Unwelcome Visitors

by Mightbeme

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Chapter 6

A knock at the door interrupted what Giles was about to say, he glanced at Buffy and motioned her to the door.

“Xander I’m not sure what’s happened, Spike appears to be still alive……well undead. We’ll have to research and maybe do some spell tests to find out more. I’m sorry Xander but try not to worry, this may be a short term problem, possibly something to do with the chip.”

Xander scowled his voice thick with emotion “ Damm Initiative, fuckin soldiers I hate them”

A scuffle at the doorway caught they’re attention as a tall sandy haired man dressed in casual clothes trained a gun on Buffy. “That’s a shame son, cause we’re not all that bad”

Willow and Tara rose slowly hands still locked together, inching their way towards Dawn. Buffy glared at the man as she was forced back into the room, three other people, two with weapons followed the older man inside. Xander turned and shielded his lover with his body, while Giles caught Buffy’s eye and raised his hands in a conciliatory gesture.

“ Who are you and what do you want”

The large black man holding a really strange weapon moved further into the room, watching carefully as the two girls came to a stop in front of the younger girl.

“ Well now all this wouldn’t have been necessary,” the tall man drawled as he waved his gun around the room. “But your young friend there didn’t want to let us in.”

Giles drew himself up to his full height, forehead creasing as he frowned at them

“ And you thought that gave you the right to forcibly enter my home and frighten my guests”

“ Okay this is getting a little out of hand here, why don’t we all calm down and make some introductions. My name is Jack O’Neil, Colonel ……Jack O’Neil” he put his gun back into the holster in his jacket and inclined his head towards the black man.

“This is Teal’c, Dr Daniel Jackson and Major Samantha Carter.” Each nodded their head as their name was spoken, Sam and Tealc also holstered their firearms. Daniel smiled at the group of wary people in front of him, agonizing in his head.

* Damm Jack you always have to go in with guns blazing don’t you *

Giles dropped one hand then laid the other hand on Xander’s shoulder, squeezing lightly

“ My name is Rupert Giles and these are some of my former students. Xander Harris, ummm…William, Willow Rosenberg, Tara Mac Clay, Dawn and Buffy Summers”

Xander sat next to Spike clasping his cold hand tightly, Willow and Tara didn’t move until Giles motioned for them and Buffy to sit down as well.

“ And what can I do for you Mr…Colonel O’Neil”

Jack rubbed his forehead, glancing over his shoulder he asked “ Daniel”

“ If we could we would like to ask you some questions”

Daniel’s soft voice soothed Xander, he could tell immediately that this quiet unassuming man was not in the military, he reminded him a lot of Giles actually.

“ Please sit down Dr Jackson” Giles sat next to Xander and waved them all into the last available seats, Daniel and Jack sat in armchairs facing the group, Samantha wandered over to the dining room table and sat down glancing at the homework in front of Dawn. Tealc stood motionless next to the window, his eyes on Spike, Xander stiffened at the unwelcome attention his lover had attracted. Daniel looked at William, noticing the lack of response from him and the worried demeanour of the people in the room.

“ Is there something wrong with your friend, perhaps we could help”

Xander shook his head, “No thanks we don’t need your kind of help”

Daniel looked surprised by the stiff reproval, though he realised that Xander was not necessarily upset with him but more that he disliked the military intensely.

Jack noticed the subtle signs from the group of people, * The boy’s worried about his boyfriend, the two girls are protecting the younger girl, the old man’s curious but a tad uncomfortable and the other girl……well she’s certainly got balls. The guns didn’t faze her,…if the others weren’t here I think she would have taken us all on. *

Daniel decided to press on, leaning forward he steepled his hands under his chin,

“ We were told by an Agent Riley Finn …….that you could help us”

Jack’s brain took in the scowl from the boy as well as the looks of surprise and sadness on the other faces. * Well they know him that’s for sure *

“ Really and what did Mr Finn say I could help you with”

Giles leaned back watching carefully, wondering what Riley had told these people.

Tealc had moved closer to Spike his hands clenched, Sam shot him a worried glance, trying to gain eye contact with the big Jaffa. Xander didn’t notice until the last moment as the big black man’s hand came in contact with Spikes shoulder. Tealc dropped to his knees, his eyes glazing over, his hand still glued to Spike.

“What the hell……” Xander and Jack exclaimed together, Giles leapt to his feet, moving to intervene with Jack who looked like he was going to pull the two dazed men apart.

“ Wait Colonel O’Neil don’t, it could be dangerous”

“ What the hell happened to them” Jack’s eyes narrowed as he went over the events,

Tealc had seemed all right, but he just reached out and touched that guy ….William and bam next thing he’s out to it, Zombie like.

Sam checked Tealc carefully, when she saw Xander still clutching Spikes hand she took Tealc’s pulse, listened to his breathing and looked in his eyes. “Tealc is fine Sir, as far as I can tell ” Moving to Spike she paled as she realised that he wasn’t breathing. Saddened she looked at the dark eyed boy “ I’m sorry but your friend is dead”

She didn’t expect the smile that crossed his mobile features, “ Of course he’s dead, he’s a vampire”

“He’s a what…….” Jack spluttered, Daniel placed a restraining hand on his commanding officer, pushing him back towards his seat. Daniel took Sams place in front of the blonde vampire, Jack hovering protectively at his back, he sat on the coffee table looking at…… what he thought was a young man. He noticed that he was indeed not breathing, he reached out and touched the hand closest to him, it was cold. William was perfectly still, he looked like sculptured marble, all pale skin and cutting cheekbones. His eyes were a beautiful sky blue, but they too showed no reaction or reflection, to all appearances he was as alive as a fresh corpse.

Daniel was still observing Spike closely when he suddenly spoke, one word echoed by Tealc.


Chapter 7

Daniel jumped and knocked Tealc over, the connection broken the Jaffa became alert again, catching himself before he could fall too far. Spike too moaned and dropped his head, Xander threw his arms around his lover, overjoyed to have him back.

“ Oh god Will, are you alright, what happened”

Spike rubbed his head, leaning into Xander’s relieved embrace.

“ What the bleedin hell happened, I feel like me head’s about to explode.”

He raised his head, looking around surprisedly at the crowd in the room

“Who the hell are these jokers” he scowled at Daniel who was looking at him fascinated. “And what in damnation is a Goa’uld”

The Jaffa rose gracefully to his feet, his hand rising to touch his head gingerly,

Sam checked him over again, quietly asking him questions.

“ I am well Major Carter”

Spike jumped, icy fear settling into his veins, Daniel’s close scrutiny reminded him of the bastards at the initiative. Always starin at him like he was a piece o’ meat in a butchers shop, he hated that, hated them, he could feel his game face slipping into place as he growled out a warning.

“ Back off mate”

Xander hugged him tighter, Spike growled again as Daniel still stared fascinated at the way his features changed.

“Holy Shit, how did he do that”?

Jack had jumped back a step as the blonde man’s face had become the demons, sharp ridges had sprouted, glistening fangs had distended, and the damm growling was making him nervous. He just wanted to yank Daniel away from the danger he didn’t seem to realize he was in. He considered bringing out his gun again, he always felt in control with the comforting weight of the weapon in his hand, but decided against it. Daniel smiled at Spike reassuringly.

“ I’m sorry if I’m staring but I’ve never seen a vampire before…..wasn’t sure if you were real …. before now. I mean you no harm I assure you, I would like to know more about you, if that’s alright ”

Spike’s anxiety dropped slightly but he kept his game face in place, Xander whispered comfortingly into his ear trying to soothe him. A deep mellow voice on his right caused him to turn and stare as the tall man beside him spoke some incomprehensible language.

“I have no idea what your sayin mate, so you might as well give it up”

Tealc raised an eyebrow at the vampire

“ I was extending a greeting to you in my native tongue”

“An what makes you think I’d understand you, I’m a vampire not a flippin linguist”

Tealc eyebrow arched further if possible, Spike turned to Xander his face settling back into his human mask.

“Xanpet if I were human I think you would ‘ave crushed me by now”

The dark haired youth let go his fierce grip on his lover, laying his head on a welcome shoulder. Cool fingers gently grasped his chin leading him into a relieved kiss, Xander’s anxiety dissipated in the loving embrace.

Buffy’s annoyed voice broke the silence

“Hey I said no anything that could lead to sex in front of Dawn”

Spike and Xander broke apart reluctantly, Spike answering the slayer over his shoulder

“Piss off Slayer”

Spike knew he’d said something wrong by the horrified look in Xander’s eyes.

Jack looked at the girl again, as did the rest of his team, this time measuring her with their eyes. Buffy tossed her blonde locks and glared daggers at them.

“Gee thanks Spike, just tell the world will ya”

“Just how much has Mr Finn told you Colonel O’Neil”?

“Call me Jack”

Sam took over the conversation “ Agent Finn’s reports were quite sketchy and until real scrutiny was made of them, they were good enough. When I found the files on the initiative I made my own enquires of Agent Finn and he gave me a more in depth view of what the army had been doing. I was shocked by what he reported and he only gave me information with the knowledge that prior events would not be repeated. There will be no experiments or tortures in the name of science and we are not here to reopen the base. Of you all only Mr Giles and the Slayer were mentioned, the slayer’s identity was not given to us, I found references to her in the only part of the base files that survived.”

Daniel pushed his glasses back on his nose, he looked over at Giles,

“So you’re a Watcher, I gather that means you chronicle the Slayers deeds and maybe oversee her training.”

Giles waved a hand “ In a nutshell, yes, although it’s a far larger job than you’d think” Buffy raised indignant eyes, and Spike snorted, she glared at him.

“Hey its not like I kill things and blow stuff up everyday……. only every other day…..well I suppose it is a big job ”

“The energy source that’s nearby, do you know what it is?”

Giles frowned “ Energy source……I’m not certain I know what you mean”

Sam smiled as she explained “ I’ve pinpointed the site to be somewhere in the old high school”

“Oh The Hellmouth”

“Okay tell me I just didn’t hear you say Hellmouth”

Jack groaned and rubbed his eyes “ This assignment gets freakier by the minute”

“The Hellmouth is the reason that there are so many demons and vampires here, its power draws them to it.” Giles paused “ Your not going to try to reopen it are you, because it would be far to dangerous”

“No Mr Giles, we’re here to gather information about vampires and the umm Hellmouth”

Spike gripped Xander’s hand hard, he felt the arm around his shoulders tighten.

Daniel noticed the fear in Spikes eyes, cautiously extending his hand to gently touch Spikes fingers, keeping his voice soft.

“ We won’t hurt you, we just want to ask you some questions that’s all”

Xander could tell that Spike was reliving his experiences with the Initiative, quietly he tugged Spike around to look at him.

“Will if you don’t want to do it, that’s okay, we won’t let them hurt you again”

Spike buried his face in Xander’s neck, as his lover glared at the soldiers. Daniel knew something horrific must have been done to this man…..demon, he glanced at Sam.

“We’re not like them, please won’t you trust us.”

Chapter 8

Giles had decided that Willow and Tara should take Dawn back to the Summer’s house and get some rest. Dawn glared at Giles but subsided when Buffy gave her the look, knowing that they would tell her all later she went quietly with the two witches.

“Drive them home Buffy, no telling what’s out there tonight”

Buffy clearly did not want to go, she was shaken by Spikes behaviour as well as by the strange visitors. Xander tightened his hold on the blonde vampire, gently he smiled at his friend.

“We’ll be fine Buffy, get Dawn and the others safely home and come back”

Buffy smiled at Xander, her concern evident, before she straightened and shooed the group she was escorting towards the door.

“I won’t be long”

As she passed Jack she caught his eye, her own gaze diamond hard, her voice deadly soft

“Oh by the way, Jack….I’m a bitch when someone gets on my wrong side. So don’t do anything to my friends while I’m away and you won’t have to see it.”

Jack’s eyes widened as he watched her walk away, for someone so small she radiated enough danger to make a hardened solider take note. Sam grinned and quickly let it slide away, as her commanding officer shook his head and turned to Giles.

“Is she always like that?”

Giles smiled wryly at him, “ Yes, yes she is, its part of what makes her the best Slayer ever recorded”

Daniel was impressed “ How old is she? She hardly looks like she’s out of high school”

Giles turned to the younger man, absently polishing his glasses,

“She’s in her first year of college, but she’s been fighting since she was 15. No Slayer ever recorded has lived as long as she has or fought as many demons. Because she lives on the Hellmouth the amount of evil here is intensified, she’s managed to vanquish vampires and demons of all types ”

“I could take her” Jack’s statement was met with a harsh laugh.

“You” drawled a spiteful British voice “couldn’t touch her mate, she’s way too tough for the likes o’ you”

Spike had relaxed slightly against his mate, Xander’s arm was still around his shoulders. Daniel watched in fascination as the vampire continued.

“Hell she’s too tough for me and I’ve had my arse kicked by her often enough to know”

Jack looked at the vampire, trying to assess the possible threat

“And just who are you, William or is it Spike”

Spike smiled at him and Jack almost stepped back from the sheer evil intent in his gaze

“Well William was my christened name before Angelus and Drusilla turned me. For a while I was known as William the Bloody but I tired of that name and chose a new one for myself. I called myself Spike after the habit I had of killing my victims with a railroad spike. Ah the good old days, now though I don’t do any of those things anymore, thanks to you soldier boys”

Daniel blanched, Sam stiffened and Jack raised an eyebrow at Spike

“And what did we do to you that was so bad”

“Well lets see, first there was being captured, a painful process involving tazers and beatings. Then there was the whole being caged like an animal, starved and fed on drugged blood before the experiments began. Oh and the experiments themselves”

Spike grinned “ They were very painful, excruciating, tests on pain tolerance and how much sunlight caused me to burn, or whether you could open me up and dissect the organs and would that kill me. Every part of my body and brain poked, prodded, burned and broken. Every nerve ending used to measure my reactions to stimuli from freezing to electrocuting me .Day after day of unrelenting pain and terror, worse than anything I ever did, and it was okay because, hey it was for science. At least when I killed it was because it was my nature and for my survival. I had killed for over 120 years and in all that time the demon in me lived because of the blood of my victims. I am a master vampire from a great lineage and in the end I was used, abused and neutered like an animal. And then the last and worst of all they did, they gave me a chip…a little present for being such a good lab rat.”

Spike lunged off the couch grabbing Daniel by the shoulders and pulling him up, going into game face in front of the startled human. Before the others could react Daniel had been twisted around in Spikes grip, one hand gripped hard in his hair pulling his head over exposing the tanned neck. Spikes fangs glistened as he deliberately went for the jugular. Immediately pain hit the vampire like a freight train, he grabbed his head with both hands and fell howling to the floor. Daniel white-faced and terrified jumped away as Xander gathered his fallen lover into his arms. Jack, Sam and Tealc had their guns out again as Giles jumped in front of the two men on the floor.

“What the hell was that all about”?

“I believe that Spike was trying to show you what your comrades had done to him”

Sam holstered her weapon, her quick mind assessing what she had seen.

“So the chip is a behaviour modification module, it causes him extreme pain when he tries to bite someone”

“Not only that he is totally unable to defend himself against humans”

Xander glared up at them from the floor, Spike still slumped against his shoulder

“That damm chip has nearly gotten him killed too many times to count”

“If he can’t bite anyone how does he eat”?

“If he had not had us he would have starved to death, we feed him, animal blood most of the time, but human blood when we can”

“You feed that human blood, are you crazy”

Still shaken Daniel grabbed Jack’s arm appalled by his manner

“Jack he’s a person, not an animal, so don’t speak about him like he’s not sentient”

Xander was surprised, he never expected Daniel to stand up for them. Jack glared at Daniel then subsided as common sense came back.

“Okay him then, where do you get the blood from”

Giles looked at Xander to explain “ We get animal blood from the butchers some of the human from the blood bank when it’s out of date. But he needs human blood if he’s been hurt, it helps him heal quicker so we, meaning Buffy, Willow, Tara, Giles and I draw our own blood to feed him. Not all the time, Buffy’s blood is best cause she’s the slayer, Giles do you have any blood here I think he might need some.”

Giles frowned and went to check the fridge returning empty handed he shook his head

“Sorry Xander I was going to pick some up tomorrow”

“Damm and the equipment is back at the magic shop, can I have a knife Giles”

Giles looked shocked “Xander you can’t feed him from your body”

Xander smiled “Hey don’t worry G-Man, I’ll just cut my wrist a little, not much just enough to bring him around”

Giles frowned but relented returning from the kitchen with a small very sharp knife, Xander took it and carefully cut a small incision in his wrist. Watching the blood well up he held his wrist over Spikes mouth, letting the ruby drops fall onto his mouth. The others watched in fascination as Spike licked his lips then lapped at the blood that dripped from Xander’s wrist. Xander lowered his wrist and felt Spike licking the trail of blood, his eyebrows arched when he felt twin pinpricks pierce his skin. Snapping his head round to Giles, he saw the surprise on the older mans face.

Chapter 9

Spike tasted the mouthful of fresh blood and determined it to be Xander’s,

* Tasty Xanpet. …very……. very tasty……huh…..what the hell*

Spike came back to himself, fangs embedded in Xander’s wrist, quickly pulling away he stared aghast his lover. Xander had tears in his eyes realizing what this meant for Spike to be able to feed again. To be as he was supposed to be, even if he was only able to feed from him.

“ Uhhhhh pet, you really shouldn’t do that”

Xander’s chocolate brown eyes clouded over with hurt

“Why didn’t you like it?”

Spike groaned aloud at the hurt look in his nummy’s eyes.

“ Bleedin’ hell whelp, of course I liked it ….I loved it…..I love you.. but I don’t want to hurt you………. ever”

Sam watched them carefully, the chip must have processed the information that Spike was not causing pain or harm to the young man he loved and so had effectively bypassed the pain circuit. She was amazed by the attachment the demon had for the young human, but love was ever unconventional. Giles was as surprised as Spike that he had been able to bite Xander and though it worried him, he knew that Spike would not revert to his former behaviour. Giles thought was cut short by a yelp from behind him. He turned to find Buffy had returned and taken offence to the weapon that Jack still had in his hand. She had caught him unawares and disarmed him, holding his arm in a vicelike grip twisted behind his back.

“Okay Jack, I told you I was a bitch, why didn’t you listen”

Daniel intervened smiling at the blonde girl, glancing at the others he motioned them to stand down.

“ Buffy I’m sorry, this isn’t what it looks like”

“Oh it pretty much looks like your threatening my friends, I don’t like that”

“Ohh c’mon now ……owww” Jack words changed to a choked cry of pain as Buffy twisted his arm further. Glaring at the group in front of her, she suddenly let go of Jacks arm, pushing him away from her.

“Xander, Spike, Giles are you alright”

Jack shook his arm and went to pick up his gun, one look at Buffy’s angry face made him pick it up by the tip and carefully put it back in his holster.

“Uhhh Slayer, we got a problem”

“What’s up Spike” Buffy didn’t like to admit it but Spike was one of her best friends, even though he had tried to kill her more times than she could remember. He hadn’t been like that for some time and strangely enough she found he had qualities she admired.

“I fed from Xander’s wrist” Spike was whiter than his normally pale complexion, he braced himself for the outburst that was sure to follow. Buffy would naturally think he wasn’t trustworthy any more, she’d think he wanted to kill her and all his friends.

“You what, but how?”

Shock like ice water poured though her, how was this possible. Spike looked as unnerved as she did, she realised that the depth of his love for Xander was what caused his distress.

She smiled at him trying to reassure him, glancing at Giles she caught the look he directed at her. Giles sank down on the floor beside the two lovers, he touched Spikes hand gently getting his attention.

“Spike I know it’s a shock to you, but you must realise that it is the real love you have for each other that has enabled you to do this, to feed, to take blood from Xander. It doesn’t mean you will be able to go on a killing frenzy you know, even if it were possible I don’t believe you could bring yourself to do it.”

Giles fatherly tone soothed the blonde vampire, that and the concern he could feel radiating from Xander and Buffy.

*They believe in me, they trust me, they really are my friends * his awed voice echoed in his head.

“I don’t want to do it again……I…I …might not be able to stop” Spike’s blue eyes clouded with tears, the thought of his Xanpet dead in his arms made him feel sick. He truly loved the young human because of what he was, if he was turned he would be different, he wouldn’t be the Xander that he loved with all his heart.

Buffy sat down on the coffee table, nudging Spike with her foot she joked

“Hey bleach head, you know we trust you, even if you weren’t in love with Xan we know you wouldn’t kill us. You’ve changed, you know it, we know it, hell even Angel knows it, trust yourself, you can you know.”

Spikes expression was priceless, he really knew that even as the demon in him howled for Xander’s blood he knew he could control it. As the truth dawned on him his face changed, he smiled, the true smile only Xander had seen before. Buffy and Giles were stunned, he looked almost innocent, something he had never been able to pull off before. Xander smiled his heart swelling with pride as he saw Will’s beautiful features grace Spikes face, the difference was subtle but it was there. He personally loved every part of Spike, the demon and the man, but the part he loved the best was Will, the echo of the man Spike had once been. That was the part that was now closest to the surface of his personality, when Spike had become a friend, Xander had noticed that his more abrasive aspects were toning down. More and more of the vampires gentler tendencies started to show, he still put on a show but the little things he did clued Xander into what was happening. When they had made love Xander had been given the gift of William showing himself, the demon had been made to withdraw and allowed him a glimpse of the man. Sam watched the interaction of the others carefully, when the change had come over the vampire she saw the reaction of his friends and mentally added the information to her files.

“Perhaps we could help you, we truly only want to ask you some questions, we need to find out more about the vampire connection to the Goa’uld”

Giles gave Spikes hand a last squeeze before he rose, addressing his words to the rest of the group.

“What do you want to know and why would you think that any of us would be able to help you”

Daniel carefully moved forward, gentle eyes finding and holding Spikes gaze.

“The Goa’uld are a an ancient race…they start life as a larval life form and mature inside of the Jaffa.Teal’c is a Jaffa he’s a good guy but he carries inside him a larvae. When the Goa’uld matures it takes a host, a human host usually.”

Teal’c bowed slightly as the remaining scoobies stared at him, he raised his shirt and showed them the pouch carved into his flesh. Reaching in he slowly pulled the larvae out, the scoobies gasped as they saw the wriggling wormlike form. Giles looked faintly sick as Teal’c returned the larvae to the pouch.

“Yes……well….that is……”

“Disgusting, that’s what that is……..I mean ewwwwwww…”


“I’m sorry Giles but you gotta admit that’s pretty gross”

“Doesn’t that hurt”

“No it does not. The Goa’uld Larvae that I carry while still immature gives me strength and recuperative powers that I would not normally have”

Spike looked stunned, he clutched harder at Xander’s arm, blue eyes wide and wild

“That …..thing…….that’s what had me……I could feel it boring its way into my brain.”

He shuddered, closing his eyes and turning his head into his lover’s neck. His voice continued muffled by Xander’s shirt.

“It held me………trapped me in my own mind. Poking around……..searching for something…….God I feel sick………”

Daniel’s eyes widened, he whirled on Teal’c

“Did you feel anything from your symbiote, I mean why else would you zone out like you did. When we got here ummm William was already comatose, wasn’t he?”

Teal’c raised an eyebrow at Daniel’s ramblings that in itself being expression enough

“No Daniel Jackson, I did but feel some unease when we entered this residence. I was drawn to William, my symboite was quite active, I felt nothing but hunger at the time”

Xander hugged Spike to him and addressed Daniel over the distraught vampires head.

“How does that thing take a host?”

Daniel looked uncomfortable as he rubbed his hands together, glancing at Jack for permission he continued when the Colonel nodded.

“It enters the human body through the ear, binding itself to the host and controlling all its functions. A human who has been taken over is trapped inside its own mind as the Goa’uld uses it for its own twisted pleasure.”

Samantha took in the shocked looks on the scoobies faces and came forward to help Daniel explain.

“Not all the Goa’uld are evil, some split off into a separate group that call themselves the Tokra. They help us in the fight against the Goa’uld, they believe as we do that the Goa’uld are a great force of evil.”

Giles sat down slowly on the couch, Buffy moved beside him and took his hand in hers squeezing gently.

“So is it possible to tell when someone’s been taken as a host”

Jack rubbed his arm as he moved back to his seat,

“Yup the glowing eyes and the bad attitude sorta give it away.”

“Their eyes glow huh…….are they hard to kill”

“Buffy if the host is human you can’t kill it, you know that. A slayer slays demons and vampires not humans.”

Sam looked concerned this was not an area to get into.

“If you kill the host the Goa’uld can sometimes get away. We have never been able to remove a Goa’uld from a host without killing the host as well. They live for an extremely long time, by using a device called a sarcophagus they extend the life of their host indefinitely.”

“Do they have any superpowers or any nifty tricks?”

“They do have some nasty weapons and absolutely no sense of humour”

Jack looked at Daniel who was glaring at him, he gave his best dumb blonde imitation.


“They don’t give their host any extra powers, we were speculating that was the reason they were interested in vampires as a host. Because of the increased powers they have.”

Giles blanched “Your not serious are you. A vampire is not a living creature, is it possible for this Goa’uld to do that.”

A muffled voice was heard “The demon wouldn’t like it. It would fight with everything it had, I know my demon doesn’t like sharing.”

Xander gently pulled Spikes chin up, “ Doesn’t the demon control you all the time Will”

The blue eyes softened as Spike looked deep into Xander’s eyes.

“No, not all the time. I can make it retreat sometimes, but its very strong”

Giles looked intrigued, “Do you still have a soul Spike?”

Spike laughed up at Giles “Like my nancy boy sire, no…. my demon displaced it when it took over, I can feel it though…sometimes its like a ghost that follows me around. Never comes in mind you, but my soul does influence me, I think its why I can cage the demon sometimes you know. Like it gives me strength to be more like I was.”

Giles was floored, never had anything like this ever been expected or even been heard of. Of course Spike was a master vampire and therefore had more control over himself than a fledge. But to have his soul still somehow even vaguely connected was amazing.

“Oh…….for cryin out loud” Jack rubbed a hand across his eyes.

“This is giving me a headache”

“How about we call it a night and start again tomorrow.”

Giles ran a hand though his hair before gesturing to the rest of the gathering towards the door.

“I quite agree Colonel O’Neil, Spike is in no condition to carry on and it might be best to reconvene at the Magic Shop tomorrow morning.”

Daniel looked unhappy but sighed, tomorrow he would have time to delve into an exciting new project. Tonight he’d just have to go back to their house and go to bed.

*…………with Jack (his subconscious couldn’t resist throwing up a image of Jack naked, his lean body spreadeagle on the king-size bed, tanned skin glistening in the heat. One hand flung above his head the other wrapped around his hard cock, his eyes heavy with lust as he slowly …..) and omigod *

Daniel’s face blazed as he realised that he was getting hard. Spike glanced quickly up at Daniel, noticing the flushed cheeks and shy looks he was shooting at the Colonel. Spike’s sensitive nose twitched at the heavy scent of arousal in the air and grinned as Daniels flustered glance lighted on him. Spike raised an eyebrow and cocked his head toward Jack. Daniel nearly choked at the pointed yet unsaid inference. Hustling the others towards the door, Daniel babbled to Giles about where to go in the morning, nearly pushing Jack out of the house. As Giles closed the door he looked quizzically at Spike and Xander, absently stroking Buffy’s arm as he passed her.

“Now that was an interesting evening”

“More weird than interesting Giles and that Jack guy is sooooooo annoying”

“Buffy did you see the way Daniel nearly dragged them out, he sure was in a hurry”

Spike chuckled at Xander’s words, causing his lover to arch an eyebrow at him.

“Ok bleach boy what’s so funny”

Spike smiled up at him, his eyes warm

“Oh nothing pet, just that I’d say Daniel’s got it bad for the Colonel”

Buffy giggled, “Your kidding, how do you know Spike”

“You know when Jack said it was time to go, well Daniel got all flustered and horny, the damm pheromones nearly knocked me out.”

“Ewwwwwww you smelled them, I mean it, I mean you can smell when someone’s horny”

Xander slapped Buffy’s arm, “ Your just worried he’ll know who you got the hots for”

“And that’s way too much information there guys. You keep your nose to yourself Spike and we’ll get along fine.”

Spike grinned at her, safe in Xander’s arms he was really home and at last he had a real family.

Chapter 10

Jack strode into the house glaring at the flustered figure in front of him.

*Now what’s the matter with him *

Daniel had been jittery from the moment they had said their goodbyes to their new acquaintances.

*You’d think he was on death row, *

Sam and Teal’c said their goodnights, moving up the stairs towards the bedrooms. Jack frowned as Sam winked at him on her way past, growling Jack turned for the stairs only to bump into Daniel on the first step. He scowled at the young archaeologist, when Daniel looked away shyly Jacks heart skipped a beat.

“Oh” he breathed, then shaking himself he sought to put the younger man at ease.

“Okay time for bed Daniel, you go on up I’m gonna have a drink see if I can lose this headache.”

Daniel frowned, a lock of his silky hair falling into his eyes as he watched Jack pull a hipflask out of a bag. Unscrewing the top Jack took a slug, wincing as the raw spirits burnt his throat even as it warmed his blood. He fell back into the couch leaning his head into his hands and closing his eyes. Gentle fingers on the nape of his neck made him jump slightly, then he felt himself turned so his back was leaning against a strong chest, his hips framed by Daniels legs. Jack stiffened but the insistent hands stroking his neck and shoulders felt so good, he relaxed back into the partial embrace. Daniel felt the tension in Jacks shoulders and firmly kneaded the knots away, smiling to himself as he felt his commander’s body start to unwind. Daniel reached around finding the buttons on Jack’s shirt, the warm hand that came up to grasp his had him chuckling in the older man’s ear.

“Relax Jack, I can give a better massage if you lose the shirt.”

Jack’s hand squeezed his warmly, before the colonel leant his head back on Daniel’s shoulder, gazing into the young mans eyes.

“Danny if you relax me anymore I’m gonna fall asleep on ya”

Jacks eyes widened as he saw the lust bloom in those blue eyes, before the blushing young man turned away.

*Oh Danny don’t do that, I’m only a man for god’s sake*

Jack turned around slowly, staring at Daniel as the younger man shyly met his eyes. Gathering his courage Daniel licked his lips seductively, pleasantly surprised when Jack’s eyes darkened lustfully.

“Well we’d better move to the bedroom then hadn’t we”

*Maybe I’ll have to revise that virgin idea*

Jack swallowed as Daniel hesitantly leaned forward and pressed their lips together. It was only to be a short kiss but to Jack it felt like it lasted forever. Sweet was the closest word he could use to describe it, that and promising. He had to clamp down on his immediate impulse to throw Danny on to the couch and ravish him, realising that he didn’t want to scare his friend off. Daniel pulled away looking like someone had kicked him, taking Jack’s surprise at the kiss to be distaste.

*Oh no you don’t, your not getting away from me that quick*

Jack slid a hand behind Daniel’s neck, gently tugging the younger man to his lips. Now it was Daniel’s turn to look surprised as warm lips moved over his. His eyes fluttered shut as he opened his mouth, a skilful tongue dipped in tangling with his own. All too soon the kiss was over, and the two men sat back and looked at each other. Daniel licked his lips and tilted his head towards the stairs, his eyes burning into Jacks. He couldn’t get up quick enough, waiting for Daniel to make the next move. Eyes downcast as he passed Jack and headed up the stairs. Jack shook his head, bemusedly following Daniel to the bedroom. He was about to head to the bathroom when Daniel started stripping.

Jack’s caught his breath as Daniel slowly unbuttoned his shirt, sliding the light material off his shoulders before casually throwing it over a chair. Jack sank unsteadily onto the bed, his hands gripping the bedspread painfully as his eyes drank in the sensual sight before him. Daniel smiled coyly at Jack’s open-mouthed expression of lust, running his hands down through his shaggy blonde locks. Arching his neck as he tilted it to the side, he slid his hands down over his chest, till he rested his fingers on the waistband of his jeans. Jack stared fixedly at those slender fingers, willing them to move, to unfold the delights of Daniel’s body. Another bolder smile graced Daniels face as he unsnapped then slowly unzipped his jeans, running his fingers around the waistband he teasingly pushed his hands inside loosening them enough to cup his erection. Jack shuddered, his own jeans uncomfortably tight as he watched Daniel stroke himself.

Licking his lips, Jack swallowed as Daniel thick length was revealed, unable to help himself he fell to his knees in front of Daniel. The young man in front of him shivered at the silent offer, Jack licked his lips again, eyes slipping closed, afraid that Daniel would not understand what he wanted. He shivered again as the velvet tip of Daniel’s cock rubbed against his lips, his mouth fell open to allow entrance. Daniel pushed slightly and the cock brushed over his tongue, salty, slippery precum leaking from the slit. He felt the shudder run through Daniels body even though the only parts of them touching were Daniels cock in his mouth. His own cock ached at the visual his brain happily supplied, eyes still closed he moaned as he felt Daniels hands thread through his hair. Feeling those fingers grasp painfully in reaction to the muffled sounds, feeling Daniel bold control his body as he opened his mouth wider to accept more of the hard length that was so slowly gliding into him. Daniel threw back his head, as inch after inch of steely flesh was engulfed by Jacks hot mouth. His instincts screaming at him to pull the silver grey head closer, to force his cock further down the willing throat.

“God Jack……..yes ……”

Jack’s hands pushed Daniels jeans and briefs down over his legs, helping him out of them without releasing the cock in his mouth. Now he had a naked Daniel he couldn’t resist running his hands over his legs and ass. It seemed strangely erotic to Daniel that he was naked and Jack was still completely clothed. The colonel’s mouth was hot and wet and he was doin a damm good job of turning Daniel into jelly. And his hands were everywhere, sliding up his legs, cupping his ass to bring his cock further into Jacks mouth. Daniel moaned as a hand insinuated itself between his legs, fingers lightly brushed his sack before rubbing over his perineum. The light touches around the opening to his body had Daniel bending his knees and humping Jacks face. The colonel smiled to himself in satisfaction.

*God Danny….. so hot, from this reaction I bet you bottom. Time to up the ante *

Jack brought his mouth up off Daniels cock, holding it and licking along the underside. He quickly sucked on two of his own fingers before resuming his assault on the cock in front of him. Sucking Daniel down to the root, Jack slipped his wet finger into the younger mans puckered opening.

“Oh God yes Jack……….oh fuck that’s good”

Daniel’s ass was tight but he pushed down on the finger, Jack smiled to himself and thrust the digit in and out. As the muscle loosened Jack added another finger and increased suction on Danny’s cock. Daniel started to buck, fucking himself on to Jacks fingers then into Jacks mouth. Panting heavily he could feel himself tense as his orgasm built up, Jack could tell too cause he sped up his actions coaxing Daniel on.

“Ohhhhhhhhh…..Jaacck gonna cum……oh Jackkkkkkk.”

Jack clamped his lips down on the spasming cock in his mouth, even as Daniel’s hands fisted painfully in his hair, making sure he swallowed all that Daniel could give. He became conscious of those hands leaving his head to rest heavily on his shoulders, Jack supported Daniel though his orgasm before giving the softening cock a last lick and standing. Sliding his arms around his lover, Jack lips found Daniels and they shared a deep kiss. Daniel’s tongue seeking all the flavours of Jack’s mouth, as his hands divested the man of his clothes. Once they were both naked, Daniel pushed Jack onto the bed, straddling the Colonel’s thighs. Taking Jack’s hands he pinned them to the bed on either side of his head.

“Leave them there Jack”

Jack opened his mouth then closed it again, smiling at Daniels unusual show of authority.

Daniel leaned over the side of the bed and grabbed his bag, pulling a bottle of lotion out. Taking a deep breath he thought for a moment then squeezed some into the palm of his hand. Gently taking Jacks cock he coated it thoroughly in the cool liquid. Jack closed his eyes and bucked up pushing his cock in and out of the slippery grip.

“Oh god Danny”

Daniel leaned down and kissed Jack hungrily before sliding his lips over to Jacks ear. Soft breath tickled and the words Daniel spoke had Jack counting his times tables frantically.

“It’s been a while since I’ve done this Jack, a long while so can we take it slow…please”

“Whatever you need Danny, I’m yours”

Another long lusty kiss as Daniel lifted himself over Jack’s straining cock.. Jack opened his eyes and his breath hitched at the sight before them. Daniel head thrown back, biting his bottom lip in anticipation as he lowered himself onto the hard length. Jack breathed deeply trying desperately to steady himself as he felt his cock bow against the tightness trying to take it in. Daniel wiggled and Jacks cock pushed through the tight ring of muscles.

“Oh Godohgodohgod, jesuschrist on a stick”

A long slow glide as Daniel sank further down, Jack felt like he couldn’t breathe all he could feel, could taste, could smell was Daniel. His Daniel, his bright shining love, now fully impaled on his cock.. He looked up and saw brown eyes flutter open, wonder brimming on tears as Daniel sighed with happiness. Steadying his hands on Jacks chest, Daniel began to rock, making Jack feel like all he ever wanted to do was this, to be in Daniel forever.

“Jack, is this what you wanted?”

“Oh yeah, God Daniel all I want is you”

Jack stared into Daniels eyes, as he slid up and down faster, thrusting up to nail Daniels prostate, smiling as the younger man shuddered mouth falling open at the unbelievable pleasure coursing through his body. Daniels hand drifted down to his own cock, wrapping his fingers around the renewed hardness he began to pump in time with Jacks thrusts. Jack himself was fighting to gather his thoughts, his body racing towards orgasm as he plunged madly in and out of Daniels unbelievably tight ass.

“Danny, oh god Danny I love you”

Daniel’s body clenched as bright tendrils of pleasure coursed though him. He felt himself shooting, his cum pumping out of his body as his ass milked Jack to completion. The rippling muscles around his cock pulling his orgasm from him, causing him to white out in an overload of sensation.

Daniel fell onto Jacks chest, sweat dripping onto the oblivious man beneath him. Daniel’s lips found Jacks pulse, as he lay there replete, his ass throbbing slightly as the softening cock of his lover started to slip out. Jack breathed heavily, then smiled at the weight of Daniel on his chest, bringing his arms up to hug the younger man to him.

“Jesus Danny, you know how long I’ve wanted to do that”

A soft chuckle against his neck and he could feel Daniel speak the words.

“About as long as I’ve wanted to?”

“Since I first met you Danny, that’s a long time”

“God Jack, really. I never guessed, you hid it really well. Half the time I thought you were going to kill me. I’m pretty good at making you mad huh”

Jack laughed and squeezed Daniel tightly for a moment.

“Yeah, you do know how to do that don’t ya. But seriously it never seemed to be the right time, whenever I’d get the nerve to say something strange things would start happening. The times I nearly lost you, Daniel I’m so glad I finally got to tell you how I feel about you. You know I never was much good at that.”

“That’s okay Jack, I always knew we were friends, I always thought that the feelings I had for you were something I’d have to deal with alone.”

Jack rolled them onto their sides facing each other, stroking his fingers tenderly down the side of Daniels face, he leaned forward and kissed his lover gently, pouring all his love into the soft kiss.

Breaking apart he brushed his thumb over Daniels quivering bottom lip, smiling softly at the man in his arms.

“Never alone Danny, you’ll always have me”

Tears glinted in Daniels expressive eyes as his supple lips closed on Jacks and he showed his lover the depths of his heart.


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