Buffy Episodenguide |
6x01 "Bargaining"
[Die Auferstehung]
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Xander: Okay, this is really starting to grate my cheese. These woods aren't that big. Now, I know we've been going straight because I've been following the North Star.
Willow: (guckt hoch) Xander. (sie bleiben stehen) That's not the North Star. It's an airplane.
Willow (erschöpft): I, I can't walk any more. I need to rest.
Xander: It can't be much further.
Willow: You said that an hour ago. I just ... that spell took a lot out of me.
Xander: As for example, snakes?
Xander: Demons! Ah. There's something you don't see every day. (sarkastisches Lachen) Unless you're us.
Dawn: I-it looks like they're just ... wrecking stuff. No thought other than just destruct-o-rama.
Die Dämonen werfen Stühle aus dem Fenster des Hauses gegenüber.
Spike grinst. Dawn bemerkt es.
Dawn: What?
Spike: Uh, oh, nothing, just, uh ... (nickt zu den Dämonen rüber) looked like fun.
Es klopft an der Tür der Magic Box
Anya (ruft): Already been looted, sorry! Uh, try the appliance store down the block, they've got great toasters.
Xander: Maybe they're on their way here. I mean, this place is NORAD, and we are at DefCon One.
Die Frauen sehen ihn alle verwirrt an.
Xander: Okay, I so need male friends.
Tara: It ... it's the Buffy Bot.
Xander: Ah, peachy. No doubt to lead the wild bunch right to us again. Hey Will, next time this thing's damaged, couldn't ya program it to find the nearest Radio Shack, or...
Razor: Ah. So you got a witch in the mix.
Tara: More than one.
Xander: I happen to be a very powerful man-witch myself. (Razor sieht amüsiert aus) Or ... male... (über seine Schulter zu Willow) Is it a warlock?
Willow: We don't want trouble ... you don't want trouble.
Razor: Of course we want trouble, we're demons. We're really all about trouble.
Willow: Not this kind.