Elsa Frohman ll Enigmaticblue ll Eurydice ll Evenstar




Elsa Frohman  {Contact!}

~  Cricket in California, A

    Summary: A Christmas gift. Warm hands. Hot toddies. Songs of praise. Holly and mistletoe. Fresh snow and church bells. What more could a Slayer ask for?

        Rated:  PG

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~  Gift of the Magi, The

    Summary: In A Cricket from California, Buffy visited William, five years before he died, in a Christmas dream. But what happened to the William of her dream after she returned to her own world?

        Rated:  PG

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~  Mightier Than the Sword

    Summary: Think of it as William's LJ. It's entirely AU. No spoilers of any kind were harmed in the writing of this fic.

        Rated:  PG-13

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Enigmaticblue  {Contact!}

~  Confluents

    Summary: Set directly after the events of Same Time, Same Place, Buffy realizes that she's probably left Spike in the basement for too long and hauls him out. Her attempts to get the First to stop tormenting him don’t go quite as planned, however. Then again, when do spells on the Hellmouth ever work right?

        Rated:  PG-13

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Eurydice  {Contact!}

~  Legions of True Hearts

    Summary: Post graduation, a restless Buffy goes to London to escape the memories of Angel, only to lose herself in unexpected dreams. But is William real, or is he a distraction? Is he, possibly...both? Buffy/William.

        Rated:  NC-17

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~  Symphony of Echoes, A  *Unfinished*

    Summary: Sequel to Legions of True Hearts. A confused Buffy is trying to get on with her life, but Spike's promise to stand by her haunts the Slayer. Her past collides with her future, forcing her to decide which---and who---she can trust.

        Rated:  NC-17

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Evenstar  {Contact!}

~  Believe in Forever

    Summary: Buffy arrives in Los Angeles after learning Spike's alive, only to find another man waiting for her.

        Rated:  NC-17

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~  Making of a Man, The

    Summary: A continuation of Lies My Parents Told Me....

        Rated:  NC-17

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~  Seven Circles of Samsara, The

    Summary: Entry for the William Ficathon. A Christmas Eve wish by a fountain in Rome leads Buffy to a strange place where she's reunited with her soul's mate. However circumstances show her that all is not as it appears to be. Post-Not Fade Away Season 5 of Angel.

        Rated:  NC-17

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~  Spanking of a Man, The

    Summary: An interlude between parts 3 & 4 of The Making of a Man

        Rated:  NC-17

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~  Three Come Blondes

    Summary: Spike, Buffy and William come together, Post-Chosen. Warning: Contains slash.

        Rated:  NC-17

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~  Three Come Blondes Deux

    Summary: Spike and William are accidentally separated again, highjinks ensue. Warning: Contains slash.

        Rated:  NC-17

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