Angel's Secrets

Creative Works   

Extra Help Needed (Part 2)
By Amy Mina

Disclaimer: Any characters that you recognize from Buffy belong to Joss Whedon, the Mutant Enemy company, and the WB. Strange characters that you have never heard of such as Amy, Beth, Angela, Mr. Kraus, Mr. Upton, and any others belong to themselves.

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Chapter 1

"Do you think Scott would approve of this outfit?" asked Angela.

"Yes, it's not that bad. You just look, look, well," said Amy, not sure what to say. Once they got permission from Mr. Upton to go to the club, they insisted on going shopping. Angela had bought an outfit that Amy had never expected to see her in. It was a black mini-skirt with a white tank top that had spaghetti straps. She was also wearing a see-through long-sleeve lavender jacket over that. Amy was dressed more casually. She had a pair of black velvet pants and a red button down top. Beth was in a pair of dark green jeans and a striped top. They were trying to look like "normal" teenagers; fit in with the kids at Sunnydale.

"Do you think she'll be there?"

Beth smiled at Angela as she replied. "A teen club is the perfect place for vampires to gain some fresh new blood. The Slayer will be there."

"I thought you wished we could just be normal teens," said Amy.

"We've been trained since birth for this. It's time to put our training to good use."

"Are you two feeling confident?" asked Angela. "We've never been up against real vampires before. We've only been trained for it. We don't even know exactly what vampires look like."

"Calm down, Angela. True, we only have an idea what vampires look like, but Mr. Kraus trained us very well. The Slayer probably had to learn as she went, that's what we're going to need to do."

"Are you ready to go?" asked Amy. "We should get moving."

"Let's go," said Angela. Each of them grabbed a few stakes and a bottle of holy water. "Remember, our duty is to protect the Slayer. We see a vampire, we stake it." Angela led the way out of their hotel room. Amy and Beth looked at each other and rolled their eyes. It only took a few minutes to get to the library and there was no trouble on the way. When they entered, they saw Buffy and her group waiting inside with another girl.

"See, told you Giles would give a good report."

"I think he exaggerated a little," said Amy. "From what Upton said, Giles made it sound like a church or something."

"Well, this is our other part, Cordelia."

"Hello," said the tall girl. She had dark brown hair like Angela's shade.

"Hey," said Beth. "I'm Beth, this is Angela and Amy."

"You girls ready to check out the Bronze?" asked Willow.

"Let's go."

They all grouped together and headed towards the Bronze. Amy could feel the power in this small town. No wonder the Slayer is needed here, thought Amy. She tried to remember everything her mentor had taught her in training. "If a vampire is nearby, you will be able to feel it with your training. They are pure evil, nothing else. If you see one and you hesitate in killing it, you have almost guaranteed your death." She was very confused on how exactly she would sense them. She just knew it was different for each person. She watched Buffy and Xander pick on each other. She missed that normal life, not always feeling like she needed to look over her shoulder and be weary of anyone that she met at night.

"Are you okay?" asked Buffy, looking curiously at Amy. Amy tried to reach out, tell what was different about this girl, something seemed to be. The way she was looking at Amy, she wondered if Buffy could read her mind.

"Fine," replied Amy. "Just reminiscing."

When they finally arrived at the Bronze, they headed over to a table. There was too many of them for one table, so they split into two. Cordelia, Beth, Xander and Angela sat at one table. Amy, Buffy, and Willow sat at another.

"Buffy, why are you saving an extra chair?" Amy asked.

"Oh, my boy- good friend Angel sometimes comes to see us here. He and Xander don't get along, that's why we put him over there."

"Is he in high school?"

"No, he finished awhile ago."

"Hey, guys," said Xander coming up behind them. "Let's dance."

"Sure," said Buffy, pulling Willow onto the floor. "You coming Amy?"

"Why not?"

They got everyone out onto the dance floor. For a few minutes, Amy and her friends forgot all about their mission and became normal teens, like they pretended to be in Barker. When a slow song came on, Amy noticed Xander and Beth stayed out on the dance floor. She smiled and followed everyone else back to the tables. When they were just about there, Amy noticed a young man sitting at their table. Buffy became all smiles and walked over to sit next to him.

"Hello, Angel," said Willow.

"Hi. Hello, Buffy."

"Hey there." Amy could tell she had feelings for this guy. He was tall, dark and very handsome. Amy had always gone for tall dark guys. As Buffy sat next to Angel, he couldn't pull his eyes off her.

"Angel, this is Amy," said Willow, trying to introduce them. He never even noticed. Amy rolled her eyes, and then she noticed how she was feeling. She looked closer at him. Could he be a vampire? thought Amy. She could feel a small presence of evil, but it wasn't at all like she imagined. A mild case of butterflies in the stomach was about all there was.

"Willow, why don't you join me in getting a drink," said Amy. Willow followed her over to the counter, and they each ordered a diet soda.

"Willow," started Amy. "I need to ask you a few questions."

"Questions? Like what questions?"

"How well do you know Angel?"

Willow tried desperately to grasp something to say. Amy noticed this right away. She didn't say anything, alarming Willow wouldn't help her purpose. You may need to hurt people to protect the Slayer, came her mentor's warnings to her. He had said that in this line of work, she was too sensitive.

"Willow, I need to know some things about Angel. If I don't get the information, someone could be hurt." Amy realized she had said the wrong thing. Willow looked frightened. Amy turned the girl towards her and decided to try out her persuasion power.

"Willow, you know things that I need to know. If you don't tell me, the world could be in grave danger. Now, how old are you?"

"Seventeen," answered the girl.

"How long have you a been friend with Xander?"

"Since preschool."

"Do you love him?"


Amy drew in a deep breath. "Is Angel a vampire?"

Willow hesitated for a second. "Yes, he is a vampire."

Amy let go of the girl's shoulders and looked to their table. Buffy's back was toward them, but Angel had a great view to see everything. He got up and started to walk towards her. Amy turned on her heel and ran out the nearest door. She ran into a few people on the way out and heard them complain. She ignore their comments and kept running. She could hear footstep following her. They seemed to be gaining on her, but she was too scared to turn around. Meeting a live vampire wasn't something she wanted to do tonight.

Amy took a stake from her pocket and opened a bottle of holy water with the other. She quickly turned around. Angel stopped dead in his tracks. He slightly raised his hands and Amy walked towards him.

"The Bronze is a good place to collect fresh young blood, isn't it?" said Amy. She took off the cross from around her neck with the hand holding the stake. "I've never met a real vampire before, I never thought they would look so good or act so innocent."

"You've got it all wrong," said Angel.

"Do I? Vampires are pure evil, you need to get rid of them. Poor Buffy, she's been so kind to me, I hate the idea of killing her boyfriend, even if she denies it. So, vampire, do you have any last questions?"

"Who are you?"

"I am part of the Three Fems, at least, that is what they call us in the Codex."

"The Codex?"

"My friend trained us for the past few months. I'm one of the three, prepared since birth to find and save the vampire Slayer, or else let the world be destroyed. Any other questions?"

"Do you believe in God?"

"Very much so."

"I don't want to hurt you."

Amy had to laugh. "If you hurt or kill me, there are two more of us floating around. They will kill you if I don't."

"Please, listen to me. I haven't killed anyone in years. I help the Slayer and try to protect her, I have the same purpose as you."

Amy snorted. "Yeah, and I'm a true blond and am fifty years old."

Amy felt a hand on the back of her neck. "Didn't anyone ever teach you, it's not good to play with the vampires while you are staking them?" A male voice from behind her questioned. He had a weird accent that Amy couldn't quite place. She didn't have time to try though, he took her and threw her up against the wall.

. . .

Amy groaned and tried to move her head. She felt some resistance and opened her eyes. Angel was holding her head and kneeling over her.

"Are you okay?" he asked. Amy was confused by all of this. A vampire that showed compassion, that was something Mr. Kraus had never told them about.

"I think I'm okay. What happened?"

"Spike showed up. He wanted to have the chance to kill me himself."

Spike, thought Amy. Where have I heard that name before? She thought for a few moments and realized that he was one of the vampires she had read about. She tried to sit up again. Angel wouldn't let her move.

"May I sit up please?" she asked.

"Sure," he said. He slowly helped her up, and she leaned against him, too weak to sit up.

"I guess I'm not as good as I thought I was."

"If you are one of the Three Fems as you call yourself, you should be fine."

"Why are you helping me?" asked Amy in confusion. "I just tried to kill you."

"You were protecting the Slayer. You earned my respect. Buffy is the Slayer."

Amy could feel her mouth drop. "Buffy's the Slayer, you're a vampire. You're in love with a Slayer?"

"Ironic, isn't it."

"This goes against everything I have been told."

"That's just the beginning. I also have my soul. I am assuming you know most vampires don't have souls." Amy nodded. "Mine was restored around eighty years ago. I no longer kill human for food, I steal blood from the hospital blood bank. If I am hungry enough, I drain small animals."

"Eewww," said Amy. Then she immediately apologized.

"That's okay, but it's a way of life. I don't do this by choice."

"Do you think the others will find us?" asked Amy, starting to get a little scared.

"If you three stick together, I think they've probably noticed that you're gone and they are now looking for you."

"Where are we?"

"In some kind of cage, in the sewers."

"What are the bars made of?"

"Metal, probably steel. Even with my strength, they are too hard for me to break."

"You don't need to. Help me up," said Amy. He helped her into a standing position and she stared at the lock. She used to powers of her mind to unlock it. Angel looked at her in astonishment.

"How did you do that when you're so weak?"

"Being one of the Three Fems, I have incredible brain power. It doesn't matter about my physical state. Same with my partners. I suppose you saw me talking to Willow."

"Yeah. That's when I became suspicious of you."

"I was using my eyes to manipulate her mind to see if you were a vampire."

"What? There was no reason to hurt Willow like that." Angel never got his reply. Amy tried to walk out of the cage, but found she was too weak to walk. When she clasped, Angel picked her up and ran in the direction of the nearest exit. He had to get her help and report to Buffy before she flipped wondering where he was.

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