Buffy Episodenguide |
6x12 "Doublemeat Palace"
[Geheimnisvolle Zutaten]
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Buffy (reicht Xander einen Burger): There you go. And I double-sized it for ya.
Xander: Oh, thank you!
Xander packt den Burger aus und beißt ein großes Stück ab.
Buffy: And cut way back on the cat.
Xander (mit vollem Mund): Cat?
Buffy: Just kidding.
(kurze Pause)
Buffy: Probably.
Buffy: This'll make my day complete. (zu Spike) What?
Spike: What's in the Doublemeat Nuggets?
Buffy: I'm working. Go away.
Spike: Yeah, and you chose to be in the consumer service profession and I'm a consumer. (grinst) Service me.
Spike: Give a bloke a chance for his eyes to adjust. Damn fluorescent lights. Makes me look dead.
Halfrek: So... you're marrying that man with the large upper arms?
Anya (lächelt): Yes.
Halfrek: Why?
Anya: Well, because I love him.
Halfrek: Hmm.
Anya: Oh, we're going to be very happy together.
Halfrek: Hmm.
Anya: What?
Buffy: Uggh. That's great. That's just great. I try to do the simplest thing in the world - get an ordinary job in a well-lit place - andlook, I'm right back where I started. Blood and death and funky smells.
Buffy: Xander, you ate the burger!
Xander: Well, first you say it's cat, then you come in and hand me a burger, blah blah blah, five minutes later, "Oh and by the way, it happens to be hot delicious human flesh!"
Buffy: I needed that burger to analyze it. Now I'm going to have to get another one.
Xander: That's your problem with this scenario? You getting seconds?
Dawn (zu Xander): My friend Janice? Her sister's a lawyer.
Xander: You think I should sue over the burger? That's interesting.
Dawn: No, I just mean... (seufzt) Buffy's never going to be a lawyer or a doctor. Anything big.
Xander: She's a Slayer. She saves the whole world. That's way bigger.
Xander: Good job, Will. Those aren't like potions, are they?
Willow: No, no potions. It's not magick, it's chemistry. You can tell by how damn slow it is.
Anya: Well, is it demon meat? I mean, maybe someone's... you know, killing demons and using them as a cheap source of meat. I mean, we've all heard of that.
Dawns Blick sieht man an, daß sie bisher noch nichts davon gehört hat.
Anya: And by the way, I'm opposed to using demon meat, no matter how much money it saves. (zu Xander) Does that surprise you?
Xander: Again, I say huh?