Angel's Secrets

Creative Works   

Angel and Buffy Poem- A Story of Romance
By Ellen

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There's someone in the shadows
Who is old, but young,
Who is wise, but foolish.

He is handsome,
And strong,
Yet he has betrayed his people
Yet he has ignored the song.

The blood that once ran through his now empty veins
The heart that once beat in his breast
What can be now fed on, he has shunned
For only her love let him rest.

Enemy of the demon race
She loved him, though he changed his face
And what was once sure to come
Was now far off and did not belong.

The love they shared was never ending
And yet their passion stopped right there
For with his secrets unveiling
Came the pain he had to bear.

Despite what had gone before
The curse laid upon him of yore
They shared a night of passion
And his soul was gone once more.

Angelus, he was evil,
He hurt her
Like no other could,
And yet she loved him still.

When she tried to kill him
She found that she could not
And as they fought,
his soul returned
And her love came back.
But the gates of Hell had opened
And evil poured right through
The Slayer had to stop it
Or bear the blood of those they slew.

She sent her love down under
With a sword thrust and a kiss
And for many months after
She cursed fate's foul blunders.

Though she sees him in the shadows
Though she knows that he is there
She no longer lets him follow her
She no longer says she cares.

Their love is still forever
Memories ride at their command
But the pain he bestowed
Upon her
Made it hard to stand.

With all the sorrow that filled him
He left under cover of dark
And never turned to blow a kiss
Or leave behind his mark.

In sadness she sat silently
Watching the world go by
With an empty spot in her heart
And a tearing of her soul.

Angel and Buffy-The Story of a Romance, Version Two

There's someone in the shadows
Who is old, but young,
Who is wise, but foolish.

He is handsome,
And strong,
Yet he has betrayed his people
Yet he has ignored the song.

The blood that once ran through his now empty veins
The heart that once beat in his breast
What can be now fed on, he has shunned
For only her love let him rest.

Enemy of the demon race
She loved him, though he changed his face
And what was once sure to come
Was now far off and did not belong.

The love they shared was never ending
And yet their passion stopped right there
For with his secrets unveiling
Came the pain he had to bear.

Despite what had gone before
The curse laid upon him of yore
They shared a night of passion
And his soul was gone once more.

Angelus, he was evil,
He hurt her
Like no other could,
And yet she loved him still.

When she tried to kill him
She found that she could not
And as they fought,
his soul returned
And her love came back.

But the gates of Hell had opened
And evil poured right through
The Slayer had to stop it
Or bear the blood of those they slew.

She sent her love down under
With a sword thrust and a kiss
And for many months after
She cursed fate's foul blunders.

Though she sees him in the shadows
Though she knows that he is there
She no longer lets him follow her
She no longer says she cares.

With the pain that they each feel
Heavy on strong shoulders there
He has left his dear beloved
To avoid love's tricky snare.

With her lover gone for good now
And no chance of love again
She slays her demons with anger and fire
And thinks of him each day.

They say when they do see each other
That they will be ok apart
That each will live through every day
If they can keep themselves away
Avoid the pain that wrenches at their hearts
Avoid the romance from the start.

Now he has gone away from her
And she feels so alone
Sitting on the bench there
Remembering his tone
As he said the words
She longed to hear
And assuaged all her fears.

. . .

Disclaimer: Joss owns all.

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