Unwelcome Visitors

by Mightbeme

Previous, 12, 13, 14, 15, Next

Chapter 11

By 10 am the next morning the scoobies were in full force at the magic shop, Xander had driven Spike around to the alley behind the shop where he could leave the car without being burnt to a crisp. They lounged around the tables pouring over what Buffy was sure were some of the mouldiest books Giles owned. Willow and Tara were searching the internet on Willow’s laptop, Xander and Spike sat leaning against each other on the couch.. Buffy slammed the book she was looking at down on the table.

“Arrrggghhhh why must all of our crisis’s come down research, I am so not a research girl.”

Giles sighed, pointedly looking at his Slayer over the rim of his glasses while still scanning the page of the large volume he carried.

“Hmmm well it could be because we have absolutely no knowledge of this foe at all”

Buffy glared at him for a second then flopped down on the couch next to Spike.

“But you know I’m not good at this Giles, it sucks but whatcha gonna do, I am action girl. And at the moment I feel a strong need to pummel something”

She turned her head and smiled cunningly at Spike, he read on for a few moments before he became aware of the blonde watching him.

“Whatsat Slayer you want a pummelling”

“Yeah right Spike dream on, but I do want a workout so, are you up for it or what”

“Yeah I could use a spot of violence luv, lets go”

Spike leapt up off the couch and practically bounced towards the back room after the slayer. Happy there was at least one human in the world he could wail on and not get zapped. Strange how coming back from the dead did that to you. Xander called out to him without looking up from his book.

“Don’t tire yourself out Will, you might need some energy for later”

Spike grinned over his shoulder at his lover

“Always got plenty of energy for that pet”


Buffy whapped him on the back of the head, Spike spun around glaring at her.

“What……. I want to spar not listen to you sweet talk your honey”

“Okay slayer just for that I’m not gonna take it easy on you”

“Oh please……get your head outa your undead ass and get in here will you”

Xander looked up in time to see Spike lunge through the door with a maniacal grin on his handsome face. He chuckled at the sounds of combat he could hear from the back room. Willow came over and sat down next to him, threading a hand in his.

“Your really happy aren’t you Xander”

Xander squeezed Willows hand gently and smiled at his best friend.

“You bet the Xanman is as happy as a clam”

Tara smiled shyly at Xander’s happy face, and at her lover basking in his joy.

The tinkling of the door sounded and the atmosphere changed rapidly as Jack and Daniel sauntered in. Xander half smiled at Daniel before glaring at Jack, the others smiled tentatively at the newcomers.

“Well if that isn’t a nice friendly hello”

“Colonel O’Neill, Dr Jackson were glad you could make it”

Giles gestured them to come inside, Jack made himself comfortable on the couch on the other side of Xander crossing his legs and slouching down in his seat. Daniel hesitated for a second looking at Jack trying to annoy Xander and then switching his attention to Giles.

“Well, were glad to be here. What are you working on”?

Giles sighed and closed his book with a snap, dust motes floated on the air.

“Not much at the moment, I haven’t been able to find any mention of this Goa’uld in any of our usual sources. Did you have any more information you could give us”?

Daniel nodded and pulled out his laptop quickly set it up on the table. He accessed his files and showed Giles what they military had on the Goa’uld. Beginning with their origins in ancient Egypt and Ra, Giles took off his glasses and chewed thoughtfully on the end. His eyes lit up as he remembered something he’d seen long ago. Moving quickly to the bookcase he started flitting though the books, occasionally pulling one out only to glance inside quickly and discard it.

Jack looked over at Xander, picking idly at some dust on his jacket.

“So where’s your boyfriend and the blonde girl”

Xander looked up from his book and regarded Jack as if he was something that had been stuck to his boot.

“Spike and Buffy are sparring out back, where’s the rest of your little posse”

Jack pulled his cap off his head and spun it around on his finger.

“Oh Sam and Teal’c are out scouting around that energy source, the whatchamacallit”

Xander blinked and said dryly

“The Hellmouth”

“Yeah that’s it, what you said. Well I think we’ve had enough talk for now. You really should work on your conversational skills more.”

Jack rose and moved to the entrance to the back room, faint sounds of fighting could be heard. He looked like a kid in a candy store as he beamed at Daniel.

“I’m just gonna check out this sparring, maybe I’ll get lucky and join in”

Daniel shook his head warningly at his lover, noting the 5 year old coming out in the older man again.

“Okay but be careful Jack”

“Did I ever tell you that you worry too much Danny”

With a grin he was off though the door leaving the rest of the scoobies with dropped jaws.

He followed the sounds of combat till he reached the training room, lounging against the door he watched quietly, assessing the styles of the two sparring. Buffy was a blur of motion, whirling, kicking, punching and blocking with graceful deadly force. Spike had a smirk on his face as he fought the slayer with elegant intensity. Jack winced as Buffy got off a roundhouse kick that knocked Spike into the padded wall, he got to his feet with speed that had the colonel’s eyebrows nearly meeting his hairline. The blonde vampire backhanded the tiny slayer but she spun with the force and grabbed Spike by the shirt pulling him towards her as she fell backwards. She flipped him over her head so he landed on his back on the floor. Quickly she straddled his waist a stake aimed at his heart.

“Give up Spike” she smiled down at him her blonde hair falling around her face.

He smiled up at her then laughed “So you got the bugs outa your system yet slayer”

Buffy sighed and moved off Spike, idly twirling the stake around in her fingers.

“Yeah I think so, for now anyway.”

“See a spot of violence is good for you, clears your head.”

“Well I definitely needed clearing, there are some things I cant slay and Giles books would be one”

“You could always give the soldier bloke a goin over”

Spike tilted his head towards the door and Buffy looked over at Jack., not surprised to see him there.

“So Jack wanna spar”

Jack pushed off from the door and wandered over to where Buffy and Spike sat on the mats.

“And the answer to that question would be a great big No”

Jack sat down beside them crossing his legs and pushing his cap back off his head, he looked at Spike who sat with an expression on his face that clearly shouted * Well, was I right or was I right *

The colonel pulled a face and sarcastically admitted,

“You were right, she’d kick my arse”

Spike grinned at Jack and Buffy punched him lightly on the arm.

“You said that, why Spike…..I’m touched, but you should have let him find out for himself”

Jack put both his hands up in front of him as if to ward her off.

“No it’s fine, I think I’m too old for that sort of thing anyway”

Spike smirked at him his nose smelling Daniel’s scent covering the other man

“Not too old for some things though…. So hows Daniel feeling today”

Jack smiled at the memory of last night then coughed and frowned at the amused glances the other two were giving him.

“He’s fine”

Buffy high fived Spike much to the discomfort of the colonel.

“Looks like you were right Spike, he scored”

Jack groaned and put his face in his hands scrubbing hard

“Please tell me we’re not talking about what we’re talking about”

Buffy giggled at him and then patted him on the shoulder

“Sorry Jack but its just one of the functions of our handy vamp here”

“Uh huh …….say what”

“Smell” Spike answered tapping his nose “Smelt the pheromones in the air around your boy last night, can smell him all over you now too”

“Oh for pete’s sake don’t tell Daniel ”

“Sorry mate he already knows”

“I’m not gonna ask how”

“Trust me when I say that this is not the worst thing Spikes ever done Jack”


Spike glared at Buffy then a sneaky look came over his face.

“Ready for round two then slayer”

“Ok what are you up to bleach boy”

“Oh nothing I thought maybe Jack and I could both have a go at you”

Jack scrambled to his feet, he had a bad feeling about this.

“Oh no I think I can leave this hand to hand to you younger…well maybe that wasn’t the right word. You super strong type people.”

Buffy jumped up stretching her arms over her head.

“Awww come on Jack, live a little”

Jack extended a hand to Spike who looked at it then at him, finally deciding to take the olive branch he pulled himself up.

Jack smiled and then he tilted his head at Buffy grinning slightly

“What are you like with guns?”

Chapter 12

Before Buffy could answer Giles came to the door and summoned them to a conference. Seating themselves around the large round table, Jack noticed that Sam had arrived alone.

“Where’s Teal’c”

“He’s outside, his symboite is active so until we figure out a way to subdue it we cant let it attack Spike again.”

Tara whispered in Willow’s ear for a minute, then sat back and watched as her redheaded girlfriend babbled excitedly to Giles.

“What about a protection spell Giles”?

“A what?”

Jack closed his eyes and rubbed his hand across his brow. When he opened them again he saw Daniel and Sam laughing silently at him.

“Oh and I suppose your so comfortable with the arcane now.”

Sam dropped the smile but laughter still lurked in her eyes as she enquired.

“Mr Giles do you mean to say that you can do magic”

Giles fell into the trap of looking into those oh so blue eyes and forgot for a moment to reply.

“Call me Rupert and what were we talking about, oh…oh…spells……yes it is quite possible. With the right ingredients and some magical ability of course. Although some spells actually do not require the caster to have any magical ability at all.”

Flustered Giles resorted to polishing his already polished glasses, the familiar ritual calming him.

“Will it do any harm to junior”


Sam broke in “Tealc’s Goa’uld larvae”

“No I do believe we should be able to find a spell to cast on Spike which will make it impossible for the symboite to be aware of him.”

“Okay that sounds good, when can we do it”

Daniel smiled at his lover’s enthusiasm, once Jack decided on a course of action he wanted to do it right now. Sometimes that was a good thing, his mind drifted back to the previous night and he sighed.

Spike low laugh caused him to blush as he realised that the vampire must be able to somehow tell what he’d been thinking about. His blush increased in colour as he realized that he was hard again and that Spike knew.

*Oh god just what I need *

He darted a glance at Jack but when his lover just smiled at them both and Daniel realized that his commanding officer was in on the joke somehow.

*Amazing how sometimes Jack could be charming enough to get on with anyone, but other days you just wanted to shoot him *

He came out of his reverie when he heard Willow and Giles say that they should have everything ready in an hour or so.

Daniel cleared his throat and the group looked at him. He looked over at Giles for support and the ex librarian, brought another heavy text to the table.

“Right, Giles and I believe that we have found the Goa’uld connection to Vampires.”

He nodded at Giles to continue and the older man opened the dusty book and began to lecture.

“The first vampires were reported as having been seen in ancient Egypt. They were the minions of Ra the Sun God and served him viciously. Ra and some of the other ancient gods were in actual fact Goa’uld, according to Daniel some of these same so called gods are alive today. They prolong the life of their host by artificial means. When the vampires served Ra he promised to increase their power, but instead he betrayed them and they eventually rebelled. In the rebellion against Ra they were helped by the human slaves and priests, some of who knew the magic arts. These people believed that no one could be crueller than the gods. Ra was forced back into the heavens and the stargate was buried, when they buried the gate they created a barrier spell that caused Ra to forget.”

Daniel took over from Giles, “When the Stargate was reactivated the barrier spell was broken and the Goa’uld remembered.”

The scoobies were amazed and confused, Xander had to ask.

“Ok…….and what the hell’s a stargate?”

Jack half smiled at the group, held up a hand to stop Daniel from answering.

“Big round roller coaster ride that takes you to other planets in the time it takes you to say whatthef….”

Giles sank down into his chair. “I take it that the military controls this stargate?”

“That’s a big 10- 4 good buddy”

Giles slid his glasses off his nose and placed them on the table in front of him, fiddling with them as he casually questioned them.

“Ummm have you been to any different dimensions?”

Daniel was startled but answered “Yes we have, only a couple of times…..why?”

Giles straightened up and replaced his glasses “Any demon dimensions?”

“Nooo…..I think its safe to say that we’ve never been to one of those. We’ve encountered different variations of our own world, but that’s all”

“Good, don’t go there. The demon dimensions are extremely dangerous we have enough problems with various groups trying to open the Hellmouth, let alone the problems an uncontrolled portal to the demon realms would present”

Jack decided now was a good time to get huffy “Are you saying we can’t handle these demons”

Giles glared at him, danger rippling under the calm face he presented. Buffy glanced at Xander and Willow, they immediately recognised the signs- Ripper was playing close to the surface. Buffy leaned forward and took Giles hand squeezing it. Jack half stepped back from the heat in Giles eyes, a danger reading blaring on his internal warning system. Giles sighed and Ripper retreated back into his subconscious.

“I’m saying that the demon realms are not something you can handle with guns.”

Jack decided to take his word for it “Oh…..ok”

In the silence that followed that remark Sam rolled her eyes at Daniel and brought the conversation back towards the threat of the Goa’uld, she let out the breath she’d been holding

“So back to the Goa’uld and why they want vampires…revenge possibly?”

“You think these Goa’uld guys are that petty”?

“Believe me these guys take petty to a whole new level”

“But they are also interested in the energy from the Hellmouth, so we’d be wise to keep an eye on it as well”

Agreement was reached that the Hellmouth would be regularly patrolled by both the scoobies and sg1. Spike took the opportunity of the calm before the spell session with Willow to drag Xander away for some private time. Willow gave Xander a big knowing smile that had him blushing to his ears when he remembered his bond with her. Xander happily followed Spike back to one of the storerooms and smiled as the vampire locked the door behind them, a predatory look on his face.

“Spike ……we don’t really have time for this, and you know Willow will know don’t you.”

“I notice your not exactly running away there pet, and I’m pretty sure red’s not objecting, is she”

Xander leaned into his mate, loving the feeling of the strong arms sliding around his waist.

“Mmmmmm no it’s just strange knowing she can feel me, its sorta freaky”

“Pet ya know your thinking too much here let me help you”

Spike pushed him back against the wall his hand dropping to Xander’s fly quickly releasing the hard length he found. Xander groaned as the cool fingers encircled him stroking firmly, he clutched at Spikes shoulders, lips searching. Sighing as his mouth made contact with Spikes, tongues thrust roughly, sweeping, searching tasting everything he needed. A mewl of disappointment as the mouth removed itself then a gasp as it reappeared over his needy cock, bathing it with cool air.

“Oh god…..oh god Will yes baby”

Spike expertly tongued the slit at the tip of Xander’s cock, tasting the precum he found there. Smiling the vampire swallowed the hard length causing the human to buck uncontrollably into his mouth.. Spike teased Xander unmercifully sucking, licking his cock. Pumping the shaft with his hand while his mouth and tongue did evil things to his velvety tip. Satin smooth skin became slick with sweat, Xander moaned with pleasure as Spike started bobbing up and down on his painfully hard shaft. The tight confines of his throat causing Xander’s balls to shrink back with anticipation. Just when Xander thought he could stand no more, Spike started humming, the vibrations setting his human lover off.


The vampire thanked god he didn’t have to breathe and swallowed the hot cum pumping down his throat, pushing Xander’s hips back into the wall he licked the softening length clean before sliding back up to kiss his exhausted mate.

Xander hugged Spike to him his trembling hand slipping down the front of the black jeans to caress the tip of the vampire’s dick.. Fumbling slightly with the buttons he sighed when he finally had a handful of cool flesh. Xander pushed off the wall spinning Spike till he was hard up against the flat surface. Xander took his lips in a heated kiss forcing the vampire’s head back he plundered the cool mouth, branding him with his searing heat. Tightly he gripped Spikes cock, fisting the shaft and squeezing out the precum that gathered at the tip. The drops of cool liquid helping to let his fist glide along the hard flesh. The skilful pumping of his cock through that oh so warm hand quickly brought Spike off, spraying cool seed over Xander and himself. Xander brought his hand up and licked the tasty treat off his fingers while Spike watched, a sensual look in his darkened eyes.

*Oh god, way to get me hard again pet, no down boy, bad will bad. *

They slithered together down the wall and Spike cradled Xander against his chest. He buried his nose in the dark hair inhaling the unique scent of his human lover. He reached into his duster pocket and searched for a moment before he pulled out a fine silver chain with a small railroad spike dangling from it. Xander put his hand out and Spikes cooler one covered it, pressing the chain into his palm.

“This is for you love”

“Its beautiful Will, where did you get it from”

“I had it made a long time ago, I haven’t worn it in ages but I always kept it with me. Its yours now, if you want it”

Xander chuckled, “You know I sorta thought you’d go with the, Property of Spike, tattooed on my butt. This is so much better, no pain involved”

Spike looked thoughtfully at him, Xander frowned “ That was a joke bleach boy”

Spike didn’t say anything, but the glint in his eyes wasn’t a good sign. Panic started to set in.

“You are so not tattooing my anything”

Spike grinned evilly and Xander started to back away “Spike……….”

Spike lunged and Xander squealed like a girl. When they came up for air Xander was sporting a huge hickey on his neck, where not even the highest polo neck shirt would cover it.

A while later the happy vamp practically bounced out of the storeroom followed by a disgruntled Xander.

Chapter 13

Spike held Xander’s hand, trying to hide from his mate how nervous he felt, magic always did that to him. There always seemed to be consequences for using the damm stuff and he wasn’t sure whether he wanted to pay the price. But Xander wanted him to do it so what the hell, he’d roll over if the boy told him to. Still he wished they’d just get on with it, this waiting was getting to him, he’d have to find something to do soon to take his mind off it or he’d explode. He went willingly as his human dragged him over to the couch and sat down so they could watch the activity. Willow, Tara and Giles were preparing ingredients under the curious eyes of Daniel and Sam. Jack was playing chess with Buffy over the stores counter.


“Your sure?”

“Jack don’t argue when you know your wrong”

“But Daniel…” as a stern pair of blue eyes surveyed the leader of Sg1 something that looked remarkably like a pout crossed the older mans face.

“And don’t even try that Jack”

“Oh for pete’s sake, alright”

Jack made a move and Buffy pounced neatly moving her piece into place she announced to the room.

“Checkmate Jack……you owe me now big boy”

Daniel spun around to confront Jack, who winced at the look in his eyes.

“Please tell me you didn’t bet on a chess match with a girl young enough to be your granddaughter”

“Hey, if you don’t mind, I’m not that old and its not like I bet money or anything”

Daniel crossed his arms and watched his lover squirm

“Okay Jack, what exactly did you bet”?


“You bet what? Just how juvenile are you anyway.” Daniel rubbed his hands wearily down his face.

“Ok you lost so what’s the dare”

Jack looked expectantly at Buffy who had an “I’m so innocent” expression on her face.

“You have to kiss someone,” she giggled “But not Daniel”

Jack smacked his palm down on the counter,

“Can’t I just run naked around the Hellmouth”

Buffy smirked “Nope”


“Nope….a bets a bet Jack”

“You know I’m not really that good at this sort of thing”

”You got that right”


“Whoops sorry Jack, but your not exactly fast at these things are you”

“Okay we’ll just see about that, who picks the target.”

Spike wandered over to see what the slayer looked so pleased about, leaving Xander with Willow.

“Oi what’s up”?

“Spike help me out, Jack lost a bet and now he has to kiss the target of my choice. And that’s a real kiss Jack not a peck, I want to see toes curling, so who should it be”

Spike thought for a minute, an evil light in his eyes.

“Ok you and me are out, so’s Daniel. I don’t think the witchy lesbians would want to kiss him”

Jack’s eyebrows rose at that little bit of news.

“Hmmm that leaves his own team but he may have already kissed them so they’re out too”

Jack spluttered at the thought of kissing Teal’c or Sam

“That leaves us with Giles or Xander”

Jack heart skipped a beat, Xander hated him so he was sure they’d pick Giles.

Spike leaned on the counter smiling at Jack..


“What are you nuts, he hates me”

Spike and Buffy laughed, Daniel just looked highly amused as Jack’s mouth hung open gulping like a stunned fish.

Spike grabbed Jack and turned him, whispering in his ear before he casually gave him a push towards Xander.

“He doesn’t hate you idiot, just the uniform”

Jack nervously took a couple of steps, looking back over his shoulder as Buffy Spike and Daniel smiled their evil little smiles at him.

* Damm how do I get myself into this shit *

Taking a deep breath he mentally kicked himself and then strode purposefully towards his target. The boy was oblivious to him, standing there looking quite delicious even with that ridiculous hickey on his neck. Xander didn’t know what hit him, one minute he was talking to Willow the next he was swept up into strong arms. His body hugged tight against a hard chest and strong hips and thighs. His wide startled brown eyes were held by a pair of equally brown but very steely eyes, filled with purpose. Then Jacks lips crashed down on his and he was lost. Heat fired in his belly, his body reacted to the strength holding him, his dazed mind registered warm lips and an agile tongue sweeping his mouth.

*Damm this guy can kiss*

Seconds went by and Xander came out of the shock and kissed back, his hands gripping the broad shoulders. He heard nothing but his own frantic heartbeat and then one word sung out behind them.


Jack reluctantly lifted his lips and studied the dazed young man in his arms. Xander half smiled and then shook his head, Jack let him go and stepped back.


“Uh huh”

Spike ambled over and took Xander in his arms, the boy sagged gratefully against him.

“Liked that did you pet?”


Spike smiled and kissed him gently, Xander’s tongue tangling with his. Xander held him tightly, he grinned as he felt the hardness in the boys jeans. Breaking away he looked over his shoulder at Jack.

“Thanks for warming him up mate.”

Jack laughed a happy “Anytime” floating behind him as he went back to his lover and the slayer who looked like they were going to collapse with laughter any second.

Giles’s ever so English accent brought them back to reality, his mild words laced with an undercurrent of danger in them.

“If your quite finished, we can start, Spike if you would please stand here in the centre of the circle. Be careful not to smudge the lines.”

Spike moved to his appointed place, Willow, Tara and Giles stood in a triangular arrangement outside of the circle. Giles voice was deep and low as he intoned the strange sounding words, Willow and Tara chanting softly in the background. Glowing silver mist swirled around Spikes feet moving silently up and around his body till he was covered in it. Xander clutched at Buffy’s hand as his lover stood there, he trusted his friends, really he did, but it didn’t stop him worrying. There was a subtle build up in the voices and the colour of the mist changed to gold.

Giles voice rang out “Shield” and the mist disappeared in a burst of light.

Spike blinked half blinded and felt Giles hand help him out of the circle. Xander’s arms came around him and he hugged the boy to him, he half heard Giles asking Sam to get Teal’c. He stiffened as he heard the damm tinkling bell as she left the building, trying hard not to flinch when he heard it again. He felt Xander’s warm fingers rubbing the back of his neck but he didn’t feel the suffocating darkness he had been wrapped in the last time he had contact with this alien man. He was surprised that he didn’t feel anything, he could sense the big dark mans presence behind him but that was all. The thing he carried didn’t even make a blip on his heightened senses. He turned in Xander’s arms and regarded the solemn giant in front of him. Cocking his head to the side he grinned.

“So your worm can’t see me then”

“Indeed it seems as if you are invisible to it”

Sam looked impressed, as did the rest of sg1

“Wow that is amazing, I’d love to be able to study this”

Jack groaned and Daniel socked him on the arm.

“Carter do you have to study every strange thing you come across”

Sam just smiled “Of course sir”

Willow and Tara joined her “Actually we were wondering if you could help us Sam”

“What did you have in mind”?

Tara nodded at Willow to continue and the redhead smiled gently

“Well I’ve been doing a meld of spells and technology…..under Giles supervision of course.”

Giles gave her a paternal smile of pride.

“And um we’ve been trying to find a way to bypass Spike’s chip.”

Spike and Xander gasped at that, Buffy cheered from the background.

“Way to go Wills”

Sam waited patiently, “We think we’ve found the right spell but we need some help with the tech side, pinpointing which circuits to bypass. We’re not sure how much control the chip has over Spike and we’re reluctant to meddle to much.”

Sam pulled her laptop out of her bag, and set it up quickly. From her files she pulled the plans she had found in the Initiative computers. Willow gasped as she studied the wiring diagrams.

“I pulled these up to research last night after you told us about the chip, I’m not entirely sure but I think that this is what your looking for.” She pointed to a tiny bundle of wires in the heart of the device.

“Sam your terrific, Spike do you want to give it a try. I know you’re tired but if we do it now it will be easier on you than if we do it later.”

Spike stared at the babbling witch,

“Where do you want me red”

“Ok Spike I need you to sit down in the centre of the circle and you must stay completely still. Sam I’m going to connect to your computer, could you delete the specific data when I signal you. Giles Tara and I will handle the magic side. The rest of you can cross your fingers”

Willow came over and held her hands over Sam’s laptop chanting softly under her breath. Wind came from nowhere and lifted her red hair around her face. Sam held her breath as the young witch slowly slid her hand into the laptops screen. Giles and Tara took their places and started chanting again louder this time the words seemed to hold infinite power. Willow’s voice raised and Sam could feel power emanate from her, a voice, Willow’s voice sounded like a gong in her head startling the scientist.

*Now Sam*

Sam started typing carefully deleting the sections of the chip that controlled behaviour. She took her fingers away when she finished and looked up at the unearthly sight before her. Willow’s power peaked, she withdrew her hand from the computer and with one shouted word the room fell silent.


All magic dissipated in an instant leaving the red head weak and shaking. Sam jumped up and held the tired girl as Giles and Tara both sank to the floor exhausted. Daniel, Jack, Buffy and Xander crowded around helping Tara and Spike to their feet. Teal’c stood over Giles and pulled the older man up catching him to his broad chest and carrying him to the couch. Gently setting down his burden, the dark man did the same to Tara, motioning to Sam to bring Willow as well. Xander held Spike close as the blonde groggily held his head.

“So how we going to test this thing anyway” Jack drawled.

Spike shook himself and then gently disentangled himself from his lover. He smirked at the human, this was going to be fun.

“How about I take a swing at you Jack”

“Oh no, I’ve seen you fight remember, do you think I’m that dumb”

“Or I could just bite you”

Spike just grinned changing to game face and startling the colonel. Jack jumped back and shook his head.

“How about you do neither”

“Daniel how about you, wanna be bit mate” Spike leered at Daniel and Jack looked annoyed, but stepped in front of his lover protectively.

“Hey, oh alright but try not to break something ok”

Spike smiled and punched him in the jaw, the blow connected solidly and Jack reeled back.

“Ow ow ow ow” he rubbed his bruised jaw, moving it from side to side as he glared at Spike. When the blonde felt no pain from his action he grabbed Xander and spun him around the room.

Daniel just smiled and went to his lover, pulling his hand away to look at the reddened skin.

“Baby” Daniel chided but Jack just turned his glare on him

“Next time you be the punching bag. He enjoyed that way too much.”

Xander kissed Spike deeply happy to have his lover whole again. Spike sobered slightly and then pulled away to address the group.

“I know you know what this means and I want you to know that I wont be snacking on the locals again. Just cause I got my bite back doesn’t mean I’m gonna use it. You all mean too much to me for me to balls it all up. I’ve got my mate, my family and my friends, I think I can live on bottled blood to protect that.”

Giles and the scoobies smiled, Xander’s heart did flip flops at Spikes promise and he pulled him down into a searing kiss. Everything was right in his world and he had a feeling he’d better enjoy it now cause sooner or later something was coming….he could feel it in his bones. Hellmouth born and bred, he knew…….and it scared him.

Chapter 14

Spike moved silently through the dark, his vampiric senses extended to their utmost. The streets of Sunnydale were quiet, too quiet, they had seen no demonic activity at all. It was weird there should have at least been some fledges around, but they had run into no one on the way through the darkened byways. In some ways it didn’t surprise him, the uneasy feeling he’d had for the last day or so constantly grated on his nerves and he was a master vampire. A fledge wouldn’t have a chance they’d just run, and since he was the only master currently in town he had a feeling he was the only vampire in town too. He didn’t have to look to feel his mate Xander to his right slightly behind him, the solid presence of Jack and Daniel spread out to his left. The eerie sense of wrongness in the air increased as they entered the ruins of the old high school. Spike could feel the danger, the way the dark seemed to breathe like a malevolent living thing. He looked back and saw Jack signal to proceed carefully, he flowed up the steps and through the shattered doorway the rest of the group silently following. The halls felt claustrophobic as they edged along, Spike tensed as he came towards the library. The Hellmouth lay just metres away, a sickly green wavering light just visible through the cracks in the doors. He pulled up sharply waving at Jack to come forward. They huddled together for a moment, Spike’s low voice barely heard.

“There’s someone in there”

Jack checked his zat, nodding as Daniel pulled his from his holster. Spike had already told Xander to hang back from the group as the younger man had only an automatic weapon. Jack had been impressed with the ease Xander displayed at disassembling and reassembling the complex weapon. Not to mention the fact that he could handle and fire it with startling accuracy. He had been infinitely amazed at the explanation that Xander had once been possessed, once by a hyena spirit and once by a soldier and that this was just something he remembered doing. But after all automatic weapons were not going to be much good against a staff weapon or a zat blast. Still if there were demons around it could come in handy.

Jack signalled and he Spike and Daniel burst into the rubble strewn room, Xander followed behind them bringing up the rear. Fear struck in Spikes undead heart as he saw a tall dark man in rich flowing robes, arms cast above his head, softly chanting on the edge of the Hellmouth. He held in his outstretched hand a large glowing green crystal that hung from his fingers on a bright silver chain. As he chanted bright white energy was drawn up from the Hellmouth to be absorbed by the crystal. The man’s voice reached a crescendo and suddenly stopped, the crystal dangling from his hand pulsed like a living thing. Jack and Daniel recognised that this man was a Goa’uld as he turned glowing eyes on them. The next thing they knew noise exploded in the room as a large number of Jaffa guards stepped into the dim light. They were surrounded, Jack and Daniel looked for cover, ducking behind an old overturned bookcase. They started firing as did Xander, though the human was somewhat disadvantaged by the fact that he was trying to keep an eye on his lover as well. Spike morphed into game face and launched himself at the Goa’uld hoping to kill him and end this quickly. But the Goa’uld only smiled in anticipation and raised a jewel-clad hand. Pain exploded in Spikes brain, waves upon waves until only darkness remained and he fell bonelessly to the floor. Xander screamed as his lover fell, not hearing the Jaffa that came up behind him, a sharp blow to the head and he joined his mate on the floor unconscious. Jack realized that their only option now was to retreat, he ducked a zat blast, but when he turned to warn Daniel, the younger man had collapsed, blood flowing from his temple.

“Noooooooo Danny”

The Goa’uld turned towards him all cold fiery eyes with an evil smile on his lips, slowly he raised his hand in Jack’s direction. The colonel knew it was now or never, he looked and saw an opening in the Jaffa near the door. Zat fire came thick and fast as he fought his way towards the exit, he narrowly missed being shot in the leg. Once he was clear he looked back, his heart aching at having to leave his lover behind but there was no other way. He needed to get back and get the others, then they could return for their friends. Jack ran though the halls, stumbling down the steps as he tried to get as much of a head start as possible. Calling Sam on his communit he kept going as she affirmed that they would meet him on the way back to the magic shop. They had to get the rest of the Sunnydale group and reform. He would get Daniel back if it killed him, there was no telling what the Goa’uld would do to him……them. He ran on, Daniels survival was all that mattered to him now.

Xander groaned and shook his head, he raised his watering eyes and froze. A tall man that must be a Goa’uld stood over him, he could almost feel the wrongness in the air around him. A second later his natural inclination to make a joke came to the fore.

“Nice eyes, what size batteries do you use”

The large dark skinned Jaffa standing beside him hit him between the shoulder blades forcing him to the ground again.

“Silence Tauri scum, do not dare to address your master again”

Xander was about to do just that when Spike’s eyes fluttered open and the blonde rolled onto his back.

“What hit me, a Faryl on a bender”?

“Will are you ok”

Spike took in the scene quickly, large men with weapons similar to Sg1’s, the gloating face of the man he’d tried to kill looming over him.

“I take it we failed”

The Goa’uld’s deep resonating voice sent shivers down Spike’s back as he was hauled up and forced to kneel before him.

“Ah here I have found the prize I sought on this vermin infested world”

Warm fingers ghosted down Spike’s cool cheek and the vampire forced himself to remain still, eyes downcast for the moment. But this was not to be as strong fingers gripped his chin and forced him to meet that baleful gaze.

“You are a vampire are you not?”

Spike’s demon surged to the fore, his features changing in an instant. A cold condescending smile crossed the lips of the Goa’uld lord, he seemed more than pleased to see the demon.

“What do you think mate”

“I think you will be a most suitable host”

Signalling the guards to come closer the Goa’uld lord gave Spikes chin one more squeeze and let go. Watching as the Jaffa dragged Spike to his feet and threw him to the floor beside Xander. Another Jaffa dragged Daniel across the floor by the leg and laid him in front of the Goa’uld. Xander clutched at Spikes hand the vampire giving him a comforting squeeze before concentrating on Daniel. The unconscious human’s heartbeat was steady, the wound on his head looked from here to be superficial.

“Behold my lord, the Tauri scum Daniel Jackson, the system lords have placed a great bounty upon his head ”

There was a quick indication for the guard to wake Daniel and he was roughly shaken, then raised to his knees in front of the Goa’uld. Daniel looked around groggily, leaning heavily on Spike.

“He is far prettier than I would have thought, I will have to consider his fate.”

Pausing to peruse Xander and Daniel like they were slaves to be bought or sold, the Goa’uld lord had them bound hands behind their backs. Threading a hand in Xander’s hair he pulled him to his feet.

“Owwww, you big jerk that hurts.”

Looking directly into those eyes was difficult, through the glow it was easy to see the evil that lurked there. This man….thing would kill him for no reason other than his own pleasure, not even as vampires did for food, but just to see him die. Xander swallowed his fear and tried not to flinch as the Goa’uld ran his hand down through his hair to his chest. Smiling evilly the hand dropped lower, till his hand cupped him through his clothes. Xander looked away, the Goa’uld laughed and squeezed hard,

“Oh god”

Another base look and the Goa’uld laughed outright.

“I see you already know what I am, as befits a slave of mine, but you shall learn my true name as well so that you will know which God you are pleasing”

Xander looked horrified at the thought of touching this evil thing in front of him.

“My name is Nefu, though you will address me as my lord or my god”

Another warning squeeze that left Xander breathless and he nodded carefully.

Pleased the self-proclaimed god carefully checked his crystal, satisfied that it was still pulsing he put it on and motioned to his guards.

“Bring them, we will return to our base.”

The Jaffa herded the three earthlings together, forcing them to stumble after their captor through the darkened building. All too soon they were outside again, Xander looked around cautiously trying to find a landmark. After what seemed forever they came to a cave entrance and from there they made their way down innumerable steps. Spike grew more and more withdrawn the further they went, seeming to shrink in on himself as they stumbled along. After awhile Xander started to suspect why and where they were headed. Smooth walls began to appear, long clinically endless corridors, painted in the supposedly soothing colours of a hospital or institution. Xander’s unease continued when they came to a halt in front of a large door, pushed inside by their guards they seemed to have fallen into hell.

“Shit we’re in the Initiative base.”

Chapter 16

Jack stumbled to a halt, momentarily surprised when the military humvees rounded the corner at speed towards him. The two vehicles screeched to a stop beside him and the window rolled down to show the last person he would have expected to see.

“Jacob what the….. What are you doing here?”

“Hello to you too Jack, General Hammond thought you could use the help let me give you a lift we’re heading back to the shop”

“Hell no” Jack roared “ I had to leave Daniel and the others, we’ve got to go back and get them”

“Jack just shut up and get in”

Jack clamped his lips shut as he glared at Jacob, looking past him he saw Sam sitting forward on her seat. Her eyes urged him not to argue, though the brightness in them he saw that she too wanted to just go get their friends. But her military background meant she’d follow orders first no matter how badly she felt. She laid a hand on her father’s arm, Jacob looked over at her his face softening, as she watched his eyes glowed and Selnac came forward. He smiled at her then turned back to face Jack, who recoiled slightly before a neutral look came over his face.


“I know that you wish to rescue your friends Colonel O’Neil but we must regroup and plan a strategy. Please enter the vehicle so that we can return and apprise the rest of your group of what has happened”

Jack wavered for a second then hauled open the back door and jumped in slamming it for good effect.

The drive back to the magic shop was fraught with hostile silence, when they arrived Jack got out and angrily strode into the shop followed closely by Sam, Jacob and another of the Tokra. The rest of the air force guards melted into the darkness as they went to patrol the nearby streets.

Buffy saw Jack come in and launched herself at him, landing a punch on the jaw. Jack reeled back with the blow conscious of Giles restraining the slayer from coming after him.

“What the hell happened Jack, where is Xander and Spike. If you’ve done anything to hurt them I’ll make you wish I’d killed you”

“Ow ow and ow and what the fuck do you mean if I’ve hurt them. I fucking had to leave them like I had to leave Danny. I had no fucking choice you stupid bitch. Do you think I wanted to leave my lover like that, damm Jaffa were everywhere. It’s a miracle I got away, we’ve got to go back and get them”

Jack fingered his sore jaw, “ And why does everyone want to hit me, seems like every time I turn around someone socks me”

Buffy broke away from Giles, taking a deep breath she exhaled slowly as she walked over to Jack.

“Okay I’m sorry I punched you, but I have issues with people who don’t look after my friends.”

Buffy stuck out her hand and Jack eyed it warily, giving his jaw a last poke he sighed and shook hands.

“Okay apology accepted”

The group seated itself around the large table, Sam introduced her father and the other Tokra, a man named Lendra to the scoobies before they started to form their battle plan. Willow and Tara sat close together, Tara watched Jacob and Lendra quietly before stuttering out a question.

“You..you..you’re not entirely human are you, either of you”

Jacob raised an eyebrow questioningly at her, smiling paternally he let Selnac answer for him. The scoobies jumped in their seats as the older mans eyes glowed and a deep rumbling voice echoed from him.

“You are correct young one, I am called Selnac. Jacob is my host, I am one of the Tokra as is my companion. Lendra’s symboite is called Radic”.

Sam laid a hand over her fathers, “To cut a long story short, my dad was dieing and so was Selnac’s host. They came to an agreement and now they share the same body.”

Jacob’s eyes stopped glowing and he resumed speaking for his symboite.

“I am grateful for the time I’ve been given and the excellent company I’ve gained”

Sam smiled, but Jack thumped a fist down on the table anxious to make plans to rescue Daniel.

“If the introductions are out of the way now, I’d like to get down to getting Daniel, Xander and Spike back”

“Well lets mount up and go get em”

Buffy looked set to go now without them but Giles laid his hand over hers and she subsided, though she glared a little at Jack.

“Buffy they may not still be there”

“Jack what happened and I mean every little detail, leave nothing out no matter how unimportant you may think it to be.”

Jack sighed in irritation but related the story to the others, about how they were ambushed by Jaffa and a Goa’uld with the crystal. How Daniel, Spike and Xander had been knocked out and captured by the Jaffa. As he went on Jacob and Lendra gave each other worried looks, Jack noticed and threw up his hands, he hated it when the Tokra did that, it always meant trouble.

“And what….. you two aren’t inspiring confidence there you know. What do you know that we don’t”?

Jacob sighed and leant over the table clasping his hands together, he glanced sideways at Lendra and the other Tokra shrugged his shoulders as if to say, “you may as well tell them”

“Okay, we know who the Goa’uld is that has your friends. His name is Nefu and at one time he served in Ra’s temple as a priest, that is, until he was chosen to be a host.”

“So he’s old, we’ve faced Goa’uld from that time before”

“That’s not the problem” Jacob looked around and took a deep breath “ The problem is that he was a priest, one that knew magic”

Sam leaned forward her eyes searching her fathers “You mean you know about magic, how?”

Lendra caught her attention and answered for Jacob, “ What you call magic has been in existence for eons. It is an extremely rare occurrence to find so much of it in one place. On all the worlds the Tokra have explored we have never found even a slight amount, certainly nothing like what can be tapped into here.”

Giles took off his glasses and thoughtfully chewed on the end,

“The earth must stand at a crossing point between dimensions, the fabric of space is very thin here, it would be why the Hellmouth has so much power.”

“You said he had a crystal Jack, do you have any idea what he was doing with it”

“Well I don’t know, he just chanted and light sorta just flowed into it like it was being sucked up in a vacuum cleaner. ”

“Is it possible that Nefu was trying to absorb the power of the Hellmouth”

Jacob looked concerned, Giles just looked appalled.

“Yes it is, it would be a powerful weapon if he could control it”

“More than that, if he absorbs the power of the Hellmouth, he could quite possibly destroy the earth”

“How could he do that Giles”

“Well the balance of power between the Hellmouth and the demon dimensions is quite stable most of the time. We have had other beings try to open the Hellmouth in order to use that power for their own gain. If Angelus had been able to do it the earth would have been overrun by demons, but if Nefu is trying to siphon off that power it could be disastrous. Take enough power out and the dimensions would collapse the earth, killing the planet and unfortunately everyone on it at the time”

“Well isn’t that a cheery thought, ok…how do we go about first, finding this guy and our friends and two…how do we stop him”

Willow’s clear voice broke the silence, “I could try a scrying spell Giles”

“That’s a fine idea Willow, you and Tara get the ingredients from the shelves and I’ll see if Spike or Xander left anything here we can use to focus the spell with.”

Giles left the room and soon returned with a brush, pulling some dark hair from it he handed it to Willow, who placed it in an ornate metal bowl. Tara sprinkled some sweet smelling powder on the hairs, before taking a large bottle of water from the counter. After uncorking the bottle she murmured softly while she carefully filled the bowl to the brim.

“Let he who we seek be revealed in the blessed waters, alecath glithnimodel esstipathe”

The water shimmered, sparkling lights glimmering under the surface till the light coalesced into a mirror. There was Xander, despair written over his face as a hand gripped him painfully by the hair. The scene moved back and the assembled group could see that Xander was being forced to watch something.

Tara whispered words of power over the water and the scene rotated until the group could see over Xander’s shoulder. Crowded around the bowl the onlookers gasped as they watched a man who could only be Nefu take a Goa’uld snake from a sealed container. Nefu stroked the wriggling Goa’uld, showing it to Spike who struggled in the grip of the Jaffa guards.

In the absolute silence of the vision they could clearly see the revulsion on the vampires face. Spike struggled furiously, his demon coming to the fore to snap and snarl in frustration. Nefu lips curled up in a gut wrenching smile, pure malevolence in his eyes as he ordered Spike’s head to be held still. The vampire tried to wrench his head away but was restrained by another of the Jaffa. Nefu held the Goa’uld up and as his lover and friends watched in horror the symboite entered his body through his ear. Spike howled, even in the silence they could see his agony, feel Xander’s pain, Willow crumpled in on herself, her bond with Xander nearly rendering her unconscious. The blonde vampire’s pain was so great he literally threw his guards off, the Jaffa were knocked to the ground to sprawl at his feet. Spike threw his head back, hands around his throat as he struggled with himself. Eerie lights flickered in and out of his eyes, amber, blue and the horrible glowing eyes of the Goa’uld.

Willow fought her pain, Xander’s pain, as she chanted gathering power into the very centre of her being. Red hair flew up away from her tear-streaked face, her eyes turning a chilling total black as she exerted her power. She rose the energy around her forcing the others back from the bowl. White fire flew from her fingertips as she concentrated a mystic blast through the mirror’s surface to strike at Spike. It struck him like a lightening bolt straight to the heart, he screamed and fell to the floor, his body turning rigid as they watched. Only his eyes showed any life, the lights still changed in them only now the glowing light was weaker the blue and amber stronger.

Nefu looked wildly around, searching for the source of the blast, his eyes narrowed as he felt the existence of the scrying spell. Reaching around his neck he grasped the crystal, as he began to chant they could see the crystal’s green light spilling out between his fingers. Willow was saying words of power under her breath as she tried to gather enough power for another bolt but something was wrong.

The crystal in Nefu’s hands brightened, Willow felt her power ebbing away, she could do nothing as she felt the magic drain away. She fell to the floor, Tara cradling her in her arms, as she lost consciousness the mirror too faded away to a clear pool of water. She came to when Radic came forward in Lendra’s body and sank to his knees beside her exhausted body. He gently touched her brow and reverently intoned

“Purity and light, young one you are something I never thought to ever see in all my long life.”

Giles too moved to hold Willow’s hand, rubbing her cold fingers between his warmer ones as he smiled gently at her.

“Willow how did you do that, it’s incredibly difficult to work an attacking spell through a scrying spell. Its something I’ve never seen before, I wouldn’t have thought it was even possible.”

Willow let the two men raise her to her feet and accompany her to a chair before answering.

Tara stood behind her lightly stroking her shoulders as she felt her limbs trembling slightly.

“I don’t know how I did it Giles, I think my bond with Xander had something to do with it. I couldn’t stand it, he was in such pain……watching Spike and that……thing.” She glanced apologetically at Jacob and Lendra “I acted on instinct I think, I gathered power and sent it into Spike, or rather to the part of Spike that needed it the most, the William part I think, though the demon would know how to use it too. Hopefully they will be able to fight off the Goa’uld”

“Did Nefu bar you from helping Spike more, he was doing lots of chanting there and that green crystal was glowing more at the end”

“No Buffy, he did more than that, he seemed to siphon off my power. I couldn’t do anything to stop him, and I could feel that crystal sucking my power into it.”

Sam pulled a small device from her jacket and turned it on, carefully checking the readouts she walked around the shop softly talking to herself.

“Its very strange, the level of energy has been depleted, and it’s going down in a constant if slow manner.”

“Gods he’s siphoning off the Hell mouth’s energy”

The sound of Jack checking his guns and ammunition was loud in the suddenly quiet room. Buffy ran to the weapons cabinet and pulled out a crossbow and some throwing knives.

“Ok we’ve got to stop this guy, does anyone have an idea of where he is”

“Willow you know where they are don’t you, I’ve seen that place before too”

“Yes Buffy your right it’s the Initiative base”

Teal’c stood behind Jack, the giant black man’s calm manner seemed to soothe the Colonel.

“I understood that the Initiative base had been destroyed”

Sam shrugged her shoulders “That base was extensive so part of it could still be operational”

“Ok we know where we’re going, who’s coming with us”

Buffy stepped forward grinning “Your not going without me Jack, how about Willow, Tara and Giles stay here and see if they can figure out a way to stop the magic side of this thing and we’ll go rescue our boys.”

Jacob and Lendra joined them, “We’ll come with you, there are things that cannot be allowed to happen and your friend being taken over by the Goa’uld is one”

Buffy squared off against the two men “No one hurts Spike, you got that, he may be a vampire but he’s part of my family and I’m not letting anyone dust him”

“Buffy if Spike is indeed taken over by the Goa’uld he will be nearly invulnerable. The demon gives him immortality but the Goa’uld will give him extended healing and resistance to the sun. He’ll take an already powerful and vicious race to another level, he’ll be what they call a Daywalker”

Giles snapped to attention at that phrase. “A Daywalker, there have been references to that name in the ancient texts. There has never been one, but vampire lore says that one will come among them on a day when the power of the world wanes, the green light of day shines on he who walks in the light, and the end will be nigh…It’s a end of the world prophecy.”

Buffy twirled her knife, “All the more reason to go now”

She turned and headed out the door, Sg 1 and the Tokra in hot pursuit, they collected their military escort on the way and headed off in the humvees. Jack checked his weapons again, his fingers sure as they ghosted over his equipment. His mouth was set in hard lines as he breathed deeply to compose himself.

* I’m coming Danny, just hold on love I’ll be with you soon*


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