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Mediavox: Mastertracks

Buffy & Angel

:: Staffel Eins
:: Staffel Zwei
:: Staffel Drei
:: Staffel Vier
:: Staffel Fünf
:: Staffel Sechs
:: Staffel Sieben

:: Staffel Eins
:: Staffel Zwei
:: Staffel Drei
:: Staffel Vier
:: Staffel Fünf

:: 6x01 Bargaining
:: 6x03 After Life
:: 6x04 Flooded
:: 6x05 Life Serial
:: 6x06 All The Way
:: 6x07 Once More, With Feeling
:: 6x08 Tabula Rasa
:: 6x09 Smashed
:: 6x10 Wrecked
:: 6x11 Gone
:: 6x12 Doublemeat Palace
:: 6x13 Dead Things
:: 6x14 Older and Far Away
:: 6x15 As You Were
:: 6x16 Hell's Bells
:: 6x17 Normal Again
:: 6x18 Entropy
:: 6x19 Seeing Red
:: 6x20 Villains
:: 6x21 Two To Go
:: 6x22 Grave

Buffy Episodenguide

6x18 "Entropy"

[Im Chaos der Gefühle]

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  • Tara: Okay, wait, it was under her wig?
    Willow: Well, it was this thing, it just came out from inside her head.
    Tara: That's disgusting! What did it look like?
    Willow: Well, let's put it this way. If I wasn't gay before...

  • Tara: Well, it's not really so much about hating the men...
    Willow: We're more centered around the... girl-on-girl action.
    Anya: And men really like to watch that kind of stuff, don't they? Men like Xander.

  • Dawn: I never use that word anymore.
    Anya: Coagulate?
    Dawn: W-i-s-h.
    Anya: Oh, wish! As in "I wish Xander..."
    Dawn: Right! That word. There's vengeance demons out there that are still active, remember? Any "I wish" could totally end in horrible grossness.
    Anya: Gimme a for-instance?

  • Anya: So. Tell me more about wishing Xander's guts-brains and brainsguts would go blooey.
    Dawn: I didn't say that.
    Anya: Yes, you did.
    Dawn: No, I didn't.
    Anya: I heard you.
    Dawn: I swear, I didn't say that.
    Anya: Didn't say what?

  • Willow: Well, Xander is a guy so... it's kinda not the surprise that he likes to watch... girls. Why are we talking about this?
    Anya (genervt): We're comforting me!
    Tara: Well, I guess it's... natural for guys to be interested in-
    Anya: God! What kind of lesbians are you?! If you love men so much, go love men!

  • Anya: Oh, my God. Spike hates Xander. Maybe I could get him to wish... dammit, if only he were a woman. (thinks) Got it! If I can somehow get someone to wish that Spike were a woman, then I could go to him- well, he'd be a her by then- then I could go to her and get her to-

  • Anya (wütend): Thing about it is, none of this was my idea. I didn't ask to be human.
    Spike: Right! And I didn't ask for this bloody chip in my head.
    Anya: To tell you the truth, all I wanted was to use him and lose him. I hadn't had a good tumble in a thousand years.
    Spike: Me, too. The using part. I just wanted to know what I was missing, move on.
    Anya: Yeah... and he was all bumpy in the right places. And nice to me.
    Spike: She was so raw. I've never felt anything like it.
    Anya: Next thing you know, I'm changing to please him. I care if he cares!
    Spike (nickt): Right.
    Anya: And I'm off my guard. Happy! I'm singing in the shower and doing my sexy dance!
    Spike: Exactly. (kurze Pause) I... have no dance.

  • Warren: Is that the cam in the Magic Box?
    Jonathan: Oh, my god.
    Andrew: What are they... oh.
    Warren: Is that...?
    Jonathan: Spike.
    Andrew guckt Spike verträumt an
    Andrew: He is so cool. (auf den Blick der anderen hin) And, I mean, the girl is hot, too.