Buffy Episodenguide |
6x11 "Gone"
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Xander: Buff, did you see anyone or anything suspicious before you... cleared out?
Xander: Will, you know what I'm talki- (sieht ihren Blick) You don't know. Rhymes with blinvisible?
Willow: What?
Xander: Buffy was in town leaving the haircutting place, when she suddenly just-
Willow: Buffy got her hair cut?
Xander (sarkastisch): Yeah! Adorable, apparently. I personally couldn't tell, since she's all blinvisible.
Xander: Hey, Will. Whatcha doin'?
Willow (defensiv): Look, Xander, I figured out this was where Buffy disappeared from what you told me, so don't start jumping to any conclusions.
Xander: No jumping. Look, feet firmly planted.
Xander: What is it?
Willow: Paint that I scraped off the fire hydrant.
Xander: What fire hydrant? (er läuft schmerzhaft gegen ein unsichtbares Hindernis) Ow!
Willow: That one.
Xander: Anya, whatever's happening to the pylon will probably happen to her. If we don't find Buffy... I mean, if we don't figure out how this was done...
Anya: She's pudding?
Warren: The Slayer got slammed with a big-ass dose of radiation when the gun overloaded. Her cells are mutating at an accelerated rate. Eventually her molecular makeup will start losing its integrity and then... pfft.
Andrew: But wouldn't that kill her?
Warren: Well, let me think - Yeah!
Spike: What am I... what does it look like I'm doing, you nit? I'm exercising, aren't I?
Xander: Exercising. Naked. In bed.
Spike: A man shouldn't use immortality as an excuse to let himself go. Gotta keep fit for the killing.
Buffy: So you three have what? Banded together to be pains in my ass?
Warren: We
Jonathan: Maybe not!
Buffy: Except... when I got Xander's message that I was fading away... I actually got scared.
Willow: Well, yeah. Who wouldn't?
Buffy: Me. I wouldn't. Not too long ago I probably would have welcomed it. But I realized- I'm not saying that I'm doing backflips about my life but I didn't... I don't... want to die. That's something, right?