"TEARS OF A CLOWN." BtVS Intertext/Allusion.

In "Lovers Walk" (Season Three) Xander and Willow kiss thinking that they are about to die at the hands of Spike. This is witnessed by Cordelia and Oz who have come to rescue them. In the following episode, ‘The Wish’, a heartbroken Cordelia will have nothing to do with Xander. At The Bronze Cordelia and her new friend Anya are apparently enjoying themselves while Xander looks sadly on. He tries to convince himself that Cordy isn’t really happy (which in fact is the case although he doesn’t know it) by referring to the classic Smokey Robinson and the Miracles track "Tears of a Clown" from the 1968 LP Make it Happen.



The lyrics are all about covering up sadness by pretending to be happy: "‘Now if I appear to be carefree,/it's only to camouflage my sadness./In order to shield my pride I try/to cover this hurt with a show of gladness. But don't let my show convince you/that I've been happy since you decided to go./Oh, I need you so./I'm hurt and I want you to know/But for others I put on a show./" (Chorus) There's some sad things known to man,/but ain't too much sadder than/the tears of a clown/when there's no one around.’


Willow withdraws from comforting Xander in her attempt to regain Oz’s trust and affection. The following dialogue is taken from the Buffy Dialogue Database:


XANDER: Look at her. (indicates Cordelia) Tears of a clown, baby. Or is it... grins of a sad person? (reaches over to Willow in his old familiar way) Or maybe it's...

WILLOW: Xander, your hand.

XANDER: (jerks back his hand) Oops! Sorry. But why 'oops'? I mean, we always touch digits. It's a friend thing. Comfort. Like chocolate.

WILLOW: Maybe it used to be, but since we... It's different. I-I'm sorry. But if I wanna make things right with Oz, my hands, my -- all my stuff -- has to be for him only.

-- Vanessa Knights