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Mediavox: Mastertracks

Buffy & Angel

:: Staffel Eins
:: Staffel Zwei
:: Staffel Drei
:: Staffel Vier
:: Staffel Fünf
:: Staffel Sechs
:: Staffel Sieben

:: Staffel Eins
:: Staffel Zwei
:: Staffel Drei
:: Staffel Vier
:: Staffel Fünf

:: 6x01 Bargaining
:: 6x03 After Life
:: 6x04 Flooded
:: 6x05 Life Serial
:: 6x06 All The Way
:: 6x07 Once More, With Feeling
:: 6x08 Tabula Rasa
:: 6x09 Smashed
:: 6x10 Wrecked
:: 6x11 Gone
:: 6x12 Doublemeat Palace
:: 6x13 Dead Things
:: 6x14 Older and Far Away
:: 6x15 As You Were
:: 6x16 Hell's Bells
:: 6x17 Normal Again
:: 6x18 Entropy
:: 6x19 Seeing Red
:: 6x20 Villains
:: 6x21 Two To Go
:: 6x22 Grave

Buffy Episodenguide

6x09 "Smashed"

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  • Buffy: But when I kissed you
    Spike: You know, I always wondered about you two.
    Buffy: What? Oh, gross, Spike! He left. I was depressed. Ergo vulnerability and bad kissing decisions, okay? But that's all that it was. You have to let it go.

  • Spike: That's right, you should scream.
    Creature of the night here, yeah? Some people forget that.
    Frau: Please.
    Spike: She thinks I'm housebroken. She forgot who she's dealing with.
    Frau: Anything you want, please
    Spike: Just 'cause she's confused about where she fits in, I'm supposed to be, too? 'Cause I'm not. I know what I am. I'm dangerous. I'm evil.
    Frau: I'm sure you're not evil.
    Spike: Yes, I am. I'm a killer. That's what I do. I kill. And, yeah, maybe it's been a long time but it's not like you forget how. You just... do it. And now I can, again, all right? So here goes.

  • Anya: It's such a pain. The text I wanted, Giles took it with him. He has this thing that owning a book makes it like his property.

  • Jonathan: I didn't know it'd be so sparkly.
    Andrew: It's so big.
    Warren: Yes, gentlemen, it turns out size is everything. (zu Jonathan) No offense, man.

  • Amy: No, about how I got there. (beat) I wish there was a way that I could make him forget about the last three years.
    Willow: Oh, well hey, I can help you with that. Only, you might want to sew your name into your clothes first or something.

  • Willow: I know. Xander engaged. I couldn't believe it either.
    Amy: It's just so weird. So what's she like?
    Willow: Thousand-year-old capitalist ex-demon with rabbit phobia.
    Amy: Well, that's so his type.

  • Xander: Aha! I got it! Here's our villain right here!
    Anya: That's a D&D manual, sweetie.
    Xander: No, but it could- (looks at cover) Oh.

  • Spike (mit gefährlicher Stimme am Telefon): Slayer.
    Buffy: Spike?
    Spike: Meet me at the cemetery. Twenty minutes. Come alone.
    Buffy: Spike?
    Spike: Bloody hell. (normale Stimme) Yes, it's me.