Buffy Episodenguide |
6x08 "Tabula Rasa"
[Tabula Rasa]
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Spike: Oh, listen to Mary Poppins. He's got his crust all stiff and upper with that nancy-boy accent. You Englishmen are always so... bloody hell! Sodding, blimey, shagging, knickers, bollocks... oh, god! I'm English!
Spike (liest den Aufnäher in seiner Jacke): 'Made with care for Randy.' (zu Giles) Randy Giles? Why not just call me 'Horny Giles' or 'Desperate for a Shag Giles'? I knew there was a reason I hated you!
Willow: Oh, hey, I have a name on my jacket... Harris.
Xander: Harris? That's my last name. Maybe I have a brother and you go out with him. Or maybe you go out with me.
Willow: Well, we did wake up all snuggly-wuggly. Maybe you're my boyfriend.
Xander: Either that or I got one pissed-off brother out there somewhere.
Spike: Dad can drive. He's bound to have some classic midlife-crisis transport. Something red, shiny, shaped like a penis.
Xander (betet panisch): Now I'm not sure what I am so bear with me here. Now I lay me down to sleep... shabat Israel... ohm, ohm.
Spike: I must be a noble vampire. A good guy. On a mission of redemption. I help the hopeless. I'm a vampire with a soul.
Buffy: A vampire with a soul? Oh, my god! How lame is that?
Giles: I'm so sorry, dear.
Anya: No. Rupy, I'm sorry. You were right. That was the wrong book.