Unwelcome Visitors

by Mightbeme

Previous, 17, 18, 19, 20 tbc...

Chapter 16

Xander felt sick, his stomach roiled as he was forced to watch as the so-called god put that thing into his lover. He wanted to look away but couldn’t, the Jaffa holding him had a hand in his hair controlling his head. He couldn’t even close his eyes, he tried but Spike’s screaming sounded so much worse in the darkness of his head. He could hear Daniel’s harsh breathing beside him as he too was forced to watch.

A heavy pain wrapped around his heart and he thought he was going to throw up when something so unexpected happened. He felt Willow……. her soothing presence seemed to flow inside of him, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up as he felt her growing power through their bond. He heard her in his mind, a soft loving whisper, *trust me*…….. and he did. A sizzling white bolt of lightening whistled past his ear and he flinched as it hit Spike in the chest. The blonde fell to the floor his body stiffening as the lights in his eyes flickered and changed. Where before the glow had been stronger now the amber and blue fought back. Willow had given Spike her strength and Xander was so grateful. His beautiful Willow…..whenever he really needed her she was there, the tears that fell now were for her, for the gift she was in his life.

The Goa’uld looked pissed, he lifted his crystal and chanted, eyes narrowing as he looked over Xander’s shoulder, a few seconds later the boy felt his connection with Willow broken. But it was enough, she had done what she could, he knew she would know where he was and it gave him hope. The Goa’uld stalked over to stand in front of him, eyes glowing with triumph.

“So your friends sought to help you did they……… well they failed. Soon your lover will be one of the gods and you……..you will be…..mine”

Xander shuddered as he felt the strange man’s hand grip his chin, the hard fingers bruising his skin. The Goa’uld ordered his Jaffa to come closer, turning away from Xander to give his orders.

“Take the Daywalker away, lock him in one of the cells till his transformation is finished. Bring these two with me they can……………. learn their new places ”

He let go of Xander and leered at Daniel, enjoying their discomfort as the Jaffa pushed the two bound men in front of them. Stumbling and silent they followed Nefu through the darkened halls. They came to a large open room and were stood together in the centre. Xander jumped, as 6 large rings seemed to drop from the ceiling to surround them, it was like being in a giant slinky. The rings hummed and a blinding light appeared, a few seconds later they were somewhere else. Xander gawked, he couldn’t help it, they seemed to be in an alien ship of some sort. The smooth grey walls were covered with strange Egyptian like symbols. Xander looked around in dismay as they were escorted into another large room. This one was sumptuously decorated and contained a throne as well as a large round bed. Several sets of chains hung from the dark walls and a series of whips and other objects were displayed as well. Xander swallowed as Nefu strode to the throne and sat down, carefully arranging his clothes. The two earthlings were forced to their knees in front of the Goa’uld lord, the man waved his guards to their posts around the room before turning his attention on his reluctant guests.

Nefu’s silky voice echoed in Xander’s ears, “Daniel Jackson there is a great price on your head. I could of course kill you now and collect it. ……but I have better uses for you”

Daniel glared at him, his heart racing though he tried to remain calm on the outside.

“If there is such a price for me then you should let the boy go, he will bring you nothing”

A sardonic lift of Nefu’s lips and the Goa’uld laughed softly, his words sending shivers down Xander’s spine.

“So you would think, but no……..he is quite exquisite……..even if I were to take him as only a bed slave he would be worth much.”

Xander swallowed *Oh god no…..William… please be alright*

Nefu rose and walked slowly around the two bound men, running his fingers over them as he walked. Stopping in front of Xander he thrust his hands into the dark locks tipping the boys head back so he can look into his wide fear filled eyes.

“So very pretty…you will serve me well boy …..or even death will not be an escape”

Xander tried to remain calm but he could not keep the fear from showing on his face. Nefu leaned down and inhaled his scent, not caring as the young man tried to lean away from him.

Daniel suddenly spoke up beside him trying to coax Nefu’s interest away from the younger man.

“What are you planning to do with the crystal?”

Nefu still stared at Xander examining his face and body, ignoring Daniels question. When the linguist went to ask again, he gasped as he felt a sharp blow to his midriff. The Jaffa guard beside him hissing a warning in his ear.

“Do not presume to question your god, slave”

Nefu looked on approvingly as Daniel fought for breath, he raised a hand to the guard and stepped in front of the injured man. He ran his fingers down Daniels cheek, smirking when he felt him flinch under the soft touch. His voice when he spoke held an undertone of desire and the promise of pain.

“I think you need to learn your place ”

Motioning to the guards to chain Xander to the wall, the boy struggled but to no avail as harsh hands fixed him to the heavy manacles. Hands above his head, his feet chained apart, Xander cursed as the guard pulled out a sharp knife and cut his clothing away. Nefu watched avidly, licking his lips as Xander’s golden skin was revealed. Daniel struggled futilely as he was hauled to his feet by another Jaffa, his clothes and bonds quickly removed by a blade. The Goa’uld moved gracefully towards a box at the foot of his bed, reaching in to remove a scroll. Smiling evilly he turned and opened the scroll, one hand reached up to finger the glowing green crystal hanging from his neck. Still smiling he read out some words in a language unknown to Xander but which Daniel flinched at. His voice was filled with power as he incanted the spell, Daniel stiffened where he stood as a green glowing mist settled over him. The mist swirled around him seeming to seek entrance to his body, unable to stop it the mist is soon absorbed into Daniels body, insidiously invading him, changing him to what Nefu believes an ideal slave should be. When the glow fades away he relaxed, but Daniel’s mind is bound. His conscious thoughts are trapped inside a glowing green cage in his mind. He tried to will himself to fight against this invasion but cannot, he can only watch in growing horror as his body responds to the spell.

“Daniel, Daniel are you ok”

Full-blown panic sets in when Xander realises that Daniel is ignoring him. Looking closely he sees a slim green collar around the tanned skin of Daniels neck. Pulling uselessly at his bonds he watched in growing unease as Nefu put the scroll away before turning his attention to the waiting man.

“Slave obey me, come before me”

Daniel moved fluently forward, stopping before the Goa’uld lord his eyes demurely downcast.

“Look at me slave”

The younger man looked up, Nefu peered closely into his blue eyes, seemingly happy at what he finds.

“What is your duty?”

At the sound of that soft worshipful voice and the clearly spoken words Xander’s heart races with fear.

“To serve you my lord god”

Satisfaction is etched on the Goa’uld’s face as his fingers trail over Daniels body. His hand moves lower to touch the flaccid cock he finds, stroking it lightly. Nefu’s smile is cunning as he feels Daniel harden under his hand. He feels the heat rising in the younger mans body and sees the lust simmering in the blue eyes, he considers and then commands.

“Pleasure me slave”

“Yes my lord god”

Xander voice is loud in the silence of the room, “No Daniel don’t do it” he is abruptly cut off by a hand over his mouth and a sharp blow to his stomach.

Daniel’s mind screams in denial but is helpless to prevent what will happen.

Stricken, Xander’s eyes water as he watches Daniel drop to his knees in front of Nefu, carefully undoing his god’s clothes to reveal a thick length. Daniel doesn’t hesitate as he slides his mouth over the head of the hard cock and down the shaft. His tongue probing the slit to lick up any juices he finds, hollowing his cheeks he applies suction, increasing this as he hears his master’s low groan.

Xander is nauseated as he watches the Goa’uld slide his fingers into Daniels hair holding him tightly. The wet sounds of Daniel sucking Nefu’s cock and the harsh sound of his breathing are loud in Xander’s ears. Silent tears slide down his cheeks as he watches his new friend terrified that he will be next.

Nefu sighs with malice and pleasure as his slave continues, enjoying the fact that the man is using every trick he knows to bring him pleasure. Panting hard he pulls on Daniels blonde hair painfully, thrusting his hardness into the willing mouth, not caring that his slave gags at the first hard shove. Daniel stills letting his master fuck his mouth, swallowing around the head of the cock in his throat whenever he can. He is soon rewarded by the pulsing hot come shooting down his throat, he holds the spent member in his mouth, sucking and licking until it is clean.

Feeling sick to his stomach Daniel watches as his own body betrays him, his mind wailing for Jack. Nefu sighs in the glow of his release and withdraws his cock from Daniels mouth. Watching approvingly as the obedient man drops to place his forehead on the floor. But his pleasure is short lived as his Jaffa prime quickly enters the room. The dark man bows his head before relaying his message.

“We are under attack my Lord”

Chapter 17

Buffy took point, leading the team through the woods towards what was left of the Initiative base. Sam, Jack, Teal’c, Jacob and Lendra ranged out on either side of her, cautiously moving forward, watch full for any Jaffa that may be lurking. The rest of the military escort was fanned on either side of them in small teams, Sam took the device she had used earlier and checked the readings.

“There’s a large amount of that energy nearby sir.”

“Which direction major”

“That way”

She pointed towards a low hill covered with brush, Buffy saw the cave set in the side and entered carefully. Caves were often the haunt of demons so it was just as well to take care. Finding no living things they explored, Teal’c found a door set back in the far wall, barely recognisable but there. Opening it they found steps and proceeded downward for a few minutes, the darkness lit by glowing rods that Sam and Jack had produced. As they reached the bottom they found the first squads of Jaffa guards, a short but fierce battle later they were in the halls leaving the dead Jaffa strewn on the floor. The long sterile corridors branched off a few metres later, and Jack sent the other teams on recon telling them to report in if they found any of the missing men. Buffy tried to get her bearings but it was difficult coming from this direction.

“I think the cells were over that way Jack”, she pointed to a corridor going left. Sam took a reading and glanced up at Jack.

“That power source is over in that direction sir” she tilted her head to the corridor on the right.

Taking a deep breath Jack cleared his mind, he knew that both were important to check out.

“Okay we’re gonna split up, Buffy you go with Jacob and Lendra and check the cells, don’t take any unnecessary risks, you need backup you call. Sam, Teal’c and I will see if we can find that power source”

Buffy nodded and gestured with her crossbow for Jacob and Lendra to follow her, a quiet good luck floated back over her shoulder to the other group. Sam handed her father a comunit.

“Good luck and keep in touch dad”

Jacob smiled grasping her hand and squeezing lightly

“You too Sam”

As they parted sounds of fighting could be heard faintly far away, hurrying Buffy and the Tokra negotiated the halls. Buffy who was relying on her memory was relieved when she came across a familiar looking door.

“Okay I know where I am now, the cells should be a couple of halls over so be careful. If they are there, we’ll have to watch out for guards, lets go”

Jacob and Lendra followed the small blonde girl, staying in the shadows as much as they could. The dim lighting of the halls is what gave them the edge in the end. The Jaffa didn’t see them coming and Buffy nailed two of them with crossbow bolts to the chest before they retaliated. Jacob and Lendra fired their zats and felled two more, Buffy waved them forward and they reached the cells without incident. Buffy’s heart broke when she saw Spike, he lay in the cell facing the glass front, his dark clothes stark against the sterile white walls. He was curled up in a foetal position, his body shaking continuously as the lights in his wide-open eyes flickered and flamed. His head lolled to the side and they could see just how bad it was, his normally pale skin was translucent, glowing from inside, he was close to his final death. Buffy keyed the door open and sank to his side, running her hands over his shivering shoulders.

“Spike…Spike can you hear me?”

Spike eyes flickered to blue and a soft English voice whispered in the cold of the room


Buffy sobbed, tears rolling down her face, she gasped in a breath and steadied herself, pulling Spike up to clutch him to her breast.

“No Spike its me….its Buffy, come on we have to get you out of here.”

Amber eyes stared up at her for a second, then the blue again, then that raspy voice begging.

“Kill me”

“No…not gonna happen, your coming with us….we’re taking you home and we’ll get Xan back too, you’ll see”

Jacob came and helped her drag Spike to his feet, the blonde vampire recoiling as he sensed the presence of Selnac within the man at his side. Buffy soothed him “Its ok Spike they’re friends, this is Sam’s dad, he’s one of the Tokra”

A sudden blast from the corridor sent Lendra failing backwards, blood streaming from his temple and chest. The Tokra fell on his back inside the cell, Buffy pushed Spike behind her before returning fire. Jacob grabbed Lendra’s outstretched hand and dragged the other man to the rear of the room. Buffy’s crossbow bolt hit the Jaffa as he leaned forward to fire at them again, the man screamed and fell dead to the floor. She turned to Jacob as he held Lendra in his arms, the other mans eyes glowing as he struggled to breathe.

“Jacob I am unable to save Lendra, we shall both die shortly, leave us here”

“Radic are you sure?”

“Yes Jacob his wounds are too severe for me to heal, his mind is already gone”

Spike slumped to the floor, the glow fading in his eyes, Jacob pulled Lendra around till he was lying beside Spike.

“Radic do you think you could help Spike, the Goa’uld within him is nearing death as well”

Radic closed his eyes for a second and then looked over at Spike.

“I will consent only if he wants it to be”

Buffy turned from the doorway she was guarding, her voice rough with the emotion.

“I can hear reinforcements coming so if your going to do something do it now”

Jacob shook Spike’s shoulder “Spike can you hear me”

Blue eyes flickered through the amber, the glow was very dim now,


“Will you let Radic bond with you, he can help heal you”


“Yes he can force out the Goa’uld within you”

The blue and amber fought for dominance, then the blue subsided and the demon came forth

“We agree”

Jacob quickly turned both the men on their sides facing each other, millimetres separating their lips.

“You have to open your mouth for him to enter”

Spike slowly opened his mouth and as their lips touched the Tokra symboite crossed from one body to the other. Spike stiffened as the Tokra and the Goa’uld quickly did battle, he felt a tearing pain as the Goa’uld was expelled from his body, he spat it out, shivering in reaction. Rolling on to his back he closed his eyes, letting the internal debate continue. He had always felt the human and demon sides of his nature were two separate beings, now there was a third entity to contend with. The demon challenged the Tokra for dominance but in the end was too weak to win, it retreated and in that moment the Tokra took control. Radic did not banish the demon, instead he forced it to release some of its hold over the human host. Now William had an equal share of the body and mind instead of being a sort of wraith following his body around. And it was William who came out now, while Radic healed him and the demon rested.

“Buffy, we’d best leave”

Buffy spun around at the soft cultured tones, seeing the clear blue eyes filled with tears she smiled tremously and helped William up, Jacob ducked under his free arm to support him and they entered the halls warily.

Keeping a close eye out they silently moved through the darkened corridors, Jacob took out the comunit and called Sam.

“Sam, we’ve got William, umm Spike and we’re headed out”

“Did you find Daniel or Xander”?

“No, Sam I’m sorry there was no sign of either of them”

There was silence for a moment then the crackling static resumed and Sam voice returned.

“Copy that Dad, we’ll catch up to you, its possible Daniel and Xander are with the power source we’re looking for.”

Jacob, Buffy and William cautiously made their way out of the base, detouring around the Jaffa several times. Luckily they managed to pick up several soldiers that had been separated from their groups. The larger band exited the cave entrance to the base and into the cool dark predawn of the new day. Buffy dragged William and Jacob to where they had left the humvees, carefully stowing the recovering vampire in the back seat, they headed back to the Magic shop. They made it to the store just as the pale green dawn came edging over the horizon. Willow and Giles helped William to the couch laying him down, Jacob and Buffy hovering protectively over him.

“Spike do you need anything, some blood perhaps?”

“A cup of tea would be most appreciated, earl grey if you have it”

Giles started when he heard the crisp upper class accent and saw the more refined cast of the blonde mans features. Buffy stifled a giggle at the watchers reaction, Giles sat staring as if he’d just seen or heard a ghost.


William smiled, “Rupert?”

Willow laughed and hugged Buffy, Giles sank down on to the arm of the couch as he struggled with the fact that he was speaking to the man who had been William the Bloody in real life.

Jacob knelt at William’s side, immediately getting his attention, he asked seriously.

“William how is Radic?”

William’s smile died on his lips and his eyes lost their focus for a few seconds, then he was back his voice low with sadness.

“He grieves the loss of his friend, but he has come to an……agreement with the demon inside me. We will all share this body, the demon has had his own way for a very long time but he will abide by the decision. He must be allowed to surface, as I cannot bring myself to consume blood for him, he has allowed me freedom at last and I will do as he bids. Radic is the strongest of the three of us and will be the mediator between us. We will need a little more time to heal, an hour or two at the most.”

Giles shook himself and rose from the couch, “We are all very grateful to Radic for his help and are most sorry for his loss.”

Willow and Buffy murmured in agreement, and Giles turned away to go get the tea William had requested. Hopefully Jack and the rest of Sg1 would return soon bringing Xander and Daniel with them. They settled in to wait.

Chapter 18

Jack cursed quietly, but still audibly,


Teal’c arched an eyebrow enquiring without saying anything. Jack just looked at the chamber in front of them.


“Sir he must have a ship hidden on the surface somewhere”

“I know that major, how the hell did he get it here without us noticing”

Sam considered for a moment “A spell possibly, a cloaking device at the very least. We knew he must have come by ship there’s no way he could have come though the Stargate.”

Jack gestured irritably, he hated it when Sam stated the obvious,

“Ok ok it doesn’t matter now, lets go in”

“Do you think that is wise O’Neil”

Jack deadpanned “No I don’t think its wise Teal’c, but Daniel must be in there somewhere so we’re doin it”

“As you wish O’Neil”

They strode to the centre of the room and Teal’c activated the rings, seconds later they were in the Goa’uld ship. They quickly hugged the walls, not wanting to attract the attention of the Jaffa that were sure to be around. The sound of booted feet running toward them had them retreating in the opposite direction. Just as they turned the corner, a squad of Jaffa entered the room to use the rings and disappeared down into the base. Silently Jack motioned for them to explore the halls heading back the way they came, Sg1 moved like ghosts slipping from room to room.

They came to an ornate entranceway and heard sounds, carefully looking around the open door they came to a horrified halt. They were able to slip into an alcove inside the entranceway, a screen concealing them from the room’s occupants. There in front of them was Daniel, a naked Daniel, on his knees his arms crossed behind his head. They could see the blood flowing from the many thin lines that crisscrossed his back. Jack choked back a cry, tears stung his eyes as Sam grabbed his arm restraining him from just running into the room and shooting the bastard with the whip. Jaffa lined the walls that they could see, too many for them to risk an attack. Sam saw Jack accept that fact, his face a grey mask as they watched, from further in the room they heard Xander’s voice choked with emotion as the Jaffa raised his whip again.

“Stop it you fucking bastard, leave him alone. Isn’t it enough that you’ve taken his mind you have to try and kill him as well”

Carefully moving around they could see the dark haired youth chained to the wall. Nefu stood facing Daniel, a cruel smile on his face. He turned and walked over to the young man, he trailed a hand over the naked body. Xander steeled himself not to flinch as Nefu beckoned for the Jaffa to bring him the whip. He took it and ran his hand down the length of the wicked looking leather letting the end go so it dangled from his hand. His voice was silky with an edge of steel as he assessed the naked man before him.

“Perhaps you’d like to take his place young one.”

Xander blanched but then he scowled at the Goa’uld

“If you leave him alone, yes I will”

A mocking laugh and the cool voice resumed its baiting,

“Such courage, but I’m afraid my slave doesn’t wish you to……replace him, just yet. Lets ask him shall we?”

Nefu turned towards Daniel, “Do you wish to be replaced slave?”

Daniel’s head touched the floor, “Your will master, I live to obey”

Jack stifled a sob and Sam’s hand tightened on his arm as she struggled with the scene being played out before them.

Jack couldn’t take it any more, he had to get Daniel out of there. He motioned to Sam and stared her down when she shook her head. Reluctantly she agreed, Jack pointed to Nefu and Sam’s face hardened.

She mouthed a word “No”

Jack shrugged silently “Why not”

Sam raised both eyebrows and pointed to his neck, Jack could hear the silent sarcasm “Crystal”

Teal’c watched the exchange without words and nodded in agreement, Jack gave them both a look that said “Whatever” and motioned to them to move out.

Fanning out they sighted on their targets and attacked, zat blasts and gunfire echoed around the room. The Jaffa instantly returned fire as their fellows were decimated, Jack smiled grimly as the Jaffa that had whipped Daniel fell dead to the floor. As soon as they had started firing Nefu had activated his shield, he stood tight-lipped watching as sg1 looked to be gaining the upper hand. Xander struggled with his chains, his wrists bleeding where he rubbed them against the steel. Jack had advanced to where Daniel still sat motionless, head touching the floor. He grabbed the naked man by the arm and pulled him back towards the door. Nefu took his crystal in hand, his voice rising above the sound of gunfire and men dying, the words make no sense to those who do not understand the ancient language. The chant rose and the power in the words caused a wind to whip around their faces, Sam realised that the spell he cast would have devastating consequences for them. She called for a retreat and Xander watched helplessly as Sg1 moved back dragging Daniel with them. Teal’c tried once more to reach Xander but was forced back by a bolt of green lightening, the boy resigned himself to his fate, voice grim as he yelled.

“Leave, get out while you can”

Nefu’s deep voice is heard speaking words in Goa’uld, unexpectedly Daniel reacted, pulling his arm away from Jack trying to return to his master. Jack wasted no time, striking him across the back of the head and scooping him up before he can fall unconscious to the floor. Sg1 retreats, Sam and Teal’c returning fire as they run through the halls, finally finding the ring room and transferring to the base. Reaching the dark corridors of the Initiative complex, they skirt several running battles between Jaffa and soldiers. Jack orders his forces to retreat and they pull out, their numbers swelling as they fight a rearguard action.

The green light outside the cave causes the humans to pause for a moment but the shock passes and they continue on till they are safely aboard the remaining humvees and on their way back to the magic shop.

Giles quickly brings a blanket to cover Daniel as Jack carries the unconscious archaeologist into the shop and placed him on the couch. Wrapping the blanket in place around the still form, Giles notices the green band around Daniels neck. Jack reached down to touch it but Giles brushed his hand away.

“No don’t touch it, it could be spelled”

Jack pulled back, his manner stiff as he explained how they found Daniel and the circumstances that made it impossible to reach Xander. William’s eyes filled with tears and he bowed his head, when he looked back up Radic had assumed control.

“William understands that it was not possible for you to rescue their mate, but the demon inside of us screams for revenge and violence, he is being difficult to control.”

All talk is suspended as Daniel began to come around, sitting up and shaking his head. A sly looks crosses his face before he suddenly snaps into awareness and kneels on the floor, head bowed. The group is shocked, Sam and Teal’c go to pull him to his feet and he does not resist though he keeps his gaze averted. Jack comes before his lover taking Daniel by the shoulders and hugging him conscious of the stiffness of the man in his arms.

“Daniel, its ok you back with us now”


“Daniel speak to us” silence and then a soft “speak to me love”

Jack cups Daniels face and tips it up so he can see into those blue eyes, they stare unblinking back at him, carefully blank.


Sam breaks in nervously “Sir I think that he may not respond to that name anymore, Nefu called him

Slave and he answered to that designation. If he’s been the subject of a spell, he may not know who he is anymore.”

Heart breaking, Jack’s mouth tightened into a hard line as he struggled with the concept of Daniel being a slave. Taking a deep breath he spoke the words tonelessly.

“Slave……are you alright, you’re not injured”

Daniel bowed his head and kept his voice subservient as he answered, even though plans of escape flickered across his mind. He was careful not to arouse suspicions as he answered his captor.

“Master I am yours to command”

Jack gulped in a deep breath as unbidden flash of heat rises through him.

*No bad Jack, you don’t want Danny like this, so why am I picturing him on his knees now, oh god*

Daniel didn’t let the smile of victory he felt at Jack’s reaction show, shrewdly he formed a plan.

Jack exhaled slowly he just wanted to take Daniel away and show him how much he loved him, but that wasn’t going to happen any time soon.

“Daniel do you remember me………at all”

“Yes master” Daniel answered guilessly “You are my master”

Jack swallowed, this wasn’t going the way he planned. Giles broke in, touching Jack on the shoulder in sympathy.

“Slave where did you get your collar”

“My former master gave it to me”

“How did he give it to you”

“He spoke the words of power and it appeared”

“Can you take it off”

“I do not know master”

Willow came close and examined the collar with Giles, she quickly intoned a spell and the collar sparked but did not change. Daniel jumped back and feigned weakness, Jack immediately took his arm and held him up. Daniel leaned into him, letting the heat of his near naked body seep into the colonel.

“I think that’s enough for now, why don’t we let Daniel rest for awhile”

Giles took off his glasses and chewed thoughtfully on the end.

“Yes that’s a good idea, why don’t you take him to lie down in the back room and we’ll work on a spell to get that collar off. Oh and Jack there are some spare clothes of mine in there he can put on too”

Jack helped Daniel out of the room and into a small room at the back of the shop, it had a low cot under the window that looked out on to the alley. It was sparsely decorated with only a crate for a side table and a stack of heavy books upon it. Off to the side there was a small cupboard with some clothes in it, he riffled through them and took out a plain blue shirt and a pair of track pants. Jack shut the door behind them and lay the clothes on the edge of the cot. He watched as Daniel lay down on the cot before he collected himself and moved to pull the shade down on the window.

“Well your settled now, there’s some clothes for you, I’ll just…..leave…you to …..um…it”

Daniel swung his legs over the edge of the cot and sat up taking Jack’s hand in his.

“Is that what you wish master”

Jack closed his eyes and tried to contain his body’s soaring emotions. He felt his pants tighten as he opened his eyes to see Daniel’s head on a level with his cock. He twitched as Daniel unwrapped his blanket and moved on to his knees in front of him.

“Oh god Daniel, don’t …….your not yourself”

A secret smile and Daniel lifted his hand to caress Jack through his pants.

“You are my master, are you not? Why would I not want to please you”?

Sure hands deftly undid Jack’s pants, exposing the hard length it found to the cool air. Jack cried out softly as Daniel took him into his mouth with one long slide. He found his hands tangled in Daniel’s soft hair as his lover buried his nose in his belly. Agile tongue flicking around the shaft, Jack shuddered as Daniel swallowed around the head of his cock. Unable to take it anymore, Jack started to thrust, body shivering in reaction at the sure suction and heat of Daniel’s unbelievable mouth. Daniel’s hands pulled Jack’s pants and boxers down his legs, his hand working its way between his legs till his fingers rubbed against his anus. One finger dipped in and out of the puckered rosette before delving further, Jack shook and tried to control himself as Daniel found his gland and stroked it mercilessly. He came with a choked cry into Daniel’s greedy throat, his spent cock slipped out of Daniel’s mouth and he slumped over. Daniel guided him to the cot and lay him down, Jack reached out and took hold of Daniel’s erection stroking it firmly. The linguist smiled to himself as the colonel ordered him.

“Danny fuck me please. I need you”

“Master you wish me to pleasure you more?”

Jack frowned

“I wish for us to pleasure each other.”

“As you wish my master, would you be more comfortable on your knees?’

“Sure sounds good, this cot is a bit narrow”

Jack moved off the cot and onto his hands and knees on the floor, Daniel knelt between his legs and smiled. He rubbed the tip of his cock over Jack’s asshole and spat in his hand, using it for lubrication he slicked up his cock. Jack shuddered as Daniel breached him, slowly guiding his cock into Jack’s tight channel. Fully seated they rested for a moment before Daniel pulled out and started an easy rhythm. Jack was in heaven as his lover took him by the hips and started to pound him harder, faster, it wasn’t long before he felt himself tightening, his cock bouncing under his belly. The slap, slap of Daniel’s balls hitting his, the tickle of his ass cheeks brushing the hair on Daniel’s belly, he was gonna cum again soon it was like a tidal wave approaching. Suddenly he arched his back as he felt a warm hand grasp his swollen cock, Daniel started to pump him in time with his ever-increasing thrusts. Jack couldn’t hold back any longer and came with a groan over Daniels hand. He could feel his ass pulsing with the force of his orgasm and then he felt Daniel thrust hard once more. The cock in his ass jerked and spat as Daniel spilled his seed before falling forward onto Jack’s back. Daniel rubbed Jack’s back with one hand while he reached to the nearby side table with the other. He picked up a heavy tome and waited until Jack started to pull away, his cock slid out of the colonel’s ass as the older man turned around and Daniel hit him hard on the side of the head. Jack slumped to the floor unconscious and Daniel rose and grabbed the clothes off the cot, dressing quickly. Once clothed, he lifted the shade and carefully opened the window, looking out he saw no one in the alley outside. Daniel clambered through and dropped to the ground, he moved toward the end of the short alleyway and headed east, walking casually through the early morning crowd. He turned the wrong way once and his collar gave him a jolt, he quickly turned the other way and headed back toward the initiative base…..and his master.

Chapter 19

Daniel moved swiftly through the lightly wooded area, carefully skirting the patrols that sg1 had set out. His collar had given him urgings to go in certain directions along the way and he was not surprised when a Jaffa squad stepped out to meet him. He stopped still as they moved to surround him, he bowed his head, as a proper slave should.


The guards led him further into the woods, they halted in a large clearing, for a moment Daniel saw nothing but more trees and then the cloaking shield winked out and a large Goa’uld ship was visible. A hatch was opened and the group trooped inside, behind them the shield went up again and the ship was hidden. They traversed the halls and soon Daniel was back in Nefu’s room, he dropped to his knees before his god, oblivious to Xander’s pained cry.


“Silence boy”

Xander found his lips magically clamped shut as with a wave of his hand, Nefu rose from his throne and crossed the room to stand in front of Daniel.

“Slave you have done well to return, tell me what you have learned”

Daniel bowed head touching the floor then sat back on his heels, his eyes still fixed down as he reported.

“My Lord I was taken to the Magic Shop where I was questioned by Colonel O’Neil, I escaped easily. The vampire named Spike, who has taken a Tokra as a symboite has become a daywalker.”

Nefu glowered, he grabbed Daniel by the hair yanking his head up so that he could look into his eyes.

“Your sure”

“Yes my Lord, I saw him, he survives”

Muffled sounds came from Xander as soon as he heard Spike’s name, Nefu frowned at the noise then smiled evilly. He let go of Daniel and crossed the room towards Xander’s place of confinement his voice floating behind him to Daniel.

“Slave bring me the parchment”

Daniel moved to the ornate box at the foot of Nefu’s bed and reverently lifted the scroll out, carefully carrying it to his master. Xander’s eyes widened and he struggled futilely against his restraints, Nefu unrolled the parchment and read aloud the words. As before the green mist appeared, covering Xander completely, it searched and is slowly absorbed into the boys body. The young man’s head fell forward and he appeared to have lost consciousness. Nefu frowned as Xander shook his head trying desperately to escape the spell. His head came up and the Goa’uld saw the collar around his neck, but frowned when the boys eyes flash and change from brown to green to brown. When his eyes are green Xander snaps and snarls like an animal in a cage, when they change to brown he becomes calm and servile.

“What deceit is this, the spell should render him conscious of only my will”

Nefu spun to confront Daniel, rage on his face.

“Do you know why this is so Slave”

“I do not know Lord, except that this human has told of being possessed by spirits previously”

“Explain Slave”

“This man told me that he had been possessed by the spirit of a soldier as well as a hyena, an animal of the Tauri”

Nefu paused in mid stride and rubbed his chin, Xander had calmed when he had moved away, becoming outwardly the slave he was supposed to be. Whenever Nefu came close to him his eyes changed to green and he would throw himself at his bonds trying to get at the Goa’uld lord.

“I see, the spell will control the human aspects of the boy but not the animal. We shall have to experiment I see, release him Slave”

Nefu retreated to his throne and waited as Daniel approached the bound man, Xander remained calm as he was released from his restraints.

“Slave attend me”

Xander slowly approached the throne, Nefu’s guards held their weapons at the ready, when he was about a metre away he knelt on the floor in submission. Nefu waved for Daniel to come to his side and the archaeologist moved quickly across the room to kneel beside the throne. The Goa’uld lord idly ran the fingers on his left hand through Daniel’s hair while his right hand caressed the crystal hanging around his neck. He gave Daniel a little push forward and ever the obedient slave he moved forward to his master’s words.

“Take a whip and lets see whether we need a leash for this pup”

Daniel took a whip from the wall and moved behind Xander, raising the wicked leather toy and raining down a stroke across Xander’s back. Xander snarled and spun to crouch on his heels, bright green eyes fixed on Daniel who had not moved. Nefu tilted his head and considered the men in front of him.

“Hmmmm, slave wait and see what he does next”

Xander’s head swivelled around with the sound of Nefu’s voice, a low growl came from his throat and he ignored the Goa’uld lord to focus on Daniel. The older man stood still as Xander fluidly moved forward to sniff his legs and groin. Xander stood up and swung at Daniel knocking him to the floor, Daniel looked to his master who just nodded for him to stay where he was. Xander growled and Daniel was forced to roll on to his back, the boy pounced on him straddling his body and placing his jaws on Daniel’s exposed neck. Daniel stayed very still as Xander growled, his sharp teeth close to breaking the skin under them. Moments passed and Daniel remained motionless, Xander let go and drew back before licking the skin his jaws had just held. He moved off of Daniel and the older man rolled to his hands and knees under the amused eyes of his master. Xander growled again as Daniel went to stand up and at a wave from his master he returned to his position on all fours. Xander having asserted his dominance over Daniel reverted to his position of calm obedience kneeling on the floor in front of the throne. Nefu was intrigued, he motioned Daniel to stand up, which his slave did willingly.

“Remove your clothes slave”

Daniel stripped, dropping the clothes in a pile on the floor beside him. Nefu gazed appreciatively at the two muscular men in front of him.

“See if you cant bring out the animal in him again slave”

Daniel moved to stand in front of Xander winding his hands in the dark hair and pulling the boys face to his groin. Xander growled, pulling his head away from Daniels hands and then knocking his feet out from under him. Daniel hit the ground and rolled on to his hands and knees, preparing to rise to his feet. But a warning growl had him frozen to the spot, he slowly moved his head to look at his master and saw the feral gleam in the Lords eyes. Xander crouched beside him and Daniel swung his head back towards the possessed youth. Leaning down slowly Daniel nuzzled against Xander’s genitals, licking his now hardening cock. He took the head into his mouth and sucked lightly, Xander rumbled above him and thrust his hips forward. Daniel sucked wetly on the shaft, saliva dribbling down to coat Xander’s balls. Xander pulled out suddenly, snapping at Daniel when the human didn’t move. Xander forced Daniel to face away from him, his ass raised and his legs spread apart. Daniel shuddered when he felt a wet tongue run from his balls to his asshole. Xander growled again as he scented Jack on Daniels skin, he moved into position over the man and Daniel tried to relax as Xander’s hard cock pushed suddenly against his opening. He was pushed roughly down on his forearms as his ass was filled with Xander’s dick, the sharp pain he felt mingling with the sparkling pleasure that came from his prostrate. Xander set a punishing pace, totally dominating the older man, fucking him until he was keening with pleasure. Daniel’s face was turned so he could see his master, the Goa’uld lord sat forward in his throne watching avidly as his slaves fucked. Daniel was getting close to the edge as Xander relentlessly pounded into him, a few strokes later he was cumming, his cock spasming and spewing onto the floor. Xander howled above him and drove himself into the hot rippling muscles that milked him, making him cum in a frenzy of movement. Exhausted the two men fell to the floor, Xander licking Daniels neck before nipping him lightly. Xander was suddenly pulled away from Daniel by two burly guards who shackled him face down on the bed. Nefu stood up and strode to the bed stripping his clothes off as he went.

“Slave attend me”

Daniel heaved himself from the floor and went to help his master, who stood looking down at the growling spitting human on the bed.

“Prepare us”

Daniel took a bottle of oil from the cabinet beside the bed and poured some onto the palm of his hand. He swiftly coated his lord’s cock, before pouring more oil onto Xander’s ass. Watching as the liquid flowed down his cleft, he pushed a finger carefully into the boy feeling him clench against the invasion.

The muscles relaxed slightly and he introduced another finger and then another, he felt Xander pushing trying to expel the invaders but to no avail. Quickly he pulled his fingers out and pulled Xander’s hips up shoving a pillow beneath them. His master leaned forward lining up his cock and pushing into Xander’s prepared channel. Xander growled in frustration as the man he hated penetrated his body, his mind wailed as the Goa’uld took his pleasure, his cock sliding in and out of the snug muscles. Nefu panted as he fucked the boy, this one was so tight, so wild he was going to enjoy breaking him. Soon he felt his orgasm building, he went faster smirking at the growls and grunts he heard the boy making.

He came, his cock pulsing its load into the unwilling boys ass, Nefu groaned and fell forward onto his slave, resting for a moment before rolling off him. Daniel came to his lord’s side, gently cleaning him with scented towels, bringing him clean garments. Nefu smiled, pleased with his slave’s attention to detail, he allowed Daniel to dress him and then moved back to his throne.

“Guards bring my other slave to me, keep him chained.”

Daniel took his place at Nefu’s side, kneeling beside his lord’s throne, the Goa’uld idly carded his fingers through Daniels soft hair as he considered the still growling human his Jaffa held in front of him. Looking closely he noted a silver glint and saw the chain that Spike had given him gleaming around his neck. He rose and walked closer he reached for it and Xander lunged forward snapping at his hand. The Jaffa held him tightly one on each side and he snarled as another came up behind him to grab him by the hair forcing his head back.

“What’s this…….a token perhaps….from a loved one, no matter it will serve”

Nefu gripped the chain and tore it from Xander’s neck, oblivious to the howl as buried deep inside the boy recognised it for what it was.

“Slave, dress and act as befits a slave of mine, my Jaffa will escort you when you take this token to the daywalker. Give him this command, he will return to my keeping or his loved one shall die.”

Daniel bowed and took the silver chain and spike from his lord before leaving the room with a squad of Jaffa.

Nefu ran his hand over Xander’s taut body, an unholy gleam in his eyes.

“The daywalker will be mine, and so shall you”

Chapter 20

Jack moaned and rolled on to his back, shaking his head gingerly as he tried to remember what happened.

“Unnnn Danny”

Carefully sitting up he reached a tentative hand to his head and felt the dried blood congealed in his hair. He got slowly to his feet and reached for his pants, unsteadily pulling them on while his eyes searched the room. The clothes he left for Daniel were gone and the window was open, he stood on the bed and looked out. The alley was empty and the sun had risen higher so he estimated that he must have been out for at least an hour maybe more.

He ran as fast as he could from the room, staggering slightly as he made it to the front of the shop.

“Daniels gone”

Surprised faces surrounded him and Sam managed to catch him before he could fall, he threw an arm around her and braced himself on her.

“But how sir”

Jack’s face coloured a little and Sam’s raised eyebrows were imitated around the group.

“He ummm seduced me…..”

“Yeah right Jack”

Jack wryly acknowledged the slayers barb while Teal’c picked up a comunit and started checking with the patrols, he moved slowly away from the group.

“Ok it didn’t take much, anyways back to the point here people, he whacked me over the head when I was distracted and hightailed it outa here through the window.”

Jack let go of Sam and nearly fell over so he magnamously let her guide him to a chair. Tara fetched the first aid kit while Sam checked the wound on his head. He winced as she cleaned the blood away,

“It just seems to be a flesh wound sir, I don’t think you have concussion, what did he hit you with?”

“A really big book”

Buffy mock glared at Giles, “And you said research wouldn’t hurt us”

Giles looked down his nose at Buffy while she smiled unrepentantly and dipped her head.

“Yes well, be that as it may, we still need to find out where Daniel went”

Jack rubbed a hand carefully over the bandage Sam had fixed on his head, his expression rueful.

“Well I think it’s pretty obvious where he’s gone”

Teal’c walked back over to the group, “The patrols have seen no sign of Daniel Jackson”

Buffy started to collect weapons, preparing to follow Daniel when suddenly the door of the magic shop was blown off its hinges. The scoobies and Sg1 scrambled for defensible positions as through the dust a Jaffa holding a staff weapon at the ready slowly entered the room. Teal’c was poised to return fire until a familiar voice cut through the dusty air.

“Hold your fire”

Jack signalled the team to hold tight and his heart lurched as Daniel strode into the room as if he owned it. His muscular body was attired in the traditional slave garb, showing off his body beautifully, his attitude was arrogant as he surveyed the shambles. Jack stumbled towards him but was brought up short by the business end of the Jaffa’s staff weapons. The four Jaffa surrounded Daniel in a guard formation, at his command they moved behind him. Jack was confused but he drew himself up to his full height, heart breaking as he saw the contemptuous look in his lovers eyes. Those same icy blue eyes swept the room until they encountered equally blue eyes in a distressed face. Daniel smiled and William swallowed at the malice he sensed from the man. Still focused on William, Daniel began to speak.

“You are commanded by your God Nefu to surrender the Daywalker to me.”

Shock coursed through Jack and he stepped closer, the Jaffa stepped forward but Daniel motioned them to stay where they were, allowing Jack to stand before him.

“Daniel what the matter with you, why are you doing this. For Christ’s sake your one of the good guys.”

Daniel smiled cruelly, his glance slid over Jack from his toes to the top of his head, then dismissed him.

“The Daniel Jackson you knew is dead. I have no name now other than Slave”

Jack searched Daniels eyes for some sign but saw nothing but disdain there. Jack’s heart broke a little more at the sight of the whip and bite marks on Daniel’s body. He reached out slowly to touch the man in front of him but Daniel stepped back away from Jack, his distaste evident. Jack’s voice was soft and low with need as he addressed the stranger in his lover’s body.

“Danny why…”

“Your lover is no more Tauri scum, I live to serve my master…..in all ways”

Dismissing Jack, Daniel moved back to stand between the Jaffa, his voice fell upon the shocked group.

From a pouch around his neck, Daniel brought out the necklace, dangling the glittering silver length in front of him. William gasped in shock as he recognised the chain, Daniel merely laughed and threw it at the Daywalker’s feet. William dropped to the ground in abject misery and picked it up gently, cradling it in his shaking hands.

“This belonged to one you hold dear. My master commands the Daywalker to come before him, fail to comply and your loved one will face a fate worse than mere death.”

William bowed his head over the chain in his hands, a silent tear fell and his hands clenched, his shoulders shuddered for a moment, when he lifts his head to speak Radic’s voice is the one they all hear. Steel cold and quiet Radic demands of his adversary

“Is my mate unharmed?”

Daniel tilts his head and smiles amorally at the change in William, his own voice is mocking.

“He….serves my master”

“Oh god no”

Willow comes forward, rage on her face and in her eyes, she begins chanting, only a moment passes as power fills the room and Daniel and the Jaffa look around uncomfortably. The energy starts to peak and Willow gestures towards the cluster of men at the front of the shop. Shock hits them all as the expected attack fails, Willow wails as the power drains away, green fire sucking the energy away as she falls exhausted to the floor. Daniel’s taunting voice floats through the despair to them.

“I will return for you before night falls Daywalker, surrender or you lover will face an eternity of pain.”

Jack stretches out a hand then but as Daniel walks away it drops back to his side, forlornly he lets Sam take him in her arms. Teal’c is a steady presence behind them as SG1 takes comfort from each other. Giles and Tara help Willow to her feet, Buffy hugs William close as Radic releases control to the distressed man. For a moment the shocked silence hangs around them like a pall, then one by one they start to ask questions, throw ideas at each other, trying desperately to plan a defence. Sam got out her equipment and measured the energy level in the shop.

“The magical energy is depleting, it’s much worse than before.”

“That explains why I couldn’t cast that spell”

Willow let Tara comfort her, the blonde girl hugging her gently

“I’m surprised that you could gather the amount of energy that you did Willow”

Giles sat heavily his elbows on the table as he slid his hands over his face tiredly.

Willow shrugged, dark circles still hung under her green eyes.

“I just wish it had worked.”

William sat down beside Giles nervously running the chain through his fingers.

“Thank you for trying Willow, I wish I knew that Alexander was alright”

Jack came out of his introspection and squeezed Sam’s hand moving away from her to stand alone.

“We need a plan”

“Yes quite right, obviously we can’t let Nefu take Spike, umm William or Radic”

“Ya got that right”

“Our patrols followed the Jaffa but lost them in the woods”

“Ok we need to work with what we got.”

Sam fiddled some more with her equipment then moved to her laptop to check her findings.

“We know that Nefu is pulling the magical energy from the Hellmouth into his crystal, right”

The group nodded at this statement, Giles started to chew thoughtfully on his glasses.

“Ok then, magical energy is not limited to the Hellmouth is it, I mean we’ve tried to cast spells at him and that didn’t work right, no offence Willow”

Willow smiled at Sam,

“None taken, oh hey Giles do you think that the same thing would apply to magical objects”

“No I don’t believe it would, not unless Nefu specifically calls for the objects energy, its more likely that he is just summoning the magical energy that surrounds the Hellmouth”

Giles leaned back in his chair, before moving forward to touch the chain wound around William’s fingers. Glancing at the man beside him for permission, Giles took the chain and regarded it thoughtfully.

“William did you give this to Xander?”

“Yes we did, Spike gave it to him just recently”

“But its special, right, not something taken or given lightly”

William cocked his head, his blue eyes bright as he remembered.

“That’s right”

Giles smiled at William, and then at the group around him

“That’s it”

Mystified looks were cast at him, and he stood up holding the chain before him.

“This is the answer, right here, this chain is our way to get Xander back and Daniel as well”

Jack sat back in his chair, disbelief evident on his face.

“Are you on something Giles, cause I could use something right about now”

Tara smiled and the shy girl as always cut straight to the heart of the matter.

“It’s a focus”

Willow’s head snapped around to regard her girlfriend an amazed smile on her face.

“Of course, oh Giles this is wonderful, but how will we get it to work.”

Sam looked up from her computer, at once interested by the arcane.

“I don’t think there’s enough energy left to do any sort of large spell”

Giles started to pace,

“No you’re right, we would need a large amount of energy to do this”

“Ok, ok, what the hell are we doing and what the hell do we need”

Sam smiled and Jack nearly stepped back, she had that look in her eye again, this did not bode well.

“Sir I believe that Giles and Willow want to use the necklace as a focus for a spell, as it belonged to Xander and was something important to him.”

“Ok but what sort of spell are we talking about here”

Sam glanced at Giles for support, he moved to take a book from the shelf, turning to a particular page before handing the book to Willow.

“We need to tune this spell into Xander, specifically to break Nefu’s hold on him, we can’t send it back with William as a chain, we should meld it together with something else. A weapon perhaps, that way the spell could enable the weapon to pierce Nefu’s shields.”

Buffy rummaged in her weapons bag and pulled a silver dagger out, the bright metal glinted in the dim light.

“What about this, its big enough to do some damage without being to noticeable”

Giles took the dagger and turned it in his hands, the bare blade was razor sharp.

“I think this will be perfect, now we need to gather enough energy to perform the spell”

Sam smiled and Jack winced, this was not going to be good.

“I think I know where we can tap into that much energy”

“Sam…” Jack voice carried a warning, but Sam stopped him with a look.

“Sir, there’s one place in the world where we could have access to such a large amount of energy’

“Oh the General’s not gonna like this”

Jack shook his head in defeat, sighing and motioning at Sam to continue, she smiled delightedly at the assembled group.

“We need to use the Stargate”

To Be Continued…

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