Angel's Secrets

Creative Works   

Kiss the Rain (Part 5)
By Blu

Disclaimer: All rights reserved for Joss Whedon, the WB, Mutant Enemy, etc. I used the characters for my own personal enjoyment and that of others, not for profit. I have nothing, so don't expect much if you decide to sue.

The rights to the song "Kiss the Rain" belong to whoever owns them, and it's not me. I am using the song as my own personal derivation for this story, nothing else. I also only used the lyrics that fitted with my story, so some will be left out. Oh, and the song is inside these *** little things.

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Part 5

"Buffy," Giles grasped her arm before she could get close to the door. Buffy waited for him to speak. "Angelus will be at his most distracted when he takes your blood, if he takes it. If Angel doesn't..." Giles trailed off, but Buffy got his meaning. If Angel couldn't overpower Angelus, as he fed would be the best time to escape. Buffy nodded gravely and turned back to the warehouse.

The other four teens plus Giles followed Buffy to the closest door. Buffy looked behind her once and smiled nervously at her friends. Gaining confidence from their presence, she knocked lightly on the metal door, then lifted her leg and kicked it in.

A shaft of leftover sunlight from the sunset fell onto a petite vamp standing in shock near the door. She let out a shriek and jumped away from the source of her pain. Her left arm and the left side of her face were smoking and blisters could be seen forming there.

The female vamp's shriek had alerted the other vampires in the building and they rushed the intruders. Buffy spotted Spike and Druscilla in the far corner. She ducked low and flipped one vamp over her shoulder, kicked another out of her way, and ran toward the vampire couple. Dru saw her coming and quickly wheeled Spike out of the action and away from the fight. Buffy watched them leave the scene and turned to check on her friends.

Giles was in the process of staking a vicious looking vamp, Xander was pulling a tall one off Cordy, while she picked up a stake off the floor and turned to face another. Willow and Oz double-teamed a wily and robust vamp in the far corner. Buffy scanned the large room anxiously. Her eyes found Angelus watching the action from the catwalk above. Buffy moved as unobtrusively as she could toward him. He turned and his eyes followed her every movement. When she got near the top of the ladder, he reached down and held out his hand. Buffy frowned, but took it, and was pulled up to his level.

"Slayer," Angelus greeted her with a smirk. His game face was nowhere to be seen.

"Slayee," Buffy played along with his dangerous game.

"You came to see me?" Angelus asked, backing away off the catwalk to another room. Buffy knew better, but she followed him anyway.

"Why else would I be here?" quipped Buffy, examining her surroundings without really taking her eyes off Angelus.

Crates filled a corner of the room, they were stacked all the way to the ceiling. Old blankets and towels were scattered on the floor, making it hard to avoid tripping on them. A single bulb dimly lighted the dirty room.

"Well, let's get this party started!" Angelus let his game face slip into place. Something in Buffy's eyes flickered. She assumed a basic fighting stance. Sounds of struggle could still be heard from below.

Angelus circled Buffy in a very preditory way. Buffy felt her stomach begin quivering. She side-stepped as Angelus made his first move. She brought her elbow down on his back, angering him. He growled and lunged for her. Buffy side-stepped but didn't get completely out of Angelus' way. His claws dug through her shirt and skin, leaving a trail of blood.

Better hurry up and lose this fight, Buffy told herself or there won't be much blood left for him to take.

Buffy faked a left jab, and Angelus ducked. She pretended to bring her right knee up into his stomach, but he saw her, grabbed her leg and pulled upward, laying Buffy flat on her back. She arched her back and jumped back up, breathing hard, mostly for his benefit.

"Wearing out already, Slayer?" Buffy didn't reply. Angelus threw a punch right for her face. Buffy tried to moved out of the way, but it connected, and she was thrown backward. Angelus advanced. Buffy kicked out at him, but purposely the kick went wild, and he continued advancing.

"Ready to die, Slayer?" Angelus came at her with a left hook, then a solid right and then she was right in front of him. He grabbed hold of her shoulders, holding her tightly. Angelus lowered his face to hers. Buffy let her face appear to show defeat. Her mind raced, along with her heartbeat.

******Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
You can't tell me it's not worth dyin' for
You know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you******

Angel I love you her mind whispered.

Buffy bared her neck to him. Angelus wrapped her in a crushing bear hug. Her breathing became labored. Buffy saw her chances for escape wearing thin.

I really hope this works.

Angelus watched her face, greed heightening his grotesque features.

"What, not gonna scream, Slayer?" he taunted. Buffy didn't acknowledge his words. A lone tear ran down her cheek. Angelus kissed it away tenderly. "Finally I get what I really want," he whispered in her ear.

He lowered his head and placed another kiss at the base of her neck. Then Buffy felt biting (I know, really bad pun) pain as his sharp teeth sank into her flesh. She felt lightheaded for the briefest of moments.

Suddenly Buffy was pushed away. Angelus groaned in pain and slumped to the floor. Buffy anxiously stood by, pressing a hand to her neck, waiting for whatever outcome should happen. Angelus rocked back and forth in agony. He became still and was silent.

Buffy fought desperately for control of her emotions. She watched him stand and turn to her. His face was human.

That doesn't mean much. Buffy stared into Angel's eyes. They were sad and pained.

"Angel." He nodded and reached out one hand, looking very much like Buffy wouldn't take it. But she did, of course, right before she wrapped herself in his arms.

"Welcome back," Buffy whispered into his shoulder. She cried in relief.

Xander rushed into the room, a two-by-four held over his head, ready for battle. When he caught sight of the pair locked in an embrace he dropped his weapon.

"Then it did work."

Buffy nodded, still crying into Angel's shirt. "The others?" she asked hesitantly.

"Waiting for you. We're pretty beat up, all of us, but we'll be okay after a few days. I need to get Cordy home..." Xander left the room.

Angel stepped back and examined Buffy's neck. He absently tore off a piece of his t-shirt and applied pressure to the bite marks.

"We should get you home," he remarked, brushing her hair away from her face. Buffy smiled.

This would be the One I've been waiting for.

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