Unwelcome Visitors

by Mightbeme

Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, Next

Chapter 1

Colonel Jack O’Neil leaned back in his chair, hands clasped behind his head, absently listening to the briefing flowing around him. His teammates were ranged around the long table, each of them curious about their upcoming mission. Daniel sat leaning forward, listening intently to General Hammond, Sam was obviously doing calculations in her head as she riffled through the folders in front of her. And Tealc – well he was always ready, even if they didn’t know what for yet. Jack pushed back in his chair, nearly overbalancing as Hammond came to the crux of the briefing.

“Whoa, general – say what are living all over the world”

General Hammond straightened, stern, flinty eyes locking with Jacks disbelieving brown ones.

“Just what I said colonel, vampires, witches, werewolves. all manner of demons”

Jacks eyebrows rose up a little higher as he just barely caught himself from falling onto the floor. He righted his chair nochantly before coolly looking around, as if he hadn’t just almost fallen over.

“You’re kidding, aren’t you? It’s April Fools Day or something, cause that’s just about the craziest thing I’ve ever heard”

Jack was stunned, * he can’t be serious *, he looked helplessly at Daniel

*Oh that was so not a good idea *, because Daniel launched immediately into lecture mode. He stumbled over the words at first, dark blonde hair falling into his eyes, his hands gesturing in time with the rise and fall of his voice.

“ There is evidence in all the writings of the ancient and modern world pointing to the existence of otherworldly creatures.”

Daniel’s glance skipped around his audience nervously, not wanting to settle on anyone, well on one person in particular. It was times like this when he didn’t want to fall into the trap of looking at Jack, didn’t want Jack to see something in his eyes, something that would cause…….questions. Swallowing down his flare of attraction for his commanding officer Daniel focused on what he knew.

“Monsters we believed to be fictitious could have actual basis in fact. Stories of witches and warlocks have numerous mentions in nearly all cultures, seers and sages, even fairies have a place in mythology.”

Daniel plunged on disregarding the stark disbelief in Jacks eyes, Sam listened intently and Teal’c merely arched an eyebrow possibly in agreement, it was hard to tell with him.

“ Some of the creatures we’ve fought could be considered demons in this world …. and then there’s the Goa’uld. They are the ultimate demon, god knows how many more myths they have spawned.”

Teal’cs deep voice rumbled ominously in the silence of the room.

“Daniel Jackson is correct, the oonass alone would inspire many legends among your people.”


Jack whined in protest as the Jaffa regarded him with that annoyingly steady gaze, he paused mouth open and then closed it, carefully leaning back in his chair. He took a breath and phrased the question he knew he was going to be sorry he asked,

“So what are we going to do”

General Hammond let out the breath he’d been holding, he knew Jack wouldn’t want to believe this.

* Hell it goes against everything I believe in myself *.

“Major Carter, if you please”

Sam knew how Jack felt but there really was no other explanation that she could scientifically see.

“While testing some new equipment I’ve been developing, I came across some unbelievable things. The detector I designed started picking up strong evidence of paranormal activity, hotspots if you will, places where the energy literally surges from the earth. I found one of the strongest hotspots in California a small town called Sunnydale, while I was cross-referencing the co – ordinates a red flag appeared on my terminal. I had the necessary clearance and was able to access files on a secret military base that was built there a couple of years ago.”

“I don’t understand, if there is already a base there, what is this to us?”

He grimaced as Sam’s enthusiasm went up a notch.

“There’s no base there now. It was destroyed a year ago, among the personnel missing was the director a civilian…….a Dr Maggie Walsh.”

Daniel looked surprised, he stuttered a little - something he hadn’t done for a long time and blinked rapidly.

“I..I knew Maggie at university, I didn’t realise that she worked for the military too”

Sam reached over and squeezed his hand briefly while Jack cleared his throat awkwardly covering his reaction to the tearful glints in Daniels eyes.

“So what else did you find in the files Sam”

“Colonel O’Neil, the base was called the Initiative, they were organised to gather information about that hotspot and to control the demon population of Sunnydale.”

“Demon population?”

Jack arched his eyebrows, he watched as Daniel hung his head, momentarily distracted by the younger mans pain.

“Yes Sir, demons captured were 59 at the last count before the base was destroyed. 45 of those were vampires, the rest were assorted demon types.”

General Hammond broke in, aware that Jack was becoming restless.

“How was the base destroyed Major Carter?”

Sam consulted her notes glancing around the room as she continued

“Dr Walsh was working on several projects but we believe one, the Adam project backfired.”

Jack couldn’t help the sarcasm that dripped from his question

“Adam project Sam?”

Seeing General Hammond nodding at her, Sam continued.

“Dr Walsh created a monster, like the old Frankenstein movies, except she used demon parts to graft onto a human body. Unfortunately for her it worked, she made Adam too strong and he destroyed the base and most of the personnel.”

Jack sighed and running his fingers through his sandy hair in a tired move.

“This just keeps getting better and better. So we have a crazy patchwork demon loose in Sunnydale, California do we?”

“Uhh no sir, Adam was destroyed. According to an agent Finn who was a survivor, he was taken down by “the Slayer””.

Jacks eyes widened “By the …… did you say slayer”

Jack jumped as Daniel broke in excitedly, he’d thought the young archaeologist had been thinking of his own pain but there he was…… his beautiful eyes closed in concentration.

Jack nearly groaned aloud * beautiful….oh my god….*

Daniel searched his memory, his fingers leafing through invisible books.

*soft fingers ……just right for ………dammit ….down Jack …..we’re in a god dammed fucking briefing….oh yeah down is good……arrrgggh …… not thinking not thinking not thinking*


“I’ve heard of that name before, I remember reading a journal about the slayers .The Slayer is the Chosen one, a human girl with the power to slay vampires and demons. Gifted with extraordinary strength and agility, apparently she has a pretty short life span because of her work and when she dies another is chosen.”

Jack sucked in a steadying breath, aware that his teammates were giving him some strange looks.

“Now this is all very interesting, but what has it got to do with us?”

General Hammond sighed, taking command of the briefing again he gave his orders

“Colonel O’Neil we have had information from the Tokra that the Goa’uld system lords are interested in the kind of energy we have detected. Also that they have expressed an interest in vampires ”

Jack scoffed “And that would be bad because ………. their just demons right”

“Wrong” General Hammond thundered,” they are citizens of this planet and deserve our protection”

Daniel twirled a pencil around in his fingers “Why would they want a vampire, from what I’ve read of Vampires they are humans who have a demon in possession of their body. If a Goa’uld were too take over a vampire it would effectively have to overpower the demon yet still keep it caged within. Vampires are supposed to be a lot stronger than humans, with resistance to diseases since the human they take over is effectively dead, yet they retain all their memories and are immortal.”

“So why would the Goa’uld want with them, they are immortal anyway”

“They are to a point Jack but they only increase the strength of the host to a certain point.”

“Vampires may have extra senses that humans don’t, that would be an asset to the Goa’uld” Teal’cs mellow voice paused “It occurs to me that from what you have said, that vampires and the Goa’uld are remarkably similar and that to merge two such creatures may create a stronger Goa’uld.”

“It is also possible that the Goa’uld would wish to use these vampires as one would use a pawn.”

The stillness of the room was broken by General Hammond’s voice

“Perhaps it would be wise for us to find out more about these vampires, Major Carter do we have any sources left to exploit”

Sam flipped open the top folder, shuffling the pages until she found the one she wanted.

“Agent Finn recommended a Rupert Giles, his background check has interesting gaps. He’s English, highly educated, has several degrees yet there are gaps of years in some places. He apparently was the librarian at the Sunnydale High School, before it was destroyed and now runs a thriving business called the Magic Box. The strangest thing agent Finn said was that he was the Slayer’s Watcher, whatever that is?”

Jack shrugged, this whole thing sounded strange to him, the sooner it was over the better, he hated waiting around.

“Okay people, General Hammond permission to recon Sunnydale and to gather intelligence concerning the energy source and the…. umm Vampires, I don’t believe I’m saying this”

Hammond smiled slightly before his face quickly returned to his normal stern countenance

“Permission granted Colonel O’Neil, Major Carter take whatever equipment you need and establish a base of operations. I think it might be better to keep this low key, the military still has several properties there, former accommodations for base personnel. You can take over one of them for this mission. Make no mistake Colonel O’Neil, this has top priority, be on your guard and take care, all of you”

Jack stood and saluted smiling at the general as he swept his hand down and in front of him ushering the rest of the team toward the door.

“No sweat Sir, we’ll keep in touch”

Chapter 2

Tinkling bells echoed around the seemingly deserted shop as Spike ducked through the door. Pulling his slightly smoking duster off his head he scowled at the cheerful sound, muttering under his breath about poncy shopkeepers and bleedin bells. Carefully avoiding the late afternoon sun slanting through the window he threw his duster back over his shoulders.

“Oi , where is everyone”

Xander’s head popped into view from behind the stacks of books piled on the counter, dark hair falling into his eyes. Leaning around them towards the door, he shouted out in a cheerful voice.

“Giles we have company the semi evil undead have come a calling”

“What’s the matter whelp, need a hand with those”

Spike eyed the piles of books warily, rocking back on his heels as he shoved his hands into his coat pockets. Xander watched him, his brown eyes narrowing,

“No Spike I’m not paying you to help – I don’t get paid so neither do you”

Spike looked crestfallen, but Xander could see mirth lurking in the clear blue eyes

“I’m shattered that you think me so shallow pet, my heart will never be the same”

He even laid his hand over said heart for effect, Xander smiled fondly at him and Spikes world tilted at the radiant sight before him.

*Gods he’s beautiful and he doesn’t even know it *

“ Spike your an evil undead vampire, you don’t have a heart”

Spikes eyes dimmed a little at the calmly spoken words, even said as a joke it hurt him.

* If you only knew Xanpet, Okay pull yourself together Will, you’ve been waitin for a chance to get the boy alone, now do something. *

Sidling over to the counter Spike moved quietly behind it, Xander drew in a sharp breath as Spike invaded his personal space. His chocolate brown eyes wide as Spike stopped so close he felt his breath on his face. Looking down he took Xander’s nerveless hand in his and placed it over his heart. Lifting his head, sky blue eyes pierced Xander to the core.

“Oh I have a heart pet or I wouldn’t be doin this”

His other hand snaked around Xander’s neck pulling him slowly down to his lips. Xander’s eyes fluttered closed as he felt cool lips touch his own warm ones, a tongue gently questing over his bottom lip and he opened his mouth without thought, lost in the moment. Spike groaned and slid his tongue into incredible warmth, soft….wet…. warmth, exploring gently while his hand tangled in the silken strands of Xander’s hair.

*Oh godohgodohgodohgodthis is so goooood*

Xander’s hand clutched at Spikes shirt,

*Ohmygod think brain, this is a guy, your kissing a guy *

The kiss deepened his body surging with blood, all of which decided to go to his head

*ohhhhhhyeaahhhhhhanditfeelssoooogood *

His other head, as he felt his free hand find Spike’s hip and pull him closer.

* moremoremoreneedmoreofhimmorespikemorewill *

Spike moaned as the movement rubbed his growing erection against Xander’s, the sharp shock of desire making the mortal whimper into Spikes mouth. For a moment they strained against each other mindlessly, Spike was delighted as Xander not only let himself be kissed but actively participated. It seemed that for the boy rational thought had not only left him but it had and taken his inhibitions on holiday with it.

“ Umm…. Ahem “ a loud noise of someone clearing their throat caused Xander’s eyes to snap open and he jumped back. His hand going to his bruised lips, eyes wide and terrified, Spike growled in frustration

* I’m gonna rip that watcher a bloody new one * then he gentled his features, concentrating on calming his boy.

“Are you okay pet”

“No, no,no…and again no…..… I am so…. not okay, I can not stress that enough. Do I look okay, I was just kissing a guy, and not just any guy but an evil undead guy, and I am soooooo not gay, not that there’s anything wrong with that, but no, no I, um, I um, gotta go now so bye” babbling all the way Xander managed to inch past a reluctant Spike and flee out the door. The blonde moved to follow him but found his path blocked by an irate watcher.

“Spike what did you think you were doing, Xander is very young and I sincerely doubt if he’s ever had thoughts about men in that way. Its not fair of you to play with him like that”

Giles took off his glasses and polished them absently, a ritual that always calmed him, while regarding the strangely quiet vampire before him. Even though Spike was one of them now but he was still a demon and as such had to be treated ….. carefully. In the past months a lot of the vampires obnoxious personality had toned down as he got used to having real friends, human friends. His constant need to be the centre of attention had settled, Giles often thought of him as he would a toddler. Not that he’d ever dare to say that to Spike but the blonde vampire had become family to them all. Buffy and Spike still spat and clawed at each other but what brother and sister didn’t. Willow, Tara and Dawn adored him, as he often went out of his way to do things for them that he would never admit to doing, but which they all knew he did. Xander and Spike had also become close friends, as the bleached one helped the young man cope with the pain of Anya leaving him at the alter. Giles could see Spike was attracted to Xander, blind freddy could have seen it, but he never thought Xander would see Spike that way.

“Sod off Rupert, ‘m not playin with him, I ..” he pulled up sharply as Giles put his glasses back on and stared at him. His mouth dropped open as he realised what Spike meant, not that he thought that the vampire was incapable of love, but rather that he might admit to it.

“You have feelings for him, Spike, are you an idiot, he’s still not over Anya leaving him. How do you know he even feels anything for you at all?”

Spike dropped his eyes, but not before Giles saw the sadness in them, gently he reached out and put his hand on Spikes leather clad shoulder.

“Spike, your not in love with him are you?”

“snunoyorbusiness” came the reply as Spike refused to meet his eyes.

Giles squeezed his shoulder and released him

“ Just go slowly then, Xander’s never had a stable relationship, let alone a gay relationship. Are you prepared if he doesn’t want to be with you that way.”

Spike raised his head, his usual cocky expression in place, eyes suspiciously bright

“S’ok watcher I’ll be right, I can only hope can’t I”

“Yes Spike you can hope”

Chapter 3

Jack threw himself onto the king size bed, smiling as he bounced up and down.

“And I take it that you’re sleeping there Jack?”

Daniel smiled at his commanding officer acting like a 5 year old on holiday. Jack stopped bouncing and folded his arms behind his head, stretching out his long legs.

“Yup, I’m in charge so I get the pick of the beds”

Tealc stopped in the doorway, raising an eyebrow at the two men

“Colonel O’Neill, there are only 3 sleeping areas in this domicile. Major Carter will require a room to herself and there is only 1 bed in the other room.”

Jack pushed himself up on his elbows “Are you trying to tell me that I have to share”?

“It would appear so Colonel O’Neil”

Daniel pushed his glasses back on his nose, shrugging he offered

“You take the single room Tealc, I can bunk in here with Jack”

Jack’s eyes glazed over, but before he could get his brain to object Tealc had disappeared down the hall to his room. Daniel shifted nervously then picked up his bag moving into the walk in robe. Dropping it on an empty shelf he walked further opening the door at the rear of the robe. The generous ensuite contained a bath, large shower cubicle, vanity and toilet. Glancing into the cupboards Daniel found everything they could need. While Daniel inspected their rooms Jack was trying to get certain parts of his anatomy back under his control.

* Oh god this is not good, I can’t share a room, hell you mean a bed with Daniel. Bed….Daniel……Bed….Daniel… Oh No it’s alright …. Daniel’s your friend, and friends don’t do friends …do they……oh yeah I could so see me doin Danny or him doin me ….. I know I’m bi …… I wonder if Danny’s ever been with a guy …. Ok snap out of it …….it’s a nice daydream but it aint gonna happen …c’mon Jack you can do this, you’re a soldier, you can resist, right yeah its gonna be okay, I can do this*

Daniel stopped in the doorway, his eyes down as he unbuttoned his shirt, he looked so adorable that Jack’s brain knew straight away that it was in trouble.

“ I’m just going to have a shower and freshen up Jack. There’s towels and stuff already he……re” Daniel stuttered the last as he looked up and caught the heat in Jack’s eyes. Blushing he took off his shirt and held it in front of him like a shield.

* Danny…..naked….water running over his beautiful body, hands soaping…. *

“Ummm…..I….I…I‘ll be out soon” and turning he fled. Jack shook his head, sitting up he whapped his hand on his forehead * Stupid brain, your no help * grateful that his pants were loose he went downstairs to find Sam, maybe her technical talk could disperse the images of a naked Daniel currently lodged in his head.

Sam looked up when she heard him come down the stairs, smiling she arched an eyebrow at his scowling face.

“Something wrong Sir?”

Jack sighed and flopped into an overstuffed chair, rubbing his face with his hands he considered his answer.

“No Sam, nothings wrong and we better quit it with the military attitude while we’re here. You think we can get Teal’c to loosen up a little.”

Sam smiled at him before snapping shut the cover of the device she had been tuning.

“Ok Jack, are we going to see Mr Giles now”

“No, lets freshen up first and have something to eat, travelling all day has made me tired”

Sam moved to the phone and grabbed the directory, flipping through she stopped and dialled

“I’ll order pizza’s okay, why don’t you go have a shower”

Jack coloured and Sam looked at him with an amused smile as he cleared his throat.

“Daniel’s using our shower, oh yeah you get your own room and Tealc’s got the other single so Daniel is bunking with me”

Jack blushed further, even his ears pinked under Sam’s laughing gaze.

“Ok I’m gonna go see if Tealc’s using the other bathroom, make my pizza with everything alright”

Jack bounded up the stairs, entering his chosen room just as Daniel emerged from the bathroom. Damp hair in spikes from the rough towelling he had just given it, Daniel dropped the towel onto a chair and had his back to Jack as he unwound the other towel around his waist. Jack’s mouth went dry, Daniels lean muscled back was devoured by his eyes, drifting down Jacks hands clenched as he imagined cupping the firm globes of Daniel’s ass. A slight groan escaped his lips and Daniel whirled around his breath hitching as he saw the stark desire in Jack’s eyes.

“Oh ummm J..J.. Jack …the … the showers f.f.free if …if you want it.”

*Oh yeah he’s a virgin, he looks like a deer in the headlights *

Shaking himself Jack forced a smile and stiffly walked past Daniel and into the bathroom.

* Oh god I so need a cold shower *

Chapter 4

Spike stared at the door, a frown creasing between his eyes, he stilled his mind for a moment willing his demon to retreat for a while as he wrestled with himself. The last thing he wanted was for the demon to scare Xander off, no for this he needed to be more himself or at least more of who he used to be.

* Knock on the door Will, c’mon what are you waitin for …..an engraved invitation. The boy’s here you know, you can smell him, feel his heartbeat. *

*Yeah but what if he doesn’t want to see you *

*It wasn’t just a kiss, he’s tastes so good, just want to see him, be with him *

* Yeah like he’d want to be with you, you heard him your evil undead guy remember*

* But he knows I’d never hurt him……….. doesn’t he *

*How does he know you pillock, as far as he’s concerned your not one of them your just a stray, you’ll never be anything to him, face it. *

* Shut up you stupid brain, what do you know *

Raising his hand resolutely Spike knocked on the door, holding his breath as he heard fumbling with the locks on the other side. The door swept open and Xander stood there, Spike could feel the tension rolling off him in waves. His dark eyes pinned the vampire with an unyielding stare, making his mouth suddenly dry.

“Spike…..why am I not surprised…..what do you want bleach head.”

Spike cocked his head, thrusting his hands into his pockets he smiled up at Xander

“ Just wanted to talk to you pet, can I come in…….please”

Xander looked defiant until he heard the soft plea from Spike, sighing he stepped back and ushered the vampire into his apartment closing the door behind them. Spike waited while Xander seated himself on the couch before sitting beside him.

“So what do you want Spike” Xander flashed him an angry look “ No let me guess, you just want to play with the poor human. Lets make donut boy question his sexuality, like I don’t have enough problems. You know……its funny but I expected more of you than that, I thought you and I were friends. After everything we’ve been through……..all the crap the Hellmouth could throw at us……….all the insanity that is my life……you kissed me, and that is something so out of left field I never even saw it coming. Did you think it was funny Will, did you have a good laugh, when did you decide my life needed an identity crisis……….just because every woman I’ve ever been with left me…..does that automatically make me gay. Do you have nothing better to do with your time that you have to bait me? How do you think that made me feel that you….God Will ……..all I know is that you …….just wanted to play with me and I’m not some toy you can take out and wind up just to see me spin my wheels”

Eyes blazing Xander turned to look at Spike expecting to see him smirking, just like he’d always done when a joke on Xander had worked, when he’d made him flustered or felt worthless. Spike did stuff like this for fun, just because he’d thought that those times were behind them, he’d thought Spike was his friend, someone he could count on. The unconscious use of Spike’s given name showed just how deeply Xander felt about him, at some point in their relationship Spike had become Will to Xander, the demon had become the man. And even with that, Xander was in no way expecting to see the hurt he felt reflected back at him in those blue eyes. The blonde vampires gaze fell to his lap, blinking back unwanted tears, his throat tightening as he listened to the mortal he loved rant.

Xander held his breath, the intensity in Will’s eyes had cut through the hard layer around his heart. Sheer misery screamed from the vampire’s posture, his eyes downcast as he sat hunched in on himself. So great was the distress radiating from him the dark haired mortal instinctively reached out for his hand untangling it from the death grip he had on his duster. Spike felt the warmth of his boy’s hand and shyly glanced up at him. Hesitantly he lifted his free hand to brush a lock of hair out of Xander’s eyes, his voice so soft the mortal had to strain to hear him.

“ I wasn’t playing pet, I ….just…. wanted to kiss you, I’ve always wanted to kiss you, even when I didn’t like you.”

Confused Xander licked his lips unconsciously, Spike groaned as he watched the tip of that tongue disappear back into his mouth.

“Oh pet, you have no idea how beautiful you are do you. I just want to look after you like you deserve, I want to worship you, pleasure you, I’ll do anything for you”

His voice dropped to a near whisper

“I…… I love you”

Xander felt like all the air was being sucked out of the room as he stared into Spikes eyes. Finding nothing but truth and love there, he stood with shaky legs and tugged Spike to his feet facing him. Looking up Spike caught an unneeded breath before exhaling softly. He reached up tentative hands gliding over Xander’s broad shoulders, slipping gentle fingers into the soft dark locks at the nape of the neck. Spike’s eyes never left Xander’s as he lifted his lips and kissed the boy tenderly, ghosting cool lips over warm ones. Waiting for Xander, praying silently for a reaction, he didn’t have to wait long as with a sigh his pet’s mouth melted open even as his eyes closed. Spike trembled as his tongue slipped into the warm cavity, his own eyes drifted closed as he tried to go as slowly, as gently as possible. He in no way wanted to scare Xander, not now, not when his mouth was moving so sweetly under his own. Spike could feel his demon howling at the back of his mind, mentally he caged it, not wanting anything to frighten his love. He could feel himself hardening, his jeans becoming tighter, he felt Xander’s hands move around his back. Warm hands hesitantly stroking him, he moaned softly as they broke the kiss. Opening his eyes, he saw dazed chocolate orbs, pupils wide and dilated in a face flushed with desire. Not wanting to speak he carded his fingers through the dark hair, waiting. Strong arms tightened around him, pulling him close, lips swallowing his moan as hardness met hardness.

Xander plundered Spikes mouth, agile tongue exploring the cool cavern, hands frustrated by the layers of clothes. He pushed his hands into the duster, pulling the tee shirt out of his jeans, he sought the cool satin skin of Spike’s back. Sighing as his fingers finally glided over lean muscle and soft skin Xander felt…right. Like this was where he was supposed to be, Will felt so good in his arms, this softer side of the blonde was new and he liked it. His earlier wiggins about kissing another guy disappeared under the onslaught of emotions those cool lips evoked. Xander knew now that he had always been attracted to Spike on some level even when he was the enemy. He had never been with a guy before but it felt so damm right that Xander instinctively went with the intense feeling .The knowledge that Will wouldn’t force him to do anything he didn’t want to was reassuring, but he felt like he was on fire. Will’s body felt so good under his hands he could feel himself wanting more. He didn’t care that he was a guy anymore, he was different. In his mind he vaguely realized that he had separated the blonde into two people. Spike and Will……….and this man in his arms was nothing like the dominant vampire Xander knew and it was that knowledge that spurred him to take the lead. Spike was in heaven, his Xanpet was even more involved than he had been the first time they’d kissed. The fact that he seemed to want to lead this dance suited him fine. The William part of Spike was in control, tuning out the howls for blood and violence from the demon in his subconscious he concentrated on the man holding him. Here there’d be no interruptions and they could take it slow, see how far Xander wanted to go. He whimpered as he felt Xander grind their hips together, but he’d no intention of leading this encounter, he wanted Xander to make his own decisions. He loved him too much to risk forcing something to happen if Xander didn’t want it too.

*Oh god, he feels so good, tastes so good, bed…. bed now. Want to take him, taste him, feel him, oh god yes *

Xander started to move, walking Will backwards slowly, while still lip locked passionately together. Stumbling slightly through the open doorway, they finally reached the bed. The blonde suddenly found himself falling backwards, Xander falling with him, arms failing the air they tumbled down. Soft laughter tickled his ear then warm lips nibbled, rolling apart the young man moved further onto the bed. Lying back, watching as Will removed his duster and dropped it on the floor before moving to lie beside him. Rolling onto their sides they stared at one another, Will itching to touch the soft mortal beside him, but not wanting to make the first move. Xander’s hand cupped his chin, brushing a thumb over the cool lips. Will closed his eyes and kissed the digit, hearing the sharp intake as desire hit…hard. The thumb was replaced by lips, hard and demanding as Xander’s hands tugged his tee shirt up. Breaking apart the obstruction was quickly removed, and the warm lips were back again, hot slick tongue darting into his mouth. He was pushed on to his back as Xander straddled his hips, he ripped the shirt off the heavier mans shoulders, buttons flying. Warm hands moved to the buttons of his jeans, Will held an unneeded breath when the mortal’s eyes widened with the realisation that he’d gone commando.

Face flaming as he freed the erection straining at the material, he tugged the jeans down and off the strong legs. Will lay sprawled on the bed watching as Xander slowly unbuttoned his own jeans, zipper edging down, fingers running teasingly around the waistband before pushing the stiff denim and boxers down and off. He panted softly as the slow striptease came to an end, Xander prowled gracefully over the bed to capture cool lips in a searing kiss. He settled his long body on top of Will’s cooler one, gasping as their bare flesh came into contact, legs spread so that Xander could press fully into him. Their cocks rubbing together, Xander thrust his hips loving the feel of silken skin and hard muscle under him. Lips wandered and hands trailed over one another as Will looked up at Xander his eyes dark with love and desire.

“ Please Xan, want you in me please pet”

Xander shuddered at the intense words, his cock twitching at the thought of penetrating the cool body under his. Reaching over he fumbled with the drawer of the bedside table pulling out a tube of lube. Flipping open the cap he moved up onto his knees, a sure hand touched his, the tube was removed and then his fingers were covered in the cool gel. He reached between Will’s legs, feeling for the puckered entrance to his body, finding it he gently slid one finger inside. Gasping both at the feeling of tightness grasping his digit and the cool hand covering his hot cock with lube. A second finger slid in preparing him and then a third, a moan from Will as he withdrew his fingers, grasping pale hips and lifting them. White legs sweeping up as his weeping cock searched for home, moaning as the hard head pushed in. Inch after inch of Xander’s cock disappeared into Will until he was fully embedded, Xander dropped his head struggling to contain himself.

* He’s so tight, so cool, never had anyone feel this good, its like he’s made for me *

Will’s hand brushed his face, gently tugging him down for a sweet kiss, as he rocked his hips. Xander gasped into the cool mouth before starting a slow rhythm, they moved together, each learning from the other. How to touch, how to move, how to stoke the fires building up inside them, bodies slapping together, lips shifted from caressing to hard and insistent. Xander’s hand found Will’s hard cock, moving to the rhythm they were defined by, he could feel his body tightening as he drove himself and his lover to release. Will came first, cold seed spraying over his stomach and chest, white spots dancing before his closed lids. His mortal lovers name falling from his lips.


The clenching of his muscles around Xander’s cock dropped him over the precipice

“ Oh God Wiiiiiilll”

Xander’s body arched as he rode out his orgasm before falling onto Will’s chest, his face nuzzled into the cool neck. Breathing hard he went to roll off, but was restrained by strong arms holding him down.

“Please Xanlove stay”

Xander raised himself on his elbows smiling down at the ravished vampire beneath him.

“I wasn’t going too far Will, I just didn’t want to crush you”

Will smiled shyly as he realized that Xander was still using his true name, his heart swelling with the thought that someone else could see him as he once was.

“ You won’t hurt me?” the softly spoken question speared the mortal through the heart, blue eyes brimming with trust met his own in a loving gaze.

“No Will, never.”

Xander dropped a chaste kiss on the cool forehead, smiling as he was reluctantly released. He got up and fetched a wet towel from the bathroom, sinking onto the bed he gently cleaned them both up. Throwing the towel into the dirty washing he lay down on his side facing Spike, reaching out to pull Will into his embrace he found himself with an armful of suddenly shy blonde vampire.

*Love you Xanpet *

“So what are we going to do now pet?”

Xander smiled to himself, this was a part of Spike’s personality he hadn’t seen for awhile and then it was usually only glimpses. The other man was intoxicating, his whole demeanour changed, his eyes were incredibly shy, his manner uncertain as he rested in his mortal lovers arms. Xander himself had never felt this relaxed after sex before, he usually had been pushed away as soon as he had satisfied his ex demon fiancée, he gently trailed a hand over Spikes side.

“ Hmmmmmmm , what do you want to do Will”

That made Spike smile, thinking of what he could do later with his luscious lover.

Shaking his head, Spike’s smile slipped, unable to believe that Xander could possibly want to be with him. Burrowing his face into the warm neck his voice came out muffled as he stumbled around the subject.

“I umm meant… are you and I ……I dunno, together……….are you going to tell anyone about us”

The arm around him tightened, then he felt warm fingers grip his chin, pulling his face around so he was looking into Xander’s serious eyes. The firm voice chided him, but with a hint of laughter, Will relaxed into the warmth of the man he loved.

“ I told you Will, I’d never hurt you, and that means that we not only together but we are seen together. I don’t care what anyone has to say, we are a couple and they can just deal. I haven’t been this at peace for a long time, even before…”

Spike picked up the word “ Anya”

Xander was rueful “ Anya was. ……Anya. I didn’t feel the same inside as I do with you. She was too much, too demanding ….she plain wore me out. I was secretly glad when she left me, you know. I am so over her.”

Xander pulled Spike close “ Will you are mine ……if you want to be”

Spike smiled and it truly transformed his face, Xander was speechless

* God he should do that more often, he’s beautiful*

Spike took Xander’s lips in a gentle kiss, saying without words

* I’m yours forever*

Chapter 5

Spike and Xander walked down the darkened street, even the starry night sky was dim and menacing as they hurried on towards Giles house. Spike scanned the shadows, intent on keeping his nummy safe, the dark was his element but not tonight. As they rounded the corner into Giles street the broken lights and the sinister air of the street was ringing all his alarms. Xander realised something was wrong too as he gestured Spike towards the house, they crossed the curb and hurried to the door. Knocking Xander fidgeted as he heard Giles opening the door, the sense of wrongness in the air pushing him and Spike inside. They nearly bowled Giles over in their rush, Xander reaching out to steady him as Spike practically slammed the door shut.

“Sorry G-man”

“What is the rush Xander, Spike is something after you”

Spike looked sheepishly at Giles

“Sorry Rupes, but there’s a weird vibe out there tonight”

“Vibe…strange, well Willow and Tara said much the same thing” Giles motioned them inside. Willow and Tara were cuddled up on the couch reading a thick musty book, Dawn was doing homework on the table, she smiled widely when she saw them.

“Hi guys, how come your late”

Xander blushed and Spike was grateful he couldn’t, so he settled for looking at the ceiling. Willow squealed and launched herself at Xander, nearly knocking Spike over in the process.

“Hey now Red, watch it” Spike dropped into her vacated seat, leaning into the hug that Tara gave him. Xander was battling to stay upright under the wiccan attack

“Willow, what gives, what are you doing”

Willow’s arms were round Xander’s neck as she whirled him around the room.

“ You had sex,” she pronounced cheerfully.

Xander blushed to the tips of his ears and Willow hugged him hard.

“Willow your wiggin me out, how do you if I ……and I might not have…oh hell all right I did have sex……….but how do you know what I did”

The redhead took his hand and smiled reassuringly

“ You know I love you right”

Xander smiled back uncertainly, he knew from woeful experience that tone of voice always meant trouble, usually in a “hey I did a spell and it turned you purple and look you’ve got a tail now” kinda way.

“Yeahhhh, I sorta gathered that a while ago, like when we were 5”

“ So then you should know that I sorta know when your doin…it”

Shock coursed through him, hoping to god she didn’t mean she could see or hear him having sex, the thought was just too, too much.

* Please don’t mean magic *

“What do you mean you know Willow Rosenberg”?

Willow looked quickly at Tara for support, her girlfriend nodded at her while tightening her hold on Spike, just in case.

“Please tell me you aren’t using your mystical power to be a voyeur Willow”

Giles drawled in his best parental voice. Spike grinned at Xander waiting to see how his lover handled this little set-up. Xander sighed, squeezing Willow’s hand lightly he moved to sit on the arm of the couch next to Spike. Resting his free hand on the back of his lovers neck, Xander was unprepared for the wide smiles on all of his friends faces as they watched him and the obvious object of his affection.

“What did you do Willow?”

“Don’t be mad Xander, but I did a little spell”

* Oh god no I knew it…something’s gonna sprout or fall off*

Xander paled his hands patting over his body in a reassuring way, Spike grinned up at him *ok lets make sure all our body parts are still here*

“What sort of spell,”

“Its just a… a strengthening spell, I always felt we had a connection. Not like when we were you know… um remember, but more like when we were kids, like we were brother and sister. And I thought that if I did a strengthening spell that I’d be able to feel if you every needed me. Like telepathy, except it sorta comes out when your having really good se…. you know…..”

Xander shook his head, smiling to himself as he followed the willow babble, how she could manage to talk and breathe was beyond him.

* Only Willow * then he blushed again as he realized what the spell meant

“ So you heard me when I was ……when we were…….”

* Ohmygod,ohmygodohmygod *

Willow leaned down and kissed his cheek, whispering “ I couldn’t hear anything except when you shouted his name and I just felt warm and fuzzy, is it okay Xander, are you mad at me, cause I didn’t mean to hurt you, its just you were so lonely and I wanted to know if you needed me”

Xander turned around and looked at Spike, the blonde looked very smug.

“ Okay oh bleached one, did you know anything about this”

“ Who me ……..Sorry mate its news to me too, didn’t know we had an audience or we could have put on a show”

Xander slid into his lap, his brown eyes warm his body relaxed. Spike melted under that heated gaze as he was drawn into a slow deep kiss, his arms cradled Xander close as his boys tongue slipped into his mouth.

“ Oh.. my… God , what have I said before……no sex in front of Dawn”

Spike and Xander broke apart at the sound of the Slayers piercing voice, Buffy stood in the hall, irritation warring with the smile on her face.

“ I’m happy you guys are having smoochies, really I am but …..can you please not expose the underaged to the joys of same sex dating.”

Dawn snorted from the dining table, “ Like its anything I haven’t seen before”

Tara giggled at the mortified look on Buffy’s and Giles faces.

“ See Spike I knew you had to be good at something”

“I ‘m more than good Tare, I’m damm fantastic”

Willow and Xander groaned, Giles just polished his glasses and Buffy and Dawn giggled.

“So apart from contributing to the delinquency of a minor, what are we up to”

Xander leaned back onto Spike the blonde vampires arms holding him close.

“Anyone else feel that weird vibe outside, Spike and I nearly ran here”

“Oi speak for yourself Xan”

“Okay big bad manly vampire, I suppose that wasn’t your hand I felt on my back pushing me forward like we were jet propelled then”

Spike smiled at his lover and shrugged, Willow shivered as she remembered

“I felt something evil, not just your run of the mill evil, but a whole new make you cringe inside sorta evil.” Willow went and sat on the armrest of the couch next to Tara, her girlfriend took her hand and kissed it before laying it back on her lap fingers entwined.

“ I felt something ……ancient and……familiar”

Spike rested his chin on Xander’s shoulder, his eyes faraway, thinking.

Giles sat on the coffee table in front of the two males, facing them, Spikes eyes glazed over and his arms dropped away from Xander. As he felt the vampire go limp Xander spun around dropping to his knees he cupped the blonde’s face.

“ Spike…..are you okay…….Spike…..answer me……Will are you in there, Will”

When he got no reaction from Spike he turned panicked eyes on Giles, the watcher gently urged him out of the way. Xander would only move as far as the edge of the couch, hanging on to Spikes hand

“What’s wrong with him Giles?"

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