, Buffy, are you okay in there?"

She smiled and opened the door and launched herself into her lover's arms.

"I'm better than okay!" she exclaimed, before kissing him.

He led her by the hand, back to the bed. She noticed a serving tray with several covered plates on it next to the bed. Angel pushed the pillows up and had her sit with her back to the headboard. Then he uncovered one of the plates to reveal a pasta dish, which he fed to her and himself. They also had glasses of champagne, which Buffy had never cared for, but it was so fun to drink with him. Finally, he revealed what was under the last tray- chocolate covered strawberries. They fed them to each other.

Their stomachs full, they both lay next to each other in their robes. After about fifteen minutes Buffy felt it was time for some "exercise" again, but when she turned to Angel, she found her boyfriend sleeping contently.

Buffy smiled and kissed his forehead gently, then reached over and turned off the lamp. She covered them with the blankets and cuddled up with Angel, before joining him in sleep.

The next morning, Buffy was the first to awaken. She found herself wrapped in Angel's arms. She lay there for a few minutes, then decided to go shower. Buffy carefully disentangled herself from his arms and got out of bed. She figured she might as well let him sleep as long as he needed.

She walked into the bathroom and opened the shower door and turned on the water. Waiting for it to heat up she removed her robe. As she stepped in and let the water hit her body, she thought about the past two days. 48 hours ago she had been on her own, figured Angel was in Hell and her friends all hated her. She couldn't have been more wrong she thought as she rubbed shampoo through her hair and massaged her scalp.

When she left his arms, Angel began to stir. His awakening process was working rather slow, so when he first opened his eyes to look for Buffy he heard the shower starting. Thoughts began to form in his mind. Buffy....shower......yeah!

He walked into the bathroom and saw her shampooing her hair. Her back was to him. Angel quickly deposited his own robe on the floor next to Buffy's. Quietly, he opened the shower door and joined his lover.

When Angel put his hands on her hips Buffy jumped. She had been rinsing her hair out, so she couldn't see or hear much of anything with her head in the direct stream of water.

She gasped and said, "Dammit Angel! I've told you not to do that!"

He laughed, "Sorry, but there's nothing like the way you make me feel when you are scared and then I hug you and make you feel safe."

She smiled and did just that. Then she reached her head up and kissed him. "I love you Angel."

Buffy grabbed the bar of soap and began to rub it along his shoulder blades, then she slid her hands down his chest. Soon, she found herself on her knees, with his manhood directly in front of her.

Nervously, she licked her lips. Then she wrapped her hand around him as best she could and carefully placed him in her mouth. She rolled her tongue around his head, then began sliding him inside her mouth, more and more. She lightly ran her hand along the outside of his thigh, then the inside. She kept sliding him into her mouth and pulling back. She slid more and more of him in every time.

Angel was about to explode. He knew she had never done this before, but she definitely had a natural affinity for it. He resisted every urge he had to grab her small head and slam himself down her throat with all his might.

He felt the pressure building, and he knew he was just seconds away from release. He had to warn her. All he could croak out was "Buffy!"

Buffy could tell by the way he said her name and the way he was bucking his hips that he was close, so she opened her throat. A few seconds later, he was coming. She swallowed all of his salty juices.

Spent, he leaned back against the shower wall and she stood up and hugged him again. He leaned down and kissed her. "Buffy, I love you more than I have ever loved anyone in my life. I really do."

She just smiled. Life was good. They had a whole week to do much more of this, plus they got to see San Francisco. It was going to be fun.


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