Angel's Secrets

Episode Reviews   

Bad Eggs - Monday 12 January, 1998

Needless to say, I loved this episode. Much Angel and those kisses, heartstopping! This episode was icing after seeing David on Regis and Kathy Lee in the morning. He looked great. He was so sweet with his parents and his insistence on pushing the show. He seems like a really nice person. Back to those kisses, I loved when Willow asked Buffy if Angel was helping her and Buffy said, "He does what he can." All I could say was, "and he does it so well."

I also liked the serious stuff in the episode where Angel asked Buffy, "so you don't think about the future?" And she said, "No." He asked, "Never?" She said, "no" again. Then Angel aksed, "you really don't care what happens a year from now? 5 years from now?" My heart melted when she said, "Angel, when I look into the future, all I see is you, all I want is you." Then he said, "I know the feeling." That time when they kissed, it was so intense you could feel the love in the air. This is what they mean when they say a couple has chemistry on the screen. I was like dying. That was a great scene with good dialogue and excellent acting by David and Sarah.

Now on a more serious note, it is difficult to believe that reality will not intrude on Angel and Buffy's relationship. I mean she is just turning 17. At some point down the line when she's in her twenties (if she survives that long, Joss did say Slayers usually die young) the issue of marriage and children will become more problematic. However, Buffy is not an ordinary teenager and has had a more extensive life experience than other teenage girls. This is why I think that her love for Angel is very real as is Angel's love for her. I don't think that Angel ever thought he would fall in love especially not with the Slayer. He just wanted to redeem himself by helping her and then began to reluctantly fall in love with her. They are both are outsiders in their own worlds so it makes perfect sense for them to be drawn to each other.

Bad Eggs was so blissful for Angel and Buffy that you can just smell the trouble coming. So I'll savor this episode watching the Angel and Buffy scenes over and over for the rest of week. Angel fans brace yourselves for the upcoming two parter, "Surprise" and "Innocence."

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